
296 lines
11 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Validate where
import GHCup
import GHCup.Download
import GHCup.Errors
import GHCup.Types
import GHCup.Types.Optics
import GHCup.Utils
import GHCup.Prelude.Logger
import GHCup.Prelude.Version.QQ
import Codec.Archive
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Exception.Safe
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Reader.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class ( lift )
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader ( runReaderT )
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource ( runResourceT
, MonadUnliftIO
import Data.Containers.ListUtils ( nubOrd )
import Data.IORef
import Data.List
import Data.Versions
import Haskus.Utils.Variant.Excepts
import Optics
import System.FilePath
import System.Exit
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJClass ( prettyShow )
import Text.Regex.Posix
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Version as V
data ValidationError = InternalError String
deriving Show
instance Exception ValidationError
addError :: (MonadReader (IORef Int) m, MonadIO m, Monad m) => m ()
addError = do
ref <- ask
liftIO $ modifyIORef ref (+ 1)
validate :: ( Monad m
, MonadReader env m
, HasLog env
, MonadThrow m
, MonadIO m
, MonadUnliftIO m
, HasGHCupInfo env
=> m ExitCode
validate = do
GHCupInfo { _ghcupDownloads = dls } <- getGHCupInfo
ref <- liftIO $ newIORef 0
-- verify binary downloads --
flip runReaderT ref $ do
-- unique tags
forM_ (M.toList dls) $ \(t, _) -> checkUniqueTags t
-- required platforms
forM_ (M.toList dls) $ \(t, versions) ->
forM_ (M.toList versions) $ \(v, vi) ->
forM_ (M.toList $ _viArch vi) $ \(arch, pspecs) -> do
checkHasRequiredPlatforms t v (_viTags vi) arch (M.keys pspecs)
forM_ (M.toList dls) $ \(t, _) -> checkMandatoryTags t
_ <- checkGHCHasBaseVersion
-- exit
e <- liftIO $ readIORef ref
if e > 0
then pure $ ExitFailure e
else do
lift $ logInfo "All good"
pure ExitSuccess
checkHasRequiredPlatforms t v tags arch pspecs = do
let v' = prettyVer v
arch' = prettyShow arch
when (Linux UnknownLinux `notElem` pspecs) $ do
lift $ logError $
"Linux UnknownLinux missing for for " <> T.pack (prettyShow t) <> " " <> v' <> " " <> T.pack arch'
when ((Darwin `notElem` pspecs) && arch == A_64) $ do
lift $ logError $ "Darwin missing for for " <> T.pack (prettyShow t) <> " " <> v' <> " " <> T.pack arch'
when ((FreeBSD `notElem` pspecs) && arch == A_64) $ lift $ logWarn $
"FreeBSD missing for for " <> T.pack (prettyShow t) <> " " <> v' <> " " <> T.pack arch'
when (Windows `notElem` pspecs && arch == A_64) $ do
lift $ logError $ "Windows missing for for " <> T.pack (prettyShow t) <> " " <> v' <> " " <> T.pack arch'
-- alpine needs to be set explicitly, because
-- we cannot assume that "Linux UnknownLinux" runs on Alpine
-- (although it could be static)
when (Linux Alpine `notElem` pspecs) $
case t of
GHCup | arch `elem` [A_64, A_32] -> lift (logError $ "Linux Alpine missing for " <> T.pack (prettyShow t) <> " " <> v' <> " " <> T.pack (prettyShow arch)) >> addError
Cabal | v > [vver||]
, arch `elem` [A_64, A_32] -> lift (logError $ "Linux Alpine missing for " <> T.pack (prettyShow t) <> " " <> v' <> " " <> T.pack (prettyShow arch)) >> addError
GHC | Latest `elem` tags || Recommended `elem` tags
, arch `elem` [A_64, A_32] -> lift (logError $ "Linux Alpine missing for " <> T.pack (prettyShow t) <> " " <> v' <> " " <> T.pack (prettyShow arch))
_ -> lift $ logWarn $ "Linux Alpine missing for " <> T.pack (prettyShow t) <> " " <> v' <> " " <> T.pack (prettyShow arch)
checkUniqueTags tool = do
GHCupInfo { _ghcupDownloads = dls } <- lift getGHCupInfo
let allTags = _viTags =<< M.elems (availableToolVersions dls tool)
let nonUnique =
fmap fst
. filter (\(_, b) -> not b)
<$> ( mapM
[] -> throwM $ InternalError "empty inner list"
(t : ts) ->
pure $ (t, ) (not (isUniqueTag t) || null ts)
. group
. sort
$ allTags
case join nonUnique of
[] -> pure ()
xs -> do
lift $ logError $ "Tags not unique for " <> T.pack (prettyShow tool) <> ": " <> T.pack (prettyShow xs)
isUniqueTag Latest = True
isUniqueTag Recommended = True
isUniqueTag Old = False
isUniqueTag Prerelease = False
isUniqueTag (Base _) = False
isUniqueTag (UnknownTag _) = False
checkGHCVerIsValid = do
GHCupInfo { _ghcupDownloads = dls } <- lift getGHCupInfo
let ghcVers = toListOf (ix GHC % to M.keys % folded) dls
forM_ ghcVers $ \v ->
case [ x | (x,"") <- readP_to_S V.parseVersion (T.unpack . prettyVer $ v) ] of
[_] -> pure ()
_ -> do
lift $ logError $ "GHC version " <> prettyVer v <> " is not valid"
-- a tool must have at least one of each mandatory tags
checkMandatoryTags tool = do
GHCupInfo { _ghcupDownloads = dls } <- lift getGHCupInfo
let allTags = _viTags =<< M.elems (availableToolVersions dls tool)
forM_ [Latest, Recommended] $ \t -> case t `elem` allTags of
False -> do
lift $ logError $ "Tag " <> T.pack (prettyShow t) <> " missing from " <> T.pack (prettyShow tool)
True -> pure ()
-- all GHC versions must have a base tag
checkGHCHasBaseVersion = do
GHCupInfo { _ghcupDownloads = dls } <- lift getGHCupInfo
let allTags = M.toList $ availableToolVersions dls GHC
forM allTags $ \(ver, _viTags -> tags) -> case any isBase tags of
False -> do
lift $ logError $ "Base tag missing from GHC ver " <> prettyVer ver
True -> pure ()
isBase (Base _) = True
isBase _ = False
data TarballFilter = TarballFilter
{ tfTool :: Either GlobalTool (Maybe Tool)
, tfVersion :: Regex
validateTarballs :: ( Monad m
, MonadReader env m
, HasLog env
, HasDirs env
, HasSettings env
, MonadThrow m
, MonadIO m
, MonadUnliftIO m
, MonadMask m
, Alternative m
, MonadFail m
, HasGHCupInfo env
=> TarballFilter
-> m ExitCode
validateTarballs (TarballFilter etool versionRegex) = do
GHCupInfo { _ghcupDownloads = dls, _globalTools = gt } <- getGHCupInfo
ref <- liftIO $ newIORef 0
-- download/verify all tarballs
let dlis = either (const []) (\tool -> nubOrd $ dls ^.. each %& indices (maybe (const True) (==) tool)
%> each %& indices (matchTest versionRegex . T.unpack . prettyVer)
% (viTestDL % _Just `summing` viSourceDL % _Just)
let gdlis = nubOrd $ gt ^.. each
let allDls = either (const gdlis) (const dlis) etool
when (null allDls) $ logError "no tarballs selected by filter" *> runReaderT addError ref
forM_ allDls (downloadAll ref)
-- exit
e <- liftIO $ readIORef ref
if e > 0
then pure $ ExitFailure e
else do
logInfo "All good"
pure ExitSuccess
downloadAll :: ( MonadUnliftIO m
, MonadIO m
, MonadReader env m
, HasLog env
, HasDirs env
, HasSettings env
, MonadCatch m
, MonadMask m
, MonadThrow m
=> IORef Int
-> DownloadInfo
-> m ()
downloadAll ref dli = do
r <- runResourceT
. runE @'[DigestError
, GPGError
, DownloadFailed
, UnknownArchive
, ArchiveResult
, ContentLengthError
$ do
case etool of
Right (Just GHCup) -> do
tmpUnpack <- lift mkGhcupTmpDir
_ <- liftE $ download (_dlUri dli) Nothing (Just (_dlHash dli)) Nothing (fromGHCupPath tmpUnpack) Nothing False
pure Nothing
Right _ -> do
p <- liftE $ downloadCached dli Nothing
fmap Just $ liftE
. getArchiveFiles
$ p
Left ShimGen -> do
tmpUnpack <- lift mkGhcupTmpDir
_ <- liftE $ download (_dlUri dli) Nothing (Just (_dlHash dli)) Nothing (fromGHCupPath tmpUnpack) Nothing False
pure Nothing
case r of
VRight (Just entries) -> do
case _dlSubdir dli of
Just (RealDir prel) -> do
$ " verifying subdir: " <> T.pack prel
when (normalise prel `notElem` fmap (normalise . takeDirectory) entries) $ do
logError $
"Subdir doesn't match: expected " <> T.pack prel
runReaderT addError ref
Just (RegexDir regexString) -> do
logInfo $
"verifying subdir (regex): " <> T.pack regexString
let regex = makeRegexOpts
unless (or $ fmap (match regex. normalise) entries) $ do
logError $
"Subdir doesn't match: expected regex " <> T.pack regexString
runReaderT addError ref
Nothing -> pure ()
VRight Nothing -> pure ()
VLeft e -> do
logError $
"Could not download (or verify hash) of " <> T.pack (show dli) <> ", Error was: " <> T.pack (prettyShow e)
runReaderT addError ref