{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-| Module : GHCup.Errors Description : GHCup error types Copyright : (c) Julian Ospald, 2020 License : LGPL-3.0 Maintainer : hasufell@hasufell.de Stability : experimental Portability : portable -} module GHCup.Errors where import GHCup.Types #if !defined(TAR) import Codec.Archive #else import qualified Codec.Archive.Tar as Tar #endif import Control.Exception.Safe import Data.ByteString ( ByteString ) import Data.CaseInsensitive ( CI ) import Data.String.Interpolate import Data.Text ( Text ) import Data.Versions import Haskus.Utils.Variant import Text.PrettyPrint hiding ( (<>) ) import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJClass hiding ( (<>) ) import URI.ByteString import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M ------------------------ --[ Low-level errors ]-- ------------------------ -- | A compatible platform could not be found. data NoCompatiblePlatform = NoCompatiblePlatform String -- the platform we got deriving Show instance Pretty NoCompatiblePlatform where pPrint (NoCompatiblePlatform str') = text ("Could not find a compatible platform. Got: " ++ str') -- | Unable to find a download for the requested versio/distro. data NoDownload = NoDownload deriving Show instance Pretty NoDownload where pPrint NoDownload = text "Unable to find a download for the requested version/distro." -- | No update available or necessary. data NoUpdate = NoUpdate deriving Show instance Pretty NoUpdate where pPrint NoUpdate = text "No update available or necessary." -- | The Architecture is unknown and unsupported. data NoCompatibleArch = NoCompatibleArch String deriving Show instance Pretty NoCompatibleArch where pPrint (NoCompatibleArch arch) = text ("The Architecture is unknown or unsupported. Got: " ++ arch) -- | Unable to figure out the distribution of the host. data DistroNotFound = DistroNotFound deriving Show instance Pretty DistroNotFound where pPrint DistroNotFound = text "Unable to figure out the distribution of the host." -- | The archive format is unknown. We don't know how to extract it. data UnknownArchive = UnknownArchive FilePath deriving Show instance Pretty UnknownArchive where pPrint (UnknownArchive file) = text [i|The archive format is unknown. We don't know how to extract the file "#{file}"|] -- | The scheme is not supported (such as ftp). data UnsupportedScheme = UnsupportedScheme deriving Show instance Pretty UnsupportedScheme where pPrint UnsupportedScheme = text "The scheme is not supported (such as ftp)." -- | Unable to copy a file. data CopyError = CopyError String deriving Show instance Pretty CopyError where pPrint (CopyError reason) = text ("Unable to copy a file. Reason was: " ++ reason) -- | Unable to find a tag of a tool. data TagNotFound = TagNotFound Tag Tool deriving Show instance Pretty TagNotFound where pPrint (TagNotFound tag tool) = text "Unable to find tag" <+> pPrint tag <+> text [i|of tool "#{tool}"|] -- | Unable to find the next version of a tool (the one after the currently -- set one). data NextVerNotFound = NextVerNotFound Tool deriving Show instance Pretty NextVerNotFound where pPrint (NextVerNotFound tool) = text [i|Unable to find next (the one after the currently set one) version of tool "#{tool}"|] -- | The tool (such as GHC) is already installed with that version. data AlreadyInstalled = AlreadyInstalled Tool Version deriving Show instance Pretty AlreadyInstalled where pPrint (AlreadyInstalled tool ver') = text [i|#{tool}-#{prettyShow ver'} is already installed|] -- | The Directory for isolated install already exists and is not empty -- | This is done to prevent any overwriting data IsolatedDirNotEmpty = IsolatedDirNotEmpty {path :: FilePath} instance Pretty IsolatedDirNotEmpty where pPrint (IsolatedDirNotEmpty path) = do text [i| The directory for isolated install already exists and is NOT EMPTY : #{path}|] -- | The tool is not installed. Some operations rely on a tool -- to be installed (such as setting the current GHC version). data NotInstalled = NotInstalled Tool GHCTargetVersion deriving Show instance Pretty NotInstalled where pPrint (NotInstalled tool ver) = text [i|The version "#{prettyShow ver}" of the tool "#{tool}" is not installed.|] -- | An executable was expected to be in PATH, but was not found. data NotFoundInPATH = NotFoundInPATH FilePath deriving Show instance Pretty NotFoundInPATH where pPrint (NotFoundInPATH exe) = text [i|The exe "#{exe}" was not found in PATH.|] -- | JSON decoding failed. data JSONError = JSONDecodeError String deriving Show instance Pretty JSONError where pPrint (JSONDecodeError err) = text [i|JSON decoding failed with: #{err}|] -- | A file that is supposed to exist does not exist -- (e.g. when we use file scheme to "download" something). data FileDoesNotExistError = FileDoesNotExistError FilePath deriving Show instance Pretty FileDoesNotExistError where pPrint (FileDoesNotExistError file) = text [i|File "#{file}" does not exist.|] -- | The file already exists -- (e.g. when we use isolated installs with the same path). -- (e.g. This is done to prevent any overwriting) data FileAlreadyExistsError = FileAlreadyExistsError FilePath deriving Show instance Pretty FileAlreadyExistsError where pPrint (FileAlreadyExistsError file) = text [i|File "#{file}" Already exists.|] data TarDirDoesNotExist = TarDirDoesNotExist TarDir deriving Show instance Pretty TarDirDoesNotExist where pPrint (TarDirDoesNotExist dir) = text "Tar directory does not exist:" <+> pPrint dir -- | File digest verification failed. data DigestError = DigestError Text Text deriving Show instance Pretty DigestError where pPrint (DigestError currentDigest expectedDigest) = text [i|Digest error: expected "#{expectedDigest}", but got "#{currentDigest}"|] -- | Unexpected HTTP status. data HTTPStatusError = HTTPStatusError Int (M.Map (CI ByteString) ByteString) deriving Show instance Pretty HTTPStatusError where pPrint (HTTPStatusError status _) = text [i|Unexpected HTTP status: #{status}|] -- | Malformed headers. data MalformedHeaders = MalformedHeaders Text deriving Show instance Pretty MalformedHeaders where pPrint (MalformedHeaders h) = text [i|Headers are malformed: #{h}|] -- | Unexpected HTTP status. data HTTPNotModified = HTTPNotModified Text deriving Show instance Pretty HTTPNotModified where pPrint (HTTPNotModified etag) = text [i|Remote resource not modifed, etag was: #{etag}|] -- | The 'Location' header was expected during a 3xx redirect, but not found. data NoLocationHeader = NoLocationHeader deriving Show instance Pretty NoLocationHeader where pPrint NoLocationHeader = text [i|The 'Location' header was expected during a 3xx redirect, but not found.|] -- | Too many redirects. data TooManyRedirs = TooManyRedirs deriving Show instance Pretty TooManyRedirs where pPrint TooManyRedirs = text [i|Too many redirections.|] -- | A patch could not be applied. data PatchFailed = PatchFailed deriving Show instance Pretty PatchFailed where pPrint PatchFailed = text [i|A patch could not be applied.|] -- | The tool requirements could not be found. data NoToolRequirements = NoToolRequirements deriving Show instance Pretty NoToolRequirements where pPrint NoToolRequirements = text [i|The Tool requirements could not be found.|] data InvalidBuildConfig = InvalidBuildConfig Text deriving Show instance Pretty InvalidBuildConfig where pPrint (InvalidBuildConfig reason) = text [i|The build config is invalid. Reason was: #{reason}|] data NoToolVersionSet = NoToolVersionSet Tool deriving Show instance Pretty NoToolVersionSet where pPrint (NoToolVersionSet tool) = text [i|No version is set for tool "#{tool}".|] data NoNetwork = NoNetwork deriving Show instance Pretty NoNetwork where pPrint NoNetwork = text [i|A download was required or requested, but '--offline' was specified.|] data HadrianNotFound = HadrianNotFound deriving Show instance Pretty HadrianNotFound where pPrint HadrianNotFound = text [i|Could not find Hadrian build files. Does this GHC version support Hadrian builds?|] ------------------------- --[ High-level errors ]-- ------------------------- -- | A download failed. The underlying error is encapsulated. data DownloadFailed = forall x xs . (Show x, Show (V xs), Pretty x, Pretty (V xs)) => DownloadFailed (V (x ': xs)) instance Pretty DownloadFailed where pPrint (DownloadFailed reason) = text "Download failed:" <+> pPrint reason deriving instance Show DownloadFailed -- | A build failed. data BuildFailed = forall es . (Pretty (V es), Show (V es)) => BuildFailed FilePath (V es) instance Pretty BuildFailed where pPrint (BuildFailed path reason) = text [i|BuildFailed failed in dir "#{path}": |] <> pPrint reason deriving instance Show BuildFailed -- | Setting the current GHC version failed. data GHCupSetError = forall es . Show (V es) => GHCupSetError (V es) instance Pretty GHCupSetError where pPrint (GHCupSetError reason) = text [i|Setting the current GHC version failed: #{reason}|] deriving instance Show GHCupSetError --------------------------------------------- --[ True Exceptions (e.g. for MonadThrow) ]-- --------------------------------------------- -- | Parsing failed. data ParseError = ParseError String deriving Show instance Pretty ParseError where pPrint (ParseError reason) = text [i|Parsing failed: #{reason}|] instance Exception ParseError data UnexpectedListLength = UnexpectedListLength String deriving Show instance Pretty UnexpectedListLength where pPrint (UnexpectedListLength reason) = text [i|List length unexpected: #{reason}|] instance Exception UnexpectedListLength data NoUrlBase = NoUrlBase Text deriving Show instance Pretty NoUrlBase where pPrint (NoUrlBase url) = text [i|Couldn't get a base filename from url #{url}|] instance Exception NoUrlBase ------------------------ --[ orphan instances ]-- ------------------------ instance Pretty (V '[]) where {-# INLINABLE pPrint #-} pPrint _ = undefined instance ( Pretty x , Pretty (V xs) ) => Pretty (V (x ': xs)) where pPrint v = case popVariantHead v of Right x -> pPrint x Left xs -> pPrint xs instance Pretty URIParseError where pPrint (MalformedScheme reason) = text [i|Failed to parse URI. Malformed scheme: #{reason}|] pPrint MalformedUserInfo = text [i|Failed to parse URI. Malformed user info.|] pPrint MalformedQuery = text [i|Failed to parse URI. Malformed query.|] pPrint MalformedFragment = text [i|Failed to parse URI. Malformed fragment.|] pPrint MalformedHost = text [i|Failed to parse URI. Malformed host.|] pPrint MalformedPort = text [i|Failed to parse URI. Malformed port.|] pPrint MalformedPath = text [i|Failed to parse URI. Malformed path.|] pPrint (OtherError err) = text [i|Failed to parse URI: #{err}|] #if !defined(TAR) instance Pretty ArchiveResult where pPrint ArchiveFatal = text "Archive result: fatal" pPrint ArchiveFailed = text "Archive result: failed" pPrint ArchiveWarn = text "Archive result: warning" pPrint ArchiveRetry = text "Archive result: retry" pPrint ArchiveOk = text "Archive result: Ok" pPrint ArchiveEOF = text "Archive result: EOF" #else instance Pretty Tar.FormatError where pPrint Tar.TruncatedArchive = text "Truncated archive" pPrint Tar.ShortTrailer = text "Short trailer" pPrint Tar.BadTrailer = text "Bad trailer" pPrint Tar.TrailingJunk = text "Trailing junk" pPrint Tar.ChecksumIncorrect = text "Checksum incorrect" pPrint Tar.NotTarFormat = text "Not a tar format" pPrint Tar.UnrecognisedTarFormat = text "Unrecognised tar format" pPrint Tar.HeaderBadNumericEncoding = text "Header has bad numeric encoding" #endif