{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-} module GHCup.OptParse ( module GHCup.OptParse.Common , module GHCup.OptParse.Install , module GHCup.OptParse.Set , module GHCup.OptParse.UnSet , module GHCup.OptParse.Rm , module GHCup.OptParse.Compile , module GHCup.OptParse.Config , module GHCup.OptParse.Whereis , module GHCup.OptParse.List , module GHCup.OptParse.Upgrade , module GHCup.OptParse.ChangeLog , module GHCup.OptParse.Prefetch , module GHCup.OptParse.GC , module GHCup.OptParse.DInfo , module GHCup.OptParse.Nuke , module GHCup.OptParse.ToolRequirements , module GHCup.OptParse ) where import GHCup.OptParse.Common import GHCup.OptParse.Install import GHCup.OptParse.Set import GHCup.OptParse.UnSet import GHCup.OptParse.Rm import GHCup.OptParse.Compile import GHCup.OptParse.Config import GHCup.OptParse.Whereis import GHCup.OptParse.List import GHCup.OptParse.Upgrade import GHCup.OptParse.ChangeLog import GHCup.OptParse.Prefetch import GHCup.OptParse.GC import GHCup.OptParse.DInfo import GHCup.OptParse.ToolRequirements import GHCup.OptParse.Nuke import GHCup.Types #if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,13,0) import Control.Monad.Fail ( MonadFail ) #endif import Control.Monad.Reader import Data.Bifunctor import Data.Either import Data.Functor import Data.Maybe import Options.Applicative hiding ( style ) import Options.Applicative.Help.Pretty ( text ) import Prelude hiding ( appendFile ) import URI.ByteString import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as UTF8 data Options = Options { -- global options optVerbose :: Maybe Bool , optCache :: Maybe Bool , optMetaCache :: Maybe Integer , optUrlSource :: Maybe URI , optNoVerify :: Maybe Bool , optKeepDirs :: Maybe KeepDirs , optsDownloader :: Maybe Downloader , optNoNetwork :: Maybe Bool , optGpg :: Maybe GPGSetting -- commands , optCommand :: Command } data Command = Install (Either InstallCommand InstallOptions) | InstallCabalLegacy InstallOptions | Set (Either SetCommand SetOptions) | UnSet UnsetCommand | List ListOptions | Rm (Either RmCommand RmOptions) | DInfo | Compile CompileCommand | Config ConfigCommand | Whereis WhereisOptions WhereisCommand | Upgrade UpgradeOpts Bool | ToolRequirements | ChangeLog ChangeLogOptions | Nuke #if defined(BRICK) | Interactive #endif | Prefetch PrefetchCommand | GC GCOptions opts :: Parser Options opts = Options <$> invertableSwitch "verbose" 'v' False (help "Enable verbosity (default: disabled)") <*> invertableSwitch "cache" 'c' False (help "Cache downloads in ~/.ghcup/cache (default: disabled)") <*> optional (option auto (long "metadata-caching" <> help "How long the yaml metadata caching interval is (in seconds), 0 to disable" <> internal)) <*> optional (option (eitherReader parseUri) ( short 's' <> long "url-source" <> metavar "URL" <> help "Alternative ghcup download info url" <> internal ) ) <*> (fmap . fmap) not (invertableSwitch "verify" 'n' True (help "Disable tarball checksum verification (default: enabled)")) <*> optional (option (eitherReader keepOnParser) ( long "keep" <> metavar "" <> help "Keep build directories? (default: errors)" <> hidden )) <*> optional (option (eitherReader downloaderParser) ( long "downloader" #if defined(INTERNAL_DOWNLOADER) <> metavar "" <> help "Downloader to use (default: internal)" #else <> metavar "" <> help "Downloader to use (default: curl)" #endif <> hidden )) <*> invertableSwitch "offline" 'o' False (help "Don't do any network calls, trying cached assets and failing if missing.") <*> optional (option (eitherReader gpgParser) ( long "gpg" <> metavar "" <> help "GPG verification (default: none)" )) <*> com where parseUri s' = first show $ parseURI strictURIParserOptions (UTF8.fromString s') com :: Parser Command com = subparser #if defined(BRICK) ( command "tui" ( (\_ -> Interactive) <$> info helper ( progDesc "Start the interactive GHCup UI" ) ) <> command #else ( command #endif "install" ( Install <$> info (installParser <**> helper) ( progDesc "Install or update GHC/cabal/HLS/stack" <> footerDoc (Just $ text installToolFooter) ) ) <> command "set" (info (Set <$> setParser <**> helper) ( progDesc "Set currently active GHC/cabal version" <> footerDoc (Just $ text setFooter) ) ) <> command "unset" (info (UnSet <$> unsetParser <**> helper) ( progDesc "Unset currently active GHC/cabal version" <> footerDoc (Just $ text unsetFooter) ) ) <> command "rm" (info (Rm <$> rmParser <**> helper) ( progDesc "Remove a GHC/cabal/HLS/stack version" <> footerDoc (Just $ text rmFooter) ) ) <> command "list" (info (List <$> listOpts <**> helper) (progDesc "Show available GHCs and other tools") ) <> command "upgrade" (info ( (Upgrade <$> upgradeOptsP <*> switch (short 'f' <> long "force" <> help "Force update") ) <**> helper ) (progDesc "Upgrade ghcup") ) <> command "compile" ( Compile <$> info (compileP <**> helper) (progDesc "Compile a tool from source") ) <> command "whereis" (info ( (Whereis <$> (WhereisOptions <$> switch (short 'd' <> long "directory" <> help "return directory of the binary instead of the binary location")) <*> whereisP ) <**> helper ) (progDesc "Find a tools location" <> footerDoc ( Just $ text whereisFooter )) ) <> command "prefetch" (info ( (Prefetch <$> prefetchP ) <**> helper ) (progDesc "Prefetch assets" <> footerDoc ( Just $ text prefetchFooter )) ) <> command "gc" (info ( (GC <$> gcP ) <**> helper ) (progDesc "Garbage collection" <> footerDoc ( Just $ text gcFooter )) ) <> commandGroup "Main commands:" ) <|> subparser ( command "debug-info" ((\_ -> DInfo) <$> info helper (progDesc "Show debug info")) <> command "tool-requirements" ( (\_ -> ToolRequirements) <$> info helper (progDesc "Show the requirements for ghc/cabal") ) <> command "changelog" (info (fmap ChangeLog changelogP <**> helper) ( progDesc "Find/show changelog" <> footerDoc (Just $ text changeLogFooter) ) ) <> command "config" ( Config <$> info (configP <**> helper) (progDesc "Show or set config" <> footerDoc (Just $ text configFooter)) ) <> commandGroup "Other commands:" <> hidden ) <|> subparser ( command "install-cabal" (info ((InstallCabalLegacy <$> installOpts (Just Cabal)) <**> helper) ( progDesc "Install or update cabal" <> footerDoc (Just $ text installCabalFooter) ) ) <> internal ) <|> subparser (command "nuke" (info (pure Nuke <**> helper) (progDesc "Completely remove ghcup from your system")) <> commandGroup "Nuclear Commands:" <> hidden )