stages: - checks - quick-test - test - expensive-test - release variables: GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY: "1" # Commit of ghc/ci-images repository from which to pull Docker images DOCKER_REV: 8d0224e6b2a08157649651e69302380b2bd24e11 # Sequential version number of all cached things. # Bump to invalidate GitLab CI cache. CACHE_REV: 0 ############################################################ # CI Step ############################################################ .debian: image: "$DOCKER_REV" tags: - x86_64-linux variables: OS: "LINUX" ARCH: "64" CABAL_DIR: "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/cabal" CROSS: "" .alpine:64bit: image: "alpine:3.12" tags: - x86_64-linux variables: OS: "LINUX" ARCH: "64" CABAL_DIR: "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/cabal" .alpine:32bit: image: "i386/alpine:3.12" tags: - x86_64-linux variables: OS: "LINUX" ARCH: "32" CABAL_DIR: "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/cabal" .linux:armv7: image: "$DOCKER_REV" tags: - armv7-linux variables: OS: "LINUX" ARCH: "ARM" CABAL_DIR: "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/cabal" retry: 2 .linux:aarch64: image: "$DOCKER_REV" tags: - aarch64-linux variables: OS: "LINUX" ARCH: "ARM64" CABAL_DIR: "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/cabal" .darwin: tags: - x86_64-darwin variables: OS: "DARWIN" ARCH: "64" CABAL_DIR: "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/cabal" .darwin:aarch64: tags: - aarch64-darwin-m1 variables: OS: "DARWIN" ARCH: "ARM64" CABAL_DIR: "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/cabal" .freebsd13: tags: - x86_64-freebsd13 variables: OS: "FREEBSD" ARCH: "64" CABAL_DIR: "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/cabal" .freebsd12: tags: - x86_64-freebsd12 variables: OS: "FREEBSD" ARCH: "64" CABAL_DIR: "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/cabal" .windows: tags: - new-x86_64-windows variables: OS: "WINDOWS" ARCH: "64" CABAL_DIR: "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/cabal" retry: 2 .root_cleanup: after_script: - bash ./.gitlab/ .test_ghcup_version: script: - bash ./.gitlab/script/ variables: JSON_VERSION: "0.0.6" artifacts: expire_in: 2 week paths: - test/golden - dist-newstyle/cache/ when: on_failure # .test_ghcup_scoop: # script: # - cl /O1 scoop-better-shimexe/shim.c .test_ghcup_version:linux: extends: - .test_ghcup_version - .debian before_script: - ./.gitlab/before_script/linux/ .test_ghcup_version:linux32: extends: - .test_ghcup_version - .alpine:32bit before_script: - ./.gitlab/before_script/linux/alpine/ .test_ghcup_version:armv7: extends: - .test_ghcup_version - .linux:armv7 before_script: - ./.gitlab/before_script/linux/ .test_ghcup_version:aarch64: extends: - .test_ghcup_version - .linux:aarch64 before_script: - ./.gitlab/before_script/linux/ .test_ghcup_version:darwin: extends: - .test_ghcup_version - .darwin - .root_cleanup before_script: - ./.gitlab/before_script/darwin/ .test_ghcup_version:darwin:aarch64: extends: - .test_ghcup_version - .darwin:aarch64 - .root_cleanup cache: key: darwin-brew-$CACHE_REV paths: - .brew - .brew_cache before_script: # Install brew locally in the project dir. Packages will also be installed here. - '[ -e "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.brew" ] || git clone --depth=1 $CI_PROJECT_DIR/.brew' - export PATH="$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.brew/bin:$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.brew/sbin:$PATH" # otherwise we seem to get intel binaries - export HOMEBREW_CHANGE_ARCH_TO_ARM=1 # make sure to not pollute the machine with temp files etc - mkdir -p $CI_PROJECT_DIR/.brew_cache - export HOMEBREW_CACHE=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.brew_cache - mkdir -p $CI_PROJECT_DIR/.brew_logs - export HOMEBREW_LOGS=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.brew_logs - mkdir -p $CI_PROJECT_DIR/.brew_tmp - export HOMEBREW_TEMP=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.brew_tmp # update and install packages - brew update - brew install llvm - brew install autoconf automake coreutils script: | export PATH="$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.brew/opt/llvm/bin:$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.brew/bin:$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.brew/sbin:$PATH" export CC=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.brew/opt/llvm/bin/clang export CXX=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.brew/opt/llvm/bin/clang++ export LD=ld export AR=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.brew/opt/llvm/bin/llvm-ar export RANLIB=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.brew/opt/llvm/bin/llvm-ranlib ./.gitlab/before_script/darwin/ ./.gitlab/script/ .test_ghcup_version:freebsd12: extends: - .test_ghcup_version - .freebsd12 - .root_cleanup before_script: - ./.gitlab/before_script/freebsd/ .test_ghcup_version:freebsd13: extends: - .test_ghcup_version - .freebsd13 - .root_cleanup before_script: - ./.gitlab/before_script/freebsd/ .test_ghcup_version:windows: extends: - .test_ghcup_version - .windows - .root_cleanup before_script: - set CABAL_DIR="$CI_PROJECT_DIR/cabal" - bash ./.gitlab/before_script/windows/ # .test_ghcup_scoop:windows: # extends: # - .windows # - .test_ghcup_scoop # - .root_cleanup .release_ghcup: script: - bash ./.gitlab/script/ artifacts: expire_in: 2 week paths: - out - dist-newstyle/cache/ only: - tags variables: JSON_VERSION: "0.0.6" ######## stack test ######## test:linux:stack: stage: test before_script: - ./.gitlab/before_script/linux/ script: - ./.gitlab/script/ extends: - .debian needs: [] ######## bootstrap test ######## test:linux:bootstrap_script: stage: quick-test before_script: - ./.gitlab/before_script/linux/ script: - ./.gitlab/script/ variables: GHC_VERSION: "8.10.7" CABAL_VERSION: "" extends: - .debian - .root_cleanup needs: [] test:windows:bootstrap_powershell_script: stage: quick-test script: - ./scripts/bootstrap/bootstrap-haskell.ps1 -InstallDir $CI_PROJECT_DIR -BootstrapUrl $CI_PROJECT_DIR/bootstrap-haskell -InBash after_script: - "[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('GHCUP_INSTALL_BASE_PREFIX', $null, [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User)" - "[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('GHCUP_MSYS2', $null, [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User)" - "[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('CABAL_DIR', $null, [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User)" - bash ./.gitlab/ variables: GHC_VERSION: "8.10.7" CABAL_VERSION: "" extends: - .windows needs: [] ######## linux test ######## test:linux: stage: test extends: .test_ghcup_version:linux variables: GHC_VERSION: "8.10.7" CABAL_VERSION: "" needs: [] test:linux:hls: stage: expensive-test extends: - .test_ghcup_version - .debian variables: GHC_VERSION: "8.10.7" HLS_TARGET_VERSION: "1.4.0" CABAL_VERSION: "" needs: [] when: manual allow_failure: true before_script: - ./.gitlab/before_script/linux/ script: - ./.gitlab/script/ test:linux:cross-armv7: stage: expensive-test extends: - .test_ghcup_version - .debian variables: GHC_VERSION: "8.10.6" GHC_TARGET_VERSION: "8.10.7" CABAL_VERSION: "" CROSS: "arm-linux-gnueabihf" needs: [] when: manual allow_failure: true before_script: - ./.gitlab/before_script/linux/ script: - ./.gitlab/script/ test:linux:git:hadrian: stage: expensive-test extends: - .test_ghcup_version - .debian variables: GHC_VERSION: "8.10.7" GHC_GIT_TAG: "ghc-9.0.1-release" GHC_GIT_VERSION: "9.0.1" CABAL_VERSION: "" CROSS: "" needs: [] when: manual allow_failure: true before_script: - ./.gitlab/before_script/linux/ script: - ./.gitlab/script/ ######## linux 32bit test ######## test:linux:32bit: stage: test extends: .test_ghcup_version:linux32 variables: GHC_VERSION: "8.10.7" CABAL_VERSION: "" needs: [] ######## arm tests ######## test:linux:armv7: stage: test extends: .test_ghcup_version:armv7 variables: GHC_VERSION: "8.10.7" CABAL_VERSION: "" CROSS: "" when: manual needs: [] test:linux:aarch64: stage: test extends: .test_ghcup_version:aarch64 variables: GHC_VERSION: "8.10.7" CABAL_VERSION: "" CROSS: "" when: manual needs: [] ######## darwin test ######## test:mac: stage: test extends: .test_ghcup_version:darwin variables: GHC_VERSION: "8.10.7" CABAL_VERSION: "" needs: [] test:mac:aarch64: stage: test extends: .test_ghcup_version:darwin:aarch64 variables: GHC_VERSION: "8.10.7" CABAL_VERSION: "" needs: [] allow_failure: true ######## freebsd test ######## test:freebsd12: stage: test extends: .test_ghcup_version:freebsd12 variables: GHC_VERSION: "8.10.7" CABAL_VERSION: "" allow_failure: true # freebsd runners are unreliable when: manual needs: [] test:freebsd13: stage: test extends: .test_ghcup_version:freebsd13 variables: GHC_VERSION: "8.10.7" CABAL_VERSION: "" allow_failure: true # freebsd runners are unreliable when: manual needs: [] ######## windows test ######## test:windows: stage: test extends: .test_ghcup_version:windows variables: GHC_VERSION: "8.10.7" CABAL_VERSION: "" needs: [] # test:windows:scoop: # stage: test # extends: .test_ghcup_scoop:windows # needs: [] ######## linux release ######## release:linux:64bit: stage: release needs: ["test:linux"] extends: - .alpine:64bit - .release_ghcup before_script: - ./.gitlab/before_script/linux/alpine/ variables: ARTIFACT: "x86_64-linux-ghcup" GHC_VERSION: "8.10.7" CABAL_VERSION: "" release:linux:32bit: stage: release needs: ["test:linux:32bit"] extends: - .alpine:32bit - .release_ghcup before_script: - ./.gitlab/before_script/linux/alpine/ variables: ARTIFACT: "i386-linux-ghcup" GHC_VERSION: "8.10.7" CABAL_VERSION: "" release:linux:armv7: stage: release needs: ["test:linux:armv7"] extends: - .linux:armv7 - .release_ghcup before_script: - ./.gitlab/before_script/linux/ variables: ARTIFACT: "armv7-linux-ghcup" GHC_VERSION: "8.10.7" CABAL_VERSION: "" CROSS: "" release:linux:aarch64: stage: release needs: ["test:linux:aarch64"] extends: - .linux:aarch64 - .release_ghcup before_script: - ./.gitlab/before_script/linux/ variables: ARTIFACT: "aarch64-linux-ghcup" GHC_VERSION: "8.10.7" CABAL_VERSION: "" CROSS: "" ######## darwin release ######## release:darwin: stage: release needs: ["test:mac"] extends: - .darwin - .release_ghcup - .root_cleanup before_script: - ./.gitlab/before_script/darwin/ variables: ARTIFACT: "x86_64-apple-darwin-ghcup" GHC_VERSION: "8.10.7" CABAL_VERSION: "" MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET: "10.7" release:darwin:aarch64: stage: release needs: ["test:mac:aarch64"] extends: - .darwin:aarch64 - .release_ghcup - .root_cleanup cache: key: darwin-brew-$CACHE_REV paths: - .brew - .brew_cache before_script: # Install brew locally in the project dir. Packages will also be installed here. - '[ -e "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.brew" ] || git clone --depth=1 $CI_PROJECT_DIR/.brew' - export PATH="$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.brew/bin:$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.brew/sbin:$PATH" # otherwise we seem to get intel binaries - export HOMEBREW_CHANGE_ARCH_TO_ARM=1 # make sure to not pollute the machine with temp files etc - mkdir -p $CI_PROJECT_DIR/.brew_cache - export HOMEBREW_CACHE=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.brew_cache - mkdir -p $CI_PROJECT_DIR/.brew_logs - export HOMEBREW_LOGS=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.brew_logs - mkdir -p $CI_PROJECT_DIR/.brew_tmp - export HOMEBREW_TEMP=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.brew_tmp # update and install packages - brew update - brew install llvm - brew install autoconf automake script: | export PATH="$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.brew/opt/llvm/bin:$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.brew/bin:$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.brew/sbin:$PATH" export CC=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.brew/opt/llvm/bin/clang export CXX=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.brew/opt/llvm/bin/clang++ export LD=ld export AR=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.brew/opt/llvm/bin/llvm-ar export RANLIB=$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.brew/opt/llvm/bin/llvm-ranlib ./.gitlab/before_script/darwin/ ./.gitlab/script/ variables: ARTIFACT: "aarch64-apple-darwin-ghcup" GHC_VERSION: "8.10.7" CABAL_VERSION: "" MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET: "10.7" allow_failure: true ######## freebsd release ######## release:freebsd12: stage: release needs: ["test:freebsd12"] extends: - .freebsd12 - .release_ghcup - .root_cleanup before_script: - ./.gitlab/before_script/freebsd/ variables: ARTIFACT: "x86_64-portbld-freebsd-ghcup" GHC_VERSION: "8.10.7" CABAL_VERSION: "" allow_failure: true release:freebsd13: stage: release needs: ["test:freebsd13"] extends: - .freebsd13 - .release_ghcup - .root_cleanup before_script: - ./.gitlab/before_script/freebsd/ variables: ARTIFACT: "x86_64-portbld-freebsd-ghcup" GHC_VERSION: "8.10.7" CABAL_VERSION: "" allow_failure: true ######## windows release ######## release:windows: stage: release needs: ["test:windows"] extends: - .windows - .release_ghcup - .root_cleanup before_script: - bash ./.gitlab/before_script/windows/ variables: ARTIFACT: "x86_64-mingw64-ghcup" GHC_VERSION: "8.10.7" CABAL_VERSION: "" ######## hlint ######## hlint: stage: checks extends: - .debian script: - curl -sSL | sh -s -- -r lib/ test/ allow_failure: true artifacts: expire_in: 2 week paths: - report.html when: on_failure ######## mkdocs ######## mkdocs: stage: checks extends: - .debian before_script: - sudo apt-get update -y - sudo apt-get install -y python3-pip - pip3 install mkdocs script: - ~/.local/bin/mkdocs build allow_failure: true ######## shellcheck ######## shellcheck: image: "koalaman/shellcheck-alpine" tags: - x86_64-linux stage: checks script: - shellcheck scripts/bootstrap/bootstrap-haskell allow_failure: true