Do etags hashing wrt #193
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,6 +12,10 @@ ecabal() {
cabal "$@"
cabal "$@"
raw_eghcup() {
ghcup -v -c "$@"
eghcup() {
eghcup() {
if [ "${OS}" = "WINDOWS" ] ; then
if [ "${OS}" = "WINDOWS" ] ; then
ghcup -v -c -s file:/$CI_PROJECT_DIR/ghcup-${JSON_VERSION}.yaml "$@"
ghcup -v -c -s file:/$CI_PROJECT_DIR/ghcup-${JSON_VERSION}.yaml "$@"
@ -20,6 +24,12 @@ eghcup() {
if [ "${OS}" = "WINDOWS" ] ; then
git describe --always
git describe --always
### build
### build
@ -65,11 +75,7 @@ fi
### cleanup
### cleanup
if [ "${OS}" = "WINDOWS" ] ; then
rm -rf "${GHCUP_DIR}"
rm -rf "${GHCUP_INSTALL_BASE_PREFIX}"/.ghcup
### manual cli based testing
### manual cli based testing
@ -88,6 +94,7 @@ cabal --version
eghcup debug-info
eghcup debug-info
# also test etags
eghcup list
eghcup list
eghcup list -t ghc
eghcup list -t ghc
eghcup list -t cabal
eghcup list -t cabal
@ -155,6 +162,40 @@ if [ "${OS}" = "LINUX" ] ; then
sha_sum() {
if [ "${OS}" = "FREEBSD" ] ; then
sha256 "$@"
sha256sum "$@"
# test etags
rm -f "${GHCUP_DIR}/cache/ghcup-${JSON_VERSION}.yaml"
raw_eghcup -s${JSON_VERSION}.yaml list
# snapshot yaml and etags file
etag=$(cat "${GHCUP_DIR}/cache/ghcup-${JSON_VERSION}.yaml.etags")
sha=$(sha_sum "${GHCUP_DIR}/cache/ghcup-${JSON_VERSION}.yaml")
# invalidate access time timer, which is 5minutes, so we re-download
touch -a -m -t '199901010101' "${GHCUP_DIR}/cache/ghcup-${JSON_VERSION}.yaml"
# redownload same file with some newlines added
raw_eghcup -s${JSON_VERSION}.yaml list
# snapshot new yaml and etags file
etag2=$(cat "${GHCUP_DIR}/cache/ghcup-${JSON_VERSION}.yaml.etags")
sha2=$(sha_sum "${GHCUP_DIR}/cache/ghcup-${JSON_VERSION}.yaml")
# compare
[ "${etag}" != "${etag2}" ]
[ "${sha}" != "${sha2}" ]
# invalidate access time timer, which is 5minutes, but don't expect a re-download
touch -a -m -t '199901010101' "${GHCUP_DIR}/cache/ghcup-${JSON_VERSION}.yaml"
# this time, we expect the same hash and etag
raw_eghcup -s${JSON_VERSION}.yaml list
etag3=$(cat "${GHCUP_DIR}/cache/ghcup-${JSON_VERSION}.yaml.etags")
sha3=$(sha_sum "${GHCUP_DIR}/cache/ghcup-${JSON_VERSION}.yaml")
[ "${etag2}" = "${etag3}" ]
[ "${sha2}" = "${sha3}" ]
eghcup upgrade
eghcup upgrade
eghcup upgrade -f
eghcup upgrade -f
@ -162,8 +203,4 @@ eghcup upgrade -f
# nuke
# nuke
eghcup nuke
eghcup nuke
if [ "${OS}" = "WINDOWS" ] ; then
[ ! -e "${GHCUP_DIR}" ]
[ ! -e "${GHCUP_INSTALL_BASE_PREFIX}/ghcup" ]
[ ! -e "${GHCUP_INSTALL_BASE_PREFIX}/.ghcup" ]
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ validateTarballs (TarballFilter etool versionRegex) dls gt = do
case etool of
case etool of
Right (Just GHCup) -> do
Right (Just GHCup) -> do
tmpUnpack <- lift mkGhcupTmpDir
tmpUnpack <- lift mkGhcupTmpDir
_ <- liftE $ download dli tmpUnpack Nothing
_ <- liftE $ download (_dlUri dli) (Just (_dlHash dli)) tmpUnpack Nothing False
pure Nothing
pure Nothing
Right _ -> do
Right _ -> do
p <- liftE $ downloadCached dli Nothing
p <- liftE $ downloadCached dli Nothing
@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ validateTarballs (TarballFilter etool versionRegex) dls gt = do
$ p
$ p
Left ShimGen -> do
Left ShimGen -> do
tmpUnpack <- lift mkGhcupTmpDir
tmpUnpack <- lift mkGhcupTmpDir
_ <- liftE $ download dli tmpUnpack Nothing
_ <- liftE $ download (_dlUri dli) (Just (_dlHash dli)) tmpUnpack Nothing False
pure Nothing
pure Nothing
case r of
case r of
VRight (Just basePath) -> do
VRight (Just basePath) -> do
@ -2137,7 +2137,7 @@ upgradeGHCup mtarget force' = do
dli <- liftE $ getDownloadInfo GHCup latestVer
dli <- liftE $ getDownloadInfo GHCup latestVer
tmp <- lift withGHCupTmpDir
tmp <- lift withGHCupTmpDir
let fn = "ghcup" <> exeExt
let fn = "ghcup" <> exeExt
p <- liftE $ download dli tmp (Just fn)
p <- liftE $ download (_dlUri dli) (Just (_dlHash dli)) tmp (Just fn) False
let destDir = takeDirectory destFile
let destDir = takeDirectory destFile
destFile = fromMaybe (binDir </> fn) mtarget
destFile = fromMaybe (binDir </> fn) mtarget
lift $ $(logDebug) [i|mkdir -p #{destDir}|]
lift $ $(logDebug) [i|mkdir -p #{destDir}|]
@ -55,20 +55,19 @@ import Data.Aeson
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.ByteString ( ByteString )
import Data.ByteString ( ByteString )
import Data.CaseInsensitive ( CI )
import Data.CaseInsensitive ( mk )
import Data.List.Extra
import Data.List.Extra
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Maybe
import Data.String.Interpolate
import Data.String.Interpolate
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Data.Time.Format
import Data.Versions
import Data.Versions
import Data.Word8
import Data.Word8 hiding ( isSpace )
import GHC.IO.Exception
import Haskus.Utils.Variant.Excepts
import Haskus.Utils.Variant.Excepts
import Network.Http.Client hiding ( URL )
import Optics
import Optics
import Prelude hiding ( abs
import Prelude hiding ( abs
, readFile
, readFile
@ -76,8 +75,11 @@ import Prelude hiding ( abs
import System.Directory
import System.Directory
import System.Environment
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath
import System.FilePath
import System.IO.Error
import System.IO.Error
import System.IO.Temp
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJClass ( prettyShow )
import URI.ByteString
import URI.ByteString
import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA256 as SHA256
import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA256 as SHA256
@ -85,10 +87,8 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as B16
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as B16
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
import qualified Data.Yaml as Y
import qualified Data.Yaml as Y
@ -149,19 +149,14 @@ getDownloadsF = do
in GHCupInfo tr newDownloads newGlobalTools
in GHCupInfo tr newDownloads newGlobalTools
readFromCache :: ( MonadReader env m
yamlFromCache :: (MonadReader env m, HasDirs env) => URI -> m FilePath
, HasDirs env
yamlFromCache uri = do
, MonadIO m
Dirs{..} <- getDirs
, MonadCatch m)
pure (cacheDir </> (T.unpack . decUTF8Safe . urlBaseName . view pathL' $ uri))
=> URI
-> Excepts '[JSONError, FileDoesNotExistError] m L.ByteString
readFromCache uri = do
etagsFile :: FilePath -> FilePath
Dirs{..} <- lift getDirs
etagsFile = (<.> "etags")
let yaml_file = cacheDir </> (T.unpack . decUTF8Safe . urlBaseName . view pathL' $ uri)
handleIO' NoSuchThing (\_ -> throwE $ FileDoesNotExistError yaml_file)
. liftIO
. L.readFile
$ yaml_file
getBase :: ( MonadReader env m
getBase :: ( MonadReader env m
@ -174,33 +169,41 @@ getBase :: ( MonadReader env m
, MonadMask m
, MonadMask m
=> URI
=> URI
-> Excepts '[JSONError , FileDoesNotExistError] m GHCupInfo
-> Excepts '[JSONError] m GHCupInfo
getBase uri = do
getBase uri = do
Settings { noNetwork } <- lift getSettings
Settings { noNetwork } <- lift getSettings
bs <- if noNetwork
yaml <- lift $ yamlFromCache uri
then readFromCache uri
unless noNetwork $
else handleIO (\_ -> warnCache >> readFromCache uri)
handleIO (\e -> warnCache (displayException e))
. catchE @_ @'[JSONError, FileDoesNotExistError] (\(DownloadFailed _) -> warnCache >> readFromCache uri)
. catchE @_ @_ @'[] (\e@(DownloadFailed _) -> warnCache (prettyShow e))
. reThrowAll @_ @_ @'[JSONError, DownloadFailed] DownloadFailed
. reThrowAll @_ @_ @'[DownloadFailed] DownloadFailed
$ smartDl uri
. smartDl
$ uri
. lE' @_ @_ @'[JSONError] JSONDecodeError
. onE_ (onError yaml)
. first show
. lEM' @_ @_ @'[JSONError] JSONDecodeError
. Y.decodeEither'
. fmap (first (\e -> [i|#{displayException e}
. L.toStrict
Consider removing "#{yaml}" manually.|]))
$ bs
. liftIO
. Y.decodeFileEither
$ yaml
warnCache = lift $ $(logWarn)
-- On error, remove the etags file and set access time to 0. This should ensure the next invocation
[i|Could not get download info, trying cached version (this may not be recent!)|]
-- may re-download and succeed.
onError :: (MonadLogger m, MonadMask m, MonadCatch m, MonadIO m) => FilePath -> m ()
onError fp = do
let efp = etagsFile fp
handleIO (\e -> $(logWarn) [i|Couldn't remove file #{efp}, error was: #{displayException e}|])
(hideError doesNotExistErrorType $ rmFile efp)
liftIO $ hideError doesNotExistErrorType $ setAccessTime fp (posixSecondsToUTCTime (fromIntegral @Int 0))
warnCache s = do
lift $ $(logWarn) [i|Could not get download info, trying cached version (this may not be recent!)|]
lift $ $(logDebug) [i|Error was: #{s}|]
-- First check if the json file is in the ~/.ghcup/cache dir
-- First check if the json file is in the ~/.ghcup/cache dir
-- and check it's access time. If it has been accessed within the
-- and check it's access time. If it has been accessed within the
-- last 5 minutes, just reuse it.
-- last 5 minutes, just reuse it.
-- If not, then send a HEAD request and check for modification time.
-- Only download the file if the modification time is newer
-- than the local file.
-- Always save the local file with the mod time of the remote file.
-- Always save the local file with the mod time of the remote file.
smartDl :: forall m1 env1
smartDl :: forall m1 env1
. ( MonadReader env1 m1
. ( MonadReader env1 m1
@ -214,93 +217,33 @@ getBase uri = do
=> URI
=> URI
-> Excepts
-> Excepts
'[ FileDoesNotExistError
'[ DownloadFailed
, HTTPStatusError
, DigestError
, URIParseError
, UnsupportedScheme
, NoLocationHeader
, TooManyRedirs
, ProcessError
, NoNetwork
smartDl uri' = do
smartDl uri' = do
Dirs{..} <- lift getDirs
json_file <- lift $ yamlFromCache uri'
let path = view pathL' uri'
let json_file = cacheDir </> (T.unpack . decUTF8Safe . urlBaseName $ path)
e <- liftIO $ doesFileExist json_file
e <- liftIO $ doesFileExist json_file
currentTime <- liftIO getCurrentTime
if e
if e
then do
then do
accessTime <- liftIO $ getAccessTime json_file
accessTime <- liftIO $ getAccessTime json_file
currentTime <- liftIO getCurrentTime
-- access time won't work on most linuxes, but we can try regardless
-- access time won't work on most linuxes, but we can try regardless
if (utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds currentTime - utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds accessTime) > 300
when ((utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds currentTime - utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds accessTime) > 300) $
then do -- no access in last 5 minutes, re-check upstream mod time
-- no access in last 5 minutes, re-check upstream mod time
getModTime >>= \case
dlWithMod currentTime json_file
Just modTime -> do
fileMod <- liftIO $ getModificationTime json_file
dlWithMod currentTime json_file
if modTime > fileMod
then dlWithMod modTime json_file
else liftIO $ L.readFile json_file
Nothing -> do
lift $ $(logDebug) [i|Unable to get/parse Last-Modified header|]
dlWithoutMod json_file
else -- access in less than 5 minutes, re-use file
liftIO $ L.readFile json_file
else do
getModTime >>= \case
Just modTime -> dlWithMod modTime json_file
Nothing -> do
-- although we don't know last-modified, we still save
-- it to a file, so we might use it in offline mode
lift $ $(logDebug) [i|Unable to get/parse Last-Modified header|]
dlWithoutMod json_file
dlWithMod modTime json_file = do
dlWithMod modTime json_file = do
bs <- liftE $ downloadBS uri'
let (dir, fn) = splitFileName json_file
liftIO $ writeFileWithModTime modTime json_file bs
f <- liftE $ download uri' Nothing dir (Just fn) True
pure bs
liftIO $ setModificationTime f modTime
dlWithoutMod json_file = do
liftIO $ setAccessTime f modTime
bs <- liftE $ downloadBS uri'
lift $ hideError doesNotExistErrorType $ recycleFile json_file
liftIO $ L.writeFile json_file bs
liftIO $ setModificationTime json_file (posixSecondsToUTCTime (fromIntegral @Int 0))
pure bs
getModTime = do
pure Nothing
headers <-
handleIO (\_ -> pure mempty)
$ liftE
$ ( catchAllE
(\_ ->
pure mempty :: Excepts '[] m1 (M.Map (CI ByteString) ByteString)
$ getHead uri'
pure $ parseModifiedHeader headers
parseModifiedHeader :: (M.Map (CI ByteString) ByteString) -> Maybe UTCTime
parseModifiedHeader headers =
(M.lookup ( "Last-Modified") headers) >>= \h -> parseTimeM
"%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z"
(T.unpack . decUTF8Safe $ h)
writeFileWithModTime :: UTCTime -> FilePath -> L.ByteString -> IO ()
writeFileWithModTime utctime path content = do
L.writeFile path content
setModificationTime path utctime
getDownloadInfo :: ( MonadReader env m
getDownloadInfo :: ( MonadReader env m
, HasPlatformReq env
, HasPlatformReq env
@ -359,32 +302,32 @@ download :: ( MonadReader env m
, MonadLogger m
, MonadLogger m
, MonadIO m
, MonadIO m
=> DownloadInfo
=> URI
-> Maybe T.Text -- ^ expected hash
-> FilePath -- ^ destination dir
-> FilePath -- ^ destination dir
-> Maybe FilePath -- ^ optional filename
-> Maybe FilePath -- ^ optional filename
-> Bool -- ^ whether to read an write etags
-> Excepts '[DigestError , DownloadFailed] m FilePath
-> Excepts '[DigestError , DownloadFailed] m FilePath
download dli dest mfn
download uri eDigest dest mfn etags
| scheme == "https" = dl
| scheme == "https" = dl
| scheme == "http" = dl
| scheme == "http" = dl
| scheme == "file" = cp
| scheme == "file" = cp
| otherwise = throwE $ DownloadFailed (variantFromValue UnsupportedScheme)
| otherwise = throwE $ DownloadFailed (variantFromValue UnsupportedScheme)
scheme = view (dlUri % uriSchemeL' % schemeBSL') dli
scheme = view (uriSchemeL' % schemeBSL') uri
cp = do
cp = do
-- destination dir must exist
-- destination dir must exist
liftIO $ createDirRecursive' dest
liftIO $ createDirRecursive' dest
let destFile = getDestFile
let fromFile = T.unpack . decUTF8Safe $ path
let fromFile = T.unpack . decUTF8Safe $ path
liftIO $ copyFile fromFile destFile
liftIO $ copyFile fromFile destFile
pure destFile
pure destFile
dl = do
dl = do
let uri' = decUTF8Safe (serializeURIRef' (view dlUri dli))
let uri' = decUTF8Safe (serializeURIRef' uri)
lift $ $(logInfo) [i|downloading: #{uri'}|]
lift $ $(logInfo) [i|downloading: #{uri'}|]
-- destination dir must exist
-- destination dir must exist
liftIO $ createDirRecursive' dest
liftIO $ createDirRecursive' dest
let destFile = getDestFile
-- download
-- download
flip onException
flip onException
@ -399,28 +342,134 @@ download dli dest mfn
case downloader of
case downloader of
Curl -> do
Curl -> do
o' <- liftIO getCurlOpts
o' <- liftIO getCurlOpts
if etags
then do
dh <- liftIO $ emptySystemTempFile "curl-header"
flip finally (try @_ @SomeException $ rmFile dh) $
flip finally (try @_ @SomeException $ rmFile (destFile <.> "tmp")) $ do
metag <- readETag destFile
liftE $ lEM @_ @'[ProcessError] $ exec "curl"
liftE $ lEM @_ @'[ProcessError] $ exec "curl"
(o' ++ ["-fL", "-o", destFile, (T.unpack . decUTF8Safe) $ serializeURIRef' $ view dlUri dli]) Nothing Nothing
(o' ++ (if etags then ["--dump-header", dh] else [])
++ maybe [] (\t -> ["-H", [i|If-None-Match: #{t}|]]) metag
++ ["-fL", "-o", destFile <.> "tmp", T.unpack uri']) Nothing Nothing
headers <- liftIO $ T.readFile dh
-- this nonsense is necessary, because some older versions of curl would overwrite
-- the destination file when 304 is returned
case fmap T.words . listToMaybe . fmap T.strip . T.lines $ headers of
Just (http':sc:_)
| sc == "304"
, T.pack "HTTP" `T.isPrefixOf` http' -> $logDebug [i|Status code was 304, not overwriting|]
| T.pack "HTTP" `T.isPrefixOf` http' -> do
$logDebug [i|Status code was #{sc}, overwriting|]
liftIO $ copyFile (destFile <.> "tmp") destFile
_ -> liftE $ throwE @_ @'[DownloadFailed] (DownloadFailed (toVariantAt @0 (MalformedHeaders headers)
:: V '[MalformedHeaders]))
writeEtags (parseEtags headers)
liftE $ lEM @_ @'[ProcessError] $ exec "curl"
(o' ++ ["-fL", "-o", destFile, T.unpack uri']) Nothing Nothing
Wget -> do
Wget -> do
destFileTemp <- liftIO $ emptySystemTempFile "wget-tmp"
flip finally (try @_ @SomeException $ rmFile destFileTemp) $ do
o' <- liftIO getWgetOpts
o' <- liftIO getWgetOpts
liftE $ lEM @_ @'[ProcessError] $ exec "wget"
if etags
(o' ++ ["-O", destFile , (T.unpack . decUTF8Safe) $ serializeURIRef' $ view dlUri dli]) Nothing Nothing
then do
metag <- readETag destFile
let opts = o' ++ maybe [] (\t -> ["--header", [i|If-None-Match: #{t}|]]) metag
++ ["-q", "-S", "-O", destFileTemp , T.unpack uri']
CapturedProcess {_exitCode, _stdErr} <- lift $ executeOut "wget" opts Nothing
case _exitCode of
ExitSuccess -> do
liftIO $ copyFile destFileTemp destFile
writeEtags (parseEtags (decUTF8Safe' _stdErr))
ExitFailure i'
| i' == 8
, Just _ <- find (T.pack "304 Not Modified" `T.isInfixOf`) . T.lines . decUTF8Safe' $ _stdErr
-> do
$logDebug "Not modified, skipping download"
writeEtags (parseEtags (decUTF8Safe' _stdErr))
| otherwise -> throwE (NonZeroExit i' "wget" opts)
else do
let opts = o' ++ ["-O", destFileTemp , T.unpack uri']
liftE $ lEM @_ @'[ProcessError] $ exec "wget" opts Nothing Nothing
liftIO $ copyFile destFileTemp destFile
Internal -> do
Internal -> do
(https, host, fullPath, port) <- liftE $ uriToQuadruple (view dlUri dli)
(https, host, fullPath, port) <- liftE $ uriToQuadruple uri
liftE $ downloadToFile https host fullPath port destFile
if etags
then do
metag <- readETag destFile
let addHeaders = maybe mempty (\etag -> M.fromList [ (mk . E.encodeUtf8 . T.pack $ "If-None-Match"
, E.encodeUtf8 etag)]) metag
$ catchE @HTTPNotModified @'[DownloadFailed] @'[] (\(HTTPNotModified etag) -> lift $ writeEtags (pure $ Just etag))
$ do
r <- downloadToFile https host fullPath port destFile addHeaders
writeEtags (pure $ decUTF8Safe <$> getHeader r "etag")
else void $ liftE $ catchE @HTTPNotModified
(\e@(HTTPNotModified _) ->
throwE @_ @'[DownloadFailed] (DownloadFailed (toVariantAt @0 e :: V '[HTTPNotModified])))
$ downloadToFile https host fullPath port destFile mempty
liftE $ checkDigest dli destFile
forM_ eDigest (liftE . flip checkDigest destFile)
pure destFile
pure destFile
-- Manage to find a file we can write the body into.
-- Manage to find a file we can write the body into.
getDestFile :: FilePath
destFile :: FilePath
getDestFile = maybe (dest </> T.unpack (decUTF8Safe (urlBaseName path)))
destFile = maybe (dest </> T.unpack (decUTF8Safe (urlBaseName path)))
(dest </>)
(dest </>)
path = view (dlUri % pathL') dli
path = view pathL' uri
parseEtags :: (MonadLogger m, MonadIO m, MonadThrow m) => T.Text -> m (Maybe T.Text)
parseEtags stderr = do
let mEtag = find (\line -> T.pack "etag:" `T.isPrefixOf` T.toLower line) . fmap T.strip . T.lines $ stderr
case T.words <$> mEtag of
(Just []) -> do
$logDebug "Couldn't parse etags, no input: "
pure Nothing
(Just [_, etag']) -> do
$logDebug [i|Parsed etag: #{etag'}|]
pure (Just etag')
(Just xs) -> do
$logDebug ("Couldn't parse etags, unexpected input: " <> T.unwords xs)
pure Nothing
Nothing -> do
$logDebug "No etags header found"
pure Nothing
writeEtags :: (MonadLogger m, MonadIO m, MonadThrow m) => m (Maybe T.Text) -> m ()
writeEtags getTags = do
getTags >>= \case
Just t -> do
$logDebug [i|Writing etagsFile #{(etagsFile destFile)}|]
liftIO $ T.writeFile (etagsFile destFile) t
Nothing ->
$logDebug [i|No etags files written|]
readETag :: (MonadLogger m, MonadCatch m, MonadIO m) => FilePath -> m (Maybe T.Text)
readETag fp = do
e <- liftIO $ doesFileExist fp
if e
then do
rE <- try @_ @SomeException $ liftIO $ fmap stripNewline' $ T.readFile (etagsFile fp)
case rE of
(Right et) -> do
$logDebug [i|Read etag: #{et}|]
pure (Just et)
(Left _) -> do
$logDebug [i|Etag file doesn't exist (yet)|]
pure Nothing
else do
$logDebug [i|Skipping and deleting etags file because destination file #{fp} doesn't exist|]
liftIO $ hideError doesNotExistErrorType $ rmFile (etagsFile fp)
pure Nothing
-- | Download into tmpdir or use cached version, if it exists. If filename
-- | Download into tmpdir or use cached version, if it exists. If filename
@ -444,7 +493,7 @@ downloadCached dli mfn = do
True -> downloadCached' dli mfn Nothing
True -> downloadCached' dli mfn Nothing
False -> do
False -> do
tmp <- lift withGHCupTmpDir
tmp <- lift withGHCupTmpDir
liftE $ download dli tmp mfn
liftE $ download (_dlUri dli) (Just (_dlHash dli)) tmp mfn False
downloadCached' :: ( MonadReader env m
downloadCached' :: ( MonadReader env m
@ -468,9 +517,9 @@ downloadCached' dli mfn mDestDir = do
fileExists <- liftIO $ doesFileExist cachfile
fileExists <- liftIO $ doesFileExist cachfile
| fileExists -> do
| fileExists -> do
liftE $ checkDigest dli cachfile
liftE $ checkDigest (view dlHash dli) cachfile
pure cachfile
pure cachfile
| otherwise -> liftE $ download dli destDir mfn
| otherwise -> liftE $ download (_dlUri dli) (Just (_dlHash dli)) destDir mfn False
@ -481,73 +530,6 @@ downloadCached' dli mfn mDestDir = do
-- | This is used for downloading the JSON.
downloadBS :: ( MonadReader env m
, HasSettings env
, MonadCatch m
, MonadIO m
, MonadLogger m
=> URI
-> Excepts
'[ FileDoesNotExistError
, HTTPStatusError
, URIParseError
, UnsupportedScheme
, NoLocationHeader
, TooManyRedirs
, ProcessError
, NoNetwork
downloadBS uri'
| scheme == "https"
= dl True
| scheme == "http"
= dl False
| scheme == "file"
= liftIOException doesNotExistErrorType (FileDoesNotExistError $ T.unpack $ decUTF8Safe path)
(liftIO $ L.readFile (T.unpack $ decUTF8Safe path))
| otherwise
= throwE UnsupportedScheme
scheme = view (uriSchemeL' % schemeBSL') uri'
path = view pathL' uri'
dl https = do
dl _ = do
lift $ $(logDebug) [i|downloading: #{serializeURIRef' uri'}|]
Settings{ downloader, noNetwork } <- lift getSettings
when noNetwork $ throwE NoNetwork
case downloader of
Curl -> do
o' <- liftIO getCurlOpts
let exe = "curl"
args = o' ++ ["-sSfL", T.unpack $ decUTF8Safe $ serializeURIRef' uri']
lift (executeOut exe args Nothing) >>= \case
CapturedProcess ExitSuccess stdout _ -> do
pure stdout
CapturedProcess (ExitFailure i') _ _ -> throwE $ NonZeroExit i' exe args
Wget -> do
o' <- liftIO getWgetOpts
let exe = "wget"
args = o' ++ ["-qO-", T.unpack $ decUTF8Safe $ serializeURIRef' uri']
lift (executeOut exe args Nothing) >>= \case
CapturedProcess ExitSuccess stdout _ -> do
pure stdout
CapturedProcess (ExitFailure i') _ _ -> throwE $ NonZeroExit i' exe args
Internal -> do
(_, host', fullPath', port') <- liftE $ uriToQuadruple uri'
liftE $ downloadBS' https host' fullPath' port'
checkDigest :: ( MonadReader env m
checkDigest :: ( MonadReader env m
, HasDirs env
, HasDirs env
, HasSettings env
, HasSettings env
@ -555,10 +537,10 @@ checkDigest :: ( MonadReader env m
, MonadThrow m
, MonadThrow m
, MonadLogger m
, MonadLogger m
=> DownloadInfo
=> T.Text -- ^ the hash
-> FilePath
-> FilePath
-> Excepts '[DigestError] m ()
-> Excepts '[DigestError] m ()
checkDigest dli file = do
checkDigest eDigest file = do
Settings{ noVerify } <- lift getSettings
Settings{ noVerify } <- lift getSettings
let verify = not noVerify
let verify = not noVerify
when verify $ do
when verify $ do
@ -566,7 +548,6 @@ checkDigest dli file = do
lift $ $(logInfo) [i|verifying digest of: #{p'}|]
lift $ $(logInfo) [i|verifying digest of: #{p'}|]
c <- liftIO $ L.readFile file
c <- liftIO $ L.readFile file
cDigest <- throwEither . E.decodeUtf8' . B16.encode . SHA256.hashlazy $ c
cDigest <- throwEither . E.decodeUtf8' . B16.encode . SHA256.hashlazy $ c
let eDigest = view dlHash dli
when ((cDigest /= eDigest) && verify) $ throwE (DigestError cDigest eDigest)
when ((cDigest /= eDigest) && verify) $ throwE (DigestError cDigest eDigest)
@ -9,9 +9,7 @@ module GHCup.Download.IOStreams where
import GHCup.Download.Utils
import GHCup.Download.Utils
import GHCup.Errors
import GHCup.Errors
import GHCup.Types.Optics
import GHCup.Types.JSON ( )
import GHCup.Types.JSON ( )
import GHCup.Utils.File
import GHCup.Utils.Prelude
import GHCup.Utils.Prelude
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Applicative
@ -20,7 +18,7 @@ import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.ByteString ( ByteString )
import Data.ByteString ( ByteString )
import Data.ByteString.Builder
import Data.ByteString.Builder
import Data.CaseInsensitive ( CI )
import Data.CaseInsensitive ( CI, original, mk )
import Data.IORef
import Data.IORef
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text.Read
import Data.Text.Read
@ -32,7 +30,6 @@ import Prelude hiding ( abs
, writeFile
, writeFile
import System.ProgressBar
import System.ProgressBar
import System.IO
import URI.ByteString
import URI.ByteString
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
@ -67,7 +64,7 @@ downloadBS' :: MonadIO m
downloadBS' https host path port = do
downloadBS' https host path port = do
bref <- liftIO $ newIORef (mempty :: Builder)
bref <- liftIO $ newIORef (mempty :: Builder)
let stepper bs = modifyIORef bref (<> byteString bs)
let stepper bs = modifyIORef bref (<> byteString bs)
downloadInternal False https host path port stepper
void $ downloadInternal False https host path port stepper (pure ()) mempty
liftIO (readIORef bref <&> toLazyByteString)
liftIO (readIORef bref <&> toLazyByteString)
@ -77,12 +74,17 @@ downloadToFile :: (MonadMask m, MonadIO m)
-> ByteString -- ^ path (e.g. "/my/file") including query
-> ByteString -- ^ path (e.g. "/my/file") including query
-> Maybe Int -- ^ optional port (e.g. 3000)
-> Maybe Int -- ^ optional port (e.g. 3000)
-> FilePath -- ^ destination file to create and write to
-> FilePath -- ^ destination file to create and write to
-> Excepts '[DownloadFailed] m ()
-> M.Map (CI ByteString) ByteString -- ^ additional headers
downloadToFile https host fullPath port destFile = do
-> Excepts '[DownloadFailed, HTTPNotModified] m Response
fd <- liftIO $ openFile destFile WriteMode
downloadToFile https host fullPath port destFile addHeaders = do
let stepper = BS.hPut fd
let stepper = BS.appendFile destFile
flip finally (liftIO $ hClose fd)
setup = BS.writeFile destFile mempty
$ reThrowAll DownloadFailed $ downloadInternal True https host fullPath port stepper
catchAllE (\case
(V (HTTPStatusError i headers))
| i == 304
, Just e <- M.lookup (mk "etag") headers -> throwE $ HTTPNotModified (decUTF8Safe e)
v -> throwE $ DownloadFailed v
) $ downloadInternal True https host fullPath port stepper setup addHeaders
downloadInternal :: MonadIO m
downloadInternal :: MonadIO m
@ -92,6 +94,8 @@ downloadInternal :: MonadIO m
-> ByteString -- ^ path with query
-> ByteString -- ^ path with query
-> Maybe Int -- ^ optional port
-> Maybe Int -- ^ optional port
-> (ByteString -> IO a) -- ^ the consuming step function
-> (ByteString -> IO a) -- ^ the consuming step function
-> IO a -- ^ setup action
-> M.Map (CI ByteString) ByteString -- ^ additional headers
-> Excepts
-> Excepts
'[ HTTPStatusError
'[ HTTPStatusError
, URIParseError
, URIParseError
@ -100,19 +104,21 @@ downloadInternal :: MonadIO m
, TooManyRedirs
, TooManyRedirs
downloadInternal = go (5 :: Int)
downloadInternal = go (5 :: Int)
go redirs progressBar https host path port consumer = do
go redirs progressBar https host path port consumer setup addHeaders = do
r <- liftIO $ withConnection' https host port action
r <- liftIO $ withConnection' https host port action
veitherToExcepts r >>= \case
veitherToExcepts r >>= \case
Just r' ->
Right r' ->
if redirs > 0 then followRedirectURL r' else throwE TooManyRedirs
if redirs > 0 then followRedirectURL r' else throwE TooManyRedirs
Nothing -> pure ()
Left res -> pure res
action c = do
action c = do
let q = buildRequest1 $ http GET path
let q = buildRequest1 $ do
http GET path
flip M.traverseWithKey addHeaders $ \key val -> setHeader (original key) val
sendRequest c q emptyBody
sendRequest c q emptyBody
@ -121,28 +127,30 @@ downloadInternal = go (5 :: Int)
(\r i' -> runE $ do
(\r i' -> runE $ do
let scode = getStatusCode r
let scode = getStatusCode r
| scode >= 200 && scode < 300 -> downloadStream r i' >> pure Nothing
| scode >= 200 && scode < 300 -> liftIO $ downloadStream r i' >> pure (Left r)
| scode == 304 -> throwE $ HTTPStatusError scode (getHeaderMap r)
| scode >= 300 && scode < 400 -> case getHeader r "Location" of
| scode >= 300 && scode < 400 -> case getHeader r "Location" of
Just r' -> pure $ Just r'
Just r' -> pure $ Right r'
Nothing -> throwE NoLocationHeader
Nothing -> throwE NoLocationHeader
| otherwise -> throwE $ HTTPStatusError scode
| otherwise -> throwE $ HTTPStatusError scode (getHeaderMap r)
followRedirectURL bs = case parseURI strictURIParserOptions bs of
followRedirectURL bs = case parseURI strictURIParserOptions bs of
Right uri' -> do
Right uri' -> do
(https', host', fullPath', port') <- liftE $ uriToQuadruple uri'
(https', host', fullPath', port') <- liftE $ uriToQuadruple uri'
go (redirs - 1) progressBar https' host' fullPath' port' consumer
go (redirs - 1) progressBar https' host' fullPath' port' consumer setup addHeaders
Left e -> throwE e
Left e -> throwE e
downloadStream r i' = do
downloadStream r i' = do
void setup
let size = case getHeader r "Content-Length" of
let size = case getHeader r "Content-Length" of
Just x' -> case decimal $ decUTF8Safe x' of
Just x' -> case decimal $ decUTF8Safe x' of
Left _ -> 0
Left _ -> 0
Right (r', _) -> r'
Right (r', _) -> r'
Nothing -> 0
Nothing -> 0
mpb <- if progressBar
(mpb :: Maybe (ProgressBar ())) <- if progressBar
then Just <$> liftIO (newProgressBar defStyle 10 (Progress 0 size ()))
then Just <$> newProgressBar defStyle 10 (Progress 0 size ())
else pure Nothing
else pure Nothing
outStream <- liftIO $ Streams.makeOutputStream
outStream <- liftIO $ Streams.makeOutputStream
@ -155,79 +163,6 @@ downloadInternal = go (5 :: Int)
liftIO $ Streams.connect i' outStream
liftIO $ Streams.connect i' outStream
getHead :: (MonadCatch m, MonadIO m)
=> URI
-> Excepts
'[ HTTPStatusError
, URIParseError
, UnsupportedScheme
, NoLocationHeader
, TooManyRedirs
, ProcessError
(M.Map (CI ByteString) ByteString)
getHead uri' | scheme == "https" = head' True
| scheme == "http" = head' False
| otherwise = throwE UnsupportedScheme
scheme = view (uriSchemeL' % schemeBSL') uri'
head' https = do
(_, host', fullPath', port') <- liftE $ uriToQuadruple uri'
liftE $ headInternal https host' fullPath' port'
headInternal :: MonadIO m
=> Bool -- ^ https?
-> ByteString -- ^ host
-> ByteString -- ^ path with query
-> Maybe Int -- ^ optional port
-> Excepts
'[ HTTPStatusError
, URIParseError
, UnsupportedScheme
, TooManyRedirs
, NoLocationHeader
(M.Map (CI ByteString) ByteString)
headInternal = go (5 :: Int)
go redirs https host path port = do
r <- liftIO $ withConnection' https host port action
veitherToExcepts r >>= \case
Left r' ->
if redirs > 0 then followRedirectURL r' else throwE TooManyRedirs
Right hs -> pure hs
action c = do
let q = buildRequest1 $ http HEAD path
sendRequest c q emptyBody
(\r _ -> runE $ do
let scode = getStatusCode r
| scode >= 200 && scode < 300 -> do
let headers = getHeaderMap r
pure $ Right headers
| scode >= 300 && scode < 400 -> case getHeader r "Location" of
Just r' -> pure $ Left r'
Nothing -> throwE NoLocationHeader
| otherwise -> throwE $ HTTPStatusError scode
followRedirectURL bs = case parseURI strictURIParserOptions bs of
Right uri' -> do
(https', host', fullPath', port') <- liftE $ uriToQuadruple uri'
go (redirs - 1) https' host' fullPath' port'
Left e -> throwE e
withConnection' :: Bool
withConnection' :: Bool
-> ByteString
-> ByteString
@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ import Codec.Archive
import qualified Codec.Archive.Tar as Tar
import qualified Codec.Archive.Tar as Tar
import Control.Exception.Safe
import Control.Exception.Safe
import Data.ByteString ( ByteString )
import Data.CaseInsensitive ( CI )
import Data.String.Interpolate
import Data.String.Interpolate
import Data.Text ( Text )
import Data.Text ( Text )
import Data.Versions
import Data.Versions
@ -35,6 +37,8 @@ import Text.PrettyPrint hiding ( (<>) )
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJClass hiding ( (<>) )
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJClass hiding ( (<>) )
import URI.ByteString
import URI.ByteString
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
@ -180,13 +184,29 @@ instance Pretty DigestError where
text [i|Digest error: expected "#{expectedDigest}", but got "#{currentDigest}"|]
text [i|Digest error: expected "#{expectedDigest}", but got "#{currentDigest}"|]
-- | Unexpected HTTP status.
-- | Unexpected HTTP status.
data HTTPStatusError = HTTPStatusError Int
data HTTPStatusError = HTTPStatusError Int (M.Map (CI ByteString) ByteString)
deriving Show
deriving Show
instance Pretty HTTPStatusError where
instance Pretty HTTPStatusError where
pPrint (HTTPStatusError status) =
pPrint (HTTPStatusError status _) =
text [i|Unexpected HTTP status: #{status}|]
text [i|Unexpected HTTP status: #{status}|]
-- | Malformed headers.
data MalformedHeaders = MalformedHeaders Text
deriving Show
instance Pretty MalformedHeaders where
pPrint (MalformedHeaders h) =
text [i|Headers are malformed: #{h}|]
-- | Unexpected HTTP status.
data HTTPNotModified = HTTPNotModified Text
deriving Show
instance Pretty HTTPNotModified where
pPrint (HTTPNotModified etag) =
text [i|Remote resource not modifed, etag was: #{etag}|]
-- | The 'Location' header was expected during a 3xx redirect, but not found.
-- | The 'Location' header was expected during a 3xx redirect, but not found.
data NoLocationHeader = NoLocationHeader
data NoLocationHeader = NoLocationHeader
deriving Show
deriving Show
@ -209,6 +209,20 @@ exec exe args chdir env = do
pure $ toProcessError exe args exit_code
pure $ toProcessError exe args exit_code
-- | Thin wrapper around `executeFile`.
execShell :: MonadIO m
=> FilePath -- ^ thing to execute
-> [FilePath] -- ^ args for the thing
-> Maybe FilePath -- ^ optionally chdir into this
-> Maybe [(String, String)] -- ^ optional environment
-> m (Either ProcessError ())
execShell exe args chdir env = do
let cmd = exe <> " " <> concatMap (' ':) args
cp <- createProcessWithMingwPath ((shell cmd) { cwd = chdir, env = env })
exit_code <- liftIO $ withCreateProcess cp $ \_ _ _ p -> waitForProcess p
pure $ toProcessError cmd [] exit_code
chmod_755 :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> m ()
chmod_755 :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> m ()
chmod_755 fp =
chmod_755 fp =
let perm = setOwnerWritable True emptyPermissions
let perm = setOwnerWritable True emptyPermissions
@ -410,12 +410,7 @@ rmPathForcibly :: ( MonadIO m
-> m ()
-> m ()
rmPathForcibly fp =
rmPathForcibly fp =
#if defined(IS_WINDOWS)
#if defined(IS_WINDOWS)
recovering (fullJitterBackoff 25000 <> limitRetries 10)
recover (liftIO $ removePathForcibly fp)
[\_ -> Handler (\e -> pure $ isPermissionError e)
,\_ -> Handler (\e -> pure (ioeGetErrorType e == InappropriateType))
,\_ -> Handler (\e -> pure (ioeGetErrorType e == UnsatisfiedConstraints))
(\_ -> liftIO $ removePathForcibly fp)
liftIO $ removePathForcibly fp
liftIO $ removePathForcibly fp
@ -426,12 +421,7 @@ rmDirectory :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m)
-> m ()
-> m ()
rmDirectory fp =
rmDirectory fp =
#if defined(IS_WINDOWS)
#if defined(IS_WINDOWS)
recovering (fullJitterBackoff 25000 <> limitRetries 10)
recover (liftIO $ removeDirectory fp)
[\_ -> Handler (\e -> pure $ isPermissionError e)
,\_ -> Handler (\e -> pure (ioeGetErrorType e == UnsatisfiedConstraints))
,\_ -> Handler (\e -> pure (ioeGetErrorType e == InappropriateType))
(\_ -> liftIO $ removeDirectory fp)
liftIO $ removeDirectory fp
liftIO $ removeDirectory fp
@ -469,12 +459,7 @@ rmFile :: ( MonadIO m
-> m ()
-> m ()
rmFile fp =
rmFile fp =
#if defined(IS_WINDOWS)
#if defined(IS_WINDOWS)
recovering (fullJitterBackoff 25000 <> limitRetries 10)
recover (liftIO $ removeFile fp)
[\_ -> Handler (\e -> pure $ isPermissionError e)
,\_ -> Handler (\e -> pure (ioeGetErrorType e == InappropriateType))
,\_ -> Handler (\e -> pure (ioeGetErrorType e == UnsatisfiedConstraints))
(\_ -> liftIO $ removeFile fp)
liftIO $ removeFile fp
liftIO $ removeFile fp
@ -485,12 +470,7 @@ rmDirectoryLink :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m, MonadReader env m, HasDirs env)
-> m ()
-> m ()
rmDirectoryLink fp =
rmDirectoryLink fp =
#if defined(IS_WINDOWS)
#if defined(IS_WINDOWS)
recovering (fullJitterBackoff 25000 <> limitRetries 10)
recover (liftIO $ removeDirectoryLink fp)
[\_ -> Handler (\e -> pure $ isPermissionError e)
,\_ -> Handler (\e -> pure (ioeGetErrorType e == InappropriateType))
,\_ -> Handler (\e -> pure (ioeGetErrorType e == UnsatisfiedConstraints))
(\_ -> liftIO $ removeDirectoryLink fp)
liftIO $ removeDirectoryLink fp
liftIO $ removeDirectoryLink fp
@ -525,6 +505,14 @@ stripNewline s
| otherwise = head s : stripNewline (tail s)
| otherwise = head s : stripNewline (tail s)
-- | Strip @\\r@ and @\\n@ from 'ByteString's
stripNewline' :: T.Text -> T.Text
stripNewline' s
| T.null s = mempty
| T.head s `elem` "\n\r" = stripNewline' (T.tail s)
| otherwise = T.singleton (T.head s) <> stripNewline' (T.tail s)
isNewLine :: Word8 -> Bool
isNewLine :: Word8 -> Bool
isNewLine w
isNewLine w
| w == _lf = True
| w == _lf = True
Reference in New Issue
Block a user