{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-} module Main where #if defined(BRICK) import BrickMain ( brickMain ) #endif import GHCup import GHCup.Download import GHCup.Errors import GHCup.Platform import GHCup.Requirements import GHCup.Types import GHCup.Types.Optics import GHCup.Utils import GHCup.Utils.File import GHCup.Utils.Logger import GHCup.Utils.MegaParsec import GHCup.Utils.Prelude import GHCup.Utils.String.QQ import GHCup.Version import Codec.Archive import Control.Concurrent import Control.Concurrent.Async import Control.DeepSeq ( force ) import Control.Exception ( evaluate ) import Control.Exception.Safe #if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,13,0) import Control.Monad.Fail ( MonadFail ) #endif import Control.Monad.Logger import Control.Monad.Reader import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource import Data.Bifunctor import Data.Char import Data.Either import Data.Functor import Data.List ( intercalate, nub, sort, sortBy ) import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty ((:|))) import Data.Maybe import Data.Text ( Text ) import Data.Versions hiding ( str ) import Data.Void import GHC.IO.Encoding import Haskus.Utils.Variant.Excepts import Language.Haskell.TH import Options.Applicative hiding ( style ) import Options.Applicative.Help.Pretty ( text ) import Prelude hiding ( appendFile ) import Safe import System.Console.Pretty hiding ( color ) import qualified System.Console.Pretty as Pretty import System.Environment import System.Exit import System.FilePath import System.IO hiding ( appendFile ) import Text.Read hiding ( lift ) import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJClass ( prettyShow ) import URI.ByteString import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as UTF8 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.IO as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E import qualified Data.Yaml as Y import qualified Data.Yaml.Pretty as YP import qualified Text.Megaparsec as MP import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char as MPC data Options = Options { -- global options optVerbose :: Maybe Bool , optCache :: Maybe Bool , optUrlSource :: Maybe URI , optNoVerify :: Maybe Bool , optKeepDirs :: Maybe KeepDirs , optsDownloader :: Maybe Downloader , optNoNetwork :: Maybe Bool -- commands , optCommand :: Command } data Command = Install (Either InstallCommand InstallOptions) | InstallCabalLegacy InstallOptions | Set (Either SetCommand SetOptions) | List ListOptions | Rm (Either RmCommand RmOptions) | DInfo | Compile CompileCommand | Config ConfigCommand | Whereis WhereisOptions WhereisCommand | Upgrade UpgradeOpts Bool | ToolRequirements | ChangeLog ChangeLogOptions | Nuke #if defined(BRICK) | Interactive #endif | Prefetch PrefetchCommand data ToolVersion = ToolVersion GHCTargetVersion -- target is ignored for cabal | ToolTag Tag prettyToolVer :: ToolVersion -> String prettyToolVer (ToolVersion v') = T.unpack $ tVerToText v' prettyToolVer (ToolTag t) = show t toSetToolVer :: Maybe ToolVersion -> SetToolVersion toSetToolVer (Just (ToolVersion v')) = SetToolVersion v' toSetToolVer (Just (ToolTag t')) = SetToolTag t' toSetToolVer Nothing = SetRecommended data InstallCommand = InstallGHC InstallOptions | InstallCabal InstallOptions | InstallHLS InstallOptions | InstallStack InstallOptions data InstallOptions = InstallOptions { instVer :: Maybe ToolVersion , instPlatform :: Maybe PlatformRequest , instBindist :: Maybe URI , instSet :: Bool , isolateDir :: Maybe FilePath , forceInstall :: Bool } data SetCommand = SetGHC SetOptions | SetCabal SetOptions | SetHLS SetOptions | SetStack SetOptions -- a superset of ToolVersion data SetToolVersion = SetToolVersion GHCTargetVersion | SetToolTag Tag | SetRecommended | SetNext data SetOptions = SetOptions { sToolVer :: SetToolVersion } data ListOptions = ListOptions { loTool :: Maybe Tool , lCriteria :: Maybe ListCriteria , lRawFormat :: Bool } data RmCommand = RmGHC RmOptions | RmCabal Version | RmHLS Version | RmStack Version data RmOptions = RmOptions { ghcVer :: GHCTargetVersion } data CompileCommand = CompileGHC GHCCompileOptions data ConfigCommand = ShowConfig | SetConfig String String | InitConfig data GHCCompileOptions = GHCCompileOptions { targetGhc :: Either Version GitBranch , bootstrapGhc :: Either Version FilePath , jobs :: Maybe Int , buildConfig :: Maybe FilePath , patchDir :: Maybe FilePath , crossTarget :: Maybe Text , addConfArgs :: [Text] , setCompile :: Bool , ovewrwiteVer :: Maybe Version , buildFlavour :: Maybe String , hadrian :: Bool , isolateDir :: Maybe FilePath } data UpgradeOpts = UpgradeInplace | UpgradeAt FilePath | UpgradeGHCupDir deriving Show data ChangeLogOptions = ChangeLogOptions { clOpen :: Bool , clTool :: Maybe Tool , clToolVer :: Maybe ToolVersion } data WhereisCommand = WhereisTool Tool (Maybe ToolVersion) data WhereisOptions = WhereisOptions { directory :: Bool } data PrefetchOptions = PrefetchOptions { pfCacheDir :: Maybe FilePath } data PrefetchCommand = PrefetchGHC PrefetchGHCOptions (Maybe ToolVersion) | PrefetchCabal PrefetchOptions (Maybe ToolVersion) | PrefetchHLS PrefetchOptions (Maybe ToolVersion) | PrefetchStack PrefetchOptions (Maybe ToolVersion) | PrefetchMetadata data PrefetchGHCOptions = PrefetchGHCOptions { pfGHCSrc :: Bool , pfGHCCacheDir :: Maybe FilePath } -- https://github.com/pcapriotti/optparse-applicative/issues/148 -- | A switch that can be enabled using --foo and disabled using --no-foo. -- -- The option modifier is applied to only the option that is *not* enabled -- by default. For example: -- -- > invertableSwitch "recursive" True (help "do not recurse into directories") -- -- This example makes --recursive enabled by default, so -- the help is shown only for --no-recursive. invertableSwitch :: String -- ^ long option -> Char -- ^ short option for the non-default option -> Bool -- ^ is switch enabled by default? -> Mod FlagFields Bool -- ^ option modifier -> Parser (Maybe Bool) invertableSwitch longopt shortopt defv optmod = invertableSwitch' longopt shortopt defv (if defv then mempty else optmod) (if defv then optmod else mempty) -- | Allows providing option modifiers for both --foo and --no-foo. invertableSwitch' :: String -- ^ long option (eg "foo") -> Char -- ^ short option for the non-default option -> Bool -- ^ is switch enabled by default? -> Mod FlagFields Bool -- ^ option modifier for --foo -> Mod FlagFields Bool -- ^ option modifier for --no-foo -> Parser (Maybe Bool) invertableSwitch' longopt shortopt defv enmod dismod = optional ( flag' True ( enmod <> long longopt <> if defv then mempty else short shortopt) <|> flag' False (dismod <> long nolongopt <> if defv then short shortopt else mempty) ) where nolongopt = "no-" ++ longopt opts :: Parser Options opts = Options <$> invertableSwitch "verbose" 'v' False (help "Enable verbosity (default: disabled)") <*> invertableSwitch "cache" 'c' False (help "Cache downloads in ~/.ghcup/cache (default: disabled)") <*> (optional (option (eitherReader parseUri) ( short 's' <> long "url-source" <> metavar "URL" <> help "Alternative ghcup download info url" <> internal ) ) ) <*> (fmap . fmap) not (invertableSwitch "verify" 'n' True (help "Disable tarball checksum verification (default: enabled)")) <*> optional (option (eitherReader keepOnParser) ( long "keep" <> metavar "" <> help "Keep build directories? (default: errors)" <> hidden )) <*> optional (option (eitherReader downloaderParser) ( long "downloader" #if defined(INTERNAL_DOWNLOADER) <> metavar "" <> help "Downloader to use (default: internal)" #else <> metavar "" <> help "Downloader to use (default: curl)" #endif <> hidden )) <*> invertableSwitch "offline" 'o' False (help "Don't do any network calls, trying cached assets and failing if missing.") <*> com where parseUri s' = first show $ parseURI strictURIParserOptions (UTF8.fromString s') com :: Parser Command com = subparser #if defined(BRICK) ( command "tui" ( (\_ -> Interactive) <$> (info helper ( progDesc "Start the interactive GHCup UI" ) ) ) <> command #else ( command #endif "install" ( Install <$> info (installParser <**> helper) ( progDesc "Install or update GHC/cabal/HLS" <> footerDoc (Just $ text installToolFooter) ) ) <> command "set" (info (Set <$> setParser <**> helper) ( progDesc "Set currently active GHC/cabal version" <> footerDoc (Just $ text setFooter) ) ) <> command "rm" (info (Rm <$> rmParser <**> helper) ( progDesc "Remove a GHC/cabal/HLS version" <> footerDoc (Just $ text rmFooter) ) ) <> command "list" (info (List <$> listOpts <**> helper) (progDesc "Show available GHCs and other tools") ) <> command "upgrade" (info ( (Upgrade <$> upgradeOptsP <*> switch (short 'f' <> long "force" <> help "Force update") ) <**> helper ) (progDesc "Upgrade ghcup") ) <> command "compile" ( Compile <$> info (compileP <**> helper) (progDesc "Compile a tool from source") ) <> command "whereis" (info ( (Whereis <$> (WhereisOptions <$> switch (short 'd' <> long "directory" <> help "return directory of the binary instead of the binary location")) <*> whereisP ) <**> helper ) (progDesc "Find a tools location" <> footerDoc ( Just $ text whereisFooter )) ) <> command "prefetch" (info ( (Prefetch <$> prefetchP ) <**> helper ) (progDesc "Prefetch assets" <> footerDoc ( Just $ text prefetchFooter )) ) <> commandGroup "Main commands:" ) <|> subparser ( command "debug-info" ((\_ -> DInfo) <$> info helper (progDesc "Show debug info")) <> command "tool-requirements" ( (\_ -> ToolRequirements) <$> info helper (progDesc "Show the requirements for ghc/cabal") ) <> command "changelog" (info (fmap ChangeLog changelogP <**> helper) ( progDesc "Find/show changelog" <> footerDoc (Just $ text changeLogFooter) ) ) <> command "config" ( Config <$> info (configP <**> helper) (progDesc "Show or set config" <> footerDoc (Just $ text configFooter)) ) <> commandGroup "Other commands:" <> hidden ) <|> subparser ( command "install-cabal" (info ((InstallCabalLegacy <$> installOpts (Just Cabal)) <**> helper) ( progDesc "Install or update cabal" <> footerDoc (Just $ text installCabalFooter) ) ) <> internal ) <|> subparser (command "nuke" (info (pure Nuke <**> helper) (progDesc "Completely remove ghcup from your system")) <> commandGroup "Nuclear Commands:" ) where installToolFooter :: String installToolFooter = [s|Discussion: Installs GHC or cabal. When no command is given, installs GHC with the specified version/tag. It is recommended to always specify a subcommand (ghc/cabal/hls).|] setFooter :: String setFooter = [s|Discussion: Sets the currently active GHC or cabal version. When no command is given, defaults to setting GHC with the specified version/tag (if no tag is given, sets GHC to 'recommended' version). It is recommended to always specify a subcommand (ghc/cabal/hls).|] rmFooter :: String rmFooter = [s|Discussion: Remove the given GHC or cabal version. When no command is given, defaults to removing GHC with the specified version. It is recommended to always specify a subcommand (ghc/cabal/hls).|] changeLogFooter :: String changeLogFooter = [s|Discussion: By default returns the URI of the ChangeLog of the latest GHC release. Pass '-o' to automatically open via xdg-open.|] whereisFooter :: String whereisFooter = [s|Discussion: Finds the location of a tool. For GHC, this is the ghc binary, that usually resides in a self-contained "~/.ghcup/ghc/" directory. For cabal/stack/hls this the binary usually at "~/.ghcup/bin/-". Examples: # outputs ~/.ghcup/ghc/8.10.5/bin/ghc.exe ghcup whereis ghc 8.10.5 # outputs ~/.ghcup/ghc/8.10.5/bin/ ghcup whereis --directory ghc 8.10.5 # outputs ~/.ghcup/bin/cabal- ghcup whereis cabal # outputs ~/.ghcup/bin/ ghcup whereis --directory cabal|] prefetchFooter :: String prefetchFooter = [s|Discussion: Prefetches tools or assets into "~/.ghcup/cache" directory. This can be then combined later with '--offline' flag, ensuring all assets that are required for offline use have been prefetched. Examples: ghcup prefetch metadata ghcup prefetch ghc 8.10.5 ghcup --offline install ghc 8.10.5|] configFooter :: String configFooter = [s|Examples: # show current config ghcup config # initialize config ghcup config init # set configuration pair ghcup config |] installCabalFooter :: String installCabalFooter = [s|Discussion: Installs the specified cabal-install version (or a recommended default one) into "~/.ghcup/bin", so it can be overwritten by later "cabal install cabal-install", which installs into "~/.cabal/bin" by default. Make sure to set up your PATH appropriately, so the cabal installation takes precedence.|] installParser :: Parser (Either InstallCommand InstallOptions) installParser = (Left <$> subparser ( command "ghc" ( InstallGHC <$> info (installOpts (Just GHC) <**> helper) ( progDesc "Install GHC" <> footerDoc (Just $ text installGHCFooter) ) ) <> command "cabal" ( InstallCabal <$> info (installOpts (Just Cabal) <**> helper) ( progDesc "Install Cabal" <> footerDoc (Just $ text installCabalFooter) ) ) <> command "hls" ( InstallHLS <$> info (installOpts (Just HLS) <**> helper) ( progDesc "Install haskell-languge-server" <> footerDoc (Just $ text installHLSFooter) ) ) <> command "stack" ( InstallStack <$> info (installOpts (Just Stack) <**> helper) ( progDesc "Install stack" <> footerDoc (Just $ text installStackFooter) ) ) ) ) <|> (Right <$> installOpts Nothing) where installHLSFooter :: String installHLSFooter = [s|Discussion: Installs haskell-language-server binaries and wrapper into "~/.ghcup/bin" Examples: # install recommended HLS ghcup install hls|] installStackFooter :: String installStackFooter = [s|Discussion: Installs stack binaries into "~/.ghcup/bin" Examples: # install recommended Stack ghcup install stack|] installGHCFooter :: String installGHCFooter = [s|Discussion: Installs the specified GHC version (or a recommended default one) into a self-contained "~/.ghcup/ghc/" directory and symlinks the ghc binaries to "~/.ghcup/bin/-". Examples: # install recommended GHC ghcup install ghc # install latest GHC ghcup install ghc latest # install GHC 8.10.2 ghcup install ghc 8.10.2 # install GHC head fedora bindist ghcup install ghc -u https://gitlab.haskell.org/api/v4/projects/1/jobs/artifacts/master/raw/ghc-x86_64-fedora27-linux.tar.xz?job=validate-x86_64-linux-fedora27 head|] installOpts :: Maybe Tool -> Parser InstallOptions installOpts tool = (\p (u, v) b is f -> InstallOptions v p u b is f) <$> optional (option (eitherReader platformParser) ( short 'p' <> long "platform" <> metavar "PLATFORM" <> help "Override for platform (triple matching ghc tarball names), e.g. x86_64-fedora27-linux" ) ) <*> ( ( (,) <$> optional (option (eitherReader bindistParser) (short 'u' <> long "url" <> metavar "BINDIST_URL" <> help "Install the specified version from this bindist" ) ) <*> (Just <$> toolVersionArgument Nothing tool) ) <|> pure (Nothing, Nothing) ) <*> flag False True (long "set" <> help "Set as active version after install" ) <*> optional (option (eitherReader isolateParser) ( short 'i' <> long "isolate" <> metavar "DIR" <> help "install in an isolated dir instead of the default one" ) ) <*> switch (short 'f' <> long "force" <> help "Force install") setParser :: Parser (Either SetCommand SetOptions) setParser = (Left <$> subparser ( command "ghc" ( SetGHC <$> info (setOpts (Just GHC) <**> helper) ( progDesc "Set GHC version" <> footerDoc (Just $ text setGHCFooter) ) ) <> command "cabal" ( SetCabal <$> info (setOpts (Just Cabal) <**> helper) ( progDesc "Set Cabal version" <> footerDoc (Just $ text setCabalFooter) ) ) <> command "hls" ( SetHLS <$> info (setOpts (Just HLS) <**> helper) ( progDesc "Set haskell-language-server version" <> footerDoc (Just $ text setHLSFooter) ) ) <> command "stack" ( SetStack <$> info (setOpts (Just Stack) <**> helper) ( progDesc "Set stack version" <> footerDoc (Just $ text setStackFooter) ) ) ) ) <|> (Right <$> setOpts Nothing) where setGHCFooter :: String setGHCFooter = [s|Discussion: Sets the the current GHC version by creating non-versioned symlinks for all ghc binaries of the specified version in "~/.ghcup/bin/".|] setCabalFooter :: String setCabalFooter = [s|Discussion: Sets the the current Cabal version.|] setStackFooter :: String setStackFooter = [s|Discussion: Sets the the current Stack version.|] setHLSFooter :: String setHLSFooter = [s|Discussion: Sets the the current haskell-language-server version.|] setOpts :: Maybe Tool -> Parser SetOptions setOpts tool = SetOptions <$> (fromMaybe SetRecommended <$> optional (setVersionArgument (Just ListInstalled) tool)) listOpts :: Parser ListOptions listOpts = ListOptions <$> optional (option (eitherReader toolParser) (short 't' <> long "tool" <> metavar "" <> help "Tool to list versions for. Default is all" ) ) <*> optional (option (eitherReader criteriaParser) ( short 'c' <> long "show-criteria" <> metavar "" <> help "Show only installed or set tool versions" ) ) <*> switch (short 'r' <> long "raw-format" <> help "More machine-parsable format" ) rmParser :: Parser (Either RmCommand RmOptions) rmParser = (Left <$> subparser ( command "ghc" (RmGHC <$> info (rmOpts (Just GHC) <**> helper) (progDesc "Remove GHC version")) <> command "cabal" ( RmCabal <$> info (versionParser' (Just ListInstalled) (Just Cabal) <**> helper) (progDesc "Remove Cabal version") ) <> command "hls" ( RmHLS <$> info (versionParser' (Just ListInstalled) (Just HLS) <**> helper) (progDesc "Remove haskell-language-server version") ) <> command "stack" ( RmStack <$> info (versionParser' (Just ListInstalled) (Just Stack) <**> helper) (progDesc "Remove stack version") ) ) ) <|> (Right <$> rmOpts Nothing) rmOpts :: Maybe Tool -> Parser RmOptions rmOpts tool = RmOptions <$> versionArgument (Just ListInstalled) tool changelogP :: Parser ChangeLogOptions changelogP = (\x y -> ChangeLogOptions x y) <$> switch (short 'o' <> long "open" <> help "xdg-open the changelog url") <*> optional (option (eitherReader (\s' -> case fmap toLower s' of "ghc" -> Right GHC "cabal" -> Right Cabal "ghcup" -> Right GHCup "stack" -> Right Stack e -> Left e ) ) (short 't' <> long "tool" <> metavar "" <> help "Open changelog for given tool (default: ghc)" ) ) <*> optional (toolVersionArgument Nothing Nothing) compileP :: Parser CompileCommand compileP = subparser ( command "ghc" ( CompileGHC <$> info (ghcCompileOpts <**> helper) ( progDesc "Compile GHC from source" <> footerDoc (Just $ text compileFooter) ) ) ) where compileFooter = [s|Discussion: Compiles and installs the specified GHC version into a self-contained "~/.ghcup/ghc/" directory and symlinks the ghc binaries to "~/.ghcup/bin/-". This also allows building a cross-compiler. Consult the documentation first: ENV variables: Various toolchain variables will be passed onto the ghc build system, such as: CC, LD, OBJDUMP, NM, AR, RANLIB. Examples: # compile from known version ghcup compile ghc -j 4 -v 8.4.2 -b 8.2.2 # compile from git commit/reference ghcup compile ghc -j 4 -g master -b 8.2.2 # specify path to bootstrap ghc ghcup compile ghc -j 4 -v 8.4.2 -b /usr/bin/ghc-8.2.2 # build cross compiler ghcup compile ghc -j 4 -v 8.4.2 -b 8.2.2 -x armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf --config $(pwd)/build.mk -- --enable-unregisterised|] configP :: Parser ConfigCommand configP = subparser ( command "init" initP <> command "set" setP -- [set] KEY VALUE at help lhs <> command "show" showP ) <|> argsP -- add show for a single option <|> pure ShowConfig where initP = info (pure InitConfig) (progDesc "Write default config to ~/.ghcup/config.yaml") showP = info (pure ShowConfig) (progDesc "Show current config (default)") setP = info argsP (progDesc "Set config KEY to VALUE") argsP = SetConfig <$> argument str (metavar "KEY") <*> argument str (metavar "VALUE") whereisP :: Parser WhereisCommand whereisP = subparser ( command "ghc" (WhereisTool GHC <$> info ( optional (toolVersionArgument Nothing (Just GHC)) <**> helper ) ( progDesc "Get GHC location" <> footerDoc (Just $ text whereisGHCFooter )) ) <> command "cabal" (WhereisTool Cabal <$> info ( optional (toolVersionArgument Nothing (Just Cabal)) <**> helper ) ( progDesc "Get cabal location" <> footerDoc (Just $ text whereisCabalFooter )) ) <> command "hls" (WhereisTool HLS <$> info ( optional (toolVersionArgument Nothing (Just HLS)) <**> helper ) ( progDesc "Get HLS location" <> footerDoc (Just $ text whereisHLSFooter )) ) <> command "stack" (WhereisTool Stack <$> info ( optional (toolVersionArgument Nothing (Just Stack)) <**> helper ) ( progDesc "Get stack location" <> footerDoc (Just $ text whereisStackFooter )) ) <> command "ghcup" (WhereisTool GHCup <$> info ( (pure Nothing) <**> helper ) ( progDesc "Get ghcup location" )) ) where whereisGHCFooter = [s|Discussion: Finds the location of a GHC executable, which usually resides in a self-contained "~/.ghcup/ghc/" directory. Examples: # outputs ~/.ghcup/ghc/8.10.5/bin/ghc.exe ghcup whereis ghc 8.10.5 # outputs ~/.ghcup/ghc/8.10.5/bin/ ghcup whereis --directory ghc 8.10.5 |] whereisCabalFooter = [s|Discussion: Finds the location of a Cabal executable, which usually resides in "~/.ghcup/bin/". Examples: # outputs ~/.ghcup/bin/cabal- ghcup whereis cabal # outputs ~/.ghcup/bin ghcup whereis --directory cabal|] whereisHLSFooter = [s|Discussion: Finds the location of a HLS executable, which usually resides in "~/.ghcup/bin/". Examples: # outputs ~/.ghcup/bin/haskell-language-server-wrapper-1.2.0 ghcup whereis hls 1.2.0 # outputs ~/.ghcup/bin/ ghcup whereis --directory hls 1.2.0|] whereisStackFooter = [s|Discussion: Finds the location of a stack executable, which usually resides in "~/.ghcup/bin/". Examples: # outputs ~/.ghcup/bin/stack-2.7.1 ghcup whereis stack 2.7.1 # outputs ~/.ghcup/bin/ ghcup whereis --directory stack 2.7.1|] prefetchP :: Parser PrefetchCommand prefetchP = subparser ( command "ghc" (info (PrefetchGHC <$> (PrefetchGHCOptions <$> ( switch (short 's' <> long "source" <> help "Download source tarball instead of bindist") <**> helper ) <*> optional (option str (short 'd' <> long "directory" <> help "directory to download into (default: ~/.ghcup/cache/)"))) <*> ( optional (toolVersionArgument Nothing (Just GHC)) )) ( progDesc "Download GHC assets for installation") ) <> command "cabal" (info (PrefetchCabal <$> fmap PrefetchOptions (optional (option str (short 'd' <> long "directory" <> help "directory to download into (default: ~/.ghcup/cache/)"))) <*> ( optional (toolVersionArgument Nothing (Just Cabal)) <**> helper )) ( progDesc "Download cabal assets for installation") ) <> command "hls" (info (PrefetchHLS <$> fmap PrefetchOptions (optional (option str (short 'd' <> long "directory" <> help "directory to download into (default: ~/.ghcup/cache/)"))) <*> ( optional (toolVersionArgument Nothing (Just HLS)) <**> helper )) ( progDesc "Download HLS assets for installation") ) <> command "stack" (info (PrefetchStack <$> fmap PrefetchOptions (optional (option str (short 'd' <> long "directory" <> help "directory to download into (default: ~/.ghcup/cache/)"))) <*> ( optional (toolVersionArgument Nothing (Just Stack)) <**> helper )) ( progDesc "Download stack assets for installation") ) <> command "metadata" (const PrefetchMetadata <$> info helper ( progDesc "Download ghcup's metadata, needed for various operations") ) ) ghcCompileOpts :: Parser GHCCompileOptions ghcCompileOpts = GHCCompileOptions <$> ((Left <$> option (eitherReader (first (const "Not a valid version") . version . T.pack) ) (short 'v' <> long "version" <> metavar "VERSION" <> help "The tool version to compile" ) ) <|> (Right <$> (GitBranch <$> option str (short 'g' <> long "git-ref" <> metavar "GIT_REFERENCE" <> help "The git commit/branch/ref to build from" ) <*> optional (option str (short 'r' <> long "repository" <> metavar "GIT_REPOSITORY" <> help "The git repository to build from (defaults to GHC upstream)")) ))) <*> option (eitherReader (\x -> (bimap (const "Not a valid version") Left . version . T.pack $ x) <|> (if isPathSeparator (head x) then pure $ Right x else Left "Not an absolute Path") ) ) ( short 'b' <> long "bootstrap-ghc" <> metavar "BOOTSTRAP_GHC" <> help "The GHC version (or full path) to bootstrap with (must be installed)" ) <*> optional (option (eitherReader (readEither @Int)) (short 'j' <> long "jobs" <> metavar "JOBS" <> help "How many jobs to use for make" ) ) <*> optional (option str (short 'c' <> long "config" <> metavar "CONFIG" <> help "Absolute path to build config file" ) ) <*> optional (option str (short 'p' <> long "patchdir" <> metavar "PATCH_DIR" <> help "Absolute path to patch directory (applied in order, uses -p1)" ) ) <*> optional (option str (short 'x' <> long "cross-target" <> metavar "CROSS_TARGET" <> help "Build cross-compiler for this platform" ) ) <*> many (argument str (metavar "CONFIGURE_ARGS" <> help "Additional arguments to configure, prefix with '-- ' (longopts)")) <*> flag False True (long "set" <> help "Set as active version after install" ) <*> optional (option (eitherReader (first (const "Not a valid version") . version . T.pack) ) (short 'o' <> long "overwrite-version" <> metavar "OVERWRITE_VERSION" <> help "Allows to overwrite the finally installed VERSION with a different one, e.g. when you build 8.10.4 with your own patches, you might want to set this to '8.10.4-p1'" ) ) <*> optional (option str (short 'f' <> long "flavour" <> metavar "BUILD_FLAVOUR" <> help "Set the compile build flavour (this value depends on the build system type: 'make' vs 'hadrian')" ) ) <*> switch (long "hadrian" <> help "Use the hadrian build system instead of make (only git versions seem to be properly supported atm)" ) <*> optional (option (eitherReader isolateParser) ( short 'i' <> long "isolate" <> metavar "DIR" <> help "install in an isolated directory instead of the default one, no symlinks to this installation will be made" ) ) toolVersionParser :: Parser ToolVersion toolVersionParser = verP' <|> toolP where verP' = ToolVersion <$> versionParser toolP = ToolTag <$> option (eitherReader tagEither) (short 't' <> long "tag" <> metavar "TAG" <> help "The target tag") -- | same as toolVersionParser, except as an argument. toolVersionArgument :: Maybe ListCriteria -> Maybe Tool -> Parser ToolVersion toolVersionArgument criteria tool = argument (eitherReader toolVersionEither) (metavar "VERSION|TAG" <> completer (tagCompleter (fromMaybe GHC tool) []) <> foldMap (completer . versionCompleter criteria) tool) setVersionArgument :: Maybe ListCriteria -> Maybe Tool -> Parser SetToolVersion setVersionArgument criteria tool = argument (eitherReader setEither) (metavar "VERSION|TAG|next" <> completer (tagCompleter (fromMaybe GHC tool) ["next"]) <> foldMap (completer . versionCompleter criteria) tool) where setEither s' = parseSet s' <|> second SetToolTag (tagEither s') <|> second SetToolVersion (tVersionEither s') parseSet s' = case fmap toLower s' of "next" -> Right SetNext other -> Left $ "Unknown tag/version " <> other versionArgument :: Maybe ListCriteria -> Maybe Tool -> Parser GHCTargetVersion versionArgument criteria tool = argument (eitherReader tVersionEither) (metavar "VERSION" <> foldMap (completer . versionCompleter criteria) tool) tagCompleter :: Tool -> [String] -> Completer tagCompleter tool add = listIOCompleter $ do dirs' <- liftIO getAllDirs let appState = LeanAppState (Settings True False Never Curl False GHCupURL True) dirs' defaultKeyBindings let loggerConfig = LoggerConfig { lcPrintDebug = False , colorOutter = mempty , rawOutter = mempty } let runLogger = myLoggerT loggerConfig mGhcUpInfo <- runLogger . flip runReaderT appState . runE $ getDownloadsF case mGhcUpInfo of VRight ghcupInfo -> do let allTags = filter (\t -> t /= Old) $ join $ fmap _viTags $ M.elems $ availableToolVersions (_ghcupDownloads ghcupInfo) tool pure $ nub $ (add ++) $ fmap tagToString allTags VLeft _ -> pure (nub $ ["recommended", "latest"] ++ add) versionCompleter :: Maybe ListCriteria -> Tool -> Completer versionCompleter criteria tool = listIOCompleter $ do dirs' <- liftIO getAllDirs let loggerConfig = LoggerConfig { lcPrintDebug = False , colorOutter = mempty , rawOutter = mempty } let runLogger = myLoggerT loggerConfig settings = Settings True False Never Curl False GHCupURL True let leanAppState = LeanAppState settings dirs' defaultKeyBindings mpFreq <- runLogger . flip runReaderT leanAppState . runE $ platformRequest mGhcUpInfo <- runLogger . flip runReaderT leanAppState . runE $ getDownloadsF forFold mpFreq $ \pfreq -> do forFold mGhcUpInfo $ \ghcupInfo -> do let appState = AppState settings dirs' defaultKeyBindings ghcupInfo pfreq runEnv = runLogger . flip runReaderT appState installedVersions <- runEnv $ listVersions (Just tool) criteria return $ T.unpack . prettyVer . lVer <$> installedVersions versionParser :: Parser GHCTargetVersion versionParser = option (eitherReader tVersionEither) (short 'v' <> long "version" <> metavar "VERSION" <> help "The target version" ) versionParser' :: Maybe ListCriteria -> Maybe Tool -> Parser Version versionParser' criteria tool = argument (eitherReader (first show . version . T.pack)) (metavar "VERSION" <> foldMap (completer . versionCompleter criteria) tool) tagEither :: String -> Either String Tag tagEither s' = case fmap toLower s' of "recommended" -> Right Recommended "latest" -> Right Latest ('b':'a':'s':'e':'-':ver') -> case pvp (T.pack ver') of Right x -> Right (Base x) Left _ -> Left $ "Invalid PVP version for base " <> ver' other -> Left $ "Unknown tag " <> other tVersionEither :: String -> Either String GHCTargetVersion tVersionEither = first (const "Not a valid version") . MP.parse ghcTargetVerP "" . T.pack toolVersionEither :: String -> Either String ToolVersion toolVersionEither s' = second ToolTag (tagEither s') <|> second ToolVersion (tVersionEither s') toolParser :: String -> Either String Tool toolParser s' | t == T.pack "ghc" = Right GHC | t == T.pack "cabal" = Right Cabal | otherwise = Left ("Unknown tool: " <> s') where t = T.toLower (T.pack s') criteriaParser :: String -> Either String ListCriteria criteriaParser s' | t == T.pack "installed" = Right ListInstalled | t == T.pack "set" = Right ListSet | otherwise = Left ("Unknown criteria: " <> s') where t = T.toLower (T.pack s') keepOnParser :: String -> Either String KeepDirs keepOnParser s' | t == T.pack "always" = Right Always | t == T.pack "errors" = Right Errors | t == T.pack "never" = Right Never | otherwise = Left ("Unknown keep value: " <> s') where t = T.toLower (T.pack s') downloaderParser :: String -> Either String Downloader downloaderParser s' | t == T.pack "curl" = Right Curl | t == T.pack "wget" = Right Wget #if defined(INTERNAL_DOWNLOADER) | t == T.pack "internal" = Right Internal #endif | otherwise = Left ("Unknown downloader value: " <> s') where t = T.toLower (T.pack s') platformParser :: String -> Either String PlatformRequest platformParser s' = case MP.parse (platformP <* MP.eof) "" (T.pack s') of Right r -> pure r Left e -> Left $ errorBundlePretty e where archP :: MP.Parsec Void Text Architecture archP = MP.try (MP.chunk "x86_64" $> A_64) <|> (MP.chunk "i386" $> A_32) platformP :: MP.Parsec Void Text PlatformRequest platformP = choice' [ (\a mv -> PlatformRequest a FreeBSD mv) <$> (archP <* MP.chunk "-") <*> ( MP.chunk "portbld" *> ( MP.try (Just <$> verP (MP.chunk "-freebsd" <* MP.eof)) <|> pure Nothing ) <* MP.chunk "-freebsd" ) , (\a mv -> PlatformRequest a Darwin mv) <$> (archP <* MP.chunk "-") <*> ( MP.chunk "apple" *> ( MP.try (Just <$> verP (MP.chunk "-darwin" <* MP.eof)) <|> pure Nothing ) <* MP.chunk "-darwin" ) , (\a d mv -> PlatformRequest a (Linux d) mv) <$> (archP <* MP.chunk "-") <*> distroP <*> ((MP.try (Just <$> verP (MP.chunk "-linux" <* MP.eof)) <|> pure Nothing ) <* MP.chunk "-linux" ) ] distroP :: MP.Parsec Void Text LinuxDistro distroP = choice' [ MP.chunk "debian" $> Debian , MP.chunk "deb" $> Debian , MP.chunk "ubuntu" $> Ubuntu , MP.chunk "mint" $> Mint , MP.chunk "fedora" $> Fedora , MP.chunk "centos" $> CentOS , MP.chunk "redhat" $> RedHat , MP.chunk "alpine" $> Alpine , MP.chunk "gentoo" $> Gentoo , MP.chunk "exherbo" $> Exherbo , MP.chunk "unknown" $> UnknownLinux ] bindistParser :: String -> Either String URI bindistParser = first show . parseURI strictURIParserOptions . UTF8.fromString isolateParser :: FilePath -> Either String FilePath isolateParser f = case isValid f of True -> Right $ normalise f False -> Left "Please enter a valid filepath for isolate dir." toSettings :: Options -> IO (Settings, KeyBindings) toSettings options = do userConf <- runE @'[ JSONError ] ghcupConfigFile >>= \case VRight r -> pure r VLeft (V (JSONDecodeError e)) -> do B.hPut stderr ("Error decoding config file: " <> (E.encodeUtf8 . T.pack . show $ e)) pure defaultUserSettings _ -> do die "Unexpected error!" pure $ mergeConf options userConf where mergeConf :: Options -> UserSettings -> (Settings, KeyBindings) mergeConf Options{..} UserSettings{..} = let cache = fromMaybe (fromMaybe False uCache) optCache noVerify = fromMaybe (fromMaybe False uNoVerify) optNoVerify verbose = fromMaybe (fromMaybe False uVerbose) optVerbose keepDirs = fromMaybe (fromMaybe Errors uKeepDirs) optKeepDirs downloader = fromMaybe (fromMaybe defaultDownloader uDownloader) optsDownloader keyBindings = maybe defaultKeyBindings mergeKeys uKeyBindings urlSource = maybe (fromMaybe GHCupURL uUrlSource) OwnSource optUrlSource noNetwork = fromMaybe (fromMaybe False uNoNetwork) optNoNetwork in (Settings {..}, keyBindings) #if defined(INTERNAL_DOWNLOADER) defaultDownloader = Internal #else defaultDownloader = Curl #endif mergeKeys :: UserKeyBindings -> KeyBindings mergeKeys UserKeyBindings {..} = let KeyBindings {..} = defaultKeyBindings in KeyBindings { bUp = fromMaybe bUp kUp , bDown = fromMaybe bDown kDown , bQuit = fromMaybe bQuit kQuit , bInstall = fromMaybe bInstall kInstall , bUninstall = fromMaybe bUninstall kUninstall , bSet = fromMaybe bSet kSet , bChangelog = fromMaybe bChangelog kChangelog , bShowAllVersions = fromMaybe bShowAllVersions kShowAll , bShowAllTools = fromMaybe bShowAllTools kShowAllTools } updateSettings :: Monad m => UTF8.ByteString -> Settings -> Excepts '[JSONError] m Settings updateSettings config settings = do settings' <- lE' JSONDecodeError . first show . Y.decodeEither' $ config pure $ mergeConf settings' settings where mergeConf :: UserSettings -> Settings -> Settings mergeConf UserSettings{..} Settings{..} = let cache' = fromMaybe cache uCache noVerify' = fromMaybe noVerify uNoVerify keepDirs' = fromMaybe keepDirs uKeepDirs downloader' = fromMaybe downloader uDownloader verbose' = fromMaybe verbose uVerbose urlSource' = fromMaybe urlSource uUrlSource noNetwork' = fromMaybe noNetwork uNoNetwork in Settings cache' noVerify' keepDirs' downloader' verbose' urlSource' noNetwork' upgradeOptsP :: Parser UpgradeOpts upgradeOptsP = flag' UpgradeInplace (short 'i' <> long "inplace" <> help "Upgrade ghcup in-place (wherever it's at)" ) <|> ( UpgradeAt <$> option str (short 't' <> long "target" <> metavar "TARGET_DIR" <> help "Absolute filepath to write ghcup into" ) ) <|> pure UpgradeGHCupDir describe_result :: String describe_result = $( LitE . StringL <$> runIO (do CapturedProcess{..} <- do dirs <- liftIO getAllDirs let settings = AppState (Settings True False Never Curl False GHCupURL False) dirs defaultKeyBindings flip runReaderT settings $ executeOut "git" ["describe"] Nothing case _exitCode of ExitSuccess -> pure . T.unpack . decUTF8Safe' $ _stdOut ExitFailure _ -> pure numericVer ) ) formatConfig :: UserSettings -> String formatConfig settings = UTF8.toString . YP.encodePretty yamlConfig $ settings where yamlConfig = YP.setConfCompare compare YP.defConfig main :: IO () main = do -- https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/issues/8118 setLocaleEncoding utf8 void enableAnsiSupport let versionHelp = infoOption ( ("The GHCup Haskell installer, version " <>) (head . lines $ describe_result) ) (long "version" <> help "Show version" <> hidden) let numericVersionHelp = infoOption numericVer ( long "numeric-version" <> help "Show the numeric version (for use in scripts)" <> hidden ) let listCommands = infoOption "install set rm install-cabal list upgrade compile debug-info tool-requirements changelog" ( long "list-commands" <> help "List available commands for shell completion" <> internal ) let main_footer = [s|Discussion: ghcup installs the Glasgow Haskell Compiler from the official release channels, enabling you to easily switch between different versions. It maintains a self-contained ~/.ghcup directory. ENV variables: * TMPDIR: where ghcup does the work (unpacking, building, ...) * GHCUP_INSTALL_BASE_PREFIX: the base of ghcup (default: $HOME) * GHCUP_USE_XDG_DIRS: set to anything to use XDG style directories Report bugs at |] customExecParser (prefs showHelpOnError) (info (opts <**> helper <**> versionHelp <**> numericVersionHelp <**> listCommands) (footerDoc (Just $ text main_footer)) ) >>= \opt@Options {..} -> do dirs@Dirs{..} <- getAllDirs -- create ~/.ghcup dir ensureDirectories dirs (settings, keybindings) <- toSettings opt -- logger interpreter logfile <- flip runReaderT dirs $ initGHCupFileLogging let loggerConfig = LoggerConfig { lcPrintDebug = verbose settings , colorOutter = B.hPut stderr , rawOutter = case optCommand of Nuke -> \_ -> pure () _ -> B.appendFile logfile } let runLogger = myLoggerT loggerConfig let siletRunLogger = myLoggerT loggerConfig { colorOutter = \_ -> pure () } ------------------------- -- Setting up appstate -- ------------------------- let leanAppstate = LeanAppState settings dirs keybindings appState = do pfreq <- ( runLogger . runE @'[NoCompatiblePlatform, NoCompatibleArch, DistroNotFound] . liftE $ platformRequest ) >>= \case VRight r -> pure r VLeft e -> do runLogger ($(logError) $ T.pack $ prettyShow e) exitWith (ExitFailure 2) ghcupInfo <- ( runLogger . flip runReaderT leanAppstate . runE @'[JSONError , DownloadFailed, FileDoesNotExistError] $ liftE $ getDownloadsF ) >>= \case VRight r -> pure r VLeft e -> do runLogger ($(logError) $ T.pack $ prettyShow e) exitWith (ExitFailure 2) let s' = AppState settings dirs keybindings ghcupInfo pfreq race_ (liftIO $ runLogger $ flip runReaderT dirs $ cleanupTrash) (threadDelay 5000000 >> runLogger ($(logWarn) $ "Killing cleanup thread (exceeded 5s timeout)... please remove leftover files in " <> T.pack recycleDir <> " manually")) case optCommand of Nuke -> pure () Whereis _ _ -> pure () DInfo -> pure () ToolRequirements -> pure () ChangeLog _ -> pure () #if defined(BRICK) Interactive -> pure () #endif _ -> lookupEnv "GHCUP_SKIP_UPDATE_CHECK" >>= \case Nothing -> runLogger $ flip runReaderT s' $ checkForUpdates Just _ -> pure () -- TODO: always run for windows (siletRunLogger $ flip runReaderT s' $ runE ensureGlobalTools) >>= \case VRight _ -> pure () VLeft e -> do runLogger ($(logError) $ T.pack $ prettyShow e) exitWith (ExitFailure 30) pure s' #if defined(IS_WINDOWS) -- FIXME: windows needs 'ensureGlobalTools', which requires -- full appstate runLeanAppState = runAppState #else runLeanAppState = flip runReaderT leanAppstate #endif runAppState action' = do s' <- liftIO appState flip runReaderT s' action' ------------------------- -- Effect interpreters -- ------------------------- let runInstTool' appstate' mInstPlatform = runLogger . flip runReaderT (maybe appstate' (\x -> appstate'{ pfreq = x } :: AppState) mInstPlatform) . runResourceT . runE @'[ AlreadyInstalled , UnknownArchive , ArchiveResult , FileDoesNotExistError , CopyError , NotInstalled , DirNotEmpty , NoDownload , NotInstalled , BuildFailed , TagNotFound , DigestError , DownloadFailed , TarDirDoesNotExist , NextVerNotFound , NoToolVersionSet , FileAlreadyExistsError ] let runInstTool mInstPlatform action' = do s' <- liftIO appState runInstTool' s' mInstPlatform action' let runLeanSetGHC = runLogger . runLeanAppState . runE @'[ FileDoesNotExistError , NotInstalled , TagNotFound , NextVerNotFound , NoToolVersionSet ] runSetGHC = runLogger . runAppState . runE @'[ FileDoesNotExistError , NotInstalled , TagNotFound , NextVerNotFound , NoToolVersionSet ] let runLeanSetCabal = runLogger . runLeanAppState . runE @'[ NotInstalled , TagNotFound , NextVerNotFound , NoToolVersionSet ] runSetCabal = runLogger . runAppState . runE @'[ NotInstalled , TagNotFound , NextVerNotFound , NoToolVersionSet ] let runSetHLS = runLogger . runAppState . runE @'[ NotInstalled , TagNotFound , NextVerNotFound , NoToolVersionSet ] runLeanSetHLS = runLogger . runLeanAppState . runE @'[ NotInstalled , TagNotFound , NextVerNotFound , NoToolVersionSet ] let runListGHC = runLogger . runAppState let runRm = runLogger . runAppState . runE @'[NotInstalled] let runNuke s' = runLogger . flip runReaderT s' . runE @'[NotInstalled] let runDebugInfo = runLogger . runAppState . runE @'[NoCompatiblePlatform , NoCompatibleArch , DistroNotFound] let runCompileGHC = runLogger . runAppState . runResourceT . runE @'[ AlreadyInstalled , BuildFailed , DigestError , DownloadFailed , GHCupSetError , NoDownload , NotFoundInPATH , PatchFailed , UnknownArchive , TarDirDoesNotExist , NotInstalled , DirNotEmpty , ArchiveResult ] let runLeanWhereIs = runLogger -- Don't use runLeanAppState here, which is disabled on windows. -- This is the only command on all platforms that doesn't need full appstate. . flip runReaderT leanAppstate . runE @'[ NotInstalled , NoToolVersionSet , NextVerNotFound , TagNotFound ] runWhereIs = runLogger . runAppState . runE @'[ NotInstalled , NoToolVersionSet , NextVerNotFound , TagNotFound ] let runUpgrade = runLogger . runAppState . runResourceT . runE @'[ DigestError , NoDownload , NoUpdate , FileDoesNotExistError , CopyError , DownloadFailed ] let runPrefetch = runLogger . runAppState . runResourceT . runE @'[ TagNotFound , NextVerNotFound , NoToolVersionSet , NoDownload , DigestError , DownloadFailed , JSONError , FileDoesNotExistError ] ----------------------- -- Command functions -- ----------------------- let installGHC InstallOptions{..} = (case instBindist of Nothing -> runInstTool instPlatform $ do (v, vi) <- liftE $ fromVersion instVer GHC liftE $ installGHCBin (_tvVersion v) isolateDir when instSet $ void $ liftE $ setGHC v SetGHCOnly pure vi Just uri -> do s' <- liftIO appState runInstTool' s'{ settings = settings {noVerify = True}} instPlatform $ do (v, vi) <- liftE $ fromVersion instVer GHC liftE $ installGHCBindist (DownloadInfo uri (Just $ RegexDir "ghc-.*") "") (_tvVersion v) isolateDir when instSet $ void $ liftE $ setGHC v SetGHCOnly pure vi ) >>= \case VRight vi -> do runLogger $ $(logInfo) "GHC installation successful" forM_ (_viPostInstall =<< vi) $ \msg -> runLogger $ $(logInfo) msg pure ExitSuccess VLeft (V (AlreadyInstalled _ v)) -> do runLogger $ $(logWarn) $ "GHC ver " <> prettyVer v <> " already installed; if you really want to reinstall it, you may want to run 'ghcup rm ghc " <> prettyVer v <> "' first" pure ExitSuccess VLeft err@(V (BuildFailed tmpdir _)) -> do case keepDirs settings of Never -> myLoggerT loggerConfig $ ($(logError) $ T.pack $ prettyShow err) _ -> myLoggerT loggerConfig $ ($(logError) $ T.pack (prettyShow err) <> "\n" <> "Check the logs at " <> T.pack logsDir <> " and the build directory " <> T.pack tmpdir <> " for more clues." <> "\n" <> "Make sure to clean up " <> T.pack tmpdir <> " afterwards.") pure $ ExitFailure 3 VLeft e -> do runLogger $ do $(logError) $ T.pack $ prettyShow e $(logError) $ "Also check the logs in " <> T.pack logsDir pure $ ExitFailure 3 let installCabal InstallOptions{..} = (case instBindist of Nothing -> runInstTool instPlatform $ do (v, vi) <- liftE $ fromVersion instVer Cabal liftE $ installCabalBin (_tvVersion v) isolateDir forceInstall pure vi Just uri -> do s' <- appState runInstTool' s'{ settings = settings { noVerify = True}} instPlatform $ do (v, vi) <- liftE $ fromVersion instVer Cabal liftE $ installCabalBindist (DownloadInfo uri Nothing "") (_tvVersion v) isolateDir forceInstall pure vi ) >>= \case VRight vi -> do runLogger $ $(logInfo) "Cabal installation successful" forM_ (_viPostInstall =<< vi) $ \msg -> runLogger $ $(logInfo) msg pure ExitSuccess VLeft (V (AlreadyInstalled _ v)) -> do runLogger $ $(logWarn) $ "Cabal ver " <> prettyVer v <> " already installed; if you really want to reinstall it, you may want to run 'ghcup rm cabal " <> prettyVer v <> "' first" pure ExitSuccess VLeft e -> do runLogger $ do $(logError) $ T.pack $ prettyShow e $(logError) $ "Also check the logs in " <> T.pack logsDir pure $ ExitFailure 4 let installHLS InstallOptions{..} = (case instBindist of Nothing -> runInstTool instPlatform $ do (v, vi) <- liftE $ fromVersion instVer HLS liftE $ installHLSBin (_tvVersion v) isolateDir pure vi Just uri -> do s' <- appState runInstTool' s'{ settings = settings { noVerify = True}} instPlatform $ do (v, vi) <- liftE $ fromVersion instVer HLS liftE $ installHLSBindist (DownloadInfo uri Nothing "") (_tvVersion v) isolateDir pure vi ) >>= \case VRight vi -> do runLogger $ $(logInfo) "HLS installation successful" forM_ (_viPostInstall =<< vi) $ \msg -> runLogger $ $(logInfo) msg pure ExitSuccess VLeft (V (AlreadyInstalled _ v)) -> do runLogger $ $(logWarn) $ "HLS ver " <> prettyVer v <> " already installed; if you really want to reinstall it, you may want to run 'ghcup rm hls " <> prettyVer v <> "' first" pure ExitSuccess VLeft e -> do runLogger $ do $(logError) $ T.pack $ prettyShow e $(logError) $ "Also check the logs in " <> T.pack logsDir pure $ ExitFailure 4 let installStack InstallOptions{..} = (case instBindist of Nothing -> runInstTool instPlatform $ do (v, vi) <- liftE $ fromVersion instVer Stack liftE $ installStackBin (_tvVersion v) isolateDir pure vi Just uri -> do s' <- appState runInstTool' s'{ settings = settings { noVerify = True}} instPlatform $ do (v, vi) <- liftE $ fromVersion instVer Stack liftE $ installStackBindist (DownloadInfo uri Nothing "") (_tvVersion v) isolateDir pure vi ) >>= \case VRight vi -> do runLogger $ $(logInfo) "Stack installation successful" forM_ (_viPostInstall =<< vi) $ \msg -> runLogger $ $(logInfo) msg pure ExitSuccess VLeft (V (AlreadyInstalled _ v)) -> do runLogger $ $(logWarn) $ "Stack ver " <> prettyVer v <> " already installed; if you really want to reinstall it, you may want to run 'ghcup rm stack " <> prettyVer v <> "' first" pure ExitSuccess VLeft e -> do runLogger $ do $(logError) $ T.pack $ prettyShow e $(logError) $ "Also check the logs in " <> T.pack logsDir pure $ ExitFailure 4 let setGHC' SetOptions{ sToolVer } = case sToolVer of (SetToolVersion v) -> runLeanSetGHC (liftE $ setGHC v SetGHCOnly >> pure v) _ -> runSetGHC (do v <- liftE $ fst <$> fromVersion' sToolVer GHC liftE $ setGHC v SetGHCOnly ) >>= \case VRight GHCTargetVersion{..} -> do runLogger $ $(logInfo) $ "GHC " <> prettyVer _tvVersion <> " successfully set as default version" <> maybe "" (" for cross target " <>) _tvTarget pure ExitSuccess VLeft e -> do runLogger $ $(logError) $ T.pack $ prettyShow e pure $ ExitFailure 5 let setCabal' SetOptions{ sToolVer } = case sToolVer of (SetToolVersion v) -> runLeanSetCabal (liftE $ setCabal (_tvVersion v) >> pure v) _ -> runSetCabal (do v <- liftE $ fst <$> fromVersion' sToolVer Cabal liftE $ setCabal (_tvVersion v) pure v ) >>= \case VRight GHCTargetVersion{..} -> do runLogger $ $(logInfo) $ "Cabal " <> prettyVer _tvVersion <> " successfully set as default version" pure ExitSuccess VLeft e -> do runLogger $ $(logError) $ T.pack $ prettyShow e pure $ ExitFailure 14 let setHLS' SetOptions{ sToolVer } = case sToolVer of (SetToolVersion v) -> runLeanSetHLS (liftE $ setHLS (_tvVersion v) >> pure v) _ -> runSetHLS (do v <- liftE $ fst <$> fromVersion' sToolVer HLS liftE $ setHLS (_tvVersion v) pure v ) >>= \case VRight GHCTargetVersion{..} -> do runLogger $ $(logInfo) $ "HLS " <> prettyVer _tvVersion <> " successfully set as default version" pure ExitSuccess VLeft e -> do runLogger $ $(logError) $ T.pack $ prettyShow e pure $ ExitFailure 14 let setStack' SetOptions{ sToolVer } = case sToolVer of (SetToolVersion v) -> runSetCabal (liftE $ setStack (_tvVersion v) >> pure v) _ -> runSetCabal (do v <- liftE $ fst <$> fromVersion' sToolVer Stack liftE $ setStack (_tvVersion v) pure v ) >>= \case VRight GHCTargetVersion{..} -> do runLogger $ $(logInfo) $ "Stack " <> prettyVer _tvVersion <> " successfully set as default version" pure ExitSuccess VLeft e -> do runLogger $ $(logError) $ T.pack $ prettyShow e pure $ ExitFailure 14 let rmGHC' RmOptions{..} = runRm (do liftE $ rmGHCVer ghcVer GHCupInfo { _ghcupDownloads = dls } <- lift getGHCupInfo pure (getVersionInfo (_tvVersion ghcVer) GHC dls) ) >>= \case VRight vi -> do forM_ (_viPostRemove =<< vi) $ \msg -> runLogger $ $(logInfo) msg pure ExitSuccess VLeft e -> do runLogger $ $(logError) $ T.pack $ prettyShow e pure $ ExitFailure 7 let rmCabal' tv = runRm (do liftE $ rmCabalVer tv GHCupInfo { _ghcupDownloads = dls } <- lift getGHCupInfo pure (getVersionInfo tv Cabal dls) ) >>= \case VRight vi -> do forM_ (_viPostRemove =<< vi) $ \msg -> runLogger $ $(logInfo) msg pure ExitSuccess VLeft e -> do runLogger $ $(logError) $ T.pack $ prettyShow e pure $ ExitFailure 15 let rmHLS' tv = runRm (do liftE $ rmHLSVer tv GHCupInfo { _ghcupDownloads = dls } <- lift getGHCupInfo pure (getVersionInfo tv HLS dls) ) >>= \case VRight vi -> do forM_ (_viPostRemove =<< vi) $ \msg -> runLogger $ $(logInfo) msg pure ExitSuccess VLeft e -> do runLogger $ $(logError) $ T.pack $ prettyShow e pure $ ExitFailure 15 let rmStack' tv = runRm (do liftE $ rmStackVer tv GHCupInfo { _ghcupDownloads = dls } <- lift getGHCupInfo pure (getVersionInfo tv Stack dls) ) >>= \case VRight vi -> do forM_ (_viPostRemove =<< vi) $ \msg -> runLogger $ $(logInfo) msg pure ExitSuccess VLeft e -> do runLogger $ $(logError) $ T.pack $ prettyShow e pure $ ExitFailure 15 res <- case optCommand of #if defined(BRICK) Interactive -> do s' <- appState liftIO $ brickMain s' loggerConfig >> pure ExitSuccess #endif Install (Right iopts) -> do runLogger ($(logWarn) "This is an old-style command for installing GHC. Use 'ghcup install ghc' instead.") installGHC iopts Install (Left (InstallGHC iopts)) -> installGHC iopts Install (Left (InstallCabal iopts)) -> installCabal iopts Install (Left (InstallHLS iopts)) -> installHLS iopts Install (Left (InstallStack iopts)) -> installStack iopts InstallCabalLegacy iopts -> do runLogger ($(logWarn) "This is an old-style command for installing cabal. Use 'ghcup install cabal' instead.") installCabal iopts Set (Right sopts) -> do runLogger ($(logWarn) "This is an old-style command for setting GHC. Use 'ghcup set ghc' instead.") setGHC' sopts Set (Left (SetGHC sopts)) -> setGHC' sopts Set (Left (SetCabal sopts)) -> setCabal' sopts Set (Left (SetHLS sopts)) -> setHLS' sopts Set (Left (SetStack sopts)) -> setStack' sopts List ListOptions {..} -> runListGHC (do l <- listVersions loTool lCriteria liftIO $ printListResult lRawFormat l pure ExitSuccess ) Rm (Right rmopts) -> do runLogger ($(logWarn) "This is an old-style command for removing GHC. Use 'ghcup rm ghc' instead.") rmGHC' rmopts Rm (Left (RmGHC rmopts)) -> rmGHC' rmopts Rm (Left (RmCabal rmopts)) -> rmCabal' rmopts Rm (Left (RmHLS rmopts)) -> rmHLS' rmopts Rm (Left (RmStack rmopts)) -> rmStack' rmopts DInfo -> do runDebugInfo $ liftE getDebugInfo >>= \case VRight dinfo -> do putStrLn $ prettyDebugInfo dinfo pure ExitSuccess VLeft e -> do runLogger $ $(logError) $ T.pack $ prettyShow e pure $ ExitFailure 8 Compile (CompileGHC GHCCompileOptions { hadrian = True, crossTarget = Just _ }) -> do runLogger $ $(logError) "Hadrian cross compile support is not yet implemented!" pure $ ExitFailure 9 Compile (CompileGHC GHCCompileOptions {..}) -> runCompileGHC (do case targetGhc of Left targetVer -> do GHCupInfo { _ghcupDownloads = dls } <- lift getGHCupInfo let vi = getVersionInfo targetVer GHC dls forM_ (_viPreCompile =<< vi) $ \msg -> do lift $ $(logInfo) msg lift $ $(logInfo) "...waiting for 5 seconds, you can still abort..." liftIO $ threadDelay 5000000 -- for compilation, give the user a sec to intervene Right _ -> pure () targetVer <- liftE $ compileGHC (first (GHCTargetVersion crossTarget) targetGhc) ovewrwiteVer bootstrapGhc jobs buildConfig patchDir addConfArgs buildFlavour hadrian isolateDir GHCupInfo { _ghcupDownloads = dls } <- lift getGHCupInfo let vi = getVersionInfo (_tvVersion targetVer) GHC dls when setCompile $ void $ liftE $ setGHC targetVer SetGHCOnly pure (vi, targetVer) ) >>= \case VRight (vi, tv) -> do runLogger $ $(logInfo) "GHC successfully compiled and installed" forM_ (_viPostInstall =<< vi) $ \msg -> runLogger $ $(logInfo) msg putStr (T.unpack $ tVerToText tv) pure ExitSuccess VLeft (V (AlreadyInstalled _ v)) -> do runLogger $ $(logWarn) $ "GHC ver " <> prettyVer v <> " already installed; if you really want to reinstall it, you may want to run 'ghcup rm ghc " <> prettyVer v <> "' first" pure ExitSuccess VLeft err@(V (BuildFailed tmpdir _)) -> do case keepDirs settings of Never -> myLoggerT loggerConfig $ $(logError) $ T.pack $ prettyShow err _ -> myLoggerT loggerConfig $ ($(logError) $ T.pack (prettyShow err) <> "\n" <> "Check the logs at " <> T.pack logsDir <> " and the build directory " <> T.pack tmpdir <> " for more clues." <> "\n" <> "Make sure to clean up " <> T.pack tmpdir <> " afterwards.") pure $ ExitFailure 9 VLeft e -> do runLogger $ $(logError) $ T.pack $ prettyShow e pure $ ExitFailure 9 Config InitConfig -> do path <- getConfigFilePath writeFile path $ formatConfig $ fromSettings settings (Just keybindings) runLogger $ $(logDebug) $ "config.yaml initialized at " <> T.pack path pure ExitSuccess Config ShowConfig -> do putStrLn $ formatConfig $ fromSettings settings (Just keybindings) pure ExitSuccess Config (SetConfig k v) -> do case v of "" -> do runLogger $ $(logError) "Empty values are not allowed" pure $ ExitFailure 55 _ -> do r <- runE @'[JSONError] $ do settings' <- updateSettings (UTF8.fromString (k <> ": " <> v <> "\n")) settings path <- liftIO getConfigFilePath liftIO $ writeFile path $ formatConfig $ fromSettings settings' (Just keybindings) runLogger $ $(logDebug) $ T.pack $ show settings' pure () case r of VRight _ -> pure ExitSuccess VLeft (V (JSONDecodeError e)) -> do runLogger $ $(logError) $ "Error decoding config: " <> T.pack e pure $ ExitFailure 65 VLeft _ -> pure $ ExitFailure 65 Whereis WhereisOptions{..} (WhereisTool tool (Just (ToolVersion v))) -> runLeanWhereIs (do loc <- liftE $ whereIsTool tool v if directory then pure $ takeDirectory loc else pure loc ) >>= \case VRight r -> do putStr r pure ExitSuccess VLeft e -> do runLogger $ $(logError) $ T.pack $ prettyShow e pure $ ExitFailure 30 Whereis WhereisOptions{..} (WhereisTool tool whereVer) -> runWhereIs (do (v, _) <- liftE $ fromVersion whereVer tool loc <- liftE $ whereIsTool tool v if directory then pure $ takeDirectory loc else pure loc ) >>= \case VRight r -> do putStr r pure ExitSuccess VLeft e -> do runLogger $ $(logError) $ T.pack $ prettyShow e pure $ ExitFailure 30 Upgrade uOpts force' -> do target <- case uOpts of UpgradeInplace -> Just <$> liftIO getExecutablePath (UpgradeAt p) -> pure $ Just p UpgradeGHCupDir -> pure (Just (binDir "ghcup" <> exeExt)) runUpgrade (do v' <- liftE $ upgradeGHCup target force' GHCupInfo { _ghcupDownloads = dls } <- lift getGHCupInfo pure (v', dls) ) >>= \case VRight (v', dls) -> do let pretty_v = prettyVer v' let vi = fromJust $ snd <$> getLatest dls GHCup runLogger $ $(logInfo) $ "Successfully upgraded GHCup to version " <> pretty_v forM_ (_viPostInstall vi) $ \msg -> runLogger $ $(logInfo) msg pure ExitSuccess VLeft (V NoUpdate) -> do runLogger $ $(logWarn) "No GHCup update available" pure ExitSuccess VLeft e -> do runLogger $ $(logError) $ T.pack $ prettyShow e pure $ ExitFailure 11 ToolRequirements -> do s' <- appState flip runReaderT s' $ runLogger (runE @'[NoCompatiblePlatform , DistroNotFound , NoToolRequirements] $ do GHCupInfo { .. } <- lift getGHCupInfo platform' <- liftE getPlatform req <- getCommonRequirements platform' _toolRequirements ?? NoToolRequirements liftIO $ T.hPutStr stdout (prettyRequirements req) ) >>= \case VRight _ -> pure ExitSuccess VLeft e -> do runLogger $ $(logError) $ T.pack $ prettyShow e pure $ ExitFailure 12 ChangeLog ChangeLogOptions{..} -> do GHCupInfo { _ghcupDownloads = dls } <- runAppState getGHCupInfo let tool = fromMaybe GHC clTool ver' = maybe (Right Latest) (\case ToolVersion tv -> Left (_tvVersion tv) -- FIXME: ugly sharing of ToolVersion ToolTag t -> Right t ) clToolVer muri = getChangeLog dls tool ver' case muri of Nothing -> do runLogger ($(logWarn) $ "Could not find ChangeLog for " <> T.pack (prettyShow tool) <> ", version " <> either prettyVer (T.pack . show) ver' ) pure ExitSuccess Just uri -> do s' <- appState pfreq <- flip runReaderT s' getPlatformReq let uri' = T.unpack . decUTF8Safe . serializeURIRef' $ uri cmd = case _rPlatform pfreq of Darwin -> "open" Linux _ -> "xdg-open" FreeBSD -> "xdg-open" Windows -> "start" if clOpen then do flip runReaderT s' $ exec cmd [T.unpack $ decUTF8Safe $ serializeURIRef' uri] Nothing Nothing >>= \case Right _ -> pure ExitSuccess Left e -> runLogger ($(logError) (T.pack $ prettyShow e)) >> pure (ExitFailure 13) else putStrLn uri' >> pure ExitSuccess Nuke -> do s' <- liftIO appState void $ liftIO $ evaluate $ force s' runNuke s' (do lift $ $logWarn "WARNING: This will remove GHCup and all installed components from your system." lift $ $logWarn "Waiting 10 seconds before commencing, if you want to cancel it, now would be the time." liftIO $ threadDelay 10000000 -- wait 10s lift $ $logInfo "Initiating Nuclear Sequence 🚀🚀🚀" lift $ $logInfo "Nuking in 3...2...1" lInstalled <- lift $ listVersions Nothing (Just ListInstalled) forM_ lInstalled (liftE . rmTool) lift rmGhcupDirs ) >>= \case VRight leftOverFiles | null leftOverFiles -> do runLogger $ $logInfo "Nuclear Annihilation complete!" pure ExitSuccess | otherwise -> do runLogger $ $logError "These Files have survived Nuclear Annihilation, you may remove them manually." forM_ leftOverFiles putStrLn pure ExitSuccess VLeft e -> do runLogger $ $(logError) $ T.pack $ prettyShow e pure $ ExitFailure 15 Prefetch pfCom -> runPrefetch (do case pfCom of PrefetchGHC (PrefetchGHCOptions pfGHCSrc pfCacheDir) mt -> do forM_ pfCacheDir (liftIO . createDirRecursive') (v, _) <- liftE $ fromVersion mt GHC if pfGHCSrc then liftE $ fetchGHCSrc (_tvVersion v) pfCacheDir else liftE $ fetchToolBindist (_tvVersion v) GHC pfCacheDir PrefetchCabal (PrefetchOptions {pfCacheDir}) mt -> do forM_ pfCacheDir (liftIO . createDirRecursive') (v, _) <- liftE $ fromVersion mt Cabal liftE $ fetchToolBindist (_tvVersion v) Cabal pfCacheDir PrefetchHLS (PrefetchOptions {pfCacheDir}) mt -> do forM_ pfCacheDir (liftIO . createDirRecursive') (v, _) <- liftE $ fromVersion mt HLS liftE $ fetchToolBindist (_tvVersion v) HLS pfCacheDir PrefetchStack (PrefetchOptions {pfCacheDir}) mt -> do forM_ pfCacheDir (liftIO . createDirRecursive') (v, _) <- liftE $ fromVersion mt Stack liftE $ fetchToolBindist (_tvVersion v) Stack pfCacheDir PrefetchMetadata -> do _ <- liftE $ getDownloadsF pure "" ) >>= \case VRight _ -> do pure ExitSuccess VLeft e -> do runLogger $ $(logError) $ T.pack $ prettyShow e pure $ ExitFailure 15 case res of ExitSuccess -> pure () ef@(ExitFailure _) -> exitWith ef pure () fromVersion :: ( MonadLogger m , MonadFail m , MonadReader env m , HasGHCupInfo env , HasDirs env , MonadThrow m , MonadIO m , MonadCatch m ) => Maybe ToolVersion -> Tool -> Excepts '[ TagNotFound , NextVerNotFound , NoToolVersionSet ] m (GHCTargetVersion, Maybe VersionInfo) fromVersion tv = fromVersion' (toSetToolVer tv) fromVersion' :: ( MonadLogger m , MonadFail m , MonadReader env m , HasGHCupInfo env , HasDirs env , MonadThrow m , MonadIO m , MonadCatch m ) => SetToolVersion -> Tool -> Excepts '[ TagNotFound , NextVerNotFound , NoToolVersionSet ] m (GHCTargetVersion, Maybe VersionInfo) fromVersion' SetRecommended tool = do GHCupInfo { _ghcupDownloads = dls } <- lift getGHCupInfo (\(x, y) -> (mkTVer x, Just y)) <$> getRecommended dls tool ?? TagNotFound Recommended tool fromVersion' (SetToolVersion v) tool = do GHCupInfo { _ghcupDownloads = dls } <- lift getGHCupInfo let vi = getVersionInfo (_tvVersion v) tool dls case pvp $ prettyVer (_tvVersion v) of Left _ -> pure (v, vi) Right (PVP (major' :|[minor'])) -> case getLatestGHCFor (fromIntegral major') (fromIntegral minor') dls of Just (v', vi') -> pure (GHCTargetVersion (_tvTarget v) v', Just vi') Nothing -> pure (v, vi) Right _ -> pure (v, vi) fromVersion' (SetToolTag Latest) tool = do GHCupInfo { _ghcupDownloads = dls } <- lift getGHCupInfo (\(x, y) -> (mkTVer x, Just y)) <$> getLatest dls tool ?? TagNotFound Latest tool fromVersion' (SetToolTag Recommended) tool = do GHCupInfo { _ghcupDownloads = dls } <- lift getGHCupInfo (\(x, y) -> (mkTVer x, Just y)) <$> getRecommended dls tool ?? TagNotFound Recommended tool fromVersion' (SetToolTag (Base pvp'')) GHC = do GHCupInfo { _ghcupDownloads = dls } <- lift getGHCupInfo (\(x, y) -> (mkTVer x, Just y)) <$> getLatestBaseVersion dls pvp'' ?? TagNotFound (Base pvp'') GHC fromVersion' SetNext tool = do GHCupInfo { _ghcupDownloads = dls } <- lift getGHCupInfo next <- case tool of GHC -> do set <- fmap _tvVersion $ ghcSet Nothing !? NoToolVersionSet tool ghcs <- rights <$> lift getInstalledGHCs (headMay . tail . dropWhile (\GHCTargetVersion {..} -> _tvVersion /= set) . cycle . sortBy (\x y -> compare (_tvVersion x) (_tvVersion y)) . filter (\GHCTargetVersion {..} -> _tvTarget == Nothing) $ ghcs) ?? NoToolVersionSet tool Cabal -> do set <- cabalSet !? NoToolVersionSet tool cabals <- rights <$> lift getInstalledCabals (fmap (GHCTargetVersion Nothing) . headMay . tail . dropWhile (/= set) . cycle . sort $ cabals) ?? NoToolVersionSet tool HLS -> do set <- hlsSet !? NoToolVersionSet tool hlses <- rights <$> lift getInstalledHLSs (fmap (GHCTargetVersion Nothing) . headMay . tail . dropWhile (/= set) . cycle . sort $ hlses) ?? NoToolVersionSet tool Stack -> do set <- stackSet !? NoToolVersionSet tool stacks <- rights <$> lift getInstalledStacks (fmap (GHCTargetVersion Nothing) . headMay . tail . dropWhile (/= set) . cycle . sort $ stacks) ?? NoToolVersionSet tool GHCup -> fail "GHCup cannot be set" let vi = getVersionInfo (_tvVersion next) tool dls pure (next, vi) fromVersion' (SetToolTag t') tool = throwE $ TagNotFound t' tool printListResult :: Bool -> [ListResult] -> IO () printListResult raw lr = do no_color <- isJust <$> lookupEnv "NO_COLOR" let color | raw || no_color = flip const | otherwise = Pretty.color let printTag Recommended = color Green "recommended" printTag Latest = color Yellow "latest" printTag Prerelease = color Red "prerelease" printTag (Base pvp'') = "base-" ++ T.unpack (prettyPVP pvp'') printTag (UnknownTag t ) = t printTag Old = "" let rows = (\x -> if raw then x else [color Green "", "Tool", "Version", "Tags", "Notes"] : x ) . fmap (\ListResult {..} -> let marks = if #if defined(IS_WINDOWS) | lSet -> (color Green "IS") | lInstalled -> (color Green "I ") | otherwise -> (color Red "X ") #else | lSet -> (color Green "✔✔") | lInstalled -> (color Green "✓ ") | otherwise -> (color Red "✗ ") #endif in (if raw then [] else [marks]) ++ [ fmap toLower . show $ lTool , case lCross of Nothing -> T.unpack . prettyVer $ lVer Just c -> T.unpack (c <> "-" <> prettyVer lVer) , intercalate "," $ (filter (/= "") . fmap printTag $ sort lTag) , intercalate "," $ (if hlsPowered then [color Green "hls-powered"] else mempty ) ++ (if fromSrc then [color Blue "compiled"] else mempty) ++ (if lStray then [color Yellow "stray"] else mempty) ++ (if lNoBindist then [color Red "no-bindist"] else mempty ) ] ) $ lr let cols = foldr (\xs ys -> zipWith (:) xs ys) (replicate (length rows) []) rows lengths = fmap maximum . (fmap . fmap) strWidth $ cols padded = fmap (\xs -> zipWith padTo xs lengths) rows forM_ padded $ \row -> putStrLn $ intercalate " " row where padTo str' x = let lstr = strWidth str' add' = x - lstr in if add' < 0 then str' else str' ++ replicate add' ' ' -- | Calculate the render width of a string, considering -- wide characters (counted as double width), ANSI escape codes -- (not counted), and line breaks (in a multi-line string, the longest -- line determines the width). strWidth :: String -> Int strWidth = maximum . (0 :) . map (foldr (\a b -> charWidth a + b) 0) . lines . stripAnsi -- | Strip ANSI escape sequences from a string. -- -- >>> stripAnsi "\ESC[31m-1\ESC[m" -- "-1" stripAnsi :: String -> String stripAnsi s' = case MP.parseMaybe (many $ "" <$ MP.try ansi <|> pure <$> MP.anySingle) s' of Nothing -> error "Bad ansi escape" -- PARTIAL: should not happen Just xs -> concat xs where -- This parses lots of invalid ANSI escape codes, but that should be fine ansi = MPC.string "\ESC[" *> digitSemicolons *> suffix MP. "ansi" :: MP.Parsec Void String Char digitSemicolons = MP.takeWhileP Nothing (\c -> isDigit c || c == ';') suffix = MP.oneOf ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'f', 'm', 's', 'u'] -- | Get the designated render width of a character: 0 for a combining -- character, 1 for a regular character, 2 for a wide character. -- (Wide characters are rendered as exactly double width in apps and -- fonts that support it.) (From Pandoc.) charWidth :: Char -> Int charWidth c = case c of _ | c < '\x0300' -> 1 | c >= '\x0300' && c <= '\x036F' -> 0 | -- combining c >= '\x0370' && c <= '\x10FC' -> 1 | c >= '\x1100' && c <= '\x115F' -> 2 | c >= '\x1160' && c <= '\x11A2' -> 1 | c >= '\x11A3' && c <= '\x11A7' -> 2 | c >= '\x11A8' && c <= '\x11F9' -> 1 | c >= '\x11FA' && c <= '\x11FF' -> 2 | c >= '\x1200' && c <= '\x2328' -> 1 | c >= '\x2329' && c <= '\x232A' -> 2 | c >= '\x232B' && c <= '\x2E31' -> 1 | c >= '\x2E80' && c <= '\x303E' -> 2 | c == '\x303F' -> 1 | c >= '\x3041' && c <= '\x3247' -> 2 | c >= '\x3248' && c <= '\x324F' -> 1 | -- ambiguous c >= '\x3250' && c <= '\x4DBF' -> 2 | c >= '\x4DC0' && c <= '\x4DFF' -> 1 | c >= '\x4E00' && c <= '\xA4C6' -> 2 | c >= '\xA4D0' && c <= '\xA95F' -> 1 | c >= '\xA960' && c <= '\xA97C' -> 2 | c >= '\xA980' && c <= '\xABF9' -> 1 | c >= '\xAC00' && c <= '\xD7FB' -> 2 | c >= '\xD800' && c <= '\xDFFF' -> 1 | c >= '\xE000' && c <= '\xF8FF' -> 1 | -- ambiguous c >= '\xF900' && c <= '\xFAFF' -> 2 | c >= '\xFB00' && c <= '\xFDFD' -> 1 | c >= '\xFE00' && c <= '\xFE0F' -> 1 | -- ambiguous c >= '\xFE10' && c <= '\xFE19' -> 2 | c >= '\xFE20' && c <= '\xFE26' -> 1 | c >= '\xFE30' && c <= '\xFE6B' -> 2 | c >= '\xFE70' && c <= '\xFEFF' -> 1 | c >= '\xFF01' && c <= '\xFF60' -> 2 | c >= '\xFF61' && c <= '\x16A38' -> 1 | c >= '\x1B000' && c <= '\x1B001' -> 2 | c >= '\x1D000' && c <= '\x1F1FF' -> 1 | c >= '\x1F200' && c <= '\x1F251' -> 2 | c >= '\x1F300' && c <= '\x1F773' -> 1 | c >= '\x20000' && c <= '\x3FFFD' -> 2 | otherwise -> 1 checkForUpdates :: ( MonadReader env m , HasGHCupInfo env , HasDirs env , HasPlatformReq env , MonadCatch m , MonadLogger m , MonadThrow m , MonadIO m , MonadFail m , MonadLogger m ) => m () checkForUpdates = do GHCupInfo { _ghcupDownloads = dls } <- getGHCupInfo lInstalled <- listVersions Nothing (Just ListInstalled) let latestInstalled tool = (fmap lVer . lastMay . filter (\lr -> lTool lr == tool)) lInstalled forM_ (getLatest dls GHCup) $ \(l, _) -> do (Right ghc_ver) <- pure $ version $ prettyPVP ghcUpVer when (l > ghc_ver) $ $(logWarn) $ "New GHCup version available: " <> prettyVer l <> ". To upgrade, run 'ghcup upgrade'" forM_ (getLatest dls GHC) $ \(l, _) -> do let mghc_ver = latestInstalled GHC forM mghc_ver $ \ghc_ver -> when (l > ghc_ver) $ $(logWarn) $ "New GHC version available: " <> prettyVer l <> ". To upgrade, run 'ghcup install ghc " <> prettyVer l <> "'" forM_ (getLatest dls Cabal) $ \(l, _) -> do let mcabal_ver = latestInstalled Cabal forM mcabal_ver $ \cabal_ver -> when (l > cabal_ver) $ $(logWarn) $ "New Cabal version available: " <> prettyVer l <> ". To upgrade, run 'ghcup install cabal " <> prettyVer l <> "'" forM_ (getLatest dls HLS) $ \(l, _) -> do let mhls_ver = latestInstalled HLS forM mhls_ver $ \hls_ver -> when (l > hls_ver) $ $(logWarn) $ "New HLS version available: " <> prettyVer l <> ". To upgrade, run 'ghcup install hls " <> prettyVer l <> "'" forM_ (getLatest dls Stack) $ \(l, _) -> do let mstack_ver = latestInstalled Stack forM mstack_ver $ \stack_ver -> when (l > stack_ver) $ $(logWarn) $ "New Stack version available: " <> prettyVer l <> ". To upgrade, run 'ghcup install stack " <> prettyVer l <> "'" prettyDebugInfo :: DebugInfo -> String prettyDebugInfo DebugInfo {..} = "Debug Info" <> "\n" <> "==========" <> "\n" <> "GHCup base dir: " <> diBaseDir <> "\n" <> "GHCup bin dir: " <> diBinDir <> "\n" <> "GHCup GHC directory: " <> diGHCDir <> "\n" <> "GHCup cache directory: " <> diCacheDir <> "\n" <> "Architecture: " <> prettyShow diArch <> "\n" <> "Platform: " <> prettyShow diPlatform <> "\n" <> "Version: " <> describe_result