poc. Dirty code

This commit is contained in:
Luis Morillo 2023-07-11 18:55:10 +02:00
parent 371eda962f
commit d64bb1db1e
2 changed files with 53 additions and 13 deletions

View File

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import Brick
import Brick.Widgets.Border
import Brick.Widgets.Border.Style
import Brick.Widgets.Center
import Brick.Widgets.Dialog (Dialog, dialog, renderDialog, handleDialogEvent, buttonSelectedAttr, dialogSelection)
import Brick.Widgets.List ( listSelectedFocusedAttr
, listSelectedAttr
, listAttr
@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ import Data.IORef
import Data.Vector ( Vector
, (!?)
import Data.Versions hiding ( str )
import Data.Versions hiding ( str, Lens' )
import Haskus.Utils.Variant.Excepts
import Prelude hiding ( appendFile )
import System.FilePath
@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ import qualified Graphics.Vty as Vty
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import System.Environment (getExecutablePath)
import qualified System.Posix.Process as SPP
import qualified Lens.Micro as Micro
hiddenTools :: [Tool]
hiddenTools = []
@ -76,13 +77,16 @@ data BrickSettings = BrickSettings
{ showAllVersions :: Bool
, showAllTools :: Bool
deriving Show
--deriving Show
data PopUp = PopUp {isVisible :: Bool, popUpDialog :: Dialog Bool String, selectedValue :: Maybe Bool}
data BrickInternalState = BrickInternalState
{ clr :: Vector ListResult
, ix :: Int
{ clr :: Vector ListResult
, ix :: Int
, popUp :: PopUp
deriving Show
--deriving Show
data BrickState = BrickState
{ appData :: BrickData
@ -90,7 +94,26 @@ data BrickState = BrickState
, appState :: BrickInternalState
, appKeys :: KeyBindings
deriving Show
--deriving Show
popUpL :: Micro.Lens' BrickState (Dialog Bool String)
popUpL = Micro.lens
(popUpDialog . popUp . appState)
(\(BrickState {appState = BrickInternalState {popUp = PopUp {..}, ..}, ..}) dg -> BrickState{appState = BrickInternalState{popUp = PopUp {popUpDialog=dg, ..}, ..}, ..} )
isPopUpVisible :: BrickState -> Bool
isPopUpVisible (BrickState _ _ (BrickInternalState _ _ popup) _) = isVisible popup
updateWithSelection :: BrickState -> BrickState
updateWithSelection BrickState{appState=BrickInternalState{popUp = PopUp _ d _, ..},..}
= BrickState{appState=BrickInternalState{popUp = PopUp False d (snd <$> dialogSelection d),..},..}
makePopUpVisible :: BrickState -> BrickState
makePopUpVisible BrickState{appState=BrickInternalState{popUp = PopUp _ b c, ..},..}
= BrickState{appState=BrickInternalState{popUp = PopUp True b c,..},..}
viewSelection :: BrickState -> Bool
viewSelection = fromMaybe False . selectedValue . popUp . appState
keyHandlers :: KeyBindings
@ -101,7 +124,7 @@ keyHandlers :: KeyBindings
keyHandlers KeyBindings {..} =
[ (bQuit, const "Quit" , \_ -> halt)
, (bInstall, const "Install" , withIOAction install')
, (bInstall, const "Install" , \_ -> modify makePopUpVisible)
, (bUninstall, const "Uninstall", withIOAction del')
, (bSet, const "Set" , withIOAction set')
, (bChangelog, const "ChangeLog", withIOAction changelog')
@ -131,6 +154,15 @@ showKey Vty.KUp = "↑"
showKey Vty.KDown = ""
showKey key = tail (show key)
-- | This is the Dialog. It includes only the buttons, their labels, and bounded values
afterInstallPopUp :: PopUp
afterInstallPopUp = PopUp False yes_no_dialog Nothing
where yes_no_dialog = dialog Nothing (Just ("YesButton", [("Yes", "YesButton", True), ("No", "NoButton", False)])) 40
-- | This is used to render the dialog, if it exists, else, just draw nothing
renderPopUp :: PopUp -> Widget String
renderPopUp (PopUp False _ _) = emptyWidget
renderPopUp (PopUp True d _) = renderDialog d (txtWrap "Do you want to set the installed tool as the default?")
ui :: AttrMap -> BrickState -> Widget String
ui dimAttrs BrickState{ appSettings = as@BrickSettings{}, ..}
@ -234,7 +266,7 @@ ui dimAttrs BrickState{ appSettings = as@BrickSettings{}, ..}
-> Bool
-> BrickInternalState
-> Widget String
drawListElements drawElem foc is@(BrickInternalState clr _) =
drawListElements drawElem foc is@(BrickInternalState clr _ _) =
Widget Greedy Greedy $
es = clr
@ -263,10 +295,9 @@ ui dimAttrs BrickState{ appSettings = as@BrickSettings{}, ..}
minHSize :: Int -> Widget n -> Widget n
minHSize s' = hLimit s' . vLimit 1 . (<+> fill ' ')
app :: AttrMap -> AttrMap -> App BrickState e String
app attrs dimAttrs =
App { appDraw = \st -> [ui dimAttrs st]
App { appDraw = \st -> [renderPopUp (popUp . appState $ st), ui dimAttrs st]
, appHandleEvent = \be -> get >>= \s -> eventHandler s be
, appStartEvent = return ()
, appAttrMap = const attrs
@ -292,6 +323,7 @@ defaultAttributes no_color = attrMap
, (attrName "day" , Vty.defAttr `withForeColor` Vty.blue)
, (attrName "help" , Vty.defAttr `withStyle` Vty.italic)
, (attrName "hooray" , Vty.defAttr `withForeColor` Vty.brightWhite)
, (buttonSelectedAttr , Vty.defAttr `withBackColor` Vty.brightWhite)
withForeColor | no_color = const
@ -320,6 +352,8 @@ eventHandler st@BrickState{..} ev = do
put (BrickState { appState = moveCursor 1 appState Up, .. })
(MouseDown _ Vty.BScrollDown _ _) ->
put (BrickState { appState = moveCursor 1 appState Down, .. })
(VtyEvent (Vty.EvKey Vty.KEnter [])) | isPopUpVisible st -> modify updateWithSelection >> (gets viewSelection >>= \isSet -> installAndSet isSet st)
(VtyEvent e) | isPopUpVisible st -> zoom popUpL (handleDialogEvent e)
(VtyEvent (Vty.EvResize _ _)) -> put st
(VtyEvent (Vty.EvKey Vty.KUp _)) ->
put BrickState{ appState = moveCursor 1 appState Up, .. }
@ -408,7 +442,7 @@ replaceLR filterF lr s =
case oldElem >>= \(_, oldE) -> V.findIndex (toolEqual oldE) newVec of
Just ix -> ix
Nothing -> selectLatest newVec
in BrickInternalState newVec newSelected
in BrickInternalState newVec newSelected afterInstallPopUp
toolEqual e1 e2 =
lTool e1 == lTool e2 && lVer e1 == lVer e2 && lCross e1 == lCross e2
@ -432,6 +466,12 @@ filterVisible v t e | lInstalled e = True
(lTool e `notElem` hiddenTools)
installAndSet :: Bool -> BrickState -> EventM String BrickState ()
installAndSet b brickstate = do
withIOAction install' brickstate
when b (get >>= withIOAction set')
install' :: (MonadReader AppState m, MonadIO m, MonadThrow m, MonadFail m, MonadMask m, MonadUnliftIO m)
=> BrickState
-> (Int, ListResult)
@ -618,7 +658,6 @@ settings' = unsafePerformIO $ do
brickMain :: AppState
-> IO ()
brickMain s = do

View File

@ -352,6 +352,7 @@ executable ghcup
, transformers ^>=0.5
, unix ^>=2.7
, vty ^>=5.37
, microlens ^>=0.4.13
if os(windows)
cpp-options: -DIS_WINDOWS