Merge branch 'fix-ghcToolFiles'
This commit is contained in:
@ -766,49 +766,22 @@ ghcToolFiles ver = do
whenM (fmap not $ liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist ghcdir)
(throwE (NotInstalled GHC ver))
files <- liftIO $ listDirectory bindir
-- figure out the <ver> suffix, because this might not be `Version` for
-- alpha/rc releases, but x.y.a.somedate.
files <- liftIO (listDirectory bindir >>= filterM (doesFileExist . (bindir </>)))
pure (getUniqueTools . groupToolFiles . fmap (dropSuffix exeExt) $ files)
ghcIsHadrian <- liftIO $ isHadrian bindir
onlyUnversioned <- case ghcIsHadrian of
Right () -> pure id
Left (fmap (dropSuffix exeExt) -> [ghc, ghc_ver])
| (Just symver) <- stripPrefix (ghc <> "-") ghc_ver
, not (null symver) -> pure $ filter (\x -> not $ symver `isInfixOf` x)
_ -> fail "Fatal: Could not find internal GHC version"
pure $ onlyUnversioned $ fmap (dropSuffix exeExt) files
isNotAnyInfix xs t = foldr (\a b -> not (a `isInfixOf` t) && b) True xs
-- GHC is moving some builds to Hadrian for bindists,
-- which doesn't create versioned binaries.
isHadrian :: FilePath -- ^ ghcbin path
-> IO (Either [String] ()) -- ^ Right for Hadrian
isHadrian dir = do
-- Non-hadrian has e.g. ["ghc", "ghc-8.10.4"]
-- which also requires us to discover the internal version
-- to filter the correct tool files.
-- We can't use the symlink on windows, so we fall back to some
-- more complicated logic.
fs <- fmap
-- regex over-matches
(filter (isNotAnyInfix ["haddock", "ghc-pkg", "ghci"]))
$ liftIO $ findFiles
(makeRegexOpts compExtended
-- for cross, this won't be "ghc", but e.g.
-- "armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf-ghc"
([s|^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]*[a-zA-Z0-9_]-)?ghc.*$|] :: ByteString)
if | length fs == 1 -> pure $ Right () -- hadrian
| length fs == 2 -> pure $ Left
(sortOn length fs) -- legacy make, result should
-- be ["ghc", "ghc-8.10.4"]
| otherwise -> fail "isHadrian failed!"
groupToolFiles :: [FilePath] -> [[(FilePath, String)]]
groupToolFiles = groupBy (\(a, _) (b, _) -> a == b) . fmap (splitOnPVP "-")
getUniqueTools :: [[(FilePath, String)]] -> [String]
getUniqueTools = filter (isNotAnyInfix blackListedTools) . nub . fmap fst . filter ((== "") . snd) . concat
blackListedTools :: [String]
blackListedTools = ["haddock-ghc"]
isNotAnyInfix :: [String] -> String -> Bool
isNotAnyInfix xs t = foldr (\a b -> not (a `isInfixOf` t) && b) True xs
-- | This file, when residing in @~\/.ghcup\/ghc\/\<ver\>\/@ signals that
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.ByteString ( ByteString )
import Data.List ( nub )
import Data.List ( nub, intercalate )
import Data.Foldable
import Data.String
import Data.Text ( Text )
@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ import GHC.IO.Exception
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.Strict.Maybe as S
import qualified Data.List.Split as Split
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding.Error as E
@ -518,3 +519,19 @@ isNewLine w
| w == _lf = True
| w == _cr = True
| otherwise = False
-- | Split on a PVP suffix.
-- >>> splitOnPVP "-" "ghc-iserv-dyn-9.3.20210706" == ("ghc-iserv-dyn", "9.3.20210706")
-- >>> splitOnPVP "-" "ghc-iserv-dyn" == ("ghc-iserv-dyn", "")
splitOnPVP :: String -> String -> (String, String)
splitOnPVP c s = case Split.splitOn c s of
[] -> def
[_] -> def
| let l = last xs
, (Right _) <- pvp (T.pack l) -> (intercalate c (init xs), l)
| otherwise -> def
def = (s, "")
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