{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} module GHCup.OptParse.List where import GHCup import GHCup.Utils.Prelude import GHCup.Types import GHCup.OptParse.Common #if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,13,0) import Control.Monad.Fail ( MonadFail ) #endif import Control.Monad.Reader import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource import Data.Char import Data.List ( intercalate, sort ) import Data.Functor import Data.Maybe import Data.Versions hiding ( str ) import Data.Void import Options.Applicative hiding ( style ) import Prelude hiding ( appendFile ) import System.Exit import System.Console.Pretty hiding ( color ) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified System.Console.Pretty as Pretty import Control.Exception.Safe (MonadMask) import qualified Text.Megaparsec as MP import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char as MPC --------------- --[ Options ]-- --------------- data ListOptions = ListOptions { loTool :: Maybe Tool , lCriteria :: Maybe ListCriteria , lRawFormat :: Bool } --------------- --[ Parsers ]-- --------------- listOpts :: Parser ListOptions listOpts = ListOptions <$> optional (option (eitherReader toolParser) (short 't' <> long "tool" <> metavar "" <> help "Tool to list versions for. Default is all" <> completer (toolCompleter) ) ) <*> optional (option (eitherReader criteriaParser) ( short 'c' <> long "show-criteria" <> metavar "" <> help "Show only installed/set/available tool versions" <> completer (listCompleter ["installed", "set", "available"]) ) ) <*> switch (short 'r' <> long "raw-format" <> help "More machine-parsable format" ) ----------------- --[ Utilities ]-- ----------------- printListResult :: Bool -> Bool -> [ListResult] -> IO () printListResult no_color raw lr = do let color | raw || no_color = (\_ x -> x) | otherwise = Pretty.color let printTag Recommended = color Green "recommended" printTag Latest = color Yellow "latest" printTag Prerelease = color Red "prerelease" printTag (Base pvp'') = "base-" ++ T.unpack (prettyPVP pvp'') printTag (UnknownTag t ) = t printTag Old = "" let rows = (\x -> if raw then x else [color Green "", "Tool", "Version", "Tags", "Notes"] : x ) . fmap (\ListResult {..} -> let marks = if | lSet -> (color Green (if isWindows then "IS" else "✔✔")) | lInstalled -> (color Green (if isWindows then "I " else "✓ ")) | otherwise -> (color Red (if isWindows then "X " else "✗ ")) in (if raw then [] else [marks]) ++ [ fmap toLower . show $ lTool , case lCross of Nothing -> T.unpack . prettyVer $ lVer Just c -> T.unpack (c <> "-" <> prettyVer lVer) , intercalate "," (filter (/= "") . fmap printTag $ sort lTag) , intercalate "," $ (if hlsPowered then [color Green "hls-powered"] else mempty ) ++ (if fromSrc then [color Blue "compiled"] else mempty) ++ (if lStray then [color Yellow "stray"] else mempty) ++ (if lNoBindist then [color Red "no-bindist"] else mempty ) ] ) $ lr let cols = foldr (\xs ys -> zipWith (:) xs ys) (cycle [[]]) rows lengths = fmap (maximum . fmap strWidth) cols padded = fmap (\xs -> zipWith padTo xs lengths) rows forM_ padded $ \row -> putStrLn $ unwords row where padTo str' x = let lstr = strWidth str' add' = x - lstr in if add' < 0 then str' else str' ++ replicate add' ' ' -- | Calculate the render width of a string, considering -- wide characters (counted as double width), ANSI escape codes -- (not counted), and line breaks (in a multi-line string, the longest -- line determines the width). strWidth :: String -> Int strWidth = maximum . (0 :) . map (foldr (\a b -> charWidth a + b) 0) . lines . stripAnsi -- | Strip ANSI escape sequences from a string. -- -- >>> stripAnsi "\ESC[31m-1\ESC[m" -- "-1" stripAnsi :: String -> String stripAnsi s' = case MP.parseMaybe (many $ "" <$ MP.try ansi <|> pure <$> MP.anySingle) s' of Nothing -> error "Bad ansi escape" -- PARTIAL: should not happen Just xs -> concat xs where -- This parses lots of invalid ANSI escape codes, but that should be fine ansi = MPC.string "\ESC[" *> digitSemicolons *> suffix MP. "ansi" :: MP.Parsec Void String Char digitSemicolons = MP.takeWhileP Nothing (\c -> isDigit c || c == ';') suffix = MP.oneOf ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'f', 'm', 's', 'u'] -- | Get the designated render width of a character: 0 for a combining -- character, 1 for a regular character, 2 for a wide character. -- (Wide characters are rendered as exactly double width in apps and -- fonts that support it.) (From Pandoc.) charWidth :: Char -> Int charWidth c = case c of _ | c < '\x0300' -> 1 | c >= '\x0300' && c <= '\x036F' -> 0 | -- combining c >= '\x0370' && c <= '\x10FC' -> 1 | c >= '\x1100' && c <= '\x115F' -> 2 | c >= '\x1160' && c <= '\x11A2' -> 1 | c >= '\x11A3' && c <= '\x11A7' -> 2 | c >= '\x11A8' && c <= '\x11F9' -> 1 | c >= '\x11FA' && c <= '\x11FF' -> 2 | c >= '\x1200' && c <= '\x2328' -> 1 | c >= '\x2329' && c <= '\x232A' -> 2 | c >= '\x232B' && c <= '\x2E31' -> 1 | c >= '\x2E80' && c <= '\x303E' -> 2 | c == '\x303F' -> 1 | c >= '\x3041' && c <= '\x3247' -> 2 | c >= '\x3248' && c <= '\x324F' -> 1 | -- ambiguous c >= '\x3250' && c <= '\x4DBF' -> 2 | c >= '\x4DC0' && c <= '\x4DFF' -> 1 | c >= '\x4E00' && c <= '\xA4C6' -> 2 | c >= '\xA4D0' && c <= '\xA95F' -> 1 | c >= '\xA960' && c <= '\xA97C' -> 2 | c >= '\xA980' && c <= '\xABF9' -> 1 | c >= '\xAC00' && c <= '\xD7FB' -> 2 | c >= '\xD800' && c <= '\xDFFF' -> 1 | c >= '\xE000' && c <= '\xF8FF' -> 1 | -- ambiguous c >= '\xF900' && c <= '\xFAFF' -> 2 | c >= '\xFB00' && c <= '\xFDFD' -> 1 | c >= '\xFE00' && c <= '\xFE0F' -> 1 | -- ambiguous c >= '\xFE10' && c <= '\xFE19' -> 2 | c >= '\xFE20' && c <= '\xFE26' -> 1 | c >= '\xFE30' && c <= '\xFE6B' -> 2 | c >= '\xFE70' && c <= '\xFEFF' -> 1 | c >= '\xFF01' && c <= '\xFF60' -> 2 | c >= '\xFF61' && c <= '\x16A38' -> 1 | c >= '\x1B000' && c <= '\x1B001' -> 2 | c >= '\x1D000' && c <= '\x1F1FF' -> 1 | c >= '\x1F200' && c <= '\x1F251' -> 2 | c >= '\x1F300' && c <= '\x1F773' -> 1 | c >= '\x20000' && c <= '\x3FFFD' -> 2 | otherwise -> 1 ------------------ --[ Entrypoint ]-- ------------------ list :: ( Monad m , MonadMask m , MonadUnliftIO m , MonadFail m ) => ListOptions -> Bool -> (ReaderT AppState m ExitCode -> m ExitCode) -> m ExitCode list ListOptions{..} no_color runAppState = runAppState (do l <- listVersions loTool lCriteria liftIO $ printListResult no_color lRawFormat l pure ExitSuccess )