{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-| Module : GHCup.Cabal Description : GHCup installation functions for Cabal Copyright : (c) Julian Ospald, 2020 License : LGPL-3.0 Maintainer : hasufell@hasufell.de Stability : experimental Portability : portable -} module GHCup.Cabal where import GHCup.Download import GHCup.Errors import GHCup.Types import GHCup.Types.JSON ( ) import GHCup.Types.Optics import GHCup.Utils import GHCup.Prelude import GHCup.Prelude.File import GHCup.Prelude.Logger import Codec.Archive ( ArchiveResult ) import Control.Applicative import Control.Exception.Safe import Control.Monad #if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,13,0) import Control.Monad.Fail ( MonadFail ) #endif import Control.Monad.Reader import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource hiding ( throwM ) import Data.Either import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Data.Versions hiding ( patch ) import Haskus.Utils.Variant.Excepts import Optics import Prelude hiding ( abs , writeFile ) import Safe hiding ( at ) import System.FilePath import System.IO.Error import qualified Data.Text as T ------------------------- --[ Tool installation ]-- ------------------------- -- | Like 'installCabalBin', except takes the 'DownloadInfo' as -- argument instead of looking it up from 'GHCupDownloads'. installCabalBindist :: ( MonadMask m , MonadCatch m , MonadReader env m , HasPlatformReq env , HasDirs env , HasSettings env , HasLog env , MonadResource m , MonadIO m , MonadUnliftIO m , MonadFail m ) => DownloadInfo -> Version -> InstallDir -> Bool -- ^ Force install -> Excepts '[ AlreadyInstalled , CopyError , DigestError , GPGError , DownloadFailed , NoDownload , NotInstalled , UnknownArchive , TarDirDoesNotExist , ArchiveResult , FileAlreadyExistsError ] m () installCabalBindist dlinfo ver installDir forceInstall = do lift $ logDebug $ "Requested to install cabal version " <> prettyVer ver PlatformRequest {..} <- lift getPlatformReq Dirs {..} <- lift getDirs -- check if we already have a regular cabal already installed regularCabalInstalled <- lift $ cabalInstalled ver if | not forceInstall , regularCabalInstalled , GHCupInternal <- installDir -> do throwE $ AlreadyInstalled Cabal ver | forceInstall , regularCabalInstalled , GHCupInternal <- installDir -> do lift $ logInfo "Removing the currently installed version first!" liftE $ rmCabalVer ver | otherwise -> pure () -- download (or use cached version) dl <- liftE $ downloadCached dlinfo Nothing -- unpack tmpUnpack <- lift withGHCupTmpDir liftE $ cleanUpOnError tmpUnpack (unpackToDir (fromGHCupPath tmpUnpack) dl) liftE $ catchWarn $ lEM @_ @'[ProcessError] $ darwinNotarization _rPlatform (fromGHCupPath tmpUnpack) -- the subdir of the archive where we do the work workdir <- fromGHCupPath <$> maybe (pure tmpUnpack) (liftE . intoSubdir tmpUnpack) (view dlSubdir dlinfo) case installDir of IsolateDir isoDir -> do -- isolated install lift $ logInfo $ "isolated installing Cabal to " <> T.pack isoDir liftE $ installCabalUnpacked workdir (IsolateDirResolved isoDir) ver forceInstall GHCupInternal -> do -- regular install liftE $ installCabalUnpacked workdir (GHCupBinDir binDir) ver forceInstall -- | Install an unpacked cabal distribution.Symbol installCabalUnpacked :: (MonadCatch m, HasLog env, MonadIO m, MonadReader env m) => FilePath -- ^ Path to the unpacked cabal bindist (where the executable resides) -> InstallDirResolved -- ^ Path to install to -> Version -> Bool -- ^ Force Install -> Excepts '[CopyError, FileAlreadyExistsError] m () installCabalUnpacked path inst ver forceInstall = do lift $ logInfo "Installing cabal" let cabalFile = "cabal" liftIO $ createDirRecursive' (fromInstallDir inst) let destFileName = cabalFile <> (case inst of IsolateDirResolved _ -> "" _ -> ("-" <>) . T.unpack . prettyVer $ ver ) <> exeExt let destPath = fromInstallDir inst destFileName copyFileE (path cabalFile <> exeExt) destPath (not forceInstall) lift $ chmod_755 destPath -- | Installs cabal into @~\/.ghcup\/bin/cabal-\@ and -- creates a default @cabal -> cabal-x.y.z.q@ symlink for -- the latest installed version. installCabalBin :: ( MonadMask m , MonadCatch m , MonadReader env m , HasPlatformReq env , HasGHCupInfo env , HasDirs env , HasSettings env , HasLog env , MonadResource m , MonadIO m , MonadUnliftIO m , MonadFail m ) => Version -> InstallDir -> Bool -- force install -> Excepts '[ AlreadyInstalled , CopyError , DigestError , GPGError , DownloadFailed , NoDownload , NotInstalled , UnknownArchive , TarDirDoesNotExist , ArchiveResult , FileAlreadyExistsError ] m () installCabalBin ver installDir forceInstall = do dlinfo <- liftE $ getDownloadInfo Cabal ver installCabalBindist dlinfo ver installDir forceInstall ----------------- --[ Set cabal ]-- ----------------- -- | Set the @~\/.ghcup\/bin\/cabal@ symlink. setCabal :: ( MonadMask m , MonadReader env m , HasDirs env , HasLog env , MonadFail m , MonadIO m , MonadUnliftIO m) => Version -> Excepts '[NotInstalled] m () setCabal ver = do let targetFile = "cabal-" <> T.unpack (prettyVer ver) <> exeExt -- symlink destination Dirs {..} <- lift getDirs whenM (liftIO $ not <$> doesFileExist (binDir targetFile)) $ throwE $ NotInstalled Cabal (GHCTargetVersion Nothing ver) let cabalbin = binDir "cabal" <> exeExt -- create link let destL = targetFile lift $ createLink destL cabalbin pure () unsetCabal :: ( MonadMask m , MonadReader env m , HasDirs env , MonadIO m) => m () unsetCabal = do Dirs {..} <- getDirs let cabalbin = binDir "cabal" <> exeExt hideError doesNotExistErrorType $ rmLink cabalbin ---------------- --[ Rm cabal ]-- ---------------- -- | Delete a cabal version. Will try to fix the @cabal@ symlink -- after removal (e.g. setting it to an older version). rmCabalVer :: ( MonadMask m , MonadReader env m , HasDirs env , MonadThrow m , HasLog env , MonadIO m , MonadFail m , MonadCatch m , MonadUnliftIO m ) => Version -> Excepts '[NotInstalled] m () rmCabalVer ver = do whenM (lift $ fmap not $ cabalInstalled ver) $ throwE (NotInstalled Cabal (GHCTargetVersion Nothing ver)) cSet <- lift cabalSet Dirs {..} <- lift getDirs let cabalFile = "cabal-" <> T.unpack (prettyVer ver) <> exeExt lift $ hideError doesNotExistErrorType $ recycleFile (binDir cabalFile) when (Just ver == cSet) $ do cVers <- lift $ fmap rights getInstalledCabals case headMay . reverse . sort $ cVers of Just latestver -> setCabal latestver Nothing -> lift $ rmLink (binDir "cabal" <> exeExt)