And clean up detection logic a bit. We also don't read /etc/lsb-release manually more, since it's format is not specified.
165 lines
5.5 KiB
165 lines
5.5 KiB
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-- | A module to retrieve os-release information according to the
-- freedesktop standard:
-- Some of it is stolen from:
module GHCup.Utils.OsRelease where
import GHCup.Utils.MegaParsec
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.TH
import Data.Char
import Data.Either
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Void
import HPath
import HPath.IO
import Prelude hiding ( abs
, readFile
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 as UTF8
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Text.Megaparsec as MP
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char as MP
-- | All the explicitly documented fields of `os-release`.
data OsRelease = OsRelease {
name :: Maybe String
, version :: Maybe String
, id :: Maybe String
, id_like :: Maybe String
, version_codename :: Maybe String
, version_id :: Maybe String
, pretty_name :: Maybe String
, ansi_color :: Maybe String
, cpe_name :: Maybe String
, home_url :: Maybe String
, documentation_url :: Maybe String
, support_url :: Maybe String
, bug_report_url :: Maybe String
, privacy_policy_url :: Maybe String
, build_id :: Maybe String
, variant :: Maybe String
, variant_id :: Maybe String
, logo :: Maybe String
} deriving (Show)
emptyOsRelease :: OsRelease
emptyOsRelease = OsRelease { name = Nothing
, version = Nothing
, id = Nothing
, id_like = Nothing
, version_codename = Nothing
, version_id = Nothing
, pretty_name = Nothing
, ansi_color = Nothing
, cpe_name = Nothing
, home_url = Nothing
, documentation_url = Nothing
, support_url = Nothing
, bug_report_url = Nothing
, privacy_policy_url = Nothing
, build_id = Nothing
, variant = Nothing
, variant_id = Nothing
, logo = Nothing
-- | Parse a single line assignment and extract the right hand side.
-- This is only a subset of a shell parser, see
parseAssignment :: MP.Parsec Void String (String, String)
parseAssignment =
<$> ( *> key)
<*> (MP.char '=' *> (MP.try qval <|> mempty) <* <* MP.eof)
dropSpace :: String -> String
dropSpace = reverse . dropWhile (\x -> x == ' ' || x == '\t') . reverse
key :: MP.Parsec Void String String
key = some (MP.try MP.alphaNumChar <|> MP.char '_')
qval :: MP.Parsec Void String String
qval = do
c <- MP.lookAhead MP.printChar
case c of
' ' -> pure ""
'"' -> MP.char c *> val c <* MP.char c
'\'' -> MP.char c *> val c <* MP.char c
-- no quote, have to drop trailing spaces
_ -> fmap dropSpace (some MP.alphaNumChar)
val :: Char -> MP.Parsec Void String String
val q = many (qspecial q <|> MP.noneOf (specials q)) -- noneOf may be too lax
qspecial :: Char -> MP.Parsec Void String Char
qspecial q =
fmap (!! 1)
. choice'
. fmap (\s -> MP.try . MP.chunk $ ['\\', s])
$ (specials q)
specials :: Char -> [Char]
specials q = [q, '\\', '$', '`']
-- | Get all allAssignments as `(key, val)` from the `os-release`
-- file contents.
allAssignments :: String -- ^ file contents of os-release
-> [(String, String)]
allAssignments = rights . fmap (MP.parse parseAssignment "") . lines
-- | Parse the assignments into OsRelease.
-- This can't fail and will create an "empty" product type instead on
-- failure.
osRelease :: [(String, String)] -- ^ assignments
-> OsRelease
osRelease =
Error _ -> emptyOsRelease
Success v -> v
. fromJSON
. Object
. HM.fromList
. fmap (\(k, v) -> (T.toLower . T.pack $ k, String . T.pack $ v))
-- | Tries to read `/etc/os-release` and `/usr/lib/os_release` in order.
-- Throws an exception if both files do not exist.
readOsRelease :: IO String
readOsRelease = do
let os_release1 :: Path Abs
os_release1 = [abs|/etc/os-release|]
let os_release2 :: Path Abs
os_release2 = [abs|/usr/lib/os-release|]
bs <- readFile os_release1 <|> readFile os_release2
-- os-release is utf8
pure . UTF8.toString $ bs
-- | Tries to read `/etc/os-release` and `/usr/lib/os_release` in order
-- and parses into `OsRelease`. Throws an exception if both files do not
-- exist.
parseOsRelease :: IO OsRelease
parseOsRelease = fmap (osRelease . allAssignments) readOsRelease
deriveJSON defaultOptions ''OsRelease