{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-| Module : GHCup.Utils.Logger Description : logger definition Copyright : (c) Julian Ospald, 2020 License : LGPL-3.0 Maintainer : hasufell@hasufell.de Stability : experimental Portability : portable Here we define our main logger. -} module GHCup.Utils.Logger where import GHCup.Utils.File import GHCup.Utils.String.QQ import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.Monad.Logger import Prelude hiding ( appendFile ) import System.Console.Pretty import System.FilePath import System.IO.Error import Text.Regex.Posix import qualified Data.ByteString as B import GHCup.Utils.Prelude data LoggerConfig = LoggerConfig { lcPrintDebug :: Bool -- ^ whether to print debug in colorOutter , colorOutter :: B.ByteString -> IO () -- ^ how to write the color output , rawOutter :: B.ByteString -> IO () -- ^ how to write the full raw output } myLoggerT :: LoggerConfig -> LoggingT m a -> m a myLoggerT LoggerConfig {..} loggingt = runLoggingT loggingt mylogger where mylogger :: Loc -> LogSource -> LogLevel -> LogStr -> IO () mylogger _ _ level str' = do -- color output let l = case level of LevelDebug -> toLogStr (style Bold $ color Blue "[ Debug ]") LevelInfo -> toLogStr (style Bold $ color Green "[ Info ]") LevelWarn -> toLogStr (style Bold $ color Yellow "[ Warn ]") LevelError -> toLogStr (style Bold $ color Red "[ Error ]") LevelOther t -> toLogStr "[ " <> toLogStr t <> toLogStr " ]" let out = fromLogStr (l <> toLogStr " " <> str' <> toLogStr "\n") when (lcPrintDebug || (not lcPrintDebug && (level /= LevelDebug))) $ colorOutter out -- raw output let lr = case level of LevelDebug -> toLogStr "Debug: " LevelInfo -> toLogStr "Info:" LevelWarn -> toLogStr "Warn:" LevelError -> toLogStr "Error:" LevelOther t -> toLogStr t <> toLogStr ":" let outr = fromLogStr (lr <> toLogStr " " <> str' <> toLogStr "\n") rawOutter outr initGHCupFileLogging :: (MonadIO m) => FilePath -> m FilePath initGHCupFileLogging logsDir = do let logfile = logsDir "ghcup.log" liftIO $ do logFiles <- findFiles logsDir (makeRegexOpts compExtended execBlank ([s|^.*\.log$|] :: B.ByteString) ) forM_ logFiles $ hideError doesNotExistErrorType . rmFile . (logsDir ) writeFile logfile "" pure logfile