2024-03-13 18:14:37 +01:00

473 lines
17 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-record-wildcards #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-matches #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
module GHCup.Brick.Actions where
import GHCup
import GHCup.Download
import GHCup.Errors
import GHCup.Types.Optics ( getDirs, getPlatformReq )
import GHCup.Types hiding ( LeanAppState(..) )
import GHCup.Utils
import GHCup.OptParse.Common (logGHCPostRm)
import GHCup.Prelude ( decUTF8Safe )
import GHCup.Prelude.Logger
import GHCup.Prelude.Process
import GHCup.Prompts
import GHCup.Brick.Common (BrickData(..), BrickSettings(..), Name(..), Mode(..))
import qualified GHCup.Brick.Common as Common
import GHCup.Brick.BrickState
import GHCup.Brick.Widgets.SectionList
import qualified GHCup.Brick.Widgets.Menus.Context as ContextMenu
import GHCup.Brick.Widgets.Navigation (BrickInternalState)
import qualified Brick
import qualified Brick.Widgets.List as L
import qualified Brick.Focus as F
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Exception.Safe
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,13,0)
import Control.Monad.Fail ( MonadFail )
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource
import Data.Bool
import Data.Functor
import Data.Function ( (&), on)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.IORef (IORef, readIORef, newIORef, modifyIORef)
import Data.Versions hiding (Lens')
import Haskus.Utils.Variant.Excepts
import Prelude hiding ( appendFile )
import System.Exit
import System.IO.Unsafe
import System.Process ( system )
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJClass ( prettyShow )
import URI.ByteString
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as B
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as L
import qualified Graphics.Vty as Vty
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import System.Environment (getExecutablePath)
import GHCup.Prelude.File
import System.FilePath
import qualified System.Posix.Process as SPP
import Optics.State (use)
import Optics.State.Operators ( (.=))
import Optics.Operators ((.~),(%~))
import Optics.Getter (view)
import Optics.Optic ((%))
import Optics (to)
{- Core Logic.
This module defines the IO actions we can execute within the Brick App:
- Install
- Set
- UnInstall
- Launch the Changelog
-- | Update app data and list internal state based on new evidence.
-- This synchronises @BrickInternalState@ with @BrickData@
-- and @BrickSettings@.
updateList :: BrickData -> BrickState -> BrickState
updateList appD st@BrickState{..} =
let newInternalState = constructList appD _appSettings (Just _appState)
in st & appState .~ newInternalState
& appData .~ appD
& mode .~ Navigation
constructList :: BrickData
-> BrickSettings
-> Maybe BrickInternalState
-> BrickInternalState
constructList appD settings =
replaceLR (filterVisible (_showAllVersions settings))
(_lr appD)
-- | Focus on the tool section and the predicate which matches. If no result matches, focus on index 0
selectBy :: Tool -> (ListResult -> Bool) -> BrickInternalState -> BrickInternalState
selectBy tool predicate internal_state =
let new_focus = F.focusSetCurrent (Singular tool) (view sectionListFocusRingL internal_state)
tool_lens = sectionL (Singular tool)
in internal_state
& sectionListFocusRingL .~ new_focus
& tool_lens %~ L.listMoveTo 0 -- We move to 0 first
& tool_lens %~ L.listFindBy predicate -- The lookup by the predicate.
-- | Select the latests GHC tool
selectLatest :: BrickInternalState -> BrickInternalState
selectLatest = selectBy GHC (elem Latest . lTag)
-- | Replace the @appState@ or construct it based on a filter function
-- and a new @[ListResult]@ evidence.
-- When passed an existing @appState@, tries to keep the selected element.
replaceLR :: (ListResult -> Bool)
-> [ListResult]
-> Maybe BrickInternalState
-> BrickInternalState
replaceLR filterF list_result s =
let oldElem = s >>= sectionListSelectedElement -- Maybe (Int, e)
newVec = [(Singular $ lTool (head g), V.fromList g) | g <- groupBy ((==) `on` lTool ) (filter filterF list_result)]
newSectionList = sectionList AllTools newVec 1
in case oldElem of
Just (_, el) -> selectBy (lTool el) (toolEqual el) newSectionList
Nothing -> selectLatest newSectionList
toolEqual e1 e2 =
lTool e1 == lTool e2 && lVer e1 == lVer e2 && lCross e1 == lCross e2
filterVisible :: Bool -> ListResult -> Bool
filterVisible v e | lInstalled e = True
| v
, Nightly `notElem` lTag e = True
| not v
, Old `notElem` lTag e
, Nightly `notElem` lTag e = True
| otherwise = (Old `notElem` lTag e) &&
(Nightly `notElem` lTag e)
-- | Suspend the current UI and run an IO action in terminal. If the
-- IO action returns a Left value, then it's thrown as userError.
withIOAction :: (Ord n, Eq n)
=> ( (Int, ListResult) -> ReaderT AppState IO (Either String a))
-> Brick.EventM n BrickState ()
withIOAction action = do
as <- Brick.get
case sectionListSelectedElement (view appState as) of
Nothing -> pure ()
Just (curr_ix, e) -> do
Brick.suspendAndResume $ do
settings <- readIORef settings'
flip runReaderT settings $ action (curr_ix, e) >>= \case
Left err -> liftIO $ putStrLn ("Error: " <> err)
Right _ -> liftIO $ putStrLn "Success"
getAppData Nothing >>= \case
Right data' -> do
putStrLn "Press enter to continue"
_ <- getLine
pure (updateList data' as)
Left err -> throwIO $ userError err
install' :: (MonadReader AppState m, MonadIO m, MonadThrow m, MonadFail m, MonadMask m, MonadUnliftIO m, Alternative m)
=> (Int, ListResult)
-> m (Either String ())
install' (_, ListResult {..}) = do
AppState { ghcupInfo = GHCupInfo { _ghcupDownloads = dls }} <- ask
let run =
. runE
@'[ AlreadyInstalled
, ArchiveResult
, UnknownArchive
, FileDoesNotExistError
, CopyError
, NoDownload
, NotInstalled
, BuildFailed
, TagNotFound
, DigestError
, ContentLengthError
, GPGError
, DownloadFailed
, DirNotEmpty
, NoUpdate
, TarDirDoesNotExist
, FileAlreadyExistsError
, ProcessError
, ToolShadowed
, UninstallFailed
, MergeFileTreeError
, NoCompatiblePlatform
, GHCup.Errors.ParseError
, UnsupportedSetupCombo
, DistroNotFound
, NoCompatibleArch
run (do
ce <- liftIO $ fmap (either (const Nothing) Just) $
try @_ @SomeException $ getExecutablePath >>= canonicalizePath
dirs <- lift getDirs
case lTool of
GHC -> do
let vi = getVersionInfo (GHCTargetVersion lCross lVer) GHC dls
liftE $ installGHCBin (GHCTargetVersion lCross lVer) GHCupInternal False [] $> (vi, dirs, ce)
Cabal -> do
let vi = getVersionInfo (GHCTargetVersion lCross lVer) Cabal dls
liftE $ installCabalBin lVer GHCupInternal False $> (vi, dirs, ce)
GHCup -> do
let vi = snd <$> getLatest dls GHCup
liftE $ upgradeGHCup Nothing False False $> (vi, dirs, ce)
HLS -> do
let vi = getVersionInfo (GHCTargetVersion lCross lVer) HLS dls
liftE $ installHLSBin lVer GHCupInternal False $> (vi, dirs, ce)
Stack -> do
let vi = getVersionInfo (GHCTargetVersion lCross lVer) Stack dls
liftE $ installStackBin lVer GHCupInternal False $> (vi, dirs, ce)
>>= \case
VRight (vi, Dirs{..}, Just ce) -> do
forM_ (_viPostInstall =<< vi) $ \msg -> logInfo msg
case lTool of
GHCup -> do
up <- liftIO $ fmap (either (const Nothing) Just)
$ try @_ @SomeException $ canonicalizePath (binDir </> "ghcup" <.> exeExt)
when ((normalise <$> up) == Just (normalise ce)) $
-- TODO: track cli arguments of previous invocation
liftIO $ SPP.executeFile ce False ["tui"] Nothing
logInfo "Please restart 'ghcup' for the changes to take effect"
_ -> pure ()
pure $ Right ()
VRight (vi, _, _) -> do
forM_ (_viPostInstall =<< vi) $ \msg -> logInfo msg
logInfo "Please restart 'ghcup' for the changes to take effect"
pure $ Right ()
VLeft (V (AlreadyInstalled _ _)) -> pure $ Right ()
VLeft (V NoUpdate) -> pure $ Right ()
VLeft e -> pure $ Left $ prettyHFError e <> "\n"
<> "Also check the logs in ~/.ghcup/logs"
set' :: (MonadReader AppState m, MonadIO m, MonadThrow m, MonadFail m, MonadMask m, MonadUnliftIO m, Alternative m)
=> (Int, ListResult)
-> m (Either String ())
set' input@(_, ListResult {..}) = do
settings <- liftIO $ readIORef settings'
let run =
flip runReaderT settings
. runResourceT
. runE
@'[ AlreadyInstalled
, ArchiveResult
, UnknownArchive
, FileDoesNotExistError
, CopyError
, NoDownload
, NotInstalled
, BuildFailed
, TagNotFound
, DigestError
, ContentLengthError
, GPGError
, DownloadFailed
, DirNotEmpty
, NoUpdate
, TarDirDoesNotExist
, FileAlreadyExistsError
, ProcessError
, ToolShadowed
, UninstallFailed
, MergeFileTreeError
, NoCompatiblePlatform
, GHCup.Errors.ParseError
, UnsupportedSetupCombo
, DistroNotFound
, NoCompatibleArch
run (do
case lTool of
GHC -> liftE $ setGHC (GHCTargetVersion lCross lVer) SetGHCOnly Nothing $> ()
Cabal -> liftE $ setCabal lVer $> ()
HLS -> liftE $ setHLS lVer SetHLSOnly Nothing $> ()
Stack -> liftE $ setStack lVer $> ()
GHCup -> do
promptAnswer <- getUserPromptResponse "Switching GHCup versions is not supported.\nDo you want to install the latest version? [Y/N]: "
case promptAnswer of
PromptYes -> do
void $ liftE $ upgradeGHCup Nothing False False
PromptNo -> pure ()
>>= \case
VRight _ -> pure $ Right ()
VLeft e -> case e of
(V (NotInstalled tool _)) -> do
promptAnswer <- getUserPromptResponse userPrompt
case promptAnswer of
PromptYes -> do
res <- install' input
case res of
(Left err) -> pure $ Left err
(Right _) -> do
logInfo "Setting now..."
set' input
PromptNo -> pure $ Left (prettyHFError e)
userPrompt = L.toStrict . B.toLazyText . B.fromString $
"This Version of "
<> show tool
<> " you are trying to set is not installed.\n"
<> "Would you like to install it first? [Y/N]: "
_ -> pure $ Left (prettyHFError e)
del' :: (MonadReader AppState m, MonadIO m, MonadFail m, MonadMask m, MonadUnliftIO m)
=> (Int, ListResult)
-> m (Either String ())
del' (_, ListResult {..}) = do
AppState { ghcupInfo = GHCupInfo { _ghcupDownloads = dls }} <- ask
let run = runE @'[NotInstalled, UninstallFailed]
run (do
let vi = getVersionInfo (GHCTargetVersion lCross lVer) lTool dls
case lTool of
GHC -> liftE $ rmGHCVer (GHCTargetVersion lCross lVer) $> vi
Cabal -> liftE $ rmCabalVer lVer $> vi
HLS -> liftE $ rmHLSVer lVer $> vi
Stack -> liftE $ rmStackVer lVer $> vi
GHCup -> pure Nothing
>>= \case
VRight vi -> do
when (lTool == GHC) $ logGHCPostRm (mkTVer lVer)
forM_ (_viPostRemove =<< vi) $ \msg ->
logInfo msg
pure $ Right ()
VLeft e -> pure $ Left (prettyHFError e)
changelog' :: (MonadReader AppState m, MonadIO m)
=> (Int, ListResult)
-> m (Either String ())
changelog' (_, ListResult {..}) = do
AppState { pfreq, ghcupInfo = GHCupInfo { _ghcupDownloads = dls }} <- ask
case getChangeLog dls lTool (ToolVersion lVer) of
Nothing -> pure $ Left $
"Could not find ChangeLog for " <> prettyShow lTool <> ", version " <> T.unpack (prettyVer lVer)
Just uri -> do
case _rPlatform pfreq of
Darwin -> exec "open" [T.unpack $ decUTF8Safe $ serializeURIRef' uri] Nothing Nothing
Linux _ -> exec "xdg-open" [T.unpack $ decUTF8Safe $ serializeURIRef' uri] Nothing Nothing
FreeBSD -> exec "xdg-open" [T.unpack $ decUTF8Safe $ serializeURIRef' uri] Nothing Nothing
Windows -> do
let args = "start \"\" " ++ (T.unpack $ decUTF8Safe $ serializeURIRef' uri)
c <- liftIO $ system $ args
case c of
(ExitFailure xi) -> pure $ Left $ NonZeroExit xi "cmd.exe" [args]
ExitSuccess -> pure $ Right ()
>>= \case
Right _ -> pure $ Right ()
Left e -> pure $ Left $ prettyHFError e
settings' :: IORef AppState
{-# NOINLINE settings' #-}
settings' = unsafePerformIO $ do
dirs <- getAllDirs
let loggerConfig = LoggerConfig { lcPrintDebug = False
, consoleOutter = \_ -> pure ()
, fileOutter = \_ -> pure ()
, fancyColors = True
newIORef $ AppState defaultSettings
(GHCupInfo mempty mempty Nothing)
(PlatformRequest A_64 Darwin Nothing)
getGHCupInfo :: IO (Either String GHCupInfo)
getGHCupInfo = do
settings <- readIORef settings'
r <-
flip runReaderT settings
. runE @'[DigestError, ContentLengthError, GPGError, JSONError , DownloadFailed , FileDoesNotExistError, StackPlatformDetectError]
$ do
pfreq <- lift getPlatformReq
liftE $ getDownloadsF pfreq
case r of
VRight a -> pure $ Right a
VLeft e -> pure $ Left (prettyHFError e)
getAppData :: Maybe GHCupInfo
-> IO (Either String BrickData)
getAppData mgi = runExceptT $ do
r <- ExceptT $ maybe getGHCupInfo (pure . Right) mgi
liftIO $ modifyIORef settings' (\s -> s { ghcupInfo = r })
settings <- liftIO $ readIORef settings'
flip runReaderT settings $ do
lV <- listVersions Nothing [] False True (Nothing, Nothing)
pure $ BrickData (reverse lV)
keyHandlers :: KeyBindings
-> [ ( KeyCombination
, BrickSettings -> String
, Brick.EventM Name BrickState ()
keyHandlers KeyBindings {..} =
[ (bQuit, const "Quit" , Brick.halt)
, (bInstall, const "Install" , withIOAction install')
, (bUninstall, const "Uninstall", withIOAction del')
, (bSet, const "Set" , withIOAction set')
, (bChangelog, const "ChangeLog", withIOAction changelog')
, ( bShowAllVersions
, \BrickSettings {..} ->
if _showAllVersions then "Don't show all versions" else "Show all versions"
, hideShowHandler' (not . _showAllVersions)
, (bUp, const "Up", Common.zoom appState moveUp)
, (bDown, const "Down", Common.zoom appState moveDown)
, (KeyCombination (Vty.KChar 'h') [], const "help", mode .= KeyInfo)
, (KeyCombination Vty.KEnter [], const "advance options", createMenuforTool )
createMenuforTool = do
e <- use (appState % to sectionListSelectedElement)
case e of
Nothing -> pure ()
Just (_, r) -> do
-- Create new menus
contextMenu .= ContextMenu.create r bQuit
-- Set mode to context
mode .= ContextPanel
pure ()
--hideShowHandler' :: (BrickSettings -> Bool) -> (BrickSettings -> Bool) -> m ()
hideShowHandler' f = do
app_settings <- use appSettings
vers = f app_settings
newAppSettings = app_settings & Common.showAllVersions .~ vers
ad <- use appData
current_app_state <- use appState
appSettings .= newAppSettings
appState .= constructList ad newAppSettings (Just current_app_state)