
134 lines
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module GHCup.File where
import Data.ByteString hiding (putStrLn)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe
import HPath
import HPath.IO
import Streamly.ByteString
import Streamly
import System.Posix.FilePath hiding ( (</>) )
import Data.Foldable
import Control.Monad
import Control.Exception.Safe
import Data.Functor
import System.Posix.Files.ByteString
import System.Posix.IO.ByteString hiding (openFd)
import qualified System.Posix.Process.ByteString
import System.Posix.Types
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Memory.ArrayStream
as AS
import qualified Streamly.FileSystem.Handle as FH
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Unfold as SU
import qualified Streamly.Prelude as S
import System.IO
import System.Exit
import qualified Streamly.Data.Fold as FL
import Data.ByteString.Builder
import Foreign.C.Error
import GHCup.Prelude
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import HPath.Internal
import System.Posix.FD
-- |Checks whether a file is executable. Follows symlinks.
-- Only eACCES, eROFS, eTXTBSY, ePERM are catched (and return False).
-- Throws:
-- - `NoSuchThing` if the file does not exist
-- Note: calls `access`
isExecutable :: Path b -> IO Bool
isExecutable p = fileAccess (toFilePath p) False False True
readFd :: Fd -> IO L.ByteString
readFd fd = do
handle' <- fdToHandle fd
let stream =
(S.unfold (SU.finally hClose FH.readChunks) handle')
>>= arrayToByteString
toLazyByteString <$> S.fold FL.mconcat (fmap byteString stream)
-- | Read the lines of a file into a stream. The stream holds
-- a file handle as a resource and will close it once the stream
-- terminates (either through exception or because it's drained).
readFileLines :: Path b -> IO (SerialT IO ByteString)
readFileLines p = do
stream <- readFileStream' p
. (>>= arrayToByteString)
. AS.splitOn (fromIntegral $ ord '\n')
. (>>= byteStringToArray)
$ stream
readFileStream' :: Path b
-> IO (SerialT IO ByteString)
readFileStream' (MkPath fp) = do
fd <- openFd fp ReadOnly [] Nothing
handle' <- fdToHandle fd
let stream = (S.unfold (SU.finally (\x -> putStrLn "hClose" >> hClose x) FH.readChunks) handle') >>= arrayToByteString
pure stream
-- | Find the given executable by searching all *absolute* PATH components.
-- Relative paths in PATH are ignored.
-- This shouldn't throw IO exceptions, unless getting the environment variable
-- PATH does.
findExecutable :: RelC r => Path r -> IO (Maybe (Path Abs))
findExecutable ex = do
sPaths <- fmap catMaybes . (fmap . fmap) parseAbs $ getSearchPath
-- We don't want exceptions to mess up our result. If we can't
-- figure out if a file exists, then treat it as a negative result.
asum $ fmap (handleIOError (\_ -> pure Nothing)) $ fmap
-- asum for short-circuiting behavior
(\s -> (isExecutable (s </> ex) >>= guard) $> (Just (s </> ex)))
findExecutablee :: RelC r => Path r -> IO (Maybe (Path Abs))
findExecutablee ex = do
sPaths <- mapMaybe parseAbs <$> getSearchPath
runMaybeT $ asum (MaybeT . eExists <$> sPaths)
eExists sp = let path = sp </> ex in handleIOError (pure $ pure Nothing) $ Just path <$ doesFileExist path
-- TODO: fd leak
-- | Execute the given command and collect the stdout and the exit code.
executeOut :: Path Fn -- ^ command as filename, e.g. 'ls'
-> [ByteString] -- ^ arguments to the command
-> IO (Maybe (L.ByteString, ExitCode)) -- ^ fst of the tuple is the stdout
executeOut path args = withFnPath path $ \fp -> do
(readE, writeE) <- createPipe
pid <- SPPB.forkProcess $ do
(dupTo writeE stdOutput)
(\r ->
getErrno >>= \e -> pure $ r == fromIntegral (-1 :: Int) && e == eINTR
closeFd writeE
closeFd readE
SPPB.executeFile fp True args Nothing
closeFd writeE
-- readFd will take care of closing the fd
SPPB.getProcessStatus True True pid >>= \case
Just (SPPB.Exited es) -> do
out <- readFd readE
pure $ Just (out, es)
_ -> pure Nothing