{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-} {-# LANGUAGE CApiFFI #-} {-| Module : GHCup.Utils.File.Posix Description : File and unix APIs Copyright : (c) Julian Ospald, 2020 License : LGPL-3.0 Maintainer : hasufell@hasufell.de Stability : experimental Portability : POSIX This module handles file and executable handling. Some of these functions use sophisticated logging. -} module GHCup.Utils.File.Posix where import GHCup.Utils.Dirs import GHCup.Utils.File.Common import GHCup.Utils.Prelude import GHCup.Utils.Logger import GHCup.Types import GHCup.Types.Optics import GHCup.Utils.File.Posix.Traversals import Control.Concurrent import Control.Concurrent.Async import qualified Control.Exception as E import Control.Exception.Safe import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Reader import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict import Data.ByteString ( ByteString ) import Data.Foldable import Data.IORef import Data.Sequence ( Seq, (|>) ) import Data.List import Data.Word8 import Foreign.C.String import Foreign.C.Error import Foreign.C.Types import GHC.IO.Exception import System.IO ( stderr, hClose, hSetBinaryMode ) import System.IO.Error hiding ( catchIOError ) import System.FilePath import System.Posix.Directory import System.Posix.Error ( throwErrnoPathIfMinus1Retry ) import System.Posix.Internals ( withFilePath ) import System.Posix.Files import System.Posix.IO import System.Posix.Process ( ProcessStatus(..) ) import System.Posix.Types import qualified Control.Exception as EX import qualified Data.Sequence as Sq import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E import qualified System.Posix.Directory as PD import qualified System.Posix.Files as PF import qualified System.Posix.Process as SPP import qualified System.Posix.IO as SPI import qualified System.Console.Terminal.Size as TP import qualified System.Posix as Posix import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import qualified "unix-bytestring" System.Posix.IO.ByteString as SPIB import qualified Streamly.FileSystem.Handle as FH import qualified Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.Handle as IFH import qualified Streamly.Prelude as S import qualified GHCup.Utils.File.Posix.Foreign as FD import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.StreamD.Type as D import Streamly.Internal.Data.Unfold.Type import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Unfold as U import Streamly.Internal.Control.Concurrent ( withRunInIO ) import Streamly.Internal.Data.IOFinalizer ( newIOFinalizer, runIOFinalizer ) -- | Execute the given command and collect the stdout, stderr and the exit code. -- The command is run in a subprocess. executeOut :: MonadIO m => FilePath -- ^ command as filename, e.g. 'ls' -> [String] -- ^ arguments to the command -> Maybe FilePath -- ^ chdir to this path -> m CapturedProcess executeOut path args chdir = liftIO $ captureOutStreams $ do maybe (pure ()) changeWorkingDirectory chdir SPP.executeFile path True args Nothing execLogged :: ( MonadReader env m , HasSettings env , HasLog env , HasDirs env , MonadIO m , MonadThrow m) => FilePath -- ^ thing to execute -> [String] -- ^ args for the thing -> Maybe FilePath -- ^ optionally chdir into this -> FilePath -- ^ log filename (opened in append mode) -> Maybe [(String, String)] -- ^ optional environment -> m (Either ProcessError ()) execLogged exe args chdir lfile env = do Settings {..} <- getSettings Dirs {..} <- getDirs logDebug $ T.pack $ "Running " <> exe <> " with arguments " <> show args let logfile = fromGHCupPath logsDir lfile <> ".log" liftIO $ bracket (openFd logfile WriteOnly (Just newFilePerms) defaultFileFlags{ append = True }) closeFd (action verbose noColor) where action verbose no_color fd = do actionWithPipes $ \(stdoutRead, stdoutWrite) -> do -- start the thread that logs to stdout pState <- newEmptyMVar done <- newEmptyMVar void $ forkIO $ EX.handle (\(_ :: IOException) -> pure ()) $ EX.finally (if verbose then tee fd stdoutRead else printToRegion fd stdoutRead 6 pState no_color ) (putMVar done ()) -- fork the subprocess pid <- SPP.forkProcess $ do void $ dupTo stdoutWrite stdOutput void $ dupTo stdoutWrite stdError closeFd stdoutRead closeFd stdoutWrite -- execute the action maybe (pure ()) changeWorkingDirectory chdir void $ SPP.executeFile exe (not ("./" `isPrefixOf` exe)) args env closeFd stdoutWrite -- wait for the subprocess to finish e <- toProcessError exe args <$!> SPP.getProcessStatus True True pid putMVar pState (either (const False) (const True) e) void $ race (takeMVar done) (threadDelay (1000000 * 3)) closeFd stdoutRead pure e tee :: Fd -> Fd -> IO () tee fileFd = readTilEOF lineAction where lineAction :: ByteString -> IO () lineAction bs' = do void $ SPIB.fdWrite fileFd (bs' <> "\n") void $ SPIB.fdWrite stdOutput (bs' <> "\n") -- Reads fdIn and logs the output in a continous scrolling area -- of 'size' terminal lines. Also writes to a log file. printToRegion :: Fd -> Fd -> Int -> MVar Bool -> Bool -> IO () printToRegion fileFd fdIn size pState no_color = do -- init region forM_ [1..size] $ \_ -> BS.hPut stderr "\n" void $ flip runStateT mempty $ do handle (\(ex :: SomeException) -> do ps <- liftIO $ takeMVar pState when ps (liftIO $ BS.hPut stderr (pos1 <> moveLineUp size <> clearScreen)) throw ex ) $ readTilEOF lineAction fdIn where clearScreen :: ByteString clearScreen = "\x1b[0J" clearLine :: ByteString clearLine = "\x1b[2K" moveLineUp :: Int -> ByteString moveLineUp n = "\x1b[" <> E.encodeUtf8 (T.pack (show n)) <> "A" moveLineDown :: Int -> ByteString moveLineDown n = "\x1b[" <> E.encodeUtf8 (T.pack (show n)) <> "B" pos1 :: ByteString pos1 = "\r" overwriteNthLine :: Int -> ByteString -> ByteString overwriteNthLine n str = pos1 <> moveLineUp n <> clearLine <> str <> moveLineDown n <> pos1 blue :: ByteString -> ByteString blue bs | no_color = bs | otherwise = "\x1b[0;34m" <> bs <> "\x1b[0m" -- action to perform line by line lineAction :: (MonadMask m, MonadIO m) => ByteString -> StateT (Seq ByteString) m () lineAction = \bs' -> do void $ liftIO $ SPIB.fdWrite fileFd (bs' <> "\n") modify (swapRegs bs') liftIO TP.size >>= \case Nothing -> pure () Just (TP.Window _ w) -> do regs <- get liftIO $ forM_ (Sq.zip regs (Sq.fromList [0..(Sq.length regs - 1)])) $ \(bs, i) -> do BS.hPut stderr . overwriteNthLine (size - i) . trim w . blue . (\b -> "[ " <> E.encodeUtf8 (T.pack lfile) <> " ] " <> b) $ bs swapRegs :: a -> Seq a -> Seq a swapRegs bs = \regs -> if | Sq.length regs < size -> regs |> bs | otherwise -> Sq.drop 1 regs |> bs -- trim output line to terminal width trim :: Int -> ByteString -> ByteString trim w = \bs -> if | BS.length bs > w && w > 5 -> BS.take (w - 4) bs <> "..." | otherwise -> bs -- Consecutively read from Fd in 512 chunks until we hit -- newline or EOF. readLine :: MonadIO m => Fd -- ^ input file descriptor -> ByteString -- ^ rest buffer (read across newline) -> m (ByteString, ByteString, Bool) -- ^ (full line, rest, eof) readLine fd = go where go inBs = do -- if buffer is not empty, process it first mbs <- if BS.length inBs == 0 -- otherwise attempt read then liftIO $ handleIO (\e -> if isEOFError e then pure Nothing else ioError e) $ fmap Just $ SPIB.fdRead fd 512 else pure $ Just inBs case mbs of Nothing -> pure ("", "", True) Just bs -> do -- split on newline let (line, rest) = BS.span (/= _lf) bs if | BS.length rest /= 0 -> pure (line, BS.tail rest, False) -- if rest is empty, then there was no newline, process further | otherwise -> (\(l, r, b) -> (line <> l, r, b)) <$!> go mempty readTilEOF :: MonadIO m => (ByteString -> m a) -> Fd -> m () readTilEOF ~action' fd' = go mempty where go bs' = do (bs, rest, eof) <- readLine fd' bs' if eof then liftIO $ ioError (mkIOError eofErrorType "" Nothing Nothing) else void (action' bs) >> go rest -- | Capture the stdout and stderr of the given action, which -- is run in a subprocess. Stdin is closed. You might want to -- 'race' this to make sure it terminates. captureOutStreams :: IO a -- ^ the action to execute in a subprocess -> IO CapturedProcess captureOutStreams action = do actionWithPipes $ \(parentStdoutRead, childStdoutWrite) -> actionWithPipes $ \(parentStderrRead, childStderrWrite) -> do pid <- SPP.forkProcess $ do -- dup stdout void $ dupTo childStdoutWrite stdOutput closeFd childStdoutWrite closeFd parentStdoutRead -- dup stderr void $ dupTo childStderrWrite stdError closeFd childStderrWrite closeFd parentStderrRead -- execute the action a <- action void $ E.evaluate a -- close everything we don't need closeFd childStdoutWrite closeFd childStderrWrite -- start thread that writes the output refOut <- newIORef BL.empty refErr <- newIORef BL.empty done <- newEmptyMVar _ <- forkIO $ EX.handle (\(_ :: IOException) -> pure ()) $ flip EX.finally (putMVar done ()) $ writeStds parentStdoutRead parentStderrRead refOut refErr status <- SPP.getProcessStatus True True pid void $ race (takeMVar done) (threadDelay (1000000 * 3)) case status of -- readFd will take care of closing the fd Just (SPP.Exited es) -> do stdout' <- readIORef refOut stderr' <- readIORef refErr pure $ CapturedProcess { _exitCode = es , _stdOut = stdout' , _stdErr = stderr' } _ -> throwIO $ userError ("No such PID " ++ show pid) where writeStds :: Fd -> Fd -> IORef BL.ByteString -> IORef BL.ByteString -> IO () writeStds pout perr rout rerr = do doneOut <- newEmptyMVar void $ forkIO $ hideError eofErrorType $ flip EX.finally (putMVar doneOut ()) $ readTilEOF (\x -> modifyIORef' rout (<> BL.fromStrict x)) pout doneErr <- newEmptyMVar void $ forkIO $ hideError eofErrorType $ flip EX.finally (putMVar doneErr ()) $ readTilEOF (\x -> modifyIORef' rerr (<> BL.fromStrict x)) perr takeMVar doneOut takeMVar doneErr readTilEOF ~action' fd' = do bs <- SPIB.fdRead fd' 512 void $ action' bs readTilEOF action' fd' actionWithPipes :: ((Fd, Fd) -> IO b) -> IO b actionWithPipes a = createPipe >>= \(p1, p2) -> flip finally (cleanup [p1, p2]) $ a (p1, p2) cleanup :: [Fd] -> IO () cleanup fds = for_ fds $ \fd -> handleIO (\_ -> pure ()) $ closeFd fd -- | Create a new regular file in write-only mode. The file must not exist. createRegularFileFd :: FileMode -> FilePath -> IO Fd createRegularFileFd fm dest = openFd dest WriteOnly (Just fm) defaultFileFlags{ exclusive = True } -- | Thin wrapper around `executeFile`. exec :: MonadIO m => String -- ^ thing to execute -> [String] -- ^ args for the thing -> Maybe FilePath -- ^ optionally chdir into this -> Maybe [(String, String)] -- ^ optional environment -> m (Either ProcessError ()) exec exe args chdir env = liftIO $ do pid <- SPP.forkProcess $ do maybe (pure ()) changeWorkingDirectory chdir SPP.executeFile exe (not ("./" `isPrefixOf` exe)) args env fmap (toProcessError exe args) $ SPP.getProcessStatus True True pid toProcessError :: FilePath -> [String] -> Maybe ProcessStatus -> Either ProcessError () toProcessError exe args mps = case mps of Just (SPP.Exited (ExitFailure xi)) -> Left $ NonZeroExit xi exe args Just (SPP.Exited ExitSuccess ) -> Right () Just (Terminated _ _ ) -> Left $ PTerminated exe args Just (Stopped _ ) -> Left $ PStopped exe args Nothing -> Left $ NoSuchPid exe args chmod_755 :: (MonadReader env m, HasLog env, MonadIO m) => FilePath -> m () chmod_755 fp = do let exe_mode = nullFileMode `unionFileModes` ownerExecuteMode `unionFileModes` ownerReadMode `unionFileModes` ownerWriteMode `unionFileModes` groupExecuteMode `unionFileModes` groupReadMode `unionFileModes` otherExecuteMode `unionFileModes` otherReadMode logDebug ("chmod 755 " <> T.pack fp) liftIO $ setFileMode fp exe_mode -- |Default permissions for a new file. newFilePerms :: FileMode newFilePerms = ownerWriteMode `unionFileModes` ownerReadMode `unionFileModes` groupWriteMode `unionFileModes` groupReadMode `unionFileModes` otherWriteMode `unionFileModes` otherReadMode -- | Checks whether the binary is a broken link. isBrokenSymlink :: FilePath -> IO Bool isBrokenSymlink fp = do try (pathIsSymbolicLink fp) >>= \case Right True -> do let symDir = takeDirectory fp tfp <- getSymbolicLinkTarget fp not <$> doesPathExist -- this drops 'symDir' if 'tfp' is absolute (symDir tfp) Right b -> pure b Left e | isDoesNotExistError e -> pure False | otherwise -> throwIO e copyFile :: FilePath -- ^ source file -> FilePath -- ^ destination file -> Bool -- ^ fail if file exists -> IO () copyFile from to fail' = do bracket (openFdHandle from SPI.ReadOnly [FD.oNofollow] Nothing) (hClose . snd) $ \(fromFd, fH) -> do sourceFileMode <- fileMode <$> getFdStatus fromFd let dflags = [ FD.oNofollow , if fail' then FD.oExcl else FD.oTrunc ] bracket (openFdHandle to SPI.WriteOnly dflags $ Just sourceFileMode) (hClose . snd) $ \(_, tH) -> do hSetBinaryMode fH True hSetBinaryMode tH True streamlyCopy (fH, tH) where openFdHandle fp omode flags fM = do fd <- openFd' fp omode flags fM handle' <- SPI.fdToHandle fd pure (fd, handle') streamlyCopy (fH, tH) = S.fold (FH.writeChunks tH) $ IFH.toChunksWithBufferOf (256 * 1024) fH foreign import capi unsafe "fcntl.h open" c_open :: CString -> CInt -> Posix.CMode -> IO CInt open_ :: CString -> Posix.OpenMode -> [FD.Flags] -> Maybe Posix.FileMode -> IO Posix.Fd open_ str how optional_flags maybe_mode = do fd <- c_open str all_flags mode_w return (Posix.Fd fd) where all_flags = FD.unionFlags $ optional_flags ++ [open_mode] ++ creat (creat, mode_w) = case maybe_mode of Nothing -> ([],0) Just x -> ([FD.oCreat], x) open_mode = case how of Posix.ReadOnly -> FD.oRdonly Posix.WriteOnly -> FD.oWronly Posix.ReadWrite -> FD.oRdwr -- |Open and optionally create this file. See 'System.Posix.Files' -- for information on how to use the 'FileMode' type. -- -- Note that passing @Just x@ as the 4th argument triggers the -- `oCreat` status flag, which must be set when you pass in `oExcl` -- to the status flags. Also see the manpage for @open(2)@. openFd' :: FilePath -> Posix.OpenMode -> [FD.Flags] -- ^ status flags of @open(2)@ -> Maybe Posix.FileMode -- ^ @Just x@ => creates the file with the given modes, Nothing => the file must exist. -> IO Posix.Fd openFd' name how optional_flags maybe_mode = withFilePath name $ \str -> throwErrnoPathIfMinus1Retry "openFd" name $ open_ str how optional_flags maybe_mode -- |Deletes the given file. Raises `eISDIR` -- if run on a directory. Does not follow symbolic links. -- -- Throws: -- -- - `InappropriateType` for wrong file type (directory) -- - `NoSuchThing` if the file does not exist -- - `PermissionDenied` if the directory cannot be read -- -- Notes: calls `unlink` deleteFile :: FilePath -> IO () deleteFile = removeLink -- |Recreate a symlink. -- -- In `Overwrite` copy mode only files and empty directories are deleted. -- -- Safety/reliability concerns: -- -- * `Overwrite` mode is inherently non-atomic -- -- Throws: -- -- - `InvalidArgument` if source file is wrong type (not a symlink) -- - `PermissionDenied` if output directory cannot be written to -- - `PermissionDenied` if source directory cannot be opened -- - `SameFile` if source and destination are the same file -- (`HPathIOException`) -- -- -- Throws in `Strict` mode only: -- -- - `AlreadyExists` if destination already exists -- -- Throws in `Overwrite` mode only: -- -- - `UnsatisfiedConstraints` if destination file is non-empty directory -- -- Notes: -- -- - calls `symlink` recreateSymlink :: FilePath -- ^ the old symlink file -> FilePath -- ^ destination file -> Bool -- ^ fail if destination file exists -> IO () recreateSymlink symsource newsym fail' = do sympoint <- readSymbolicLink symsource case fail' of True -> pure () False -> hideError doesNotExistErrorType $ deleteFile newsym createSymbolicLink sympoint newsym -- copys files, recreates symlinks, fails on all other types install :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Bool -> IO () install from to fail' = do fs <- PF.getSymbolicLinkStatus from decide fs where decide fs | PF.isRegularFile fs = copyFile from to fail' | PF.isSymbolicLink fs = recreateSymlink from to fail' | otherwise = ioError $ mkIOError illegalOperationErrorType "install: not a regular file or symlink" Nothing (Just from) moveFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO () moveFile = rename moveFilePortable :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO () moveFilePortable from to = do catchErrno [eXDEV] (moveFile from to) $ do copyFile from to True removeFile from catchErrno :: [Errno] -- ^ errno to catch -> IO a -- ^ action to try, which can raise an IOException -> IO a -- ^ action to carry out in case of an IOException and -- if errno matches -> IO a catchErrno en a1 a2 = catchIOError a1 $ \e -> do errno <- getErrno if errno `elem` en then a2 else ioError e removeEmptyDirectory :: FilePath -> IO () removeEmptyDirectory = PD.removeDirectory -- | Create an 'Unfold' of directory contents. unfoldDirContents :: (MonadMask m, MonadIO m, S.MonadAsync m) => Unfold m FilePath (FD.DirType, FilePath) unfoldDirContents = U.bracket (liftIO . openDirStream) (liftIO . closeDirStream) (Unfold step return) where {-# INLINE [0] step #-} step dirstream = do (typ, e) <- liftIO $ readDirEnt dirstream return $ if | null e -> D.Stop | "." == e -> D.Skip dirstream | ".." == e -> D.Skip dirstream | otherwise -> D.Yield (typ, e) dirstream getDirectoryContentsRecursiveDFSUnsafe :: (MonadMask m, MonadIO m, S.MonadAsync m) => FilePath -> S.SerialT m FilePath getDirectoryContentsRecursiveDFSUnsafe fp = go "" where go cd = flip S.concatMap (S.unfold unfoldDirContents (fp cd)) $ \(t, f) -> if | t == FD.dtDir -> go (cd f) | otherwise -> pure (cd f) getDirectoryContentsRecursiveUnfold :: (MonadMask m, MonadIO m, S.MonadAsync m) => Unfold m FilePath FilePath getDirectoryContentsRecursiveUnfold = Unfold step (\s -> return (s, Nothing, [""])) where {-# INLINE [0] step #-} step (_, Nothing, []) = return D.Stop step (topdir, Just (cdir, dirstream, finalizer), dirs) = flip onException (runIOFinalizer finalizer) $ do (dt, f) <- liftIO $ readDirEnt dirstream if | FD.dtUnknown == dt -> do runIOFinalizer finalizer return $ D.Skip (topdir, Nothing, dirs) | f == "." || f == ".." -> return $ D.Skip (topdir, Just (cdir, dirstream, finalizer), dirs) | FD.dtDir == dt -> return $ D.Skip (topdir, Just (cdir, dirstream, finalizer), (cdir f):dirs) | otherwise -> return $ D.Yield (cdir f) (topdir, Just (cdir, dirstream, finalizer), dirs) step (topdir, Nothing, dir:dirs) = do (s, f) <- acquire (topdir dir) return $ D.Skip (topdir, Just (dir, s, f), dirs) acquire dir = withRunInIO $ \run -> mask_ $ run $ do dirstream <- liftIO $ openDirStream dir ref <- newIOFinalizer (liftIO $ closeDirStream dirstream) return (dirstream, ref) getDirectoryContentsRecursiveBFSUnsafe :: (MonadMask m, MonadIO m, S.MonadAsync m) => FilePath -> S.SerialT m FilePath getDirectoryContentsRecursiveBFSUnsafe = S.unfold getDirectoryContentsRecursiveUnfold