
170 lines
5.2 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
module GHCup where
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Strict.Maybe
import Data.Version
import GHCup.Prelude
import GHCup.Bash
import GHCup.File
import GHCup.Types
import GHCup.Types.Optics
import HPath
import HPath.IO
import Network.URL
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 as UTF8
import Optics
import Prelude hiding ( abs
, Maybe
, Just
, Nothing
import System.Info
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified GHC.Exts as GE
import qualified Prelude as P
import qualified System.Posix.Process.ByteString
availableDownloads :: AvailableDownloads
availableDownloads = Map.fromList
[ ( GHC
, Map.fromList
[ ( mkV [8, 6, 5]
, Map.fromList
[ ( A_64
, Map.fromList
[ ( Linux UnknownLinux
, mkGHCUrl "~ghc/8.6.5/ghc-8.6.5-x86_64-fedora27-linux.tar.xz"
mkV = makeVersion
mkGHCUrl path = URL
{ url_type = Absolute $ Host (HTTP True) "" P.Nothing
, url_path = path
, url_params = []
downloadURL :: Tool
-> Version
-> Architecture
-> Platform
-> AvailableDownloads
-> Maybe URL
downloadURL t v a p dls = with_distro <|> without_ver <|> without_distro
with_distro = distro_preview id
without_distro = distro_preview withoutDistro
without_ver = distro_preview withoutVer
distro_preview f =
toStrictMaybe $ preview (atJust t % atJust v % atJust a % atJust (f p)) dls
atJust x = at x % _Just
-- | If we can't find a version with the given distro,
-- then just try with the platform.
withoutDistro :: Platform -> Platform
withoutDistro (Linux _) = Linux UnknownLinux
withoutDistro Darwin = Darwin
withoutDistro (FreeBSD _) = FreeBSD Nothing
-- | If we can't find a match with the given distro version,
-- we gotta try without it.
withoutVer :: Platform -> Platform
withoutVer (Linux (Debian _) ) = Linux $ Debian Nothing
withoutVer (Linux (Ubuntu _) ) = Linux $ Ubuntu Nothing
withoutVer (Linux (Mint _) ) = Linux $ Mint Nothing
withoutVer (Linux (Fedora _) ) = Linux $ Fedora Nothing
withoutVer (Linux UnknownLinux) = Linux $ UnknownLinux
withoutVer Darwin = Darwin
withoutVer (FreeBSD _) = FreeBSD Nothing
getArchitecture :: IO Architecture
getArchitecture = case arch of
"x86_64" -> pure A_64
"i386" -> pure A_32
what -> fail ("Could not find compatible architecture. Was: " <> what)
getPlatform :: IO Platform
getPlatform = case os of
"linux" -> do
distro <- getLinuxDistro
pure $ Linux distro
-- TODO: these are not verified
"darwin" -> pure $ Darwin
"freebsd" -> do
ver <- getFreeBSDVersion
pure $ FreeBSD ver
what -> fail ("Could not find compatible platform. Was: " <> what)
getLinuxDistro :: IO LinuxDistro
getLinuxDistro = do
let os_release = [abs|/etc/os-release|]
lsb_release = [abs|/etc/lsb-release|]
redhat_release = [abs|/etc/redhat-release|]
debian_version = [abs|/etc/debian_version|]
pure undefined
getFreeBSDVersion = pure Nothing
-- Try various methods for getting distro name and version.
-- Failure is signalled with an IO exception.
try_os_release :: IO (String, P.Maybe String)
try_os_release = do
name <- getAssignmentValueFor [abs|/etc/os-release|] "NAME" >>= \case
P.Just s -> pure $ s
P.Nothing -> fail "No value found"
version <- getAssignmentValueFor [abs|/etc/os-release|] "VERSION_ID"
pure (name, version)
try_lsb_release_cmd :: IO (String, P.Maybe String)
try_lsb_release_cmd = findExecutable ([fn|lsb_release|] :: Path Fn) >>= \case
P.Nothing -> fail "lsb_release not found"
P.Just path -> do
name <- executeOut ([fn|lsb_release|] :: Path Fn) [fS "-si"] >>= \case
P.Just (out, _) -> pure out
_ -> fail "Barfed output of lsb_release"
version <- (fmap . fmap) (UTF8.toString . fst)
$ executeOut ([fn|lsb_release|] :: Path Fn) [fS "-si"]
pure (UTF8.toString name, version)
-- download :: URL -> Path Abs -> IO (Path Abs)
-- download = undefined
-- unpack :: Path Abs -> IO (Path Abs)
-- unpack = undefined
-- install :: DownloadURL -> IO (Path Abs)
-- install = undefined
-- parseAvailableDownloads :: Maybe (Path Abs) -> IO AvailableDownloads
-- parseAvailableDownloads = undefined