*`ghcup-A.B.C.yaml`: this is the main metadata and what ghcup uses by default
*`ghcup-vanilla-A.B.C.yaml`: this is similar to `ghcup-A.B.C.yaml`, but only uses upstream bindists (no patches/fixes are applied, no missing platforms added)
*`ghcup-prereleases-A.B.C.yaml`: this contains pre-releases of all tools
9. run `cabal run ghcup-gen -- generate-table -f ghcup-<yaml-ver>.yaml --stdout` and adjust [docs/install](https://gitlab.haskell.org/haskell/ghcup-hs/-/blob/master/docs/install.md) tables
* make sure to always add new versions to both `ghcup-A.B.C.yaml` and `ghcup-vanilla-A.B.C.yaml`
* make sure to run the bindist action to check tool installation on all platforms: https://github.com/haskell/ghcup-metadata/actions/workflows/bindists.yaml
- this is a manual pipeline
- set the appropriate parameters
* make sure to sign the yaml files you edited, e.g.: `gpg --detach-sign -u <your-email> ghcup-0.0.7.yaml` or ask a GHCup developer to sign
- PGP pubkeys need to be cross-signed by the GHCup team
- they need to be added to the CI: https://github.com/haskell/ghcup-metadata/blob/develop/.github/workflows/sigs