Improvements to bootstrap scripts
This commit is contained in:
@ -415,17 +415,13 @@ if [ -z "${BOOTSTRAP_HASKELL_NONINTERACTIVE}" ] ; then
case $MY_SHELL in
case $MY_SHELL in
"") break ;;
"") break ;;
if ! grep -q "ghcup-env" "${GHCUP_PROFILE_FILE}" ; then
mkdir -p "${GHCUP_PROFILE_FILE%/*}"
mkdir -p "${GHCUP_PROFILE_FILE%/*}"
echo "# ghcup-env" >> "${GHCUP_PROFILE_FILE}"
sed -i -e '/# ghcup-env$/ s/^#*/#/' "${GHCUP_PROFILE_FILE}"
echo "set -q GHCUP_INSTALL_BASE_PREFIX[1]; or set GHCUP_INSTALL_BASE_PREFIX \$HOME ; test -f $GHCUP_DIR/env ; and set -gx PATH \$HOME/.cabal/bin $GHCUP_BIN \$PATH # ghcup-env" >> "${GHCUP_PROFILE_FILE}"
echo "test -f $GHCUP_DIR/env ; and set -gx PATH \$HOME/.cabal/bin $GHCUP_BIN \$PATH" >> "${GHCUP_PROFILE_FILE}"
break ;;
break ;;
if ! grep -q "ghcup-env" "${GHCUP_PROFILE_FILE}" ; then
sed -i -e '/# ghcup-env$/ s/^#*/#/' "${GHCUP_PROFILE_FILE}"
echo "[ -f \"${GHCUP_DIR}/env\" ] && source \"${GHCUP_DIR}/env\" # ghcup-env" >> "${GHCUP_PROFILE_FILE}"
echo "[ -f \"${GHCUP_DIR}/env\" ] && source \"${GHCUP_DIR}/env\" # ghcup-env" >> "${GHCUP_PROFILE_FILE}"
case "${plat}" in
case "${plat}" in
if ! grep -q "ghcup-env" "${HOME}/.bash_profile" ; then
if ! grep -q "ghcup-env" "${HOME}/.bash_profile" ; then
@ -436,9 +432,8 @@ if [ -z "${BOOTSTRAP_HASKELL_NONINTERACTIVE}" ] ; then
break ;;
break ;;
if ! grep -q "ghcup-env" "${GHCUP_PROFILE_FILE}" ; then
sed -i -e '/# ghcup-env$/ s/^#*/#/' "${GHCUP_PROFILE_FILE}"
echo "[ -f \"${GHCUP_DIR}/env\" ] && source \"${GHCUP_DIR}/env\" # ghcup-env" >> "${GHCUP_PROFILE_FILE}"
echo "[ -f \"${GHCUP_DIR}/env\" ] && source \"${GHCUP_DIR}/env\" # ghcup-env" >> "${GHCUP_PROFILE_FILE}"
break ;;
break ;;
warn "OK! ${GHCUP_PROFILE_FILE} has been modified. Restart your terminal for the changes to take effect,"
warn "OK! ${GHCUP_PROFILE_FILE} has been modified. Restart your terminal for the changes to take effect,"
@ -1,3 +1,30 @@
Script to bootstrap a Haskell environment
This is the windows GHCup installer, installing:
* ghcup - The Haskell toolchain installer"
* ghc - The Glasgow Haskell Compiler"
* msys2 - Unix-style toolchain needed for dependencies and tools
* cabal - The Cabal build tool for managing Haskell software"
* stack - (optional) A cross-platform program for developing Haskell projects"
* hls - (optional) A language server for developers to integrate with their editor/IDE"
param (
# Run a non-interactive installation
[bool]$Silent = $false,
# Specify the install root (default: 'C:\')
# Instead of installing a new MSys2, use an existing installation
# Perform a quick installation, omitting some expensive operations (you may have to install dependencies yourself later)
# Overwrite (or rather backup) a previous install
function Print-Msg {
function Print-Msg {
param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage='String to output')][string]$msg, [string]$color = "Green" )
param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage='String to output')][string]$msg, [string]$color = "Green" )
Write-Host ('{0}' -f $msg) -ForegroundColor $color
Write-Host ('{0}' -f $msg) -ForegroundColor $color
@ -15,51 +42,48 @@ function Create-Shortcut {
function Add-EnvPath {
function Add-EnvPath {
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage='The Pathe to add to Users environment')]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage='The Path to add to Users environment')]
[string] $Path,
[string] $Path,
[ValidateSet('Machine', 'User', 'Session')]
[ValidateSet('Machine', 'User', 'Session')]
[string] $Container = 'Session'
[string] $Container = 'Session'
function Where-Something
if ($Container -eq 'Session') {
$envPaths = [Collections.Generic.List[String]]($env:Path -split ([IO.Path]::PathSeparator))
if ($envPaths -notcontains $Path) {
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, HelpMessage='Data to filter')]
$env:PATH = $envPaths -join ([IO.Path]::PathSeparator)
else {
[Microsoft.Win32.RegistryHive]$hive, $keyPath = switch ($Container) {
if ($InputObject)
'Machine' { 'LocalMachine', 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment' }
'User' { 'CurrentUser', 'Environment' }
if ($Container -ne 'Session') {
$hiveKey = $envKey = $null
$containerMapping = @{
try {
Machine = [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine
$hiveKey = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenBaseKey($hive, 'Default')
User = [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User
$envKey = $hiveKey.OpenSubKey($keyPath, $true)
$rawPath = $envKey.GetValue('PATH', '', 'DoNotExpandEnvironmentNames')
$containerType = $containerMapping[$Container]
$persistedPaths = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('Path', $containerType) -split ';'
$envPaths = [Collections.Generic.List[String]]($rawPath -split ([IO.Path]::PathSeparator))
if ($persistedPaths -notcontains $Path) {
if ($envPaths -notcontains $Path) {
$persistedPaths = $persistedPaths + $Path | Where-Something
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('Path', $persistedPaths -join ';', $containerType)
$envKey.SetValue('PATH', ($envPaths -join ([IO.Path]::PathSeparator)), 'ExpandString')
finally {
$envPaths = $env:Path -split ';'
if ($envKey) { $envKey.Dispose() }
if ($envPaths -notcontains $Path) {
if ($hiveKey) { $hiveKey.Dispose() }
$envPaths = $envPaths + $Path | Where-Something
$env:Path = $envPaths -join ';'
filter Get-FileSize {
filter Get-FileSize {
'{0:N2} {1}' -f $(
'{0:N2} {1}' -f $(
if ($_ -lt 1kb) { $_, 'Bytes' }
if ($_ -lt 1kb) { $_, 'Bytes' }
@ -101,32 +125,47 @@ function Test-AbsolutePath {
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
$GhcupBasePrefix = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('GHCUP_INSTALL_BASE_PREFIX', 'user')
$GhcupBasePrefixEnv = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('GHCUP_INSTALL_BASE_PREFIX', 'user')
if ($GhcupBasePrefix) {
if ($GhcupBasePrefixEnv) {
$defaultGhcupBasePrefix = $GhcupBasePrefix
$defaultGhcupBasePrefix = $GhcupBasePrefixEnv
} else {
} else {
$defaultGhcupBasePrefix = 'C:\'
$defaultGhcupBasePrefix = 'C:\'
while ($true) {
if ($Silent -and !($InstallDir)) {
Print-Msg -color Magenta -msg ('Where to install to (this should be a short Path, preferably a Drive like ''C:\''){1}Press enter to accept the default [{0}]:' -f $defaultGhcupBasePrefix, "`n")
$GhcupBasePrefix = $defaultGhcupBasePrefix
$basePrefixPrompt = Read-Host
} elseif ($InstallDir) {
$GhcupBasePrefix = ($defaultGhcupBasePrefix,$basePrefixPrompt)[[bool]$basePrefixPrompt]
if (!(Test-Path -LiteralPath ('{0}' -f $InstallDir) -IsValid)) {
if (!($GhcupBasePrefix.EndsWith('\'))) {
Print-Msg -color Red -msg "Not a valid directory!"
$GhcupBasePrefix = ('{0}\' -f $GhcupBasePrefix)
Exit 1
} elseif (!(Split-Path -IsAbsolute -Path "$InstallDir")) {
Print-Msg -color Red -msg "Non-absolute Path specified!"
if (!($GhcupBasePrefix)) {
Exit 1
Print-Msg -color Red -msg "No directory specified!"
} elseif (!(Test-Path -LiteralPath ('{0}' -f $GhcupBasePrefix))) {
Print-Msg -color Red -msg "Directory does not exist, need to specify an existing Drive/Directory"
} elseif (!(Split-Path -IsAbsolute -Path "$GhcupBasePrefix")) {
Print-Msg -color Red -msg "Invalid/Non-absolute Path specified"
} else {
} else {
$GhcupBasePrefix = $InstallDir
} else {
while ($true) {
Print-Msg -color Magenta -msg ('Where to install to (this should be a short Path, preferably a Drive like ''C:\''){1}Press enter to accept the default [{0}]:' -f $defaultGhcupBasePrefix, "`n")
$basePrefixPrompt = Read-Host
$GhcupBasePrefix = ($defaultGhcupBasePrefix,$basePrefixPrompt)[[bool]$basePrefixPrompt]
if (!($GhcupBasePrefix.EndsWith('\'))) {
$GhcupBasePrefix = ('{0}\' -f $GhcupBasePrefix)
if (!($GhcupBasePrefix)) {
Print-Msg -color Red -msg "No directory specified!"
} elseif (!(Test-Path -LiteralPath ('{0}' -f $GhcupBasePrefix))) {
Print-Msg -color Red -msg "Directory does not exist, need to specify an existing Drive/Directory"
} elseif (!(Split-Path -IsAbsolute -Path "$GhcupBasePrefix")) {
Print-Msg -color Red -msg "Invalid/Non-absolute Path specified"
} else {
Print-Msg -msg ('Setting env variable GHCUP_INSTALL_BASE_PREFIX to ''{0}''' -f $GhcupBasePrefix)
Print-Msg -msg ('Setting env variable GHCUP_INSTALL_BASE_PREFIX to ''{0}''' -f $GhcupBasePrefix)
$null = [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("GHCUP_INSTALL_BASE_PREFIX", $GhcupBasePrefix, [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User)
$null = [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("GHCUP_INSTALL_BASE_PREFIX", $GhcupBasePrefix, [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User)
@ -140,11 +179,19 @@ $GhcupMsys2 = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('GHCUP_MSYS2', 'user'
Print-Msg -msg 'Preparing for GHCup installation...'
Print-Msg -msg 'Preparing for GHCup installation...'
if (Test-Path -LiteralPath ('{0}' -f $GhcupDir)) {
if (Test-Path -LiteralPath ('{0}' -f $GhcupDir)) {
$decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice('Install GHCup'
Print-Msg -msg ('GHCup already installed at ''{0}''...' -f $GhcupDir)
, 'GHCup is already installed, what do you want to do?'
if ($Overwrite) {
, @('&Reinstall'
$decision = 0
} elseif (!($Silent)) {
'&Abort'), 1)
$decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice('Install GHCup'
, 'GHCup is already installed, what do you want to do?'
, @('&Reinstall'
'&Abort'), 1)
} else {
$decision = 1
if ($decision -eq 0) {
if ($decision -eq 0) {
$suffix = [IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName()
$suffix = [IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName()
Print-Msg -msg ('Backing up {0} to {0}-{1} ...' -f $GhcupDir, $suffix)
Print-Msg -msg ('Backing up {0} to {0}-{1} ...' -f $GhcupDir, $suffix)
@ -152,7 +199,7 @@ if (Test-Path -LiteralPath ('{0}' -f $GhcupDir)) {
} elseif ($decision -eq 1) {
} elseif ($decision -eq 1) {
Print-Msg -msg 'Continuing installation...'
Print-Msg -msg 'Continuing installation...'
} elseif ($decision -eq 2) {
} elseif ($decision -eq 2) {
Exit 0
@ -163,10 +210,15 @@ $null = New-Item -Path ('{0}' -f $GhcupDir) -Name 'bin' -ItemType 'directory' -E
Print-Msg -msg 'First checking for Msys2...'
Print-Msg -msg 'First checking for Msys2...'
if (!(Test-Path -Path ('{0}' -f $MsysDir))) {
if (!(Test-Path -Path ('{0}' -f $MsysDir))) {
$msys2Decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice('Install MSys2'
if ($Silent) {
, 'Do you want GHCup to install a default MSys2 toolchain (recommended)?'
$msys2Decision = 0
, @('&Yes'
} else {
'&No'), 0)
$msys2Decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice('Install MSys2'
, 'Do you want GHCup to install a default MSys2 toolchain (recommended)?'
, @('&Yes'
'&No'), 0)
if ($msys2Decision -eq 0) {
if ($msys2Decision -eq 0) {
Print-Msg -msg ('...Msys2 doesn''t exist, installing into {0} ...this may take a while' -f $MsysDir)
Print-Msg -msg ('...Msys2 doesn''t exist, installing into {0} ...this may take a while' -f $MsysDir)
@ -195,8 +247,20 @@ if (!(Test-Path -Path ('{0}' -f $MsysDir))) {
Print-Msg -msg 'Upgrading full system twice...'
Print-Msg -msg 'Upgrading full system twice...'
& "$Bash" -lc 'pacman --noconfirm -Syuu'
& "$Bash" -lc 'pacman --noconfirm -Syuu'
Print-Msg -msg 'Installing GHC Build Dependencies...'
if ($Quick) {
& "$Bash" -lc 'pacman --noconfirm -S --needed git tar curl wget base-devel gettext binutils autoconf make libtool automake python p7zip patch unzip mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc mingw-w64-x86_64-gdb mingw-w64-x86_64-python2 mingw-w64-x86_64-python3-sphinx'
$ghcBuildDeps = $Quick
} elseif (!($Silent)) {
$ghcBuildDeps = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice('Install Dependencies'
, 'Install various dependencies to be able to build GHC itself and make use of ''ghcup compile'' command? (recommended, however this might take a while)'
, @('&Yes'
'&No'), 0)
} else {
$ghcBuildDeps = 0
if ($ghcBuildDeps -eq 0) {
Print-Msg -msg 'Installing GHC Build Dependencies...'
& "$Bash" -lc 'pacman --noconfirm -S --needed git tar curl wget base-devel gettext binutils autoconf make libtool automake python p7zip patch unzip mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc mingw-w64-x86_64-gdb mingw-w64-x86_64-python2 mingw-w64-x86_64-python3-sphinx'
Print-Msg -msg 'Updating SSL root certificate authorities...'
Print-Msg -msg 'Updating SSL root certificate authorities...'
& "$Bash" -lc 'pacman --noconfirm -S ca-certificates'
& "$Bash" -lc 'pacman --noconfirm -S ca-certificates'
@ -238,16 +302,22 @@ Create-Shortcut -SourceExe ('{0}\msys2_shell.cmd' -f $MsysDir) -ArgumentsToSourc
Create-Shortcut -SourceExe '' -ArgumentsToSourceExe '' -DestinationPath ('{0}\Desktop\Mingw package management docs.url' -f $HOME)
Create-Shortcut -SourceExe '' -ArgumentsToSourceExe '' -DestinationPath ('{0}\Desktop\Mingw package management docs.url' -f $HOME)
Print-Msg -msg ('Adding {0}\bin to Users Path...' -f $GhcupDir)
Print-Msg -msg ('Adding {0}\bin to Users Path...' -f $GhcupDir)
Add-EnvPath -Path ('{0}\bin' -f $GhcupDir) -Container 'User'
Add-EnvPath -Path ('{0}\bin' -f ([System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath("$GhcupDir"))) -Container 'User'
Print-Msg -msg 'Starting GHCup installer...'
Print-Msg -msg 'Starting GHCup installer...'
$Msys2Shell = ('{0}\msys2_shell.cmd' -f $MsysDir)
$Msys2Shell = ('{0}\msys2_shell.cmd' -f $MsysDir)
if ((Get-Process -ID $PID).ProcessName.StartsWith("bootstrap-haskell")) {
if ($Silent) {
& "$Bash" -lc ('[ -n ''{1}'' ] && export GHCUP_MSYS2=$(cygpath -m ''{1}'') ; [ -n ''{2}'' ] && export GHCUP_INSTALL_BASE_PREFIX=$(cygpath -m ''{2}/'') ; export PATH=$(cygpath -u ''{3}/bin''):$PATH ; curl --proto ''=https'' --tlsv1.2 -sSf {0} | bash' -f $BootstrapUrl, $MsysDir, $GhcupBasePrefix, $GhcupDir)
} else {
} else {
& "$Msys2Shell" -mingw64 -mintty -c ('[ -n ''{1}'' ] && export GHCUP_MSYS2=$(cygpath -m ''{1}'') ; [ -n ''{2}'' ] && export GHCUP_INSTALL_BASE_PREFIX=$(cygpath -m ''{2}/'') ; export PATH=$(cygpath -u ''{3}/bin''):$PATH ; trap ''echo Press any key to exit && read -n 1 && exit'' 2 ; curl --proto =https --tlsv1.2 -sSf -k {0} | bash ; echo ''Press any key to exit'' && read -n 1' -f $BootstrapUrl, $MsysDir, $GhcupBasePrefix, $GhcupDir)
$SilentExport = ''
if ((Get-Process -ID $PID).ProcessName.StartsWith("bootstrap-haskell")) {
& "$Bash" -lc ('{4} [ -n ''{1}'' ] && export GHCUP_MSYS2=$(cygpath -m ''{1}'') ; [ -n ''{2}'' ] && export GHCUP_INSTALL_BASE_PREFIX=$(cygpath -m ''{2}/'') ; export PATH=$(cygpath -u ''{3}/bin''):$PATH ; curl --proto ''=https'' --tlsv1.2 -sSf {0} | bash' -f $BootstrapUrl, $MsysDir, $GhcupBasePrefix, $GhcupDir, $SilentExport)
} else {
& "$Msys2Shell" -mingw64 -mintty -c ('{4} [ -n ''{1}'' ] && export GHCUP_MSYS2=$(cygpath -m ''{1}'') ; [ -n ''{2}'' ] && export GHCUP_INSTALL_BASE_PREFIX=$(cygpath -m ''{2}/'') ; export PATH=$(cygpath -u ''{3}/bin''):$PATH ; trap ''echo Press any key to exit && read -n 1 && exit'' 2 ; curl --proto =https --tlsv1.2 -sSf -k {0} | bash ; echo ''Press any key to exit'' && read -n 1' -f $BootstrapUrl, $MsysDir, $GhcupBasePrefix, $GhcupDir, $SilentExport)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user