{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-| Module : GHCup Description : GHCup installation functions Copyright : (c) Julian Ospald, 2020 License : LGPL-3.0 Maintainer : hasufell@hasufell.de Stability : experimental Portability : POSIX This module contains the main functions that correspond to the command line interface, like installation, listing versions and so on. These are the entry points. -} module GHCup where import GHCup.Download import GHCup.Errors import GHCup.Platform import GHCup.Types import GHCup.Types.JSON ( ) import GHCup.Types.Optics import GHCup.Utils import GHCup.Utils.File import GHCup.Utils.Prelude import GHCup.Utils.String.QQ import GHCup.Utils.Version.QQ import GHCup.Version #if !defined(TAR) import Codec.Archive ( ArchiveResult ) #endif import Control.Applicative import Control.Exception.Safe import Control.Monad #if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,13,0) import Control.Monad.Fail ( MonadFail ) #endif import Control.Monad.Logger import Control.Monad.Reader import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource hiding ( throwM ) import Data.ByteString ( ByteString ) import Data.Either import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Data.String.Interpolate import Data.Text ( Text ) import Data.Versions import Data.Word8 import GHC.IO.Exception import HPath import HPath.IO hiding ( hideError ) import Haskus.Utils.Variant.Excepts import Optics import Prelude hiding ( abs , readFile , writeFile ) import Safe hiding ( at ) import System.IO.Error import System.Posix.Env.ByteString ( getEnvironment, getEnv ) import System.Posix.FilePath ( getSearchPath, takeExtension ) import System.Posix.Files.ByteString import Text.Regex.Posix import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA256 as SHA256 import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as B16 import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E ------------------------- --[ Tool installation ]-- ------------------------- -- | Like 'installGHCBin', except takes the 'DownloadInfo' as -- argument instead of looking it up from 'GHCupDownloads'. installGHCBindist :: ( MonadFail m , MonadMask m , MonadCatch m , MonadReader AppState m , MonadLogger m , MonadResource m , MonadIO m ) => DownloadInfo -- ^ where/how to download -> Version -- ^ the version to install -> PlatformRequest -- ^ the platform to install on -> Excepts '[ AlreadyInstalled , BuildFailed , DigestError , DownloadFailed , NoDownload , NotInstalled , UnknownArchive , TarDirDoesNotExist #if !defined(TAR) , ArchiveResult #endif ] m () installGHCBindist dlinfo ver pfreq = do let tver = (mkTVer ver) lift $ $(logDebug) [i|Requested to install GHC with #{ver}|] whenM (lift $ ghcInstalled tver) $ (throwE $ AlreadyInstalled GHC ver) -- download (or use cached version) dl <- liftE $ downloadCached dlinfo Nothing -- prepare paths ghcdir <- lift $ ghcupGHCDir tver toolchainSanityChecks liftE $ installPackedGHC dl (view dlSubdir dlinfo) ghcdir ver pfreq liftE $ postGHCInstall tver where toolchainSanityChecks = do r <- forM ["CC", "LD"] (liftIO . getEnv) case catMaybes r of [] -> pure () _ -> do lift $ $(logWarn) "CC/LD environment variable is set. This will change the compiler/linker" lift $ $(logWarn) "GHC uses internally and can cause defunct GHC in some cases (e.g. in Anaconda" lift $ $(logWarn) "environments). If you encounter problems, unset CC and LD and reinstall." -- | Install a packed GHC distribution. This only deals with unpacking and the GHC -- build system and nothing else. installPackedGHC :: ( MonadMask m , MonadCatch m , MonadReader AppState m , MonadThrow m , MonadLogger m , MonadIO m ) => Path Abs -- ^ Path to the packed GHC bindist -> Maybe TarDir -- ^ Subdir of the archive -> Path Abs -- ^ Path to install to -> Version -- ^ The GHC version -> PlatformRequest -> Excepts '[ BuildFailed , UnknownArchive , TarDirDoesNotExist #if !defined(TAR) , ArchiveResult #endif ] m () installPackedGHC dl msubdir inst ver pfreq@(PlatformRequest {..}) = do -- unpack tmpUnpack <- lift mkGhcupTmpDir liftE $ unpackToDir tmpUnpack dl void $ liftIO $ darwinNotarization _rPlatform tmpUnpack -- the subdir of the archive where we do the work workdir <- maybe (pure tmpUnpack) (liftE . intoSubdir tmpUnpack) (msubdir) liftE $ runBuildAction tmpUnpack (Just inst) (installUnpackedGHC workdir inst ver pfreq) -- | Install an unpacked GHC distribution. This only deals with the GHC -- build system and nothing else. installUnpackedGHC :: ( MonadReader AppState m , MonadThrow m , MonadLogger m , MonadIO m ) => Path Abs -- ^ Path to the unpacked GHC bindist (where the configure script resides) -> Path Abs -- ^ Path to install to -> Version -- ^ The GHC version -> PlatformRequest -> Excepts '[ProcessError] m () installUnpackedGHC path inst ver (PlatformRequest {..}) = do lift $ $(logInfo) "Installing GHC (this may take a while)" lEM $ execLogged "./configure" False (["--prefix=" <> toFilePath inst] ++ alpineArgs) [rel|ghc-configure|] (Just path) Nothing lEM $ make ["install"] (Just path) pure () where alpineArgs | ver >= [vver|8.2.2|], Linux Alpine <- _rPlatform = ["--disable-ld-override"] | otherwise = [] -- | Installs GHC into @~\/.ghcup\/ghc/\@ and places the -- following symlinks in @~\/.ghcup\/bin@: -- -- * @ghc-x.y.z -> ..\/ghc\/x.y.z\/bin/ghc@ -- * @ghc-x.y -> ..\/ghc\/x.y.z\/bin/ghc@ (if x.y.z is the latest x.y version) installGHCBin :: ( MonadFail m , MonadMask m , MonadCatch m , MonadReader AppState m , MonadLogger m , MonadResource m , MonadIO m ) => GHCupDownloads -- ^ the download info to look up the tarball from -> Version -- ^ the version to install -> PlatformRequest -- ^ the platform to install on -> Excepts '[ AlreadyInstalled , BuildFailed , DigestError , DownloadFailed , NoDownload , NotInstalled , UnknownArchive , TarDirDoesNotExist #if !defined(TAR) , ArchiveResult #endif ] m () installGHCBin bDls ver pfreq = do dlinfo <- lE $ getDownloadInfo GHC ver pfreq bDls installGHCBindist dlinfo ver pfreq -- | Like 'installCabalBin', except takes the 'DownloadInfo' as -- argument instead of looking it up from 'GHCupDownloads'. installCabalBindist :: ( MonadMask m , MonadCatch m , MonadReader AppState m , MonadLogger m , MonadResource m , MonadIO m , MonadFail m ) => DownloadInfo -> Version -> PlatformRequest -> Excepts '[ AlreadyInstalled , CopyError , DigestError , DownloadFailed , NoDownload , NotInstalled , UnknownArchive , TarDirDoesNotExist #if !defined(TAR) , ArchiveResult #endif ] m () installCabalBindist dlinfo ver (PlatformRequest {..}) = do lift $ $(logDebug) [i|Requested to install cabal version #{ver}|] AppState {dirs = Dirs {..}} <- lift ask whenM (lift (cabalInstalled ver) >>= \a -> liftIO $ handleIO (\_ -> pure False) $ fmap (\x -> a && isSymbolicLink x) -- ignore when the installation is a legacy cabal (binary, not symlink) $ getSymbolicLinkStatus (toFilePath (binDir [rel|cabal|])) ) $ (throwE $ AlreadyInstalled Cabal ver) -- download (or use cached version) dl <- liftE $ downloadCached dlinfo Nothing -- unpack tmpUnpack <- lift withGHCupTmpDir liftE $ unpackToDir tmpUnpack dl void $ liftIO $ darwinNotarization _rPlatform tmpUnpack -- the subdir of the archive where we do the work workdir <- maybe (pure tmpUnpack) (liftE . intoSubdir tmpUnpack) (view dlSubdir dlinfo) liftE $ installCabal' workdir binDir -- create symlink if this is the latest version cVers <- lift $ fmap rights $ getInstalledCabals let lInstCabal = headMay . reverse . sort $ cVers when (maybe True (ver >=) lInstCabal) $ liftE $ setCabal ver pure () where -- | Install an unpacked cabal distribution. installCabal' :: (MonadLogger m, MonadCatch m, MonadIO m) => Path Abs -- ^ Path to the unpacked cabal bindist (where the executable resides) -> Path Abs -- ^ Path to install to -> Excepts '[CopyError] m () installCabal' path inst = do lift $ $(logInfo) "Installing cabal" let cabalFile = [rel|cabal|] liftIO $ createDirRecursive' inst destFileName <- lift $ parseRel (toFilePath cabalFile <> "-" <> verToBS ver) let destPath = inst destFileName handleIO (throwE . CopyError . show) $ liftIO $ copyFile (path cabalFile) (destPath) Overwrite lift $ chmod_777 destPath -- | Installs cabal into @~\/.ghcup\/bin/cabal-\@ and -- creates a default @cabal -> cabal-x.y.z.q@ symlink for -- the latest installed version. installCabalBin :: ( MonadMask m , MonadCatch m , MonadReader AppState m , MonadLogger m , MonadResource m , MonadIO m , MonadFail m ) => GHCupDownloads -> Version -> PlatformRequest -> Excepts '[ AlreadyInstalled , CopyError , DigestError , DownloadFailed , NoDownload , NotInstalled , UnknownArchive , TarDirDoesNotExist #if !defined(TAR) , ArchiveResult #endif ] m () installCabalBin bDls ver pfreq = do dlinfo <- lE $ getDownloadInfo Cabal ver pfreq bDls installCabalBindist dlinfo ver pfreq -- | Like 'installHLSBin, except takes the 'DownloadInfo' as -- argument instead of looking it up from 'GHCupDownloads'. installHLSBindist :: ( MonadMask m , MonadCatch m , MonadReader AppState m , MonadLogger m , MonadResource m , MonadIO m , MonadFail m ) => DownloadInfo -> Version -> PlatformRequest -> Excepts '[ AlreadyInstalled , CopyError , DigestError , DownloadFailed , NoDownload , NotInstalled , UnknownArchive , TarDirDoesNotExist #if !defined(TAR) , ArchiveResult #endif ] m () installHLSBindist dlinfo ver (PlatformRequest {..}) = do lift $ $(logDebug) [i|Requested to install hls version #{ver}|] AppState {dirs = Dirs {..}} <- lift ask whenM (lift (hlsInstalled ver)) $ (throwE $ AlreadyInstalled HLS ver) -- download (or use cached version) dl <- liftE $ downloadCached dlinfo Nothing -- unpack tmpUnpack <- lift withGHCupTmpDir liftE $ unpackToDir tmpUnpack dl void $ liftIO $ darwinNotarization _rPlatform tmpUnpack -- the subdir of the archive where we do the work workdir <- maybe (pure tmpUnpack) (liftE . intoSubdir tmpUnpack) (view dlSubdir dlinfo) liftE $ installHLS' workdir binDir -- create symlink if this is the latest version hlsVers <- lift $ fmap rights $ getInstalledHLSs let lInstHLS = headMay . reverse . sort $ hlsVers when (maybe True (ver >=) lInstHLS) $ liftE $ setHLS ver pure () where -- | Install an unpacked hls distribution. installHLS' :: (MonadFail m, MonadLogger m, MonadCatch m, MonadIO m) => Path Abs -- ^ Path to the unpacked hls bindist (where the executable resides) -> Path Abs -- ^ Path to install to -> Excepts '[CopyError] m () installHLS' path inst = do lift $ $(logInfo) "Installing HLS" liftIO $ createDirRecursive' inst -- install haskell-language-server- bins@(_:_) <- liftIO $ findFiles path (makeRegexOpts compExtended execBlank ([s|^haskell-language-server-[0-9].*$|] :: ByteString) ) forM_ bins $ \f -> do toF <- parseRel (toFilePath f <> "~" <> verToBS ver) handleIO (throwE . CopyError . show) $ liftIO $ copyFile (path f) (inst toF) Overwrite lift $ chmod_777 (inst toF) -- install haskell-language-server-wrapper let wrapper = [rel|haskell-language-server-wrapper|] toF <- parseRel (toFilePath wrapper <> "-" <> verToBS ver) handleIO (throwE . CopyError . show) $ liftIO $ copyFile (path wrapper) (inst toF) Overwrite lift $ chmod_777 (inst toF) -- | Installs hls binaries @haskell-language-server-\@ -- into @~\/.ghcup\/bin/@, as well as @haskell-languager-server-wrapper@. installHLSBin :: ( MonadMask m , MonadCatch m , MonadReader AppState m , MonadLogger m , MonadResource m , MonadIO m , MonadFail m ) => GHCupDownloads -> Version -> PlatformRequest -> Excepts '[ AlreadyInstalled , CopyError , DigestError , DownloadFailed , NoDownload , NotInstalled , UnknownArchive , TarDirDoesNotExist #if !defined(TAR) , ArchiveResult #endif ] m () installHLSBin bDls ver pfreq = do dlinfo <- lE $ getDownloadInfo HLS ver pfreq bDls installHLSBindist dlinfo ver pfreq --------------------- --[ Set GHC/cabal ]-- --------------------- -- | Set GHC symlinks in @~\/.ghcup\/bin@ for the requested GHC version. The behavior depends -- on `SetGHC`: -- -- * SetGHCOnly: @~\/.ghcup\/bin\/ghc -> ~\/.ghcup\/ghc\/\\/bin\/ghc@ -- * SetGHC_XY: @~\/.ghcup\/bin\/ghc-X.Y -> ~\/.ghcup\/ghc\/\\/bin\/ghc@ -- * SetGHC_XYZ: @~\/.ghcup\/bin\/ghc-\ -> ~\/.ghcup\/ghc\/\\/bin\/ghc@ -- -- Additionally creates a @~\/.ghcup\/share -> ~\/.ghcup\/ghc\/\\/share symlink@ -- for 'SetGHCOnly' constructor. setGHC :: ( MonadReader AppState m , MonadLogger m , MonadThrow m , MonadFail m , MonadIO m , MonadCatch m ) => GHCTargetVersion -> SetGHC -> Excepts '[NotInstalled] m GHCTargetVersion setGHC ver sghc = do let verBS = verToBS (_tvVersion ver) ghcdir <- lift $ ghcupGHCDir ver whenM (lift $ fmap not $ ghcInstalled ver) (throwE (NotInstalled GHC (ver ^. tvVersion % to prettyVer))) -- symlink destination AppState { dirs = Dirs {..} } <- lift ask liftIO $ createDirRecursive' binDir -- first delete the old symlinks (this fixes compatibility issues -- with old ghcup) case sghc of SetGHCOnly -> liftE $ rmPlain (_tvTarget ver) SetGHC_XY -> lift $ rmMajorSymlinks ver SetGHC_XYZ -> lift $ rmMinorSymlinks ver -- for ghc tools (ghc, ghci, haddock, ...) verfiles <- ghcToolFiles ver forM_ verfiles $ \file -> do mTargetFile <- case sghc of SetGHCOnly -> pure $ Just file SetGHC_XY -> do v' <- handle (\(e :: ParseError) -> lift $ $(logWarn) [i|#{e}|] >> pure Nothing) $ fmap Just $ getMajorMinorV (_tvVersion ver) forM v' $ \(mj, mi) -> let major' = E.encodeUtf8 $ intToText mj <> "." <> intToText mi in parseRel (toFilePath file <> B.singleton _hyphen <> major') SetGHC_XYZ -> fmap Just $ parseRel (toFilePath file <> B.singleton _hyphen <> verBS) -- create symlink forM mTargetFile $ \targetFile -> do let fullF = binDir targetFile destL <- lift $ ghcLinkDestination (toFilePath file) ver lift $ $(logDebug) [i|ln -s #{destL} #{toFilePath fullF}|] liftIO $ createSymlink fullF destL -- create symlink for share dir when (isNothing . _tvTarget $ ver) $ lift $ symlinkShareDir ghcdir verBS pure ver where symlinkShareDir :: (MonadReader AppState m, MonadIO m, MonadLogger m) => Path Abs -> ByteString -> m () symlinkShareDir ghcdir verBS = do AppState { dirs = Dirs {..} } <- ask let destdir = baseDir case sghc of SetGHCOnly -> do let sharedir = [rel|share|] let fullsharedir = ghcdir sharedir whenM (liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist fullsharedir) $ do let fullF = destdir sharedir let targetF = "./ghc/" <> verBS <> "/" <> toFilePath sharedir $(logDebug) [i|rm -f #{fullF}|] liftIO $ hideError doesNotExistErrorType $ deleteFile fullF $(logDebug) [i|ln -s #{targetF} #{fullF}|] liftIO $ createSymlink fullF targetF _ -> pure () -- | Set the @~\/.ghcup\/bin\/cabal@ symlink. setCabal :: (MonadReader AppState m, MonadLogger m, MonadThrow m, MonadFail m, MonadIO m) => Version -> Excepts '[NotInstalled] m () setCabal ver = do let verBS = verToBS ver targetFile <- parseRel ("cabal-" <> verBS) -- symlink destination AppState {dirs = Dirs {..}} <- lift ask liftIO $ createDirRecursive' binDir whenM (liftIO $ fmap not $ doesFileExist (binDir targetFile)) $ throwE $ NotInstalled Cabal (prettyVer ver) let cabalbin = binDir [rel|cabal|] -- delete old file (may be binary or symlink) lift $ $(logDebug) [i|rm -f #{toFilePath cabalbin}|] liftIO $ hideError doesNotExistErrorType $ deleteFile cabalbin -- create symlink let destL = toFilePath targetFile lift $ $(logDebug) [i|ln -s #{destL} #{toFilePath cabalbin}|] liftIO $ createSymlink cabalbin destL pure () -- | Set the haskell-language-server symlinks. setHLS :: ( MonadCatch m , MonadReader AppState m , MonadLogger m , MonadThrow m , MonadFail m , MonadIO m ) => Version -> Excepts '[NotInstalled] m () setHLS ver = do AppState { dirs = Dirs {..} } <- lift ask liftIO $ createDirRecursive' binDir -- Delete old symlinks, since these might have different ghc versions than the -- selected version, so we could end up with stray or incorrect symlinks. oldSyms <- lift hlsSymlinks forM_ oldSyms $ \f -> do lift $ $(logDebug) [i|rm #{toFilePath (binDir f)}|] liftIO $ deleteFile (binDir f) -- set haskell-language-server- symlinks bins <- lift $ hlsServerBinaries ver when (bins == []) $ throwE $ NotInstalled HLS (prettyVer ver) forM_ bins $ \f -> do let destL = toFilePath f target <- parseRel . head . B.split _tilde . toFilePath $ f lift $ $(logDebug) [i|rm -f #{toFilePath (binDir target)}|] liftIO $ hideError doesNotExistErrorType $ deleteFile (binDir target) lift $ $(logDebug) [i|ln -s #{destL} #{toFilePath (binDir target)}|] liftIO $ createSymlink (binDir target) destL -- set haskell-language-server-wrapper symlink let destL = "haskell-language-server-wrapper-" <> verToBS ver let wrapper = binDir [rel|haskell-language-server-wrapper|] lift $ $(logDebug) [i|rm -f #{toFilePath wrapper}|] liftIO $ hideError doesNotExistErrorType $ deleteFile wrapper lift $ $(logDebug) [i|ln -s #{destL} #{toFilePath wrapper}|] liftIO $ createSymlink wrapper destL pure () ------------------ --[ List tools ]-- ------------------ -- | Filter data type for 'listVersions'. data ListCriteria = ListInstalled | ListSet deriving Show -- | A list result describes a single tool version -- and various of its properties. data ListResult = ListResult { lTool :: Tool , lVer :: Version , lCross :: Maybe Text -- ^ currently only for GHC , lTag :: [Tag] , lInstalled :: Bool , lSet :: Bool -- ^ currently active version , fromSrc :: Bool -- ^ compiled from source , lStray :: Bool -- ^ not in download info , lNoBindist :: Bool -- ^ whether the version is available for this platform/arch , hlsPowered :: Bool } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | Extract all available tool versions and their tags. availableToolVersions :: GHCupDownloads -> Tool -> Map.Map Version [Tag] availableToolVersions av tool = view (at tool % non Map.empty % to (fmap (_viTags))) av -- | List all versions from the download info, as well as stray -- versions. listVersions :: ( MonadCatch m , MonadLogger m , MonadThrow m , MonadLogger m , MonadIO m , MonadReader AppState m ) => GHCupDownloads -> Maybe Tool -> Maybe ListCriteria -> PlatformRequest -> m [ListResult] listVersions av lt criteria pfreq = do case lt of Just t -> do -- get versions from GHCupDownloads let avTools = availableToolVersions av t lr <- filter' <$> forM (Map.toList avTools) (toListResult t) case t of GHC -> do slr <- strayGHCs avTools pure $ (sort (slr ++ lr)) Cabal -> do slr <- strayCabals avTools pure $ (sort (slr ++ lr)) HLS -> do slr <- strayHLS avTools pure $ (sort (slr ++ lr)) GHCup -> pure lr Nothing -> do ghcvers <- listVersions av (Just GHC) criteria pfreq cabalvers <- listVersions av (Just Cabal) criteria pfreq hlsvers <- listVersions av (Just HLS) criteria pfreq ghcupvers <- listVersions av (Just GHCup) criteria pfreq pure (ghcvers <> cabalvers <> hlsvers <> ghcupvers) where strayGHCs :: (MonadCatch m, MonadReader AppState m, MonadThrow m, MonadLogger m, MonadIO m) => Map.Map Version [Tag] -> m [ListResult] strayGHCs avTools = do ghcs <- getInstalledGHCs fmap catMaybes $ forM ghcs $ \case Right tver@GHCTargetVersion{ _tvTarget = Nothing, .. } -> do case Map.lookup _tvVersion avTools of Just _ -> pure Nothing Nothing -> do lSet <- fmap (maybe False (\(GHCTargetVersion _ v ) -> v == _tvVersion)) $ ghcSet Nothing fromSrc <- ghcSrcInstalled tver hlsPowered <- fmap (elem _tvVersion) $ hlsGHCVersions pure $ Just $ ListResult { lTool = GHC , lVer = _tvVersion , lCross = Nothing , lTag = [] , lInstalled = True , lStray = maybe True (const False) (Map.lookup _tvVersion avTools) , lNoBindist = False , .. } Right tver@GHCTargetVersion{ .. } -> do lSet <- fmap (maybe False (\(GHCTargetVersion _ v ) -> v == _tvVersion)) $ ghcSet _tvTarget fromSrc <- ghcSrcInstalled tver hlsPowered <- fmap (elem _tvVersion) $ hlsGHCVersions pure $ Just $ ListResult { lTool = GHC , lVer = _tvVersion , lCross = _tvTarget , lTag = [] , lInstalled = True , lStray = True -- NOTE: cross currently cannot be installed via bindist , lNoBindist = False , .. } Left e -> do $(logWarn) [i|Could not parse version of stray directory #{toFilePath e}|] pure Nothing strayCabals :: (MonadReader AppState m, MonadCatch m, MonadThrow m, MonadLogger m, MonadIO m) => Map.Map Version [Tag] -> m [ListResult] strayCabals avTools = do cabals <- getInstalledCabals fmap catMaybes $ forM cabals $ \case Right ver -> case Map.lookup ver avTools of Just _ -> pure Nothing Nothing -> do lSet <- fmap (maybe False (== ver)) $ cabalSet pure $ Just $ ListResult { lTool = Cabal , lVer = ver , lCross = Nothing , lTag = [] , lInstalled = True , lStray = maybe True (const False) (Map.lookup ver avTools) , lNoBindist = False , fromSrc = False -- actually, we don't know :> , hlsPowered = False , .. } Left e -> do $(logWarn) [i|Could not parse version of stray directory #{toFilePath e}|] pure Nothing strayHLS :: (MonadReader AppState m, MonadCatch m, MonadThrow m, MonadLogger m, MonadIO m) => Map.Map Version [Tag] -> m [ListResult] strayHLS avTools = do hlss <- getInstalledHLSs fmap catMaybes $ forM hlss $ \case Right ver -> case Map.lookup ver avTools of Just _ -> pure Nothing Nothing -> do lSet <- fmap (maybe False (== ver)) $ hlsSet pure $ Just $ ListResult { lTool = HLS , lVer = ver , lCross = Nothing , lTag = [] , lInstalled = True , lStray = maybe True (const False) (Map.lookup ver avTools) , lNoBindist = False , fromSrc = False -- actually, we don't know :> , hlsPowered = False , .. } Left e -> do $(logWarn) [i|Could not parse version of stray directory #{toFilePath e}|] pure Nothing -- NOTE: this are not cross ones, because no bindists toListResult :: (MonadReader AppState m, MonadIO m, MonadCatch m) => Tool -> (Version, [Tag]) -> m ListResult toListResult t (v, tags) = case t of GHC -> do let lNoBindist = isLeft $ getDownloadInfo GHC v pfreq av let tver = mkTVer v lSet <- fmap (maybe False (\(GHCTargetVersion _ v') -> v' == v)) $ ghcSet Nothing lInstalled <- ghcInstalled tver fromSrc <- ghcSrcInstalled tver hlsPowered <- fmap (elem v) $ hlsGHCVersions pure ListResult { lVer = v, lCross = Nothing , lTag = tags, lTool = t, lStray = False, .. } Cabal -> do let lNoBindist = isLeft $ getDownloadInfo Cabal v pfreq av lSet <- fmap (maybe False (== v)) $ cabalSet lInstalled <- cabalInstalled v pure ListResult { lVer = v , lCross = Nothing , lTag = tags , lTool = t , fromSrc = False , lStray = False , hlsPowered = False , .. } GHCup -> do let lSet = prettyPVP ghcUpVer == prettyVer v let lInstalled = lSet pure ListResult { lVer = v , lTag = tags , lCross = Nothing , lTool = t , fromSrc = False , lStray = False , lNoBindist = False , hlsPowered = False , .. } HLS -> do let lNoBindist = isLeft $ getDownloadInfo HLS v pfreq av lSet <- fmap (maybe False (== v)) $ hlsSet lInstalled <- hlsInstalled v pure ListResult { lVer = v , lCross = Nothing , lTag = tags , lTool = t , fromSrc = False , lStray = False , hlsPowered = False , .. } filter' :: [ListResult] -> [ListResult] filter' lr = case criteria of Nothing -> lr Just ListInstalled -> filter (\ListResult {..} -> lInstalled) lr Just ListSet -> filter (\ListResult {..} -> lSet) lr -------------------- --[ GHC/cabal rm ]-- -------------------- -- | Delete a ghc version and all its symlinks. -- -- This may leave GHCup without a "set" version. -- Will try to fix the ghc-x.y symlink after removal (e.g. to an -- older version). rmGHCVer :: ( MonadReader AppState m , MonadThrow m , MonadLogger m , MonadIO m , MonadFail m , MonadCatch m ) => GHCTargetVersion -> Excepts '[NotInstalled] m () rmGHCVer ver = do isSetGHC <- lift $ fmap (maybe False (== ver)) $ ghcSet (_tvTarget ver) whenM (lift $ fmap not $ ghcInstalled ver) (throwE (NotInstalled GHC (ver ^. tvVersion % to prettyVer))) dir <- lift $ ghcupGHCDir ver -- this isn't atomic, order matters when isSetGHC $ do lift $ $(logInfo) [i|Removing ghc symlinks|] liftE $ rmPlain (_tvTarget ver) lift $ $(logInfo) [i|Removing directory recursively: #{toFilePath dir}|] liftIO $ deleteDirRecursive dir lift $ $(logInfo) [i|Removing ghc-x.y.z symlinks|] lift $ rmMinorSymlinks ver lift $ $(logInfo) [i|Removing/rewiring ghc-x.y symlinks|] -- first remove handle (\(_ :: ParseError) -> pure ()) $ lift $ rmMajorSymlinks ver -- then fix them (e.g. with an earlier version) v' <- handle (\(e :: ParseError) -> lift $ $(logWarn) [i|#{e}|] >> pure Nothing) $ fmap Just $ getMajorMinorV (_tvVersion ver) forM_ v' $ \(mj, mi) -> lift (getGHCForMajor mj mi (_tvTarget ver)) >>= mapM_ (\v -> liftE $ setGHC v SetGHC_XY) AppState { dirs = Dirs {..} } <- lift ask liftIO $ hideError doesNotExistErrorType $ deleteFile $ (baseDir [rel|share|]) -- | Delete a cabal version. Will try to fix the @cabal@ symlink -- after removal (e.g. setting it to an older version). rmCabalVer :: (MonadReader AppState m, MonadThrow m, MonadLogger m, MonadIO m, MonadFail m, MonadCatch m) => Version -> Excepts '[NotInstalled] m () rmCabalVer ver = do whenM (lift $ fmap not $ cabalInstalled ver) $ throwE (NotInstalled Cabal (prettyVer ver)) cSet <- lift $ cabalSet AppState {dirs = Dirs {..}} <- lift ask cabalFile <- lift $ parseRel ("cabal-" <> verToBS ver) liftIO $ hideError doesNotExistErrorType $ deleteFile (binDir cabalFile) when (maybe False (== ver) cSet) $ do cVers <- lift $ fmap rights $ getInstalledCabals case headMay . reverse . sort $ cVers of Just latestver -> setCabal latestver Nothing -> liftIO $ hideError doesNotExistErrorType $ deleteFile (binDir [rel|cabal|]) -- | Delete a hls version. Will try to fix the hls symlinks -- after removal (e.g. setting it to an older version). rmHLSVer :: (MonadReader AppState m, MonadThrow m, MonadLogger m, MonadIO m, MonadFail m, MonadCatch m) => Version -> Excepts '[NotInstalled] m () rmHLSVer ver = do whenM (lift $ fmap not $ hlsInstalled ver) $ throwE (NotInstalled HLS (prettyVer ver)) isHlsSet <- lift $ hlsSet AppState {dirs = Dirs {..}} <- lift ask bins <- lift $ hlsAllBinaries ver forM_ bins $ \f -> liftIO $ deleteFile (binDir f) when (maybe False (== ver) isHlsSet) $ do -- delete all set symlinks oldSyms <- lift hlsSymlinks forM_ oldSyms $ \f -> do lift $ $(logDebug) [i|rm #{toFilePath (binDir f)}|] liftIO $ deleteFile (binDir f) -- set latest hls hlsVers <- lift $ fmap rights $ getInstalledHLSs case headMay . reverse . sort $ hlsVers of Just latestver -> setHLS latestver Nothing -> pure () ------------------ --[ Debug info ]-- ------------------ getDebugInfo :: (MonadReader AppState m, MonadLogger m, MonadCatch m, MonadIO m) => Excepts '[NoCompatiblePlatform , NoCompatibleArch , DistroNotFound] m DebugInfo getDebugInfo = do AppState {dirs = Dirs {..}} <- lift ask let diBaseDir = baseDir let diBinDir = binDir diGHCDir <- lift ghcupGHCBaseDir let diCacheDir = cacheDir diArch <- lE getArchitecture diPlatform <- liftE $ getPlatform pure $ DebugInfo { .. } --------------- --[ Compile ]-- --------------- -- | Compile a GHC from source. This behaves wrt symlinks and installation -- the same as 'installGHCBin'. compileGHC :: ( MonadMask m , MonadReader AppState m , MonadThrow m , MonadResource m , MonadLogger m , MonadIO m , MonadFail m ) => GHCupDownloads -> GHCTargetVersion -- ^ version to install -> Either Version (Path Abs) -- ^ version to bootstrap with -> Maybe Int -- ^ jobs -> Maybe (Path Abs) -- ^ build config -> Maybe (Path Abs) -- ^ patch directory -> [Text] -- ^ additional args to ./configure -> PlatformRequest -> Excepts '[ AlreadyInstalled , BuildFailed , DigestError , DownloadFailed , GHCupSetError , NoDownload , NotFoundInPATH , PatchFailed , UnknownArchive , TarDirDoesNotExist , NotInstalled #if !defined(TAR) , ArchiveResult #endif ] m () compileGHC dls tver bstrap jobs mbuildConfig patchdir aargs pfreq@(PlatformRequest {..}) = do lift $ $(logDebug) [i|Requested to compile: #{tver} with #{bstrap}|] alreadyInstalled <- lift $ ghcInstalled tver alreadySet <- fmap (maybe False (==tver)) $ lift $ ghcSet (_tvTarget tver) -- download source tarball dlInfo <- preview (ix GHC % ix (tver ^. tvVersion) % viSourceDL % _Just) dls ?? NoDownload dl <- liftE $ downloadCached dlInfo Nothing -- unpack tmpUnpack <- lift mkGhcupTmpDir liftE $ unpackToDir tmpUnpack dl void $ liftIO $ darwinNotarization _rPlatform tmpUnpack bghc <- case bstrap of Right g -> pure $ Right g Left bver -> Left <$> parseRel ("ghc-" <> verToBS bver) workdir <- maybe (pure tmpUnpack) (liftE . intoSubdir tmpUnpack) (view dlSubdir dlInfo) ghcdir <- lift $ ghcupGHCDir tver (bindist, bmk) <- liftE $ runBuildAction tmpUnpack Nothing (do b <- compileBindist bghc ghcdir workdir bmk <- liftIO $ readFileStrict (build_mk workdir) pure (b, bmk) ) when alreadyInstalled $ do lift $ $(logInfo) [i|Deleting existing installation|] liftE $ rmGHCVer tver liftE $ installPackedGHC bindist (view dlSubdir dlInfo) ghcdir (tver ^. tvVersion) pfreq liftIO $ writeFile (ghcdir ghcUpSrcBuiltFile) (Just newFilePerms) bmk reThrowAll GHCupSetError $ postGHCInstall tver -- restore when alreadySet $ liftE $ void $ setGHC tver SetGHCOnly pure () where defaultConf = case _tvTarget tver of Nothing -> [s| V=0 BUILD_MAN = NO BUILD_SPHINX_HTML = NO BUILD_SPHINX_PDF = NO HADDOCK_DOCS = YES|] Just _ -> [s| V=0 BUILD_MAN = NO BUILD_SPHINX_HTML = NO BUILD_SPHINX_PDF = NO HADDOCK_DOCS = NO Stage1Only = YES|] compileBindist :: ( MonadReader AppState m , MonadThrow m , MonadCatch m , MonadLogger m , MonadIO m , MonadFail m ) => Either (Path Rel) (Path Abs) -> Path Abs -> Path Abs -> Excepts '[FileDoesNotExistError, InvalidBuildConfig, PatchFailed, ProcessError, NotFoundInPATH, CopyError] m (Path Abs) -- ^ output path of bindist compileBindist bghc ghcdir workdir = do lift $ $(logInfo) [i|configuring build|] liftE $ checkBuildConfig AppState { dirs = Dirs {..} } <- lift ask forM_ patchdir $ \dir -> liftE $ applyPatches dir workdir cEnv <- liftIO $ getEnvironment if | (_tvVersion tver) >= [vver|8.8.0|] -> do bghcPath <- case bghc of Right ghc' -> pure ghc' Left bver -> do spaths <- catMaybes . fmap parseAbs <$> liftIO getSearchPath (liftIO $ searchPath spaths bver) !? NotFoundInPATH bver lEM $ execLogged "./configure" False ( ["--prefix=" <> toFilePath ghcdir] ++ (maybe mempty (\x -> ["--target=" <> E.encodeUtf8 x]) (_tvTarget tver) ) ++ fmap E.encodeUtf8 aargs ) [rel|ghc-conf|] (Just workdir) (Just (("GHC", toFilePath bghcPath) : cEnv)) | otherwise -> do lEM $ execLogged "./configure" False ( [ "--prefix=" <> toFilePath ghcdir , "--with-ghc=" <> either toFilePath toFilePath bghc ] ++ (maybe mempty (\x -> ["--target=" <> E.encodeUtf8 x]) (_tvTarget tver) ) ++ fmap E.encodeUtf8 aargs ) [rel|ghc-conf|] (Just workdir) (Just cEnv) case mbuildConfig of Just bc -> liftIOException doesNotExistErrorType (FileDoesNotExistError $ toFilePath bc) (liftIO $ copyFile bc (build_mk workdir) Overwrite) Nothing -> liftIO $ writeFile (build_mk workdir) (Just newFilePerms) defaultConf lift $ $(logInfo) [i|Building (this may take a while)...|] lEM $ make (maybe [] (\j -> ["-j" <> fS (show j)]) jobs) (Just workdir) lift $ $(logInfo) [i|Creating bindist...|] lEM $ make ["binary-dist"] (Just workdir) [tar] <- liftIO $ findFiles workdir (makeRegexOpts compExtended execBlank ([s|^ghc-.*\.tar\..*$|] :: ByteString) ) c <- liftIO $ readFile (workdir tar) cDigest <- fmap (T.take 8) . lift . throwEither . E.decodeUtf8' . B16.encode . SHA256.hashlazy $ c tarName <- parseRel [i|ghc-#{prettyTVer tver}-#{prettyPfReq pfreq}-#{cDigest}.tar#{takeExtension (toFilePath tar)}|] let tarPath = cacheDir tarName handleIO (throwE . CopyError . show) $ liftIO $ copyFile (workdir tar) tarPath Strict lift $ $(logInfo) [i|Copied bindist to #{tarPath}|] pure tarPath build_mk workdir = workdir [rel|mk/build.mk|] checkBuildConfig :: (MonadCatch m, MonadIO m) => Excepts '[FileDoesNotExistError, InvalidBuildConfig] m () checkBuildConfig = do c <- case mbuildConfig of Just bc -> do BL.toStrict <$> liftIOException doesNotExistErrorType (FileDoesNotExistError $ toFilePath bc) (liftIO $ readFile bc) Nothing -> pure defaultConf let lines' = fmap T.strip . T.lines $ decUTF8Safe c -- for cross, we need Stage1Only case _tvTarget tver of Just _ -> when (not $ elem "Stage1Only = YES" lines') $ throwE (InvalidBuildConfig [s|Cross compiling needs to be a Stage1 build, add "Stage1Only = YES" to your config!|] ) Nothing -> pure () --------------------- --[ Upgrade GHCup ]-- --------------------- -- | Upgrade ghcup and place it in @~\/.ghcup\/bin\/ghcup@, -- if no path is provided. upgradeGHCup :: ( MonadMask m , MonadReader AppState m , MonadCatch m , MonadLogger m , MonadThrow m , MonadResource m , MonadIO m ) => GHCupDownloads -> Maybe (Path Abs) -- ^ full file destination to write ghcup into -> Bool -- ^ whether to force update regardless -- of currently installed version -> PlatformRequest -> Excepts '[ CopyError , DigestError , DownloadFailed , NoDownload , NoUpdate ] m Version upgradeGHCup dls mtarget force pfreq = do AppState {dirs = Dirs {..}} <- lift ask lift $ $(logInfo) [i|Upgrading GHCup...|] let latestVer = fromJust $ getLatest dls GHCup when (not force && (latestVer <= pvpToVersion ghcUpVer)) $ throwE NoUpdate dli <- lE $ getDownloadInfo GHCup latestVer pfreq dls tmp <- lift withGHCupTmpDir let fn = [rel|ghcup|] p <- liftE $ download dli tmp (Just fn) let fullDest = fromMaybe (binDir fn) mtarget liftIO $ hideError NoSuchThing $ deleteFile fullDest handleIO (throwE . CopyError . show) $ liftIO $ copyFile p fullDest Overwrite lift $ chmod_777 fullDest pure latestVer ------------- --[ Other ]-- ------------- -- | Creates @ghc-x.y.z@ and @ghc-x.y@ symlinks. This is used for -- both installing from source and bindist. postGHCInstall :: ( MonadReader AppState m , MonadLogger m , MonadThrow m , MonadFail m , MonadIO m , MonadCatch m ) => GHCTargetVersion -> Excepts '[NotInstalled] m () postGHCInstall ver@GHCTargetVersion {..} = do void $ liftE $ setGHC ver SetGHC_XYZ -- Create ghc-x.y symlinks. This may not be the current -- version, create it regardless. v' <- handle (\(e :: ParseError) -> lift $ $(logWarn) [i|#{e}|] >> pure Nothing) $ fmap Just $ getMajorMinorV _tvVersion forM_ v' $ \(mj, mi) -> lift (getGHCForMajor mj mi _tvTarget) >>= mapM_ (\v -> liftE $ setGHC v SetGHC_XY)