
1107 lines
36 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
module Main where
import GHCup
import GHCup.Download
import GHCup.Errors
import GHCup.Platform
import GHCup.Requirements
import GHCup.Types
import GHCup.Utils
import GHCup.Utils.File
import GHCup.Utils.Logger
import GHCup.Utils.Prelude
import GHCup.Version
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,13,0)
import Control.Monad.Fail ( MonadFail )
import Control.Monad.Logger
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Char
import Data.Either
import Data.Functor
import Data.List ( intercalate, sort )
import Data.Maybe
import Data.String.Interpolate
import Data.Text ( Text )
import Data.Versions
import Data.Void
import GHC.IO.Encoding
import Haskus.Utils.Variant.Excepts
import HPath
import HPath.IO
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Options.Applicative hiding ( style )
import Options.Applicative.Help.Pretty ( text )
import Prelude hiding ( appendFile )
import Safe
import System.Console.Pretty
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import System.IO hiding ( appendFile )
import Text.Read
import Text.Layout.Table
import URI.ByteString
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as UTF8
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
import qualified Text.Megaparsec as MP
data Options = Options
-- global options
optVerbose :: Bool
, optCache :: Bool
, optUrlSource :: Maybe URI
, optNoVerify :: Bool
-- commands
, optCommand :: Command
data Command
= Install InstallOptions
| InstallCabal InstallOptions
| SetGHC SetGHCOptions
| List ListOptions
| Rm RmOptions
| DInfo
| Compile CompileCommand
| Upgrade UpgradeOpts Bool
| ToolRequirements
| ChangeLog ChangeLogOptions
data ToolVersion = ToolVersion Version
| ToolTag Tag
data InstallOptions = InstallOptions
{ instVer :: Maybe ToolVersion
, instPlatform :: Maybe PlatformRequest
data SetGHCOptions = SetGHCOptions
{ ghcVer :: Maybe ToolVersion
data ListOptions = ListOptions
{ lTool :: Maybe Tool
, lCriteria :: Maybe ListCriteria
, lRawFormat :: Bool
data RmOptions = RmOptions
{ ghcVer :: Version
data CompileCommand = CompileGHC CompileOptions
| CompileCabal CompileOptions
data CompileOptions = CompileOptions
{ targetVer :: Version
, bootstrapGhc :: Either Version (Path Abs)
, jobs :: Maybe Int
, buildConfig :: Maybe (Path Abs)
, patchDir :: Maybe (Path Abs)
data UpgradeOpts = UpgradeInplace
| UpgradeAt (Path Abs)
| UpgradeGHCupDir
deriving Show
data ChangeLogOptions = ChangeLogOptions
{ clOpen :: Bool
, clTool :: Maybe Tool
, clToolVer :: Maybe ToolVersion
opts :: Parser Options
opts =
<$> switch (short 'v' <> long "verbose" <> help "Enable verbosity")
<*> switch
(short 'c' <> long "cache" <> help "Cache downloads in ~/.ghcup/cache"
<*> (optional
(eitherReader parseUri)
( short 's'
<> long "url-source"
<> metavar "URL"
<> help "Alternative ghcup download info url"
<> internal
<*> switch
(short 'n' <> long "no-verify" <> help
"Skip tarball checksum verification"
<*> com
parseUri s' =
bimap show id $ parseURI strictURIParserOptions (UTF8.fromString s')
com :: Parser Command
com =
( command
((Install <$> installOpts) <**> helper)
( progDesc "Install or update GHC"
<> footerDoc (Just $ text installFooter)
<> command
( SetGHC
<$> (info
(setGHCOpts <**> helper)
( progDesc "Set currently active GHC version"
<> footerDoc (Just $ text setFooter)
<> command
( Rm
<$> (info (rmOpts <**> helper) (progDesc "Remove a GHC version"))
<> command
((InstallCabal <$> installOpts) <**> helper)
( progDesc "Install or update cabal"
<> footerDoc (Just $ text installCabalFooter)
<> command
( List
<$> (info (listOpts <**> helper)
(progDesc "Show available GHCs and other tools")
<> command
( (Upgrade <$> upgradeOptsP <*> switch
(short 'f' <> long "force" <> help "Force update")
<**> helper
(progDesc "Upgrade ghcup")
<> command
( Compile
<$> (info (compileP <**> helper)
(progDesc "Compile a tool from source")
<> commandGroup "Main commands:"
<|> subparser
( command
((\_ -> DInfo) <$> (info (helper) (progDesc "Show debug info")))
<> command
( (\_ -> ToolRequirements)
<$> (info (helper)
(progDesc "Show the requirements for ghc/cabal")
<> command
((info (fmap ChangeLog changelogP <**> helper)
(progDesc "Find/show changelog"
<> footerDoc (Just $ text changeLogFooter)
<> commandGroup "Other commands:"
<> hidden
installFooter = [i|Discussion:
Installs the specified GHC version (or a recommended default one) into
a self-contained "~/.ghcup/ghc/<ghcver>" directory
and symlinks the ghc binaries to "~/.ghcup/bin/<binary>-<ghcver>".|]
setFooter = [i|Discussion:
Sets the the current GHC version by creating non-versioned
symlinks for all ghc binaries of the specified version in
installCabalFooter = [i|Discussion:
Installs the specified cabal-install version (or a recommended default one)
into "~/.ghcup/bin", so it can be overwritten by later
"cabal install cabal-install", which installs into "~/.cabal/bin" by
default. Make sure to set up your PATH appropriately, so the cabal
installation takes precedence.|]
changeLogFooter = [i|Discussion:
By default returns the URI of the ChangeLog of the latest GHC release.
Pass '-o' to automatically open via xdg-open.|]
installOpts :: Parser InstallOptions
installOpts =
(flip InstallOptions)
<$> (optional
(eitherReader platformParser)
( short 'p'
<> long "platform"
<> metavar "PLATFORM"
<> help
"Override for platform (triple matching ghc tarball names), e.g. x86_64-fedora27-linux"
<*> optional toolVersionArgument
setGHCOpts :: Parser SetGHCOptions
setGHCOpts = SetGHCOptions <$> optional toolVersionArgument
listOpts :: Parser ListOptions
listOpts =
<$> optional
(eitherReader toolParser)
(short 't' <> long "tool" <> metavar "<ghc|cabal>" <> help
"Tool to list versions for. Default is all"
<*> (optional
(eitherReader criteriaParser)
( short 'c'
<> long "show-criteria"
<> metavar "<installed|set>"
<> help "Show only installed or set tool versions"
<*> switch
(short 'r' <> long "raw-format" <> help "More machine-parsable format"
rmOpts :: Parser RmOptions
rmOpts = RmOptions <$> versionArgument
changelogP :: Parser ChangeLogOptions
changelogP =
(\x y -> ChangeLogOptions x y)
<$> switch (short 'o' <> long "open" <> help "xdg-open the changelog url")
<*> (optional
(\s' -> case fmap toLower s' of
"ghc" -> Right GHC
"cabal" -> Right Cabal
"ghcup" -> Right GHCup
e -> Left $ e
(short 't' <> long "tool" <> metavar "<ghc|cabal|ghcup>" <> help
"Open changelog for given tool (default: ghc)"
<*> optional toolVersionArgument
compileP :: Parser CompileCommand
compileP = subparser
( command
( CompileGHC
<$> (info
(compileOpts <**> helper)
( progDesc "Compile GHC from source"
<> footerDoc (Just $ text compileFooter)
<> command
( CompileCabal
<$> (info
(compileOpts <**> helper)
( progDesc "Compile Cabal from source"
<> footerDoc (Just $ text compileCabalFooter)
compileFooter = [i|Discussion:
Compiles and installs the specified GHC version into
a self-contained "~/.ghcup/ghc/<ghcver>" directory
and symlinks the ghc binaries to "~/.ghcup/bin/<binary>-<ghcver>".
ghcup compile ghc -j 4 -v 8.4.2 -b 8.2.2
ghcup compile ghc -j 4 -v 8.4.2 -b /usr/bin/ghc-8.2.2|]
compileCabalFooter = [i|Discussion:
Compiles and installs the specified Cabal version
into "~/.ghcup/bin".
ghcup compile cabal -j 4 -v -b 8.6.5
ghcup compile cabal -j 4 -v -b /usr/bin/ghc-8.6.5|]
compileOpts :: Parser CompileOptions
compileOpts =
<$> (option
(bimap (const "Not a valid version") id . version . T.pack)
(short 'v' <> long "version" <> metavar "VERSION" <> help
"The tool version to compile"
<*> (option
(\x ->
(bimap (const "Not a valid version") Left . version . T.pack $ x)
<|> (bimap show Right . parseAbs . E.encodeUtf8 . T.pack $ x)
( short 'b'
<> long "bootstrap-ghc"
<> metavar "BOOTSTRAP_GHC"
<> help
"The GHC version (or full path) to bootstrap with (must be installed)"
<*> optional
(eitherReader (readEither @Int))
(short 'j' <> long "jobs" <> metavar "JOBS" <> help
"How many jobs to use for make"
<*> optional
(\x ->
bimap show id . parseAbs . E.encodeUtf8 . T.pack $ x :: Either
(Path Abs)
(short 'c' <> long "config" <> metavar "CONFIG" <> help
"Absolute path to build config file"
<*> optional
(\x ->
bimap show id . parseAbs . E.encodeUtf8 . T.pack $ x :: Either
(Path Abs)
(short 'p' <> long "patchdir" <> metavar "PATCH_DIR" <> help
"Absolute path to patch directory (applied in order, uses -p1)"
toolVersionParser :: Parser ToolVersion
toolVersionParser = verP <|> toolP
verP = ToolVersion <$> versionParser
toolP =
<$> (option
(eitherReader tagEither)
(short 't' <> long "tag" <> metavar "TAG" <> help "The target tag")
-- | same as toolVersionParser, except as an argument.
toolVersionArgument :: Parser ToolVersion
toolVersionArgument =
argument (eitherReader toolVersionEither) (metavar "VERSION|TAG")
versionArgument :: Parser Version
versionArgument = argument (eitherReader versionEither) (metavar "VERSION")
versionParser :: Parser Version
versionParser = option
(eitherReader versionEither)
(short 'v' <> long "version" <> metavar "VERSION" <> help "The target version"
tagEither :: String -> Either String Tag
tagEither s' = case fmap toLower s' of
"recommended" -> Right Recommended
"latest" -> Right Latest
('b':'a':'s':'e':'-':ver') -> case pvp (T.pack ver') of
Right x -> Right (Base x)
Left _ -> Left [i|Invalid PVP version for base #{ver'}|]
other -> Left ([i|Unknown tag #{other}|])
versionEither :: String -> Either String Version
versionEither s' =
-- 'version' is a bit too lax and will parse typoed tags
case readMaybe ((: []) . head $ s') :: Maybe Int of
Just _ -> bimap (const "Not a valid version") id . version . T.pack $ s'
Nothing -> Left "Not a valid version"
toolVersionEither :: String -> Either String ToolVersion
toolVersionEither s' =
bimap id ToolTag (tagEither s') <|> bimap id ToolVersion (versionEither s')
toolParser :: String -> Either String Tool
toolParser s' | t == T.pack "ghc" = Right GHC
| t == T.pack "cabal" = Right Cabal
| otherwise = Left ("Unknown tool: " <> s')
where t = T.toLower (T.pack s')
criteriaParser :: String -> Either String ListCriteria
criteriaParser s' | t == T.pack "installed" = Right ListInstalled
| t == T.pack "set" = Right ListSet
| otherwise = Left ("Unknown criteria: " <> s')
where t = T.toLower (T.pack s')
platformParser :: String -> Either String PlatformRequest
platformParser s' = case MP.parse (platformP <* MP.eof) "" (T.pack s') of
Right r -> pure r
Left e -> Left $ errorBundlePretty e
archP :: MP.Parsec Void Text Architecture
archP = (MP.try (MP.chunk "x86_64" $> A_64)) <|> (MP.chunk "i386" $> A_32)
platformP :: MP.Parsec Void Text PlatformRequest
platformP = choice'
[ (\a mv -> PlatformRequest a FreeBSD mv)
<$> (archP <* MP.chunk "-")
<*> ( MP.chunk "portbld"
*> ( MP.try (Just <$> verP (MP.chunk "-freebsd" <* MP.eof))
<|> pure Nothing
<* MP.chunk "-freebsd"
, (\a mv -> PlatformRequest a Darwin mv)
<$> (archP <* MP.chunk "-")
<*> ( MP.chunk "apple"
*> ( MP.try (Just <$> verP (MP.chunk "-darwin" <* MP.eof))
<|> pure Nothing
<* MP.chunk "-darwin"
, (\a d mv -> PlatformRequest a (Linux d) mv)
<$> (archP <* MP.chunk "-")
<*> distroP
<*> ((MP.try (Just <$> verP (MP.chunk "-linux" <* MP.eof)) <|> pure Nothing
<* MP.chunk "-linux"
distroP :: MP.Parsec Void Text LinuxDistro
distroP = choice'
[ MP.chunk "debian" $> Debian
, MP.chunk "deb" $> Debian
, MP.chunk "ubuntu" $> Ubuntu
, MP.chunk "mint" $> Mint
, MP.chunk "fedora" $> Fedora
, MP.chunk "centos" $> CentOS
, MP.chunk "redhat" $> RedHat
, MP.chunk "alpine" $> Alpine
, MP.chunk "gentoo" $> Gentoo
, MP.chunk "exherbo" $> Exherbo
, MP.chunk "unknown" $> UnknownLinux
verP :: MP.Parsec Void Text Text -> MP.Parsec Void Text Versioning
verP suffix = do
ver <- parseUntil suffix
if T.null ver
then fail "empty version"
else do
rest <- MP.getInput
MP.setInput ver
v <- versioning'
MP.setInput rest
pure v
choice' [] = fail "Empty list"
choice' [x ] = x
choice' (x : xs) = MP.try x <|> choice' xs
parseUntil :: MP.Parsec Void Text Text -> MP.Parsec Void Text Text
parseUntil p = do
(MP.try (MP.lookAhead p) $> mempty)
<|> (do
c <- T.singleton <$> MP.anySingle
c2 <- parseUntil p
pure (c `mappend` c2)
toSettings :: Options -> Settings
toSettings Options {..} =
let cache = optCache
noVerify = optNoVerify
in Settings { .. }
upgradeOptsP :: Parser UpgradeOpts
upgradeOptsP =
(short 'i' <> long "inplace" <> help
"Upgrade ghcup in-place (wherever it's at)"
<|> ( UpgradeAt
<$> (option
(\x ->
bimap show id . parseAbs . E.encodeUtf8 . T.pack $ x :: Either
(Path Abs)
(short 't' <> long "target" <> metavar "TARGET_DIR" <> help
"Absolute filepath to write ghcup into"
<|> (pure UpgradeGHCupDir)
describe_result :: String
describe_result = $( (LitE . StringL) <$>
runIO (do
CapturedProcess{..} <- executeOut [rel|git|] ["describe"] Nothing
case _exitCode of
ExitSuccess -> pure . T.unpack . decUTF8Safe $ _stdOut
ExitFailure _ -> pure numericVer
main :: IO ()
main = do
let versionHelp = infoOption
( ("The GHCup Haskell installer, version " <>)
$ (head . lines $ describe_result)
(long "version" <> help "Show version" <> hidden)
let numericVersionHelp = infoOption
( long "numeric-version"
<> help "Show the numeric version (for use in scripts)"
<> hidden
let main_footer = [i|Discussion:
ghcup installs the Glasgow Haskell Compiler from the official
release channels, enabling you to easily switch between different
Report bugs at <>|]
(prefs showHelpOnError)
(info (opts <**> helper <**> versionHelp <**> numericVersionHelp)
(footerDoc (Just $ text main_footer))
>>= \opt@Options {..} -> do
let settings = toSettings opt
-- create ~/.ghcup dir
ghcdir <- ghcupBaseDir
createDirIfMissing newDirPerms ghcdir
-- logger interpreter
logfile <- initGHCupFileLogging [rel|ghcup.log|]
let runLogger = myLoggerT LoggerConfig
{ lcPrintDebug = optVerbose
, colorOutter = B.hPut stderr
, rawOutter = appendFile logfile
-- wrapper to run effects with settings
let runInstTool =
. flip runReaderT settings
. runResourceT
. runE
@'[ AlreadyInstalled
, UnknownArchive
, DistroNotFound
, FileDoesNotExistError
, CopyError
, NoCompatibleArch
, NoDownload
, NotInstalled
, NoCompatiblePlatform
, BuildFailed
, TagNotFound
, DigestError
, DownloadFailed
runSetGHC =
. flip runReaderT settings
. runE
@'[ FileDoesNotExistError
, NotInstalled
, TagNotFound
, TagNotFound
let runListGHC = runE @'[] . runLogger
let runRmGHC =
runLogger . flip runReaderT settings . runE @'[NotInstalled]
let runDebugInfo =
. flip runReaderT settings
. runE
@'[NoCompatiblePlatform , NoCompatibleArch , DistroNotFound]
let runCompileGHC =
. flip runReaderT settings
. runResourceT
. runE
@'[ AlreadyInstalled
, BuildFailed
, DigestError
, DistroNotFound
, DownloadFailed
, GHCupSetError
, NoCompatibleArch
, NoCompatiblePlatform
, NoDownload
, NotFoundInPATH
, PatchFailed
, UnknownArchive
let runCompileCabal =
. flip runReaderT settings
. runResourceT
. runE
@'[ BuildFailed
, DigestError
, DistroNotFound
, DownloadFailed
, NoCompatibleArch
, NoCompatiblePlatform
, NoDownload
, PatchFailed
, UnknownArchive
let runUpgrade =
. flip runReaderT settings
. runResourceT
. runE
@'[ DigestError
, DistroNotFound
, NoCompatiblePlatform
, NoCompatibleArch
, NoDownload
, NoUpdate
, FileDoesNotExistError
, CopyError
, DownloadFailed
(GHCupInfo treq dls) <-
( runLogger
. flip runReaderT settings
. runE @'[JSONError , DownloadFailed]
$ liftE
$ getDownloads (maybe GHCupURL OwnSource optUrlSource)
>>= \case
VRight r -> pure r
VLeft e -> do
($(logError) [i|Error fetching download info: #{e}|])
exitWith (ExitFailure 2)
runLogger $ checkForUpdates dls
res <- case optCommand of
Install (InstallOptions {..}) ->
(runInstTool $ do
v <- liftE $ fromVersion dls instVer GHC
liftE $ installGHCBin dls v instPlatform
>>= \case
VRight _ -> do
runLogger $ $(logInfo) ("GHC installation successful")
pure ExitSuccess
VLeft (V (AlreadyInstalled _ v)) -> do
runLogger $ $(logWarn)
[i|GHC ver #{prettyVer v} already installed|]
pure ExitSuccess
VLeft (V (BuildFailed tmpdir e)) -> do
($(logError) [i|Build failed with #{e}
Check the logs at ~/.ghcup/logs and the build directory #{tmpdir} for more clues.|]
pure $ ExitFailure 3
VLeft e -> do
runLogger $ do
$(logError) [i|#{e}|]
$(logError) [i|Also check the logs in ~/.ghcup/logs|]
pure $ ExitFailure 3
InstallCabal (InstallOptions {..}) ->
(runInstTool $ do
v <- liftE $ fromVersion dls instVer Cabal
liftE $ installCabalBin dls v instPlatform
>>= \case
VRight _ -> do
runLogger $ $(logInfo) ("Cabal installation successful")
pure ExitSuccess
VLeft (V (AlreadyInstalled _ v)) -> do
runLogger $ $(logWarn)
[i|Cabal ver #{prettyVer v} already installed|]
pure ExitSuccess
VLeft e -> do
runLogger $ do
$(logError) [i|#{e}|]
$(logError) [i|Also check the logs in ~/.ghcup/logs|]
pure $ ExitFailure 4
SetGHC (SetGHCOptions {..}) ->
(runSetGHC $ do
v <- liftE $ fromVersion dls ghcVer GHC
liftE $ setGHC v SetGHCOnly
>>= \case
VRight v -> do
$ $(logInfo)
[i|GHC #{prettyVer v} successfully set as default version|]
pure ExitSuccess
VLeft e -> do
runLogger ($(logError) [i|#{e}|])
pure $ ExitFailure 5
List (ListOptions {..}) ->
(runListGHC $ do
l <- listVersions dls lTool lCriteria
pure l
>>= \case
VRight r -> do
liftIO $ printListResult lRawFormat r
pure ExitSuccess
VLeft e -> do
runLogger ($(logError) [i|#{e}|])
pure $ ExitFailure 6
Rm (RmOptions {..}) ->
(runRmGHC $ do
liftE $ rmGHCVer ghcVer
>>= \case
VRight _ -> pure ExitSuccess
VLeft e -> do
runLogger ($(logError) [i|#{e}|])
pure $ ExitFailure 7
DInfo ->
(runDebugInfo $ liftE $ getDebugInfo)
>>= \case
VRight dinfo -> do
putStrLn $ prettyDebugInfo dinfo
pure ExitSuccess
VLeft e -> do
runLogger ($(logError) [i|#{e}|])
pure $ ExitFailure 8
Compile (CompileGHC CompileOptions {..}) ->
(runCompileGHC $ liftE $ compileGHC dls
>>= \case
VRight _ -> do
runLogger $ $(logInfo)
("GHC successfully compiled and installed")
pure ExitSuccess
VLeft (V (AlreadyInstalled _ v)) -> do
runLogger $ $(logWarn)
[i|GHC ver #{prettyVer v} already installed|]
pure ExitSuccess
VLeft (V (BuildFailed tmpdir e)) -> do
($(logError) [i|Build failed with #{e}
Check the logs at ~/.ghcup/logs and the build directory #{tmpdir} for more clues.
Make sure to clean up #{tmpdir} afterwards.|]
pure $ ExitFailure 9
VLeft e -> do
runLogger ($(logError) [i|#{e}|])
pure $ ExitFailure 9
Compile (CompileCabal CompileOptions {..}) ->
(runCompileCabal $ do
liftE $ compileCabal dls targetVer bootstrapGhc jobs patchDir
>>= \case
VRight _ -> do
"Cabal successfully compiled and installed"
pure ExitSuccess
VLeft (V (BuildFailed tmpdir e)) -> do
($(logError) [i|Build failed with #{e}
Check the logs at ~/.ghcup/logs and the build directory #{tmpdir} for more clues.|]
pure $ ExitFailure 10
VLeft e -> do
runLogger ($(logError) [i|#{e}|])
pure $ ExitFailure 10
Upgrade (uOpts) force -> do
target <- case uOpts of
UpgradeInplace -> do
efp <- liftIO $ getExecutablePath
p <- parseAbs . E.encodeUtf8 . T.pack $ efp
pure $ Just p
(UpgradeAt p) -> pure $ Just p
UpgradeGHCupDir -> do
bdir <- liftIO $ ghcupBinDir
pure (Just (bdir </> [rel|ghcup|]))
(runUpgrade $ (liftE $ upgradeGHCup dls target force)) >>= \case
VRight v' -> do
let pretty_v = prettyVer v'
runLogger $ $(logInfo)
[i|Successfully upgraded GHCup to version #{pretty_v}|]
pure ExitSuccess
VLeft (V NoUpdate) -> do
runLogger $ $(logWarn) [i|No GHCup update available|]
pure ExitSuccess
VLeft e -> do
runLogger ($(logError) [i|#{e}|])
pure $ ExitFailure 11
ToolRequirements ->
( runLogger
$ runE
@'[NoCompatiblePlatform , DistroNotFound , NoToolRequirements]
$ do
platform <- liftE $ getPlatform
req <-
(getCommonRequirements platform $ treq)
?? NoToolRequirements
liftIO $ T.hPutStr stdout (prettyRequirements req)
>>= \case
VRight _ -> pure ExitSuccess
VLeft e -> do
[i|Error getting tool requirements: #{e}|]
pure $ ExitFailure 12
ChangeLog (ChangeLogOptions {..}) -> do
let tool = fromMaybe GHC clTool
ver' = maybe
(Right Latest)
ToolVersion tv -> Left tv
ToolTag t -> Right t
muri = getChangeLog dls tool ver'
case muri of
Nothing -> do
[i|Could not find ChangeLog for #{tool}, version #{either (T.unpack . prettyVer) show ver'}|]
pure ExitSuccess
Just uri -> do
let uri' = T.unpack . decUTF8Safe . serializeURIRef' $ uri
if clOpen
exec "xdg-open"
[serializeURIRef' uri]
>>= \case
Right _ -> pure ExitSuccess
Left e -> runLogger ($(logError) [i|#{e}|])
>> pure (ExitFailure 13)
else putStrLn uri' >> pure ExitSuccess
case res of
ExitSuccess -> pure ()
ef@(ExitFailure _) -> exitWith ef
pure ()
fromVersion :: Monad m
=> GHCupDownloads
-> Maybe ToolVersion
-> Tool
-> Excepts '[TagNotFound] m Version
fromVersion av Nothing tool =
getRecommended av tool ?? TagNotFound Recommended tool
fromVersion _ (Just (ToolVersion v)) _ = pure v
fromVersion av (Just (ToolTag Latest)) tool =
getLatest av tool ?? TagNotFound Latest tool
fromVersion av (Just (ToolTag Recommended)) tool =
getRecommended av tool ?? TagNotFound Recommended tool
fromVersion av (Just (ToolTag (Base pvp''))) GHC =
getLatestBaseVersion av pvp'' ?? TagNotFound (Base pvp'') GHC
fromVersion _ (Just (ToolTag t')) tool =
throwE $ TagNotFound t' tool
printListResult :: Bool -> [ListResult] -> IO ()
printListResult raw lr = do
setLocaleEncoding utf8
formatted =
( (if raw then [] else [column expand left def def])
++ [ column expand left def def
, column expand left def def
, column expand left def def
, column expand left def def
. (\x -> if raw
then x
else [color Green "", "Tool", "Version", "Tags", "Notes"] : x
$ fmap
(\ListResult {..} ->
let marks = if
| lSet -> (color Green "✔✔")
| lInstalled -> (color Green "")
| otherwise -> (color Red "")
in (if raw then [] else [marks])
++ [ fmap toLower . show $ lTool
, T.unpack . prettyVer $ lVer
, intercalate "," $ (fmap printTag $ sort lTag)
, intercalate ","
$ (if fromSrc then [color' Blue "compiled"] else mempty)
++ (if lStray then [color' Blue "stray"] else mempty)
putStrLn $ formatted
printTag Recommended = color' Green "recommended"
printTag Latest = color' Yellow "latest"
printTag (Base pvp'') = "base-" ++ T.unpack (prettyPVP pvp'')
printTag (UnknownTag t ) = t
color' = case raw of
True -> flip const
False -> color
checkForUpdates :: (MonadThrow m, MonadIO m, MonadFail m, MonadLogger m)
=> GHCupDownloads
-> m ()
checkForUpdates dls = do
forM_ (getLatest dls GHCup) $ \l -> do
(Right ghc_ver) <- pure $ version $ prettyPVP ghcUpVer
when (l > ghc_ver)
$ $(logWarn)
[i|New GHCup version available: #{prettyVer l}. To upgrade, run 'ghcup upgrade'|]
forM_ (getLatest dls GHC) $ \l -> do
mghc_ver <- latestInstalled GHC
forM mghc_ver $ \ghc_ver ->
when (l > ghc_ver)
$ $(logWarn)
[i|New GHC version available: #{prettyVer l}. To upgrade, run 'ghcup install #{prettyVer l}'|]
forM_ (getLatest dls Cabal) $ \l -> do
mcabal_ver <- latestInstalled Cabal
forM mcabal_ver $ \cabal_ver ->
when (l > cabal_ver)
$ $(logWarn)
[i|New Cabal version available: #{prettyVer l}. To upgrade, run 'ghcup install-cabal #{prettyVer l}'|]
latestInstalled tool = (fmap lVer . lastMay)
<$> (listVersions dls (Just tool) (Just ListInstalled))
prettyDebugInfo :: DebugInfo -> String
prettyDebugInfo DebugInfo {..} = [i|Debug Info
GHCup base dir: #{toFilePath diBaseDir}
GHCup bin dir: #{toFilePath diBinDir}
GHCup GHC directory: #{toFilePath diGHCDir}
GHCup cache directory: #{toFilePath diCacheDir}
Architecture: #{prettyArch diArch}
Platform: #{prettyPlatform diPlatform}
Version: #{describe_result}|]
prettyArch :: Architecture -> String
prettyArch A_64 = "amd64"
prettyArch A_32 = "i386"
prettyPlatform :: PlatformResult -> String
prettyPlatform PlatformResult { _platform = plat, _distroVersion = Just v' }
= show plat <> ", " <> show v'
prettyPlatform PlatformResult { _platform = plat, _distroVersion = Nothing }
= show plat