cabal-version: 2.2 name: ghcup version: synopsis: ghc toolchain installer as an exe/library description: A rewrite of the shell script ghcup, for providing a more stable user experience and exposing an API. homepage: bug-reports: license: LGPL-3.0-only license-file: LICENSE author: Julian Ospald maintainer: copyright: Julian Ospald 2020 category: System build-type: Simple extra-source-files: source-repository head type: git location: common HsOpenSSL { build-depends: HsOpenSSL >= 0.11 } common aeson { build-depends: aeson >= 1.4 } common aeson-pretty { build-depends: aeson-pretty >= 0.8.8 } common ascii-string { build-depends: ascii-string >= 1.0 } common async { build-depends: async >= 0.8 } common attoparsec { build-depends: attoparsec >= 0.13 } common base { build-depends: base >= 4.12 && < 5 } common bytestring { build-depends: bytestring >= 0.10 } common bzlib { build-depends: bzlib >= } common containers { build-depends: containers >= 0.6 } common generics-sop { build-depends: generics-sop >= 0.5 } common haskus-utils-types { build-depends: haskus-utils-types >= 1.5 } common haskus-utils-variant { build-depends: haskus-utils-variant >= 3.0 } common hopenssl { build-depends: hopenssl >= 2.2.4 } common hpath { build-depends: hpath >= 0.11 } common hpath-directory { build-depends: hpath-directory >= 0.13.2 } common hpath-filepath { build-depends: hpath-filepath >= 0.10.3 } common hpath-io { build-depends: hpath-io >= 0.13.1 } common hpath-posix { build-depends: hpath-posix >= 0.11.1 } common http-io-streams { build-depends: http-io-streams >= 0.1 } common io-streams { build-depends: io-streams >= 1.5 } common language-bash { build-depends: language-bash >= 0.9 } common lzma { build-depends: lzma >= } common monad-logger { build-depends: monad-logger >= 0.3.31 } common mtl { build-depends: mtl >= 2.2 } common optics { build-depends: optics >= 0.2 } common optics-vl { build-depends: optics-vl >= 0.2 } common optparse-applicative { build-depends: optparse-applicative >= } common parsec { build-depends: parsec >= 3.1 } common pretty-terminal { build-depends: pretty-terminal >= } common resourcet { build-depends: resourcet >= 1.2.2 } common safe { build-depends: safe >= 0.3.18 } common safe-exceptions { build-depends: safe-exceptions >= 0.1 } common streamly { build-depends: streamly >= 0.7 } common streamly-posix { build-depends: streamly-posix >= } common streamly-bytestring { build-depends: streamly-bytestring >= 0.1.2 } common strict-base { build-depends: strict-base >= 0.4 } common string-interpolate { build-depends: string-interpolate >= } common table-layout { build-depends: table-layout >= 0.8 } common tar-bytestring { build-depends: tar-bytestring >= } common template-haskell { build-depends: template-haskell >= 2.7 } common text { build-depends: text >= 1.2 } common text-icu { build-depends: text-icu >= 0.7 } common transformers { build-depends: transformers >= 0.5 } common unix { build-depends: unix >= 2.7 } common unix-bytestring { build-depends: unix-bytestring >= 0.3 } common uri-bytestring { build-depends: uri-bytestring >= } common utf8-string { build-depends: utf8-string >= 1.0 } common vector { build-depends: vector >= 0.12 } common versions { build-depends: versions >= 3.5 } common waargonaut { build-depends: waargonaut >= 0.8 } common word8 { build-depends: word8 >= 0.1.3 } common zlib { build-depends: zlib >= } common config default-language: Haskell2010 ghc-options: -Wall -fwarn-tabs -fwarn-incomplete-uni-patterns -fwarn-incomplete-record-updates -threaded default-extensions: LambdaCase , MultiWayIf , PackageImports , RecordWildCards , ScopedTypeVariables , StrictData , Strict , TupleSections library import: config , base -- deps , HsOpenSSL , aeson , ascii-string , async , attoparsec , bytestring , bzlib , containers , generics-sop , haskus-utils-types , haskus-utils-variant , hopenssl , hpath , hpath-directory , hpath-filepath , hpath-io , hpath-posix , http-io-streams , io-streams , language-bash , lzma , monad-logger , mtl , optics , optics-vl , parsec , pretty-terminal , resourcet , safe , safe-exceptions , streamly , streamly-posix , streamly-bytestring , strict-base , string-interpolate , tar-bytestring , template-haskell , text , text-icu , transformers , unix , unix-bytestring , uri-bytestring , utf8-string , vector , versions , word8 , zlib exposed-modules: GHCup GHCup.Download GHCup.Errors GHCup.Platform GHCup.Types GHCup.Types.JSON GHCup.Types.Optics GHCup.Utils GHCup.Utils.Bash GHCup.Utils.Dirs GHCup.Utils.File GHCup.Utils.Logger GHCup.Utils.Prelude GHCup.Utils.String.QQ GHCup.Utils.Version.QQ GHCup.Version -- other-modules: -- other-extensions: hs-source-dirs: lib executable ghcup import: config , base -- , bytestring , containers , haskus-utils-variant , monad-logger , mtl , optparse-applicative , text , versions , hpath , hpath-io , pretty-terminal , resourcet , string-interpolate , table-layout , uri-bytestring , utf8-string main-is: Main.hs -- other-modules: -- other-extensions: build-depends: ghcup hs-source-dirs: app/ghcup default-language: Haskell2010 executable ghcup-gen import: config , base -- , aeson , aeson-pretty , bytestring , containers , safe-exceptions , haskus-utils-variant , monad-logger , mtl , optics , optparse-applicative , text , versions , hpath , pretty-terminal , resourcet , string-interpolate , table-layout , transformers , uri-bytestring , utf8-string main-is: Main.hs other-modules: BinaryDownloads GHCupDownloads SourceDownloads Validate -- other-extensions: build-depends: ghcup hs-source-dirs: app/ghcup-gen default-language: Haskell2010 test-suite ghcup-test default-language: Haskell2010 type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: test main-is: MyLibTest.hs build-depends: base ^>=