Apply NO_COLOR to dimAttributes as well to cover all tui colors

This commit is contained in:
Paolo Martini 2020-11-26 20:22:32 +01:00
parent a08e624309
commit ead9d31647
No known key found for this signature in database

View File

@ -119,8 +119,8 @@ showKey (Vty.KDown) = "↓"
showKey key = tail (show key)
ui :: BrickState -> Widget String
ui BrickState { appSettings = as@(BrickSettings {}), ..}
ui :: AttrMap -> BrickState -> Widget String
ui dimAttrs BrickState { appSettings = as@(BrickSettings {}), ..}
= ( padBottom Max
$ ( withBorderStyle unicode
$ borderWithLabel (str "GHCup")
@ -151,9 +151,9 @@ ui BrickState { appSettings = as@(BrickSettings {}), ..}
ver = case lCross of
Nothing -> T.unpack . prettyVer $ lVer
Just c -> T.unpack (c <> "-" <> prettyVer lVer)
dim = if lNoBindist
then updateAttrMap (const dimAttributes) . withAttr "no-bindist"
else id
| lNoBindist = updateAttrMap (const dimAttrs) . withAttr "no-bindist"
| otherwise = id
| elem Latest lTag && not lInstalled =
withAttr "hooray"
@ -240,12 +240,12 @@ minHSize :: Int -> Widget n -> Widget n
minHSize s' = hLimit s' . vLimit 1 . (<+> fill ' ')
app :: AttrMap -> App BrickState e String
app attributes =
App { appDraw = \st -> [ui st]
app :: AttrMap -> AttrMap -> App BrickState e String
app attrs dimAttrs =
App { appDraw = \st -> [ui dimAttrs st]
, appHandleEvent = eventHandler
, appStartEvent = return
, appAttrMap = const attributes
, appAttrMap = const attrs
, appChooseCursor = neverShowCursor
@ -274,13 +274,15 @@ defaultAttributes no_color = attrMap
withStyle = Vty.withStyle
dimAttributes :: AttrMap
dimAttributes = attrMap
dimAttributes :: Bool -> AttrMap
dimAttributes no_color = attrMap
(Vty.defAttr `Vty.withStyle` Vty.dim)
[ ("active" , Vty.defAttr `Vty.withBackColor`
[ ("active" , Vty.defAttr `withBackColor`
, ("no-bindist", Vty.defAttr `Vty.withStyle` Vty.dim)
withBackColor | no_color = \attr _ -> attr `Vty.withStyle` Vty.reverseVideo
| otherwise = Vty.withBackColor
eventHandler :: BrickState -> BrickEvent n e -> EventM n (Next BrickState)
eventHandler st@(BrickState {..}) ev = do
@ -529,13 +531,13 @@ brickMain s l av pfreq' = do
writeIORef logger' l
let runLogger = myLoggerT l
attributes <- defaultAttributes <$> isJust <$> lookupEnv "NO_COLOR"
no_color <- isJust <$> lookupEnv "NO_COLOR"
eAppData <- getAppData (Just av) pfreq'
case eAppData of
Right ad ->
(app attributes)
(app (defaultAttributes no_color) (dimAttributes no_color))
(BrickState ad
(constructList ad defaultAppSettings Nothing)