{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-| Module : GHCup.Types Description : GHCup types Copyright : (c) Julian Ospald, 2020 License : GPL-3 Maintainer : hasufell@hasufell.de Stability : experimental Portability : POSIX -} module GHCup.Types where import Data.Map.Strict ( Map ) import Data.Text ( Text ) import Data.Versions import HPath import URI.ByteString import qualified GHC.Generics as GHC -------------------- --[ GHCInfo Tree ]-- -------------------- data GHCupInfo = GHCupInfo { _toolRequirements :: ToolRequirements , _ghcupDownloads :: GHCupDownloads } deriving (Show, GHC.Generic) ------------------------- --[ Requirements Tree ]-- ------------------------- type ToolRequirements = Map Tool ToolReqVersionSpec type ToolReqVersionSpec = Map (Maybe Version) PlatformReqSpec type PlatformReqSpec = Map Platform PlatformReqVersionSpec type PlatformReqVersionSpec = Map (Maybe Versioning) Requirements data Requirements = Requirements { _distroPKGs :: [Text] , _notes :: Text } deriving (Show, GHC.Generic) --------------------- --[ Download Tree ]-- --------------------- -- | Description of all binary and source downloads. This is a tree -- of nested maps. type GHCupDownloads = Map Tool ToolVersionSpec type ToolVersionSpec = Map Version VersionInfo type ArchitectureSpec = Map Architecture PlatformSpec type PlatformSpec = Map Platform PlatformVersionSpec type PlatformVersionSpec = Map (Maybe Versioning) DownloadInfo -- | An installable tool. data Tool = GHC | Cabal | GHCup deriving (Eq, GHC.Generic, Ord, Show) -- | All necessary information of a tool version, including -- source download and per-architecture downloads. data VersionInfo = VersionInfo { _viTags :: [Tag] -- ^ version specific tag , _viChangeLog :: Maybe URI , _viSourceDL :: Maybe DownloadInfo -- ^ source tarball , _viArch :: ArchitectureSpec -- ^ descend for binary downloads per arch } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | A tag. These are currently attached to a version of a tool. data Tag = Latest | Recommended | Base PVP | UnknownTag String -- ^ used for upwardscompat deriving (Ord, Eq, Show) -- FIXME: manual JSON instance data Architecture = A_64 | A_32 | A_PowerPC | A_PowerPC64 | A_Sparc | A_Sparc64 | A_ARM | A_ARM64 deriving (Eq, GHC.Generic, Ord, Show) data Platform = Linux LinuxDistro -- ^ must exit | Darwin -- ^ must exit | FreeBSD deriving (Eq, GHC.Generic, Ord, Show) data LinuxDistro = Debian | Ubuntu | Mint | Fedora | CentOS | RedHat | Alpine | AmazonLinux -- rolling | Gentoo | Exherbo -- not known | UnknownLinux -- ^ must exit deriving (Eq, GHC.Generic, Ord, Show) -- | An encapsulation of a download. This can be used -- to download, extract and install a tool. data DownloadInfo = DownloadInfo { _dlUri :: URI , _dlSubdir :: Maybe (Path Rel) , _dlHash :: Text } deriving (Eq, Show) -------------- --[ Others ]-- -------------- -- | Where to fetch GHCupDownloads from. data URLSource = GHCupURL | OwnSource URI | OwnSpec GHCupInfo deriving Show data Settings = Settings { cache :: Bool , noVerify :: Bool , keepDirs :: KeepDirs , downloader :: Downloader , verbose :: Bool } deriving Show data KeepDirs = Always | Errors | Never deriving (Eq, Show, Ord) data Downloader = Curl | Wget #if defined(INTERNAL_DOWNLOADER) | Internal #endif deriving (Eq, Show, Ord) data DebugInfo = DebugInfo { diBaseDir :: Path Abs , diBinDir :: Path Abs , diGHCDir :: Path Abs , diCacheDir :: Path Abs , diArch :: Architecture , diPlatform :: PlatformResult } deriving Show data SetGHC = SetGHCOnly -- ^ unversioned 'ghc' | SetGHC_XY -- ^ ghc-x.y | SetGHC_XYZ -- ^ ghc-x.y.z deriving (Eq, Show) data PlatformResult = PlatformResult { _platform :: Platform , _distroVersion :: Maybe Versioning } deriving (Eq, Show) data PlatformRequest = PlatformRequest { _rArch :: Architecture , _rPlatform :: Platform , _rVersion :: Maybe Versioning } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | A GHC identified by the target platform triple -- and the version. data GHCTargetVersion = GHCTargetVersion { _tvTarget :: Maybe Text , _tvVersion :: Version } deriving (Ord, Eq, Show) mkTVer :: Version -> GHCTargetVersion mkTVer = GHCTargetVersion Nothing -- | Assembles a path of the form: - prettyTVer :: GHCTargetVersion -> Text prettyTVer (GHCTargetVersion (Just t) v') = t <> "-" <> prettyVer v' prettyTVer (GHCTargetVersion Nothing v') = prettyVer v'