352 lines
12 KiB
352 lines
12 KiB
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module GHCup.Utils.File where
import GHCup.Utils.Dirs
import GHCup.Utils.Prelude
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception.Safe
import Control.Monad
import Data.ByteString ( ByteString )
import Data.ByteString.Unsafe ( unsafeUseAsCStringLen )
import Data.Char
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Functor
import Data.IORef
import Data.Maybe
import GHC.Foreign ( peekCStringLen )
import GHC.IO.Encoding ( getLocaleEncoding )
import GHC.IO.Exception
import HPath
import HPath.IO
import Optics
import Streamly
import Streamly.External.ByteString
import Streamly.External.ByteString.Lazy
import System.Console.Pretty
import System.Console.Regions
import System.IO
import System.IO.Error
import System.Posix.Directory.ByteString
import System.Posix.FD as FD
import System.Posix.FilePath hiding ( (</>) )
import System.Posix.Foreign ( oExcl )
import "unix" System.Posix.IO.ByteString
hiding ( openFd )
import System.Posix.Process ( ProcessStatus(..) )
import System.Posix.Types
import qualified Control.Exception as EX
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
import qualified System.Posix.Process.ByteString
import Streamly.External.Posix.DirStream
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Memory.ArrayStream
as AS
import qualified Streamly.FileSystem.Handle as FH
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Unfold as SU
import qualified Streamly.Prelude as S
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified "unix-bytestring" System.Posix.IO.ByteString
data StopThread = StopThread Bool
deriving Show
instance Exception StopThread
data ProcessError = NonZeroExit Int ByteString [ByteString]
| PTerminated ByteString [ByteString]
| PStopped ByteString [ByteString]
| NoSuchPid ByteString [ByteString]
deriving Show
data CapturedProcess = CapturedProcess
{ _exitCode :: ExitCode
, _stdOut :: ByteString
, _stdErr :: ByteString
deriving (Eq, Show)
makeLenses ''CapturedProcess
readFd :: Fd -> IO L.ByteString
readFd fd = do
handle' <- fdToHandle fd
fromChunksIO $ (S.unfold (SU.finallyIO hClose FH.readChunks) handle')
-- | Read the lines of a file into a stream. The stream holds
-- a file handle as a resource and will close it once the stream
-- terminates (either through exception or because it's drained).
readFileLines :: Path b -> IO (SerialT IO ByteString)
readFileLines p = do
stream <- readFileStream p
. (fmap fromArray)
. AS.splitOn (fromIntegral $ ord '\n')
. (fmap toArray)
$ stream
-- | Find the given executable by searching all *absolute* PATH components.
-- Relative paths in PATH are ignored.
-- This shouldn't throw IO exceptions, unless getting the environment variable
-- PATH does.
findExecutable :: Path Rel -> IO (Maybe (Path Abs))
findExecutable ex = do
sPaths <- fmap catMaybes . (fmap . fmap) parseAbs $ getSearchPath
-- We don't want exceptions to mess up our result. If we can't
-- figure out if a file exists, then treat it as a negative result.
asum $ fmap (handleIO (\_ -> pure Nothing)) $ fmap
-- asum for short-circuiting behavior
(\s' -> (isExecutable (s' </> ex) >>= guard) $> (Just (s' </> ex)))
-- | Execute the given command and collect the stdout, stderr and the exit code.
-- The command is run in a subprocess.
executeOut :: Path b -- ^ command as filename, e.g. 'ls'
-> [ByteString] -- ^ arguments to the command
-> Maybe (Path Abs) -- ^ chdir to this path
-> IO CapturedProcess
executeOut path args chdir = captureOutStreams $ do
maybe (pure ()) (changeWorkingDirectory . toFilePath) chdir
SPPB.executeFile (toFilePath path) True args Nothing
execLogged :: ByteString -- ^ thing to execute
-> Bool -- ^ whether to search PATH for the thing
-> [ByteString] -- ^ args for the thing
-> Path Rel -- ^ log filename
-> Maybe (Path Abs) -- ^ optionally chdir into this
-> Maybe [(ByteString, ByteString)] -- ^ optional environment
-> IO (Either ProcessError ())
execLogged exe spath args lfile chdir env = do
ldir <- ghcupLogsDir
logfile <- (ldir </>) <$> parseRel (toFilePath lfile <> ".log")
bracket (createFile (toFilePath logfile) newFilePerms) closeFd action
action fd = do
actionWithPipes $ \(stdoutRead, stdoutWrite) -> do
-- start the thread that logs to stdout in a region
done <- newEmptyMVar
tid <-
$ EX.handle (\(_ :: StopThread) -> pure ())
$ EX.handle (\(_ :: IOException) -> pure ())
$ flip finally (putMVar done ())
$ printToRegion fd stdoutRead 6
-- fork our subprocess
pid <- SPPB.forkProcess $ do
void $ dupTo stdoutWrite stdOutput
void $ dupTo stdoutWrite stdError
closeFd stdoutWrite
closeFd stdoutRead
-- execute the action
maybe (pure ()) (changeWorkingDirectory . toFilePath) chdir
SPPB.executeFile exe spath args env
closeFd stdoutWrite
-- wait for the subprocess to finish
e <- SPPB.getProcessStatus True True pid >>= \case
i@(Just (SPPB.Exited _)) -> pure $ toProcessError exe args i
i -> pure $ toProcessError exe args i
-- make sure the logging thread stops
case e of
Left _ -> EX.throwTo tid (StopThread False)
Right _ -> EX.throwTo tid (StopThread True)
takeMVar done
closeFd stdoutRead
pure e
-- Reads fdIn and logs the output in a continous scrolling area
-- of 'size' terminal lines. Also writes to a log file.
printToRegion fileFd fdIn size = do
ref <- newIORef ([] :: [ByteString])
displayConsoleRegions $ do
rs <- sequence . replicate size . openConsoleRegion $ Linear
flip finally (readTilEOF (lineAction ref rs) fdIn) -- make sure the last few lines don't get cut off
$ handle
(\(StopThread b) -> do
when b (forM_ rs closeConsoleRegion)
EX.throw (StopThread b)
$ readForever (lineAction ref rs) fdIn
-- action to perform line by line
lineAction ref rs bs' = do
modifyIORef' ref (swapRegs bs')
regs <- readIORef ref
forM (zip regs rs) $ \(bs, r) -> do
setConsoleRegion r $ do
w <- consoleWidth
. T.pack
. color Blue
. T.unpack
. E.decodeUtf8
. trim w
. (\b -> "[ " <> toFilePath lfile <> " ] " <> b)
$ bs
SPIB.fdWrite fileFd (bs <> "\n")
swapRegs bs regs | length regs < size = regs ++ [bs]
| otherwise = tail regs ++ [bs]
-- trim output line to terminal width
trim w bs | BS.length bs > w && w > 5 = BS.take (w - 4) bs <> "..."
| otherwise = bs
-- read an entire line from the file descriptor (removes the newline char)
readLine fd' = do
bs <-
(\(e :: IOError) -> do
if isEOFError e then threadDelay 1000 >> pure "" else throw e
$ SPIB.fdRead fd' 1
| bs == "\n" -> pure ""
| bs == "" -> pure ""
| otherwise -> fmap (bs <>) $ readLine fd'
readForever action' fd' = do
bs <- readLine fd'
if not $ BS.null bs
then action' bs >> readForever action' fd'
else readForever action' fd'
readTilEOF action' fd' = do
bs <- readLine fd'
when (not $ BS.null bs) (action' bs >> readTilEOF action' fd')
-- | Capture the stdout and stderr of the given action, which
-- is run in a subprocess. Stdin is closed. You might want to
-- 'race' this to make sure it terminates.
captureOutStreams :: IO a
-- ^ the action to execute in a subprocess
-> IO CapturedProcess
captureOutStreams action =
actionWithPipes $ \(parentStdoutRead, childStdoutWrite) ->
actionWithPipes $ \(parentStderrRead, childStderrWrite) -> do
pid <- SPPB.forkProcess $ do
-- dup stdout
void $ dupTo childStdoutWrite stdOutput
closeFd childStdoutWrite
closeFd parentStdoutRead
-- dup stderr
void $ dupTo childStderrWrite stdError
closeFd childStderrWrite
closeFd parentStderrRead
-- execute the action
void $ action
-- close everything we don't need
closeFd childStdoutWrite
closeFd childStderrWrite
SPPB.getProcessStatus True True pid >>= \case
-- readFd will take care of closing the fd
Just (SPPB.Exited es) -> do
stdout' <- L.toStrict <$> readFd parentStdoutRead
stderr' <- L.toStrict <$> readFd parentStderrRead
pure $ CapturedProcess { _exitCode = es
, _stdOut = stdout'
, _stdErr = stderr'
_ -> throwIO $ userError $ ("No such PID " ++ show pid)
actionWithPipes :: ((Fd, Fd) -> IO b) -> IO b
actionWithPipes a =
createPipe >>= \(p1, p2) -> (flip finally) (cleanup [p1, p2]) $ a (p1, p2)
cleanup :: [Fd] -> IO ()
cleanup fds = for_ fds $ \fd -> handleIO (\_ -> pure ()) $ closeFd fd
-- | Create a new regular file in write-only mode. The file must not exist.
createRegularFileFd :: FileMode -> Path b -> IO Fd
createRegularFileFd fm dest =
FD.openFd (toFilePath dest) WriteOnly [oExcl] (Just fm)
-- | Thin wrapper around `executeFile`.
exec :: ByteString -- ^ thing to execute
-> Bool -- ^ whether to search PATH for the thing
-> [ByteString] -- ^ args for the thing
-> Maybe (Path Abs) -- ^ optionally chdir into this
-> Maybe [(ByteString, ByteString)] -- ^ optional environment
-> IO (Either ProcessError ())
exec exe spath args chdir env = do
pid <- SPPB.forkProcess $ do
maybe (pure ()) (changeWorkingDirectory . toFilePath) chdir
SPPB.executeFile exe spath args env
fmap (toProcessError exe args) $ SPPB.getProcessStatus True True pid
toProcessError :: ByteString
-> [ByteString]
-> Maybe ProcessStatus
-> Either ProcessError ()
toProcessError exe args mps = case mps of
Just (SPPB.Exited (ExitFailure i)) -> Left $ NonZeroExit i exe args
Just (SPPB.Exited ExitSuccess ) -> Right ()
Just (Terminated _ _ ) -> Left $ PTerminated exe args
Just (Stopped _ ) -> Left $ PStopped exe args
Nothing -> Left $ NoSuchPid exe args
-- | Convert the String to a ByteString with the current
-- system encoding.
unsafePathToString :: Path b -> IO FilePath
unsafePathToString p = do
enc <- getLocaleEncoding
unsafeUseAsCStringLen (toFilePath p) (peekCStringLen enc)
-- | Search for a file in the search paths.
-- Catches `PermissionDenied` and `NoSuchThing` and returns `Nothing`.
searchPath :: [Path Abs] -> Path Rel -> IO (Maybe (Path Abs))
searchPath paths needle = go paths
go [] = pure Nothing
go (x : xs) =
hideErrorDefM PermissionDenied (go xs)
$ hideErrorDefM NoSuchThing (go xs)
$ do
dirStream <- openDirStream (toFilePath x)
S.findM (\(_, p) -> isMatch x p) (dirContentsStream dirStream)
>>= \case
Just _ -> pure $ Just (x </> needle)
Nothing -> go xs
isMatch basedir p = do
if p == toFilePath needle
then isExecutable (basedir </> needle)
else pure False