{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-| Module : GHCup.Plaform Description : Retrieving platform information Copyright : (c) Julian Ospald, 2020 License : LGPL-3.0 Maintainer : hasufell@hasufell.de Stability : experimental Portability : portable -} module GHCup.Platform where import GHCup.Errors import GHCup.Types import GHCup.Types.Optics import GHCup.Types.JSON ( ) import GHCup.Utils.File import GHCup.Utils.Prelude import GHCup.Utils.String.QQ import Control.Applicative import Control.Exception.Safe import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Reader import Data.ByteString ( ByteString ) import Data.Foldable import Data.Maybe import Data.Text ( Text ) import Data.Versions import Haskus.Utils.Variant.Excepts import Prelude hiding ( abs , readFile , writeFile ) import System.Info import System.Directory import System.OsRelease import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJClass ( prettyShow ) import Text.Regex.Posix import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.IO as T -------------------------- --[ Platform detection ]-- -------------------------- -- | Get the full platform request, consisting of architecture, distro, ... platformRequest :: (MonadReader env m, Alternative m, MonadFail m, HasLog env, MonadCatch m, MonadIO m) => Excepts '[NoCompatiblePlatform, NoCompatibleArch, DistroNotFound] m PlatformRequest platformRequest = do (PlatformResult rp rv) <- liftE getPlatform ar <- lE getArchitecture pure $ PlatformRequest ar rp rv getArchitecture :: Either NoCompatibleArch Architecture getArchitecture = case arch of "x86_64" -> Right A_64 "i386" -> Right A_32 "powerpc" -> Right A_PowerPC "powerpc64" -> Right A_PowerPC64 "powerpc64le" -> Right A_PowerPC64 "sparc" -> Right A_Sparc "sparc64" -> Right A_Sparc64 "arm" -> Right A_ARM "aarch64" -> Right A_ARM64 what -> Left (NoCompatibleArch what) getPlatform :: (Alternative m, MonadReader env m, HasLog env, MonadCatch m, MonadIO m, MonadFail m) => Excepts '[NoCompatiblePlatform, DistroNotFound] m PlatformResult getPlatform = do pfr <- case os of "linux" -> do (distro, ver) <- liftE getLinuxDistro pure $ PlatformResult { _platform = Linux distro, _distroVersion = ver } "darwin" -> do ver <- either (const Nothing) Just . versioning -- TODO: maybe do this somewhere else . decUTF8Safe' <$> getDarwinVersion pure $ PlatformResult { _platform = Darwin, _distroVersion = ver } "freebsd" -> do ver <- either (const Nothing) Just . versioning . decUTF8Safe' <$> getFreeBSDVersion pure $ PlatformResult { _platform = FreeBSD, _distroVersion = ver } "mingw32" -> pure PlatformResult { _platform = Windows, _distroVersion = Nothing } what -> throwE $ NoCompatiblePlatform what lift $ logDebug $ "Identified Platform as: " <> T.pack (prettyShow pfr) pure pfr where getFreeBSDVersion = lift $ fmap _stdOut $ executeOut "freebsd-version" [] Nothing getDarwinVersion = lift $ fmap _stdOut $ executeOut "sw_vers" ["-productVersion"] Nothing getLinuxDistro :: (Alternative m, MonadCatch m, MonadIO m, MonadFail m) => Excepts '[DistroNotFound] m (LinuxDistro, Maybe Versioning) getLinuxDistro = do -- TODO: don't do alternative on IO, because it hides bugs (name, ver) <- handleIO (\_ -> throwE DistroNotFound) $ lift $ asum [ liftIO try_os_release , try_lsb_release_cmd , liftIO try_redhat_release , liftIO try_debian_version ] let parsedVer = ver >>= either (const Nothing) Just . versioning distro = if | hasWord name ["debian"] -> Debian | hasWord name ["ubuntu"] -> Ubuntu | hasWord name ["linuxmint", "Linux Mint"] -> Mint | hasWord name ["fedora"] -> Fedora | hasWord name ["centos"] -> CentOS | hasWord name ["Red Hat"] -> RedHat | hasWord name ["alpine"] -> Alpine | hasWord name ["exherbo"] -> Exherbo | hasWord name ["gentoo"] -> Gentoo | hasWord name ["amazonlinux", "Amazon Linux"] -> AmazonLinux | otherwise -> UnknownLinux pure (distro, parsedVer) where hasWord t = any (\x -> match (regex x) (T.unpack t)) where regex x = makeRegexOpts compIgnoreCase execBlank ([s|\<|] ++ x ++ [s|\>|]) lsb_release_cmd :: FilePath lsb_release_cmd = "lsb-release" redhat_release :: FilePath redhat_release = "/etc/redhat-release" debian_version :: FilePath debian_version = "/etc/debian_version" try_os_release :: IO (Text, Maybe Text) try_os_release = do Just OsRelease{ name = name, version_id = version_id } <- fmap osRelease <$> parseOsRelease pure (T.pack name, fmap T.pack version_id) try_lsb_release_cmd :: (MonadFail m, MonadIO m) => m (Text, Maybe Text) try_lsb_release_cmd = do (Just _) <- liftIO $ findExecutable lsb_release_cmd name <- fmap _stdOut $ executeOut lsb_release_cmd ["-si"] Nothing ver <- fmap _stdOut $ executeOut lsb_release_cmd ["-sr"] Nothing pure (decUTF8Safe' name, Just $ decUTF8Safe' ver) try_redhat_release :: IO (Text, Maybe Text) try_redhat_release = do t <- T.readFile redhat_release let nameRegex n = makeRegexOpts compIgnoreCase execBlank ([s|\<|] <> fS n <> [s|\>|] :: ByteString) :: Regex let verRegex = makeRegexOpts compIgnoreCase execBlank ([s|\<([0-9])+(.([0-9])+)*\>|] :: ByteString) :: Regex let nameRe n = fromEmpty . match (nameRegex n) $ T.unpack t :: Maybe String verRe = fromEmpty . match verRegex $ T.unpack t :: Maybe String (Just name) <- pure (nameRe "CentOS" <|> nameRe "Fedora" <|> nameRe "Red Hat") pure (T.pack name, fmap T.pack verRe) where fromEmpty :: String -> Maybe String fromEmpty "" = Nothing fromEmpty s' = Just s' try_debian_version :: IO (Text, Maybe Text) try_debian_version = do ver <- T.readFile debian_version pure (T.pack "debian", Just ver)