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module Balls where
-- library module for `balls`
import Terminal.Game
import qualified Data.Bool as B
import qualified Data.Ix as I
import qualified Data.Maybe as M
import qualified Data.Tuple as T
There are three things I will showcase in this example:
1. ** How you can display current FPS. **
This is done using `Game` to create your game rather than
`simpleGame`. `Game` is a bit more complex but you gain
additional infos to manipulate/blit, like FPS.
2. ** How your game can gracefully handle screen resize. **
Notice how if you resize the terminal, balls will still
fill the entire screen. This is again possible using `Game`
and the information passed via GameEnv (in this case, terminal
3. ** That — while FPS can change — game speed does not. **
Check the timer: even when screen is crowded and frames are
dropped, it is not slowed down.
This game runs at 60 FPS, you will almost surely never need such
a high TPS! 1520 is more than enough in most cases.
-- Ball
data Ball = Ball { pChar :: Plane,
pSpeed :: Timed Bool,
pDir :: Coords,
pPos :: Coords }
-- change direction is necessary, then and move
modPar :: Dimensions -> Ball -> Maybe Ball
modPar ds b@(Ball _ _ d _) =
-- tick the ball and check it is time to move
let b' = tickBall b in
if not (fetchFrame . pSpeed $ b')
then Just b' -- no time to move for you
-- check all popssible directions
let pd = [d, togR d, togC d, togB d]
bs = map (\ld -> b' { pDir = ld }) pd
bs' = filter (isIn ds) $ map modPos bs in
-- returns a moved ball nor nothing to mark it “to eliminate”
case bs' of
[] -> Nothing
(cp:_) -> Just cp
togR (wr, wc) = (-wr, wc)
togC (wr, wc) = ( wr, -wc)
togB (wr, wc) = (-wr, -wc)
tickBall :: Ball -> Ball
tickBall b = b { pSpeed = tick (pSpeed b) }
modPos :: Ball -> Ball
modPos (Ball p t d@(dr, dc) (r, c)) = Ball p t d (r+dr, c+dc)
isIn :: Dimensions -> Ball -> Bool
isIn (w, h) (Ball p _ _ (pr, pc)) =
let (pw, ph) = planeSize p
in pr >= 1 &&
pr+ph-1 <= h &&
pc >= 1 &&
pc+pw-1 <= w
dpart :: Ball -> (Coords, Plane)
dpart (Ball p _ _ cs) = (cs, p)
genBall :: StdGen -> Dimensions -> (Ball, StdGen)
genBall g ds =
let (c, g1) = pickRandom [minBound..] g
(s, g2) = getRandom (1, 3) g1
(v, g3) = pickRandom dirs g2
(p, g4) = ranIx ((1,1), T.swap ds) g3
b = Ball (cell 'o' # color c Vivid)
(creaBoolTimerLoop s) v p
in (b, g4)
dirs = [(1, 1), (1, -1), (-1, 1), (-1, -1)]
-- tuples instances are yet to be added to `random`
-- as nov 21; this will do meanwhile.
ranIx :: I.Ix a => (a, a) -> StdGen -> (a, StdGen)
ranIx r wg = pickRandom (I.range r) wg
-- Timer
type Timer = (Timed Bool, Integer)
ctimer :: TPS -> Timer
ctimer tps = (creaBoolTimerLoop tps, 0)
ltimer :: Timer -> Timer
ltimer (t, i) = let t' = tick t
k = B.bool 0 1 (fetchFrame t')
in (t', i+k)
dtimer :: Timer -> Plane
dtimer (_, i) = word . show $ i
-- Game
data GState = GState { gen :: StdGen,
quit :: Bool,
timer :: Timer,
balls :: [Ball],
bslow :: Bool }
-- pSlow is not used in game, it is there just
-- for the test suite
fireworks :: StdGen -> Game GState
fireworks g = Game tps istate lfun dfun qfun
tps = 60
istate :: GState
istate = GState g False (ctimer tps) [] False
-- Logic
lfun :: GEnv -> GState -> Event -> GState
lfun e s (KeyPress 's') =
let g = gen s
ds = eTermDims e
(b, g1) = genBall g ds
in s { gen = g1,
balls = b : balls s }
lfun _ s (KeyPress 'q') = s { quit = True }
lfun _ s (KeyPress _) = s
lfun r s Tick =
let ds = eTermDims r
ps = balls s
ps' = M.mapMaybe (modPar ds) ps
bs = eFPS r < 30
in s { timer = ltimer (timer s),
balls = filter (isIn ds) ps',
bslow = bs }
qfun :: GState -> Bool
qfun s = quit s
-- Draw
dfun :: GEnv -> GState -> Plane
dfun r s = mergePlanes
(uncurry blankPlane ds)
(map dpart $ balls s) &
(1, 2) %^> tui # trans &
(1, 2) %.< inst # trans # bold
ds = eTermDims r
tm = timer s
tui :: Plane
tui = let fps = eFPS r
np = length $ balls s
l1 = word "FPS: " ||| word (show fps)
l2 = word "Timer: " ||| dtimer tm
l3 = word ("Balls: " ++ show np)
l4 = word ("Term. dims.: " ++ show ds)
in vcat [l1, l2, l3, l4]
inst :: Plane
inst = word "Press (s) to spawn" ===
word "Press (q) to quit"
trans :: Draw
trans = makeTransparent ' '