2023-01-05 21:41:00 +08:00

334 lines
11 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
module AnsiMain where
import GHCup
import GHCup.Download
import GHCup.Errors
import GHCup.Prelude ( decUTF8Safe )
import GHCup.Prelude.File
import GHCup.Prelude.Logger
import GHCup.Prelude.Process
import GHCup.Types hiding ( LeanAppState(..) )
import GHCup.Types.Optics ( getDirs )
import GHCup.Utils
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
-- import System.Console.ANSI
import System.Console.ANSI
import System.Console.ANSI.Codes
import System.Console.ANSI.Types
import Terminal.Game
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJClass ( prettyShow )
import Control.Monad ( join, when )
import Control.Monad.ST
import Control.Monad.Reader ( ReaderT(runReaderT) )
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.STRef
import Data.IORef
import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )
import qualified Data.Text as Tx
import qualified Data.Tuple as T
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import GHC.IO ( unsafePerformIO )
import Haskus.Utils.Variant.Excepts
import System.Exit
import Data.Versions (prettyVer)
data Direction = Up
| Down
deriving (Show, Eq)
data BrickData = BrickData
{ lr :: [ListResult]
deriving Show
data BrickSettings = BrickSettings
{ showAllVersions :: Bool
, showAllTools :: Bool
deriving Show
data BrickInternalState = BrickInternalState
{ clr :: V.Vector ListResult
, ix :: Int
deriving Show
data BrickState = BrickState
{ appData :: BrickData
, appSettings :: BrickSettings
, appState :: BrickInternalState
, appKeys :: KeyBindings
, appQuit :: Bool
, appMoreInput :: Maybe String
deriving Show
ansiMain :: AppState -> IO ()
ansiMain s = do
writeIORef settings' s
eAppData <- getAppData (Just $ ghcupInfo s)
case eAppData of
Right ad -> do
let g = BrickState ad
(constructList ad defaultAppSettings Nothing)
(keyBindings (s :: AppState))
errorPress $ playGame (ghcupGame g)
Left e -> do
flip runReaderT s $ logError $ "Error building app state: " <> Tx.pack
(show e)
exitWith $ ExitFailure 2
sizeCheck :: IO ()
sizeCheck = let (w, h) = T.swap . snd $ boundaries in assertTermDims w h
ghcupGame :: BrickState -> Game BrickState
ghcupGame bs = Game 13
bs -- ticks per second
(\ge s e -> logicFun ge s e) -- logic function
(\r s -> centerFull r $ drawFun s r) -- draw function
appQuit -- quit function
drawFun :: BrickState -> GEnv -> Plane
drawFun (BrickState {..}) GEnv{..} =
blankPlane mw mh
& (1, 1) % box 1 1 '┌'
& (2, 1) % box 1 (mh - 2) '│'
& (1, 2) % box (mw - 2) 1 '─'
& (2, mw) % box 1 (mh - 2) '│'
& (1, mw) % box 1 1 '┐'
& (mh, 2) % box (mw - 2) 1 '─'
& (mh, 1) % box 1 1 '└'
& (mh, mw) % box 1 1 '┘'
& (2, 2) % box (mw - 2) (mh - 2) ' '
& (2, 2) % renderItems
mh :: Height
mw :: Width
(mh, mw) = T.swap eTermDims
renderItems = drawListElements renderItem True appState
renderItem _ b ListResult{..} =
let marks = if
| lSet -> (stringPlane "✔✔")
| lInstalled -> (stringPlane "")
| otherwise -> (stringPlane "")
ver = case lCross of
Nothing -> stringPlane . Tx.unpack . prettyVer $ lVer
Just c -> stringPlane . Tx.unpack $ (c <> "-" <> prettyVer lVer)
tool = printTool lTool
in marks ||| space ||| space ||| tool ||| space ||| ver
printTool Cabal = stringPlane "cabal"
printTool GHC = stringPlane "GHC"
printTool GHCup = stringPlane "GHCup"
printTool HLS = stringPlane "HLS"
printTool Stack = stringPlane "Stack"
space = stringPlane " "
-- | Draws the list elements.
-- Evaluates the underlying container up to, and a bit beyond, the
-- selected element. The exact amount depends on available height
-- for drawing and 'listItemHeight'. At most, it will evaluate up to
-- element @(i + h + 1)@ where @i@ is the selected index and @h@ is the
-- available height.
drawListElements :: (Int -> Bool -> ListResult -> Plane)
-> Bool
-> BrickInternalState
-> Plane
drawListElements drawElem foc is@(BrickInternalState clr _) =
let es = clr
listSelected = fmap fst $ listSelectedElement' is
(drawnElements, selIx) = runST $ do
ref <- newSTRef (Nothing :: Maybe Int)
elem' <- newSTRef 0
arr <- fmap join $ flip V.imapM es $ \i' e -> do
let isSelected = Just i' == listSelected
elemWidget = drawElem i' isSelected e
selItemAttr = if foc
then listSelectedFocusedAttr
else listSelectedAttr
markSelected = if isSelected then selItemAttr else id
case es V.!? (i' - 1) of
Just e' | lTool e' /= lTool e -> do
modifySTRef elem' (+2)
i <- readSTRef elem'
when isSelected $ writeSTRef ref (Just i)
pure $ V.fromList [hBorder, markSelected elemWidget] -- add separator
_ -> do
modifySTRef elem' (+1)
i <- readSTRef elem'
when isSelected $ writeSTRef ref (Just i)
pure $ V.fromList [markSelected elemWidget]
i <- readSTRef ref
pure (arr, i)
in vcat $ V.toList (makeVisible drawnElements (mh - 2) selIx)
makeVisible :: V.Vector Plane -> Height -> Maybe Int -> V.Vector Plane
makeVisible listElements drawableHeight (Just ix) =
let listHeight = V.length listElements
in if | listHeight <= 0 -> listElements
| listHeight > drawableHeight ->
if | ix <= drawableHeight -> makeVisible (V.init listElements) drawableHeight (Just ix)
| otherwise -> makeVisible (V.tail listElements) drawableHeight (Just (ix - 1))
| otherwise -> listElements
makeVisible listElements _ Nothing = listElements
listSelectedFocusedAttr = invert
listSelectedAttr = invert
hBorder = box (mw - 2) 1 '─'
logicFun :: GEnv -> BrickState -> Event -> BrickState
logicFun _ gs (KeyPress 'q') = gs { appQuit = True }
logicFun _ gs Tick = gs
logicFun _ gs@BrickState{appMoreInput = Nothing} (KeyPress '\ESC') = gs { appMoreInput = Just "\ESC" }
logicFun _ gs@BrickState{appMoreInput = Just "\ESC"} (KeyPress '[') = gs { appMoreInput = Just "\ESC[" }
logicFun _ gs@BrickState{appMoreInput = Just "\ESC[", appState = s'} (KeyPress 'A')
= gs { appMoreInput = Nothing, appState = moveCursor 1 s' Up }
logicFun _ gs@BrickState{appMoreInput = Just "\ESC[", appState = s'} (KeyPress 'B')
= gs { appMoreInput = Nothing, appState = moveCursor 1 s' Down }
logicFun _ gs@BrickState{appMoreInput = Just _} _ = gs { appMoreInput = Nothing }
logicFun _ gs (KeyPress c) = gs
moveCursor :: Int -> BrickInternalState -> Direction -> BrickInternalState
moveCursor steps ais@BrickInternalState{..} direction =
let newIx = if direction == Down then ix + steps else ix - steps
in case clr V.!? newIx of
Just _ -> BrickInternalState { ix = newIx, .. }
Nothing -> ais
defaultAppSettings :: BrickSettings
defaultAppSettings =
BrickSettings { showAllVersions = False, showAllTools = False }
:: BrickData
-> BrickSettings
-> Maybe BrickInternalState
-> BrickInternalState
constructList appD appSettings = replaceLR
(filterVisible (showAllVersions appSettings) (showAllTools appSettings))
(lr appD)
-- | Replace the @appState@ or construct it based on a filter function
-- and a new @[ListResult]@ evidence.
-- When passed an existing @appState@, tries to keep the selected element.
:: (ListResult -> Bool)
-> [ListResult]
-> Maybe BrickInternalState
-> BrickInternalState
replaceLR filterF lr s =
let oldElem = s >>= listSelectedElement'
newVec = V.fromList . filter filterF $ lr
newSelected =
case oldElem >>= \(_, oldE) -> V.findIndex (toolEqual oldE) newVec of
Just ix -> ix
Nothing -> selectLatest newVec
in BrickInternalState newVec newSelected
toolEqual e1 e2 =
lTool e1 == lTool e2 && lVer e1 == lVer e2 && lCross e1 == lCross e2
filterVisible :: Bool -> Bool -> ListResult -> Bool
filterVisible v t e
| lInstalled e = True
| v, not t, lTool e `notElem` hiddenTools = True
| not v, t, Old `notElem` lTag e = True
| v, t = True
| otherwise = (Old `notElem` lTag e) && (lTool e `notElem` hiddenTools)
hiddenTools :: [Tool]
hiddenTools = []
selectLatest :: V.Vector ListResult -> Int
selectLatest = fromMaybe 0
. V.findIndex (\ListResult {..} -> lTool == GHC && Latest `elem` lTag)
listSelectedElement' :: BrickInternalState -> Maybe (Int, ListResult)
listSelectedElement' BrickInternalState {..} = fmap (ix, ) $ clr V.!? ix
boundaries :: (Coords, Coords)
boundaries = ((1, 1), (24, 80))
settings' :: IORef AppState
{-# NOINLINE settings' #-}
settings' = unsafePerformIO $ do
dirs <- getAllDirs
let loggerConfig = LoggerConfig { lcPrintDebug = False
, consoleOutter = \_ -> pure ()
, fileOutter = \_ -> pure ()
, fancyColors = True
newIORef $ AppState defaultSettings
(GHCupInfo mempty mempty mempty)
(PlatformRequest A_64 Darwin Nothing)
getAppData :: Maybe GHCupInfo -> IO (Either String BrickData)
getAppData mgi = runExceptT $ do
r <- ExceptT $ maybe getGHCupInfo (pure . Right) mgi
liftIO $ modifyIORef settings' (\s -> s { ghcupInfo = r })
settings <- liftIO $ readIORef settings'
flip runReaderT settings $ do
lV <- listVersions Nothing Nothing
pure $ BrickData (reverse lV)
getGHCupInfo :: IO (Either String GHCupInfo)
getGHCupInfo = do
settings <- readIORef settings'
r <-
flip runReaderT settings
. runE
@'[ DigestError
, GPGError
, JSONError
, DownloadFailed
, FileDoesNotExistError
$ liftE getDownloadsF
case r of
VRight a -> pure $ Right a
VLeft e -> pure $ Left (prettyShow e)