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Author | SHA1 | Date | |
8d3d3922f2 |
@ -203,6 +203,7 @@ installUnpackedGHC :: ( MonadReader AppState m
, MonadThrow m
, MonadThrow m
, MonadLogger m
, MonadLogger m
, MonadIO m
, MonadIO m
, MonadMask m
=> Path Abs -- ^ Path to the unpacked GHC bindist (where the configure script resides)
=> Path Abs -- ^ Path to the unpacked GHC bindist (where the configure script resides)
-> Path Abs -- ^ Path to install to
-> Path Abs -- ^ Path to install to
@ -211,13 +212,13 @@ installUnpackedGHC :: ( MonadReader AppState m
-> Excepts '[ProcessError] m ()
-> Excepts '[ProcessError] m ()
installUnpackedGHC path inst ver PlatformRequest{..} = do
installUnpackedGHC path inst ver PlatformRequest{..} = do
lift $ $(logInfo) "Installing GHC (this may take a while)"
lift $ $(logInfo) "Installing GHC (this may take a while)"
lEM $ execLogged "./configure"
lEM $ withConsoleRegions $ execLogged "./configure"
(("--prefix=" <> toFilePath inst) : alpineArgs)
(("--prefix=" <> toFilePath inst) : alpineArgs)
(Just path)
(Just path)
lEM $ make ["install"] (Just path)
lEM $ withConsoleRegions $ make ["install"] (Just path)
pure ()
pure ()
@ -1130,9 +1131,10 @@ compileGHC dls targetGhc bstrap jobs mbuildConfig patchdir aargs pfreq@PlatformR
pure (workdir, tmpUnpack, tver)
pure (workdir, tmpUnpack, tver)
-- clone from git
-- clone from git
Right GitBranch{..} -> do
Right GitBranch{..} -> withConsoleRegions $ \pState rs -> do
tmpUnpack <- lift mkGhcupTmpDir
tmpUnpack <- lift mkGhcupTmpDir
let git args = execLogged [s|git|] True ("--no-pager":args) [rel|git|] (Just tmpUnpack) Nothing
let git args = execLogged [s|git|] True ("--no-pager":args) [rel|git|] (Just tmpUnpack) Nothing pState rs
git_fetch = execLogged [s|sh|] True ["-c", [i|git --no-pager fetch --depth 1 origin #{ref} 2>&1 | cat|]] [rel|git|] (Just tmpUnpack) Nothing pState rs
tver <- reThrowAll @_ @'[ProcessError] DownloadFailed $ do
tver <- reThrowAll @_ @'[ProcessError] DownloadFailed $ do
let rep = fromMaybe "" repo
let rep = fromMaybe "" repo
lift $ $(logInfo) [i|Fetching git repo #{rep} at ref #{ref} (this may take a while)|]
lift $ $(logInfo) [i|Fetching git repo #{rep} at ref #{ref} (this may take a while)|]
@ -1142,19 +1144,12 @@ compileGHC dls targetGhc bstrap jobs mbuildConfig patchdir aargs pfreq@PlatformR
, "origin"
, "origin"
, fromString rep ]
, fromString rep ]
let fetch_args =
lEM $ git_fetch
[ "fetch"
, "--depth"
, "1"
, "--quiet"
, "origin"
, fromString ref ]
lEM $ git fetch_args
lEM $ git [ "checkout", "FETCH_HEAD" ]
lEM $ git [ "checkout", "FETCH_HEAD" ]
lEM $ git [ "submodule", "update", "--init", "--depth", "1" ]
lEM $ git [ "submodule", "update", "--init", "--depth", "1" ]
lEM $ execLogged "./boot" False [] [rel|ghc-bootstrap|] (Just tmpUnpack) Nothing
lEM $ execLogged "./boot" False [] [rel|ghc-bootstrap|] (Just tmpUnpack) Nothing pState rs
lEM $ execLogged "./configure" False [] [rel|ghc-bootstrap|] (Just tmpUnpack) Nothing
lEM $ execLogged "./configure" False [] [rel|ghc-bootstrap|] (Just tmpUnpack) Nothing pState rs
CapturedProcess {..} <- liftIO $ makeOut
CapturedProcess {..} <- liftIO $ makeOut
["show!", "--quiet", "VALUE=ProjectVersion" ] (Just tmpUnpack)
["show!", "--quiet", "VALUE=ProjectVersion" ] (Just tmpUnpack)
case _exitCode of
case _exitCode of
@ -1229,6 +1224,7 @@ HADDOCK_DOCS = YES|]
, MonadLogger m
, MonadLogger m
, MonadIO m
, MonadIO m
, MonadFail m
, MonadFail m
, MonadMask m
=> Either (Path Rel) (Path Abs)
=> Either (Path Rel) (Path Abs)
-> GHCTargetVersion
-> GHCTargetVersion
@ -1237,7 +1233,7 @@ HADDOCK_DOCS = YES|]
'[FileDoesNotExistError, InvalidBuildConfig, PatchFailed, ProcessError, NotFoundInPATH, CopyError]
'[FileDoesNotExistError, InvalidBuildConfig, PatchFailed, ProcessError, NotFoundInPATH, CopyError]
(Path Abs) -- ^ output path of bindist
(Path Abs) -- ^ output path of bindist
compileBindist bghc tver workdir = do
compileBindist bghc tver workdir = withConsoleRegions $ \pState rs -> do
lift $ $(logInfo) [i|configuring build|]
lift $ $(logInfo) [i|configuring build|]
liftE checkBuildConfig
liftE checkBuildConfig
@ -1264,6 +1260,8 @@ HADDOCK_DOCS = YES|]
(Just workdir)
(Just workdir)
(Just (("GHC", toFilePath bghcPath) : cEnv))
(Just (("GHC", toFilePath bghcPath) : cEnv))
| otherwise -> do
| otherwise -> do
lEM $ execLogged
lEM $ execLogged
@ -1278,6 +1276,8 @@ HADDOCK_DOCS = YES|]
(Just workdir)
(Just workdir)
(Just cEnv)
(Just cEnv)
case mbuildConfig of
case mbuildConfig of
Just bc -> liftIOException
Just bc -> liftIOException
@ -1288,10 +1288,10 @@ HADDOCK_DOCS = YES|]
liftIO $ writeFile (build_mk workdir) (Just newFilePerms) defaultConf
liftIO $ writeFile (build_mk workdir) (Just newFilePerms) defaultConf
lift $ $(logInfo) [i|Building (this may take a while)...|]
lift $ $(logInfo) [i|Building (this may take a while)...|]
lEM $ make (maybe [] (\j -> ["-j" <> fS (show j)]) jobs) (Just workdir)
lEM $ make (maybe [] (\j -> ["-j" <> fS (show j)]) jobs) (Just workdir) pState rs
lift $ $(logInfo) [i|Creating bindist...|]
lift $ $(logInfo) [i|Creating bindist...|]
lEM $ make ["binary-dist"] (Just workdir)
lEM $ make ["binary-dist"] (Just workdir) pState rs
[tar] <- liftIO $ findFiles
[tar] <- liftIO $ findFiles
(makeRegexOpts compExtended
(makeRegexOpts compExtended
@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
Module : GHCup.Types
Module : GHCup.Types
@ -29,6 +32,8 @@ import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding.Error as E
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding.Error as E
import qualified GHC.Generics as GHC
import qualified GHC.Generics as GHC
import qualified Graphics.Vty as Vty
import qualified Graphics.Vty as Vty
import Haskus.Utils.Variant.Excepts
import Control.Monad.Reader
@ -418,3 +423,13 @@ instance Pretty Versioning where
instance Pretty Version where
instance Pretty Version where
pPrint = text . T.unpack . prettyVer
pPrint = text . T.unpack . prettyVer
--[ Instances ]--
instance MonadReader r' m => MonadReader r' (Excepts es m) where
ask = lift ask
local = mapExcepts . local
reader = lift . reader
@ -90,6 +90,10 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
import qualified Text.Megaparsec as MP
import qualified Text.Megaparsec as MP
import System.Console.Regions
import Data.Sequence (Seq)
import qualified Data.Sequence as Sq
import Control.Concurrent
@ -760,15 +764,17 @@ ghcUpSrcBuiltFile = [rel|.ghcup_src_built|]
-- | Calls gmake if it exists in PATH, otherwise make.
-- | Calls gmake if it exists in PATH, otherwise make.
make :: (MonadThrow m, MonadIO m, MonadReader AppState m)
make :: (MonadThrow m, MonadIO m, MonadReader AppState m, MonadMask m)
=> [ByteString]
=> [ByteString]
-> Maybe (Path Abs)
-> Maybe (Path Abs)
-> MVar Bool
-> Seq ConsoleRegion
-> m (Either ProcessError ())
-> m (Either ProcessError ())
make args workdir = do
make args workdir pState rs = do
spaths <- catMaybes . fmap parseAbs <$> liftIO getSearchPath
spaths <- catMaybes . fmap parseAbs <$> liftIO getSearchPath
has_gmake <- isJust <$> liftIO (searchPath spaths [rel|gmake|])
has_gmake <- isJust <$> liftIO (searchPath spaths [rel|gmake|])
let mymake = if has_gmake then "gmake" else "make"
let mymake = if has_gmake then "gmake" else "make"
execLogged mymake True args [rel|ghc-make|] workdir Nothing
execLogged mymake True args [rel|ghc-make|] workdir Nothing pState rs
makeOut :: [ByteString]
makeOut :: [ByteString]
-> Maybe (Path Abs)
-> Maybe (Path Abs)
@ -890,3 +896,27 @@ traverseFold f = foldl (\mb a -> (<>) <$> mb <*> f a) (pure mempty)
-- | Gathering monoidal values
-- | Gathering monoidal values
forFold :: (Foldable t, Applicative m, Monoid b) => t a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
forFold :: (Foldable t, Applicative m, Monoid b) => t a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
forFold = \t -> (`traverseFold` t)
forFold = \t -> (`traverseFold` t)
withConsoleRegions :: (MonadReader AppState m, MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => (MVar Bool -> Seq ConsoleRegion -> m a) -> m a
withConsoleRegions = withConsoleRegions' Linear 6
withConsoleRegions' :: (MonadReader AppState m, MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => RegionLayout -> Int -> (MVar Bool -> Seq ConsoleRegion -> m a) -> m a
withConsoleRegions' ly size action = do
AppState { settings = Settings {..} } <- ask
pState <- liftIO newEmptyMVar
if (not verbose)
then displayConsoleRegions $
(fmap Sq.fromList . sequence . replicate size . openConsoleRegion $ ly)
(\rs -> uninterruptibleMask_ $ do
ps <- takeMVar pState
when ps (forM_ rs closeConsoleRegion))
(action pState)
action pState mempty
bracketIO :: (MonadMask m, MonadIO m) => IO v -> (v -> IO b) -> (v -> m a) -> m a
bracketIO setup cleanup' = bracket (liftIO setup) (liftIO . cleanup')
@ -136,8 +136,10 @@ execLogged :: (MonadReader AppState m, MonadIO m, MonadThrow m)
-> Path Rel -- ^ log filename (opened in append mode)
-> Path Rel -- ^ log filename (opened in append mode)
-> Maybe (Path Abs) -- ^ optionally chdir into this
-> Maybe (Path Abs) -- ^ optionally chdir into this
-> Maybe [(ByteString, ByteString)] -- ^ optional environment
-> Maybe [(ByteString, ByteString)] -- ^ optional environment
-> MVar Bool
-> Seq ConsoleRegion
-> m (Either ProcessError ())
-> m (Either ProcessError ())
execLogged exe spath args lfile chdir env = do
execLogged exe spath args lfile chdir env pState rs = do
AppState { settings = Settings {..}, dirs = Dirs {..} } <- ask
AppState { settings = Settings {..}, dirs = Dirs {..} } <- ask
logfile <- (logsDir </>) <$> parseRel (toFilePath lfile <> ".log")
logfile <- (logsDir </>) <$> parseRel (toFilePath lfile <> ".log")
liftIO $ bracket (openFd (toFilePath logfile) WriteOnly [oAppend] (Just newFilePerms))
liftIO $ bracket (openFd (toFilePath logfile) WriteOnly [oAppend] (Just newFilePerms))
@ -147,7 +149,7 @@ execLogged exe spath args lfile chdir env = do
action verbose fd = do
action verbose fd = do
actionWithPipes $ \(stdoutRead, stdoutWrite) -> do
actionWithPipes $ \(stdoutRead, stdoutWrite) -> do
-- start the thread that logs to stdout
-- start the thread that logs to stdout
pState <- newEmptyMVar
void $ tryTakeMVar pState
done <- newEmptyMVar
done <- newEmptyMVar
$ forkIO
$ forkIO
@ -155,7 +157,7 @@ execLogged exe spath args lfile chdir env = do
$ EX.finally
$ EX.finally
(if verbose
(if verbose
then tee fd stdoutRead
then tee fd stdoutRead
else printToRegion fd stdoutRead 6 pState
else printToRegion fd stdoutRead 6
(putMVar done ())
(putMVar done ())
@ -192,24 +194,10 @@ execLogged exe spath args lfile chdir env = do
-- Reads fdIn and logs the output in a continous scrolling area
-- Reads fdIn and logs the output in a continous scrolling area
-- of 'size' terminal lines. Also writes to a log file.
-- of 'size' terminal lines. Also writes to a log file.
printToRegion :: Fd -> Fd -> Int -> MVar Bool -> IO ()
printToRegion :: Fd -> Fd -> Int -> IO ()
printToRegion fileFd fdIn size pState = do
printToRegion fileFd fdIn size = do
void $ displayConsoleRegions $ do
void $
rs <-
flip runStateT mempty $ readTilEOF (lineAction rs) fdIn
. fmap Sq.fromList
. sequence
. replicate size
. openConsoleRegion
$ Linear
flip runStateT mempty
$ handle
(\(ex :: SomeException) -> do
ps <- liftIO $ takeMVar pState
when ps (forM_ rs (liftIO . closeConsoleRegion))
throw ex
$ readTilEOF (lineAction rs) fdIn
-- action to perform line by line
-- action to perform line by line
@ -218,11 +206,11 @@ execLogged exe spath args lfile chdir env = do
=> Seq ConsoleRegion
=> Seq ConsoleRegion
-> ByteString
-> ByteString
-> StateT (Seq ByteString) m ()
-> StateT (Seq ByteString) m ()
lineAction rs = \bs' -> do
lineAction rs' = \bs' -> do
void $ liftIO $ SPIB.fdWrite fileFd (bs' <> "\n")
void $ liftIO $ SPIB.fdWrite fileFd (bs' <> "\n")
modify (swapRegs bs')
modify (swapRegs bs')
regs <- get
regs <- get
liftIO $ forM_ ( regs rs) $ \(bs, r) -> setConsoleRegion r $ do
liftIO $ forM_ ( regs rs') $ \(bs, r) -> setConsoleRegion r $ do
w <- consoleWidth
w <- consoleWidth
. T.pack
. T.pack
@ -84,3 +84,4 @@ initGHCupFileLogging = do
createRegularFile newFilePerms logfile
createRegularFile newFilePerms logfile
pure logfile
pure logfile
Reference in New Issue
Block a user