440 lines
14 KiB
440 lines
14 KiB
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
module GHCup.Download where
import GHCup.Errors
import GHCup.Platform
import GHCup.Types
import GHCup.Types.JSON ( )
import GHCup.Types.Optics
import GHCup.Utils
import GHCup.Utils.File
import GHCup.Utils.Prelude
import GHCup.Utils.String.QQ
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Exception.Safe
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Logger
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class ( lift )
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource
hiding ( throwM )
import Data.Aeson
import Data.ByteString ( ByteString )
import Data.ByteString.Builder
import Data.IORef
import Data.Maybe
import Data.String.Interpolate
import Data.Text.Read
import Data.Versions
import GHC.IO.Exception
import HPath
import HPath.IO
import Haskus.Utils.Variant.Excepts
import Network.Http.Client hiding ( URL )
import OpenSSL.Digest
import Optics
import Prelude hiding ( abs
, readFile
, writeFile
import System.IO.Error
import "unix" System.Posix.IO.ByteString
hiding ( fdWrite )
import "unix-bytestring" System.Posix.IO.ByteString
( fdWrite )
import System.Posix.RawFilePath.Directory.Errors
( hideError )
import System.ProgressBar
import URI.ByteString
import URI.ByteString.QQ
import qualified Data.Binary.Builder as B
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
import qualified System.IO.Streams as Streams
import qualified System.Posix.RawFilePath.Directory
as RD
ghcupURL :: URI
ghcupURL =
--[ High-level ]--
-- | Downloads the download information!
getDownloads :: ( FromJSONKey Tool
, FromJSONKey Version
, FromJSON VersionInfo
, MonadIO m
, MonadCatch m
, MonadReader Settings m
, MonadLogger m
=> Excepts '[JSONError , DownloadFailed] m GHCupDownloads
getDownloads = do
urlSource <- lift getUrlSource
lift $ $(logDebug) [i|Receiving download info from: #{urlSource}|]
case urlSource of
GHCupURL -> do
bs <- reThrowAll DownloadFailed $ downloadBS ghcupURL
lE' JSONDecodeError $ eitherDecode' bs
(OwnSource url) -> do
bs <- reThrowAll DownloadFailed $ downloadBS url
lE' JSONDecodeError $ eitherDecode' bs
(OwnSpec av) -> pure $ av
getDownloadInfo :: ( MonadLogger m
, MonadCatch m
, MonadIO m
, MonadReader Settings m
=> GHCupDownloads
-> Tool
-> Version
-> Maybe PlatformRequest
-> Excepts
'[ DistroNotFound
, NoCompatiblePlatform
, NoCompatibleArch
, NoDownload
getDownloadInfo bDls t v mpfReq = do
(PlatformRequest arch' plat ver) <- case mpfReq of
Just x -> pure x
Nothing -> do
(PlatformResult rp rv) <- liftE getPlatform
ar <- lE getArchitecture
pure $ PlatformRequest ar rp rv
lE $ getDownloadInfo' t v arch' plat ver bDls
getDownloadInfo' :: Tool
-> Version
-- ^ tool version
-> Architecture
-- ^ user arch
-> Platform
-- ^ user platform
-> Maybe Versioning
-- ^ optional version of the platform
-> GHCupDownloads
-> Either NoDownload DownloadInfo
getDownloadInfo' t v a p mv dls = maybe
(Left NoDownload)
(with_distro <|> without_distro_ver <|> without_distro)
with_distro = distro_preview id id
without_distro_ver = distro_preview id (const Nothing)
without_distro = distro_preview (set _Linux UnknownLinux) (const Nothing)
distro_preview f g =
preview (ix t % ix v % viArch % ix a % ix (f p) % ix (g mv)) dls
-- | Tries to download from the given http or https url
-- and saves the result in continuous memory into a file.
-- If the filename is not provided, then we:
-- 1. try to guess the filename from the url path
-- 2. otherwise create a random file
-- The file must not exist.
download :: ( MonadMask m
, MonadReader Settings m
, MonadThrow m
, MonadLogger m
, MonadIO m
=> DownloadInfo
-> Path Abs -- ^ destination dir
-> Maybe (Path Rel) -- ^ optional filename
-> Excepts '[DigestError , DownloadFailed] m (Path Abs)
download dli dest mfn
| scheme == [s|https|] = dl
| scheme == [s|http|] = dl
| scheme == [s|file|] = cp
| otherwise = throwE $ DownloadFailed (variantFromValue UnsupportedScheme)
scheme = view (dlUri % uriSchemeL' % schemeBSL') dli
cp = do
-- destination dir must exist
liftIO $ hideError AlreadyExists $ createDirRecursive newDirPerms dest
destFile <- getDestFile
fromFile <- parseAbs path
liftIO $ copyFile fromFile destFile Strict
pure destFile
dl = do
let uri' = E.decodeUtf8 (serializeURIRef' (view dlUri dli))
lift $ $(logInfo) [i|downloading: #{uri'}|]
(https, host, fullPath, port) <- reThrowAll DownloadFailed
$ uriToQuadruple (view dlUri dli)
-- destination dir must exist
liftIO $ hideError AlreadyExists $ createDirRecursive newDirPerms dest
destFile <- getDestFile
-- download
fd <- liftIO $ createRegularFileFd newFilePerms destFile
let stepper = fdWrite fd
flip finally (liftIO $ closeFd fd)
$ reThrowAll DownloadFailed
$ downloadInternal True https host fullPath port stepper
-- TODO: verify md5 during download
liftE $ checkDigest dli destFile
pure destFile
-- Manage to find a file we can write the body into.
getDestFile :: MonadThrow m => m (Path Abs)
getDestFile = maybe (urlBaseName path <&> (dest </>)) (pure . (dest </>)) mfn
path = view (dlUri % pathL') dli
-- | Download into tmpdir or use cached version, if it exists. If filename
-- is omitted, infers the filename from the url.
downloadCached :: ( MonadMask m
, MonadResource m
, MonadThrow m
, MonadLogger m
, MonadIO m
, MonadReader Settings m
=> DownloadInfo
-> Maybe (Path Rel) -- ^ optional filename
-> Excepts '[DigestError , DownloadFailed] m (Path Abs)
downloadCached dli mfn = do
cache <- lift getCache
case cache of
True -> do
cachedir <- liftIO $ ghcupCacheDir
fn <- maybe (urlBaseName $ view (dlUri % pathL') dli) pure mfn
let cachfile = cachedir </> fn
fileExists <- liftIO $ doesFileExist cachfile
| fileExists -> do
liftE $ checkDigest dli cachfile
pure $ cachfile
| otherwise -> liftE $ download dli cachedir mfn
False -> do
tmp <- lift withGHCupTmpDir
liftE $ download dli tmp mfn
--[ Low-level ]--
-- | This is used for downloading the JSON.
downloadBS :: (MonadCatch m, MonadIO m)
=> URI
-> Excepts
'[ FileDoesNotExistError
, HTTPStatusError
, URIParseError
, UnsupportedScheme
, NoLocationHeader
, TooManyRedirs
downloadBS uri'
| scheme == [s|https|]
= dl True
| scheme == [s|http|]
= dl False
| scheme == [s|file|]
= liftIOException doesNotExistErrorType (FileDoesNotExistError path)
$ (liftIO $ RD.readFile path)
| otherwise
= throwE UnsupportedScheme
scheme = view (uriSchemeL' % schemeBSL') uri'
path = view pathL' uri'
dl https = do
host <-
preview (authorityL' % _Just % authorityHostL' % hostBSL') uri'
?? UnsupportedScheme
let port = preview
(authorityL' % _Just % authorityPortL' % _Just % portNumberL')
liftE $ downloadBS' https host path port
-- | Load the result of this download into memory at once.
downloadBS' :: MonadIO m
=> Bool -- ^ https?
-> ByteString -- ^ host (e.g. "www.example.com")
-> ByteString -- ^ path (e.g. "/my/file") including query
-> Maybe Int -- ^ optional port (e.g. 3000)
-> Excepts
'[ HTTPStatusError
, URIParseError
, UnsupportedScheme
, NoLocationHeader
, TooManyRedirs
downloadBS' https host path port = do
bref <- liftIO $ newIORef (mempty :: Builder)
let stepper bs = modifyIORef bref (<> byteString bs)
downloadInternal False https host path port stepper
liftIO (readIORef bref <&> toLazyByteString)
downloadInternal :: MonadIO m
=> Bool -- ^ whether to show a progress bar
-> Bool -- ^ https?
-> ByteString -- ^ host
-> ByteString -- ^ path with query
-> Maybe Int -- ^ optional port
-> (ByteString -> IO a) -- ^ the consuming step function
-> Excepts
'[ HTTPStatusError
, URIParseError
, UnsupportedScheme
, NoLocationHeader
, TooManyRedirs
downloadInternal = go (5 :: Int)
go redirs progressBar https host path port consumer = do
r <- liftIO $ bracket acquire release' action
veitherToExcepts r >>= \case
Just r' ->
if redirs > 0 then followRedirectURL r' else throwE TooManyRedirs
Nothing -> pure ()
acquire = case https of
True -> do
ctx <- baselineContextSSL
openConnectionSSL ctx host (fromIntegral $ fromMaybe 443 port)
False -> openConnection host (fromIntegral $ fromMaybe 80 port)
release' = closeConnection
action c = do
let q = buildRequest1 $ http GET path
sendRequest c q emptyBody
(\r i' -> runE $ do
let scode = getStatusCode r
| scode >= 200 && scode < 300 -> downloadStream r i' >> pure Nothing
| scode >= 300 && scode < 400 -> case getHeader r [s|Location|] of
Just r' -> pure $ Just $ r'
Nothing -> throwE NoLocationHeader
| otherwise -> throwE $ HTTPStatusError scode
followRedirectURL bs = case parseURI strictURIParserOptions bs of
Right uri' -> do
(https', host', fullPath', port') <- liftE $ uriToQuadruple uri'
go (redirs - 1) progressBar https' host' fullPath' port' consumer
Left e -> throwE e
downloadStream r i' = do
let size = case getHeader r [s|Content-Length|] of
Just x' -> case decimal $ E.decodeUtf8 x' of
Left _ -> 0
Right (r', _) -> r'
Nothing -> 0
mpb <- if progressBar
then Just <$> (liftIO $ newProgressBar defStyle 10 (Progress 0 size ()))
else pure Nothing
outStream <- liftIO $ Streams.makeOutputStream
Just bs -> do
forM_ mpb $ \pb -> incProgress pb (BS.length bs)
void $ consumer bs
Nothing -> pure ()
liftIO $ Streams.connect i' outStream
-- | Extracts from a URI type: (https?, host, path+query, port)
uriToQuadruple :: Monad m
=> URI
-> Excepts
(Bool, ByteString, ByteString, Maybe Int)
uriToQuadruple URI {..} = do
let scheme = view schemeBSL' uriScheme
host <-
preview (_Just % authorityHostL' % hostBSL') uriAuthority
?? UnsupportedScheme
https <- if
| scheme == [s|https|] -> pure True
| scheme == [s|http|] -> pure False
| otherwise -> throwE UnsupportedScheme
queryBS =
BS.intercalate [s|&|]
. fmap (\(x, y) -> encodeQuery x <> [s|=|] <> encodeQuery y)
$ (queryPairs uriQuery)
port =
preview (_Just % authorityPortL' % _Just % portNumberL') uriAuthority
fullpath =
if BS.null queryBS then uriPath else uriPath <> [s|?|] <> queryBS
pure (https, host, fullpath, port)
where encodeQuery = L.toStrict . B.toLazyByteString . urlEncodeQuery
checkDigest :: (MonadIO m, MonadLogger m, MonadReader Settings m)
=> DownloadInfo
-> Path Abs
-> Excepts '[DigestError] m ()
checkDigest dli file = do
verify <- lift ask <&> (not . noVerify)
when verify $ do
let p' = toFilePath file
lift $ $(logInfo) [i|veryfing digest of: #{p'}|]
c <- liftIO $ readFile file
let cDigest = E.decodeUtf8 . toHex . digest (digestByName "sha256") $ c
eDigest = view dlHash dli
when ((cDigest /= eDigest) && verify) $ throwE (DigestError cDigest eDigest)