
126 lines
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{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module GHCup.Types.JSON where
import GHCup.Types
import Data.Versions
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.TH
import Network.URL
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Aeson.Types
import Data.Text.Encoding as E
deriveJSON defaultOptions ''Architecture
deriveJSON defaultOptions ''LinuxDistro
deriveJSON defaultOptions ''Mess
deriveJSON defaultOptions ''Platform
deriveJSON defaultOptions ''SemVer
deriveJSON defaultOptions ''Tool
deriveJSON defaultOptions ''VSep
deriveJSON defaultOptions ''VUnit
instance ToJSON URL where
toJSON = toJSON . exportURL
instance FromJSON URL where
parseJSON = withText "URL" $ \t -> case importURL (T.unpack t) of
Just x -> pure x
Nothing -> fail "Could not parse URL, failure in importURL"
instance ToJSON Versioning where
toJSON = toJSON . prettyV
instance FromJSON Versioning where
parseJSON = withText "Versioning" $ \t -> case versioning t of
Right x -> pure x
Left e -> fail $ "Failure in Version (FromJSON)" <> show e
instance ToJSONKey Versioning where
toJSONKey = toJSONKeyText $ \x -> prettyV x
instance FromJSONKey Versioning where
fromJSONKey = FromJSONKeyTextParser $ \t -> case versioning t of
Right x -> pure x
Left e -> fail $ "Failure in Versioning (FromJSONKey)" <> show e
instance ToJSONKey (Maybe Versioning) where
toJSONKey = toJSONKeyText $ \case
Just x -> prettyV x
Nothing -> T.pack "unknown"
instance FromJSONKey (Maybe Versioning) where
fromJSONKey = FromJSONKeyTextParser
$ \t -> if t == T.pack "unknown" then pure Nothing else pure $ just t
just t = case versioning t of
Right x -> pure x
Left e -> fail $ "Failure in (Maybe Versioning) (FromJSONKey)" <> show e
instance ToJSONKey Platform where
toJSONKey = toJSONKeyText $ \case
Darwin -> T.pack "Darwin"
FreeBSD -> T.pack "FreeBSD"
Linux d -> T.pack ("Linux_" <> show d)
instance FromJSONKey Platform where
fromJSONKey = FromJSONKeyTextParser $ \t -> if
| T.pack "Darwin" == t -> pure Darwin
| T.pack "FreeBSD" == t -> pure FreeBSD
| T.pack "Linux_" `T.isPrefixOf` t -> case
T.stripPrefix (T.pack "Linux_") t
Just dstr ->
(decodeStrict (E.encodeUtf8 (T.pack "\"" <> dstr <> T.pack "\"")) :: Maybe
Just d -> pure $ Linux d
Nothing ->
$ "Unexpected failure in decoding LinuxDistro: "
<> show dstr
Nothing -> fail "Unexpected failure in Platform stripPrefix"
| otherwise -> fail $ "Failure in Platform (FromJSONKey)"
instance ToJSONKey Architecture where
toJSONKey = genericToJSONKey defaultJSONKeyOptions
instance FromJSONKey Architecture where
fromJSONKey = genericFromJSONKey defaultJSONKeyOptions
instance ToJSON Version where
toJSON = toJSON . prettyVer
instance FromJSON Version where
parseJSON = withText "Version" $ \t -> case version t of
Right x -> pure x
Left e -> fail $ "Failure in Version (FromJSON)" <> show e
instance ToJSONKey Version where
toJSONKey = toJSONKeyText $ \x -> prettyVer x
instance FromJSONKey Version where
fromJSONKey = FromJSONKeyTextParser $ \t -> case version t of
Right x -> pure x
Left e -> fail $ "Failure in Version (FromJSONKey)" <> show e
instance ToJSONKey Tool where
toJSONKey = genericToJSONKey defaultJSONKeyOptions
instance FromJSONKey Tool where
fromJSONKey = genericFromJSONKey defaultJSONKeyOptions