This commit is contained in:
Lei Zhu 2023-07-22 15:31:37 +08:00
parent c10924274d
commit 83b82c328b
3 changed files with 208 additions and 72 deletions

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@ -414,8 +414,9 @@ test-suite ghcup-test
test-suite ghcup-optparse-test test-suite ghcup-optparse-test
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
hs-source-dirs: test/optparse-test hs-source-dirs: test/optparse-test
build-tool-depends: ghcup:ghcup
main-is: Main.hs main-is: Main.hs
default-language: Haskell2010 default-language: Haskell2010
ghc-options: -Wall ghc-options: -Wall
build-depends: base, ghcup, ghcup-optparse, tasty, tasty-hunit, optparse-applicative, versions, text build-depends: base, ghcup, ghcup-optparse, tasty, tasty-hunit, optparse-applicative, versions, text

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@ -1,75 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where module Main where
import GHCup.OptParse as GHCup
import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit import qualified SetTest
import Options.Applicative
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(liftIO))
import GHCup.Types
import Data.Versions
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty ((:|)))
main :: IO () main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain setTests main = defaultMain SetTest.setTests
setTests :: TestTree
setTests =
testGroup "set"
[ check "set" (Right $ SetOptions SetRecommended)
, check "set ghc" (Left $ SetGHC $ SetOptions SetRecommended)
, check "set ghc-9.2" (Right $ SetOptions
$ SetGHCVersion
(GHCTargetVersion (Just "ghc")
(mkVersion $ (Digits 9 :| []) :| [Digits 2 :| []])))
, check "set next" (Right $ SetOptions SetNext)
, check "set latest" (Right $ SetOptions $ SetToolTag Latest)
, check "set ghc-javascript-unknown-ghcjs-9.6"
(Right $ SetOptions
$ SetGHCVersion
(Just "ghc-javascript-unknown-ghcjs")
(mkVersion $ (Digits 9 :| []) :| [Digits 6 :| []])
, check "set next" (Right $ SetOptions SetNext)
, check "set nightly" (Right $ SetOptions
$ SetGHCVersion
(mkVersion $ (Str "nightly" :| []) :| [])
, check "set cabal-3.10"
(Right $ SetOptions
$ SetGHCVersion
(Just "cabal")
(mkVersion $ (Digits 3 :| []) :| [Digits 10 :| []])
, check "set latest" (Right $ SetOptions $ SetToolTag Latest)
check :: String -> Either SetCommand SetOptions -> TestTree
check args expected = testCase args $ do
res <- setParseWith (words args)
liftIO $ res @?= expected
mkVersion :: NonEmpty VChunk -> Version
mkVersion chunks = Version Nothing chunks [] Nothing
checkList :: [(String, Either SetCommand SetOptions)]
checkList = undefined
setParseWith :: [String] -> IO (Either SetCommand SetOptions)
setParseWith args = do
Set a <- parseWith args
pure a
parseWith :: [String] -> IO Command
parseWith args =
optCommand <$> handleParseResult
(execParserPure defaultPrefs (info GHCup.opts fullDesc) args)

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@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module SetTest where
import GHCup.OptParse as GHCup
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
import Options.Applicative
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import GHCup.Types
import Data.Versions
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty ((:|)))
import Data.Bifunctor (second)
setTests :: TestTree
setTests =
testGroup "set"
$ map
[ ("old-style", oldStyleCheckList)
, ("ghc", setGhcCheckList)
, ("cabal", setCabalCheckList)
, ("hls", setHlsCheckList)
, ("stack", setStackCheckList)
buildTestTree :: (String, [(String, Either SetCommand SetOptions)]) -> TestTree
buildTestTree (title, checkList) =
testGroup title
$ zipWith (uncurry . check) [1 :: Int ..] checkList
check :: Int -> String -> Either SetCommand SetOptions -> TestTree
check idx args expected = testCase (padLeft 2 (show idx) ++ "." ++ args) $ do
res <- setParseWith (words args)
liftIO $ res @?= expected
mkVersion :: NonEmpty VChunk -> Version
mkVersion chunks = Version Nothing chunks [] Nothing
oldStyleCheckList :: [(String, Either SetCommand SetOptions)]
oldStyleCheckList = mapSecond (Right . SetOptions)
[ ("set", SetRecommended)
, ("set ghc-9.2", SetGHCVersion
$ GHCTargetVersion
(Just "ghc")
(mkVersion $ (Digits 9 :| []) :| [Digits 2 :| []])
, ("set next", SetNext)
, ("set latest", SetToolTag Latest)
, ("set nightly", SetGHCVersion
$ GHCTargetVersion
(mkVersion $ (Str "nightly" :| []) :| [])
-- different from `set`
, ("set recommended", SetToolTag Recommended)
, ("set prerelease", SetGHCVersion
$ GHCTargetVersion
(mkVersion $ (Str "prerelease" :| []) :| [])
, ("set latest-prerelease", SetToolTag LatestPrerelease)
, ("set latest-nightly", SetToolTag LatestNightly)
, ("set ghc-javascript-unknown-ghcjs-9.6", SetGHCVersion
$ GHCTargetVersion
(Just "ghc-javascript-unknown-ghcjs")
(mkVersion $ (Digits 9 :| []) :| [Digits 6 :| []])
, ("set base-4.18", SetToolTag (Base (PVP {_pComponents = 4 :| [18]})))
, ("set cabal-3.10", SetGHCVersion
$ GHCTargetVersion
(Just "cabal")
(mkVersion $ (Digits 3 :| []) :| [Digits 10 :| []])
, ("set hls-", SetGHCVersion
$ GHCTargetVersion
(Just "hls")
(mkVersion $ (Digits 2 :| []) :| [Digits 0 :| [], Digits 0 :| [], Digits 0 :| []])
, ("set stack-2.9.3", SetGHCVersion
$ GHCTargetVersion
(Just "stack")
(mkVersion $ (Digits 2 :| []) :| [Digits 9 :| [], Digits 3 :| []])
setGhcCheckList :: [(String, Either SetCommand SetOptions)]
setGhcCheckList = mapSecond (Left . SetGHC . SetOptions)
[ ("set ghc", SetRecommended)
, ("set ghc 9.2", SetGHCVersion
$ GHCTargetVersion
(mkVersion $ (Digits 9 :| []) :| [Digits 2 :| []])
, ("set ghc next", SetNext)
, ("set ghc latest", SetToolTag Latest)
, ("set ghc nightly", SetGHCVersion
$ GHCTargetVersion
(mkVersion $ (Str "nightly" :| []) :| [])
, ("set ghc recommended", SetToolTag Recommended)
, ("set ghc prerelease", SetGHCVersion
$ GHCTargetVersion
(mkVersion $ (Str "prerelease" :| []) :| [])
, ("set ghc latest-prerelease", SetToolTag LatestPrerelease)
, ("set ghc latest-nightly", SetToolTag LatestNightly)
, ("set ghc javascript-unknown-ghcjs-9.6", SetGHCVersion
$ GHCTargetVersion
(Just "javascript-unknown-ghcjs")
(mkVersion $ (Digits 9 :| []) :| [Digits 6 :| []])
, ("set ghc base-4.18", SetToolTag (Base (PVP {_pComponents = 4 :| [18]})))
, ("set ghc ghc-9.2", SetGHCVersion
$ GHCTargetVersion
(Just "ghc")
(mkVersion $ (Digits 9 :| []) :| [Digits 2 :| []])
setCabalCheckList :: [(String, Either SetCommand SetOptions)]
setCabalCheckList = mapSecond (Left . SetCabal . SetOptions)
[ ("set cabal", SetRecommended)
, ("set cabal 3.10", SetToolVersion $ mkVersion $ (Digits 3 :| []) :| [Digits 10 :| []])
, ("set cabal next", SetNext)
, ("set cabal latest", SetToolTag Latest)
, ("set cabal nightly", SetToolVersion $ mkVersion $ (Str "nightly" :| []) :| [])
, ("set cabal recommended", SetToolTag Recommended)
, ("set cabal prerelease", SetToolVersion $ mkVersion $ (Str "prerelease" :| []) :| [])
, ("set cabal latest-prerelease", SetToolTag LatestPrerelease)
, ("set cabal latest-nightly", SetToolTag LatestNightly)
, ("set cabal base-4.18", SetToolTag (Base (PVP {_pComponents = 4 :| [18]})))
, ("set cabal cabal-3.10", SetToolVersion
$ Version
{ _vEpoch = Nothing
, _vChunks = (Str "cabal" :| []) :| []
, _vRel = [Digits 3 :| [], Digits 10 :| []]
, _vMeta = Nothing
setHlsCheckList :: [(String, Either SetCommand SetOptions)]
setHlsCheckList = mapSecond (Left . SetHLS . SetOptions)
[ ("set hls", SetRecommended)
, ("set hls 2.0", SetToolVersion $ mkVersion $ (Digits 2 :| []) :| [Digits 0 :| []])
, ("set hls next", SetNext)
, ("set hls latest", SetToolTag Latest)
, ("set hls nightly", SetToolVersion $ mkVersion $ (Str "nightly" :| []) :| [])
, ("set hls recommended", SetToolTag Recommended)
, ("set hls prerelease", SetToolVersion $ mkVersion $ (Str "prerelease" :| []) :| [])
, ("set hls latest-prerelease", SetToolTag LatestPrerelease)
, ("set hls latest-nightly", SetToolTag LatestNightly)
, ("set hls base-4.18", SetToolTag (Base (PVP {_pComponents = 4 :| [18]})))
, ("set hls hls-2.0", SetToolVersion
$ Version
{ _vEpoch = Nothing
, _vChunks = (Str "hls" :| []) :| []
, _vRel = [Digits 2 :| [], Digits 0 :| []]
, _vMeta = Nothing
setStackCheckList :: [(String, Either SetCommand SetOptions)]
setStackCheckList = mapSecond (Left . SetStack . SetOptions)
[ ("set stack", SetRecommended)
, ("set stack 2.9", SetToolVersion $ mkVersion $ (Digits 2 :| []) :| [Digits 9 :| []])
, ("set stack next", SetNext)
, ("set stack latest", SetToolTag Latest)
, ("set stack nightly", SetToolVersion $ mkVersion $ (Str "nightly" :| []) :| [])
, ("set stack recommended", SetToolTag Recommended)
, ("set stack prerelease", SetToolVersion $ mkVersion $ (Str "prerelease" :| []) :| [])
, ("set stack latest-prerelease", SetToolTag LatestPrerelease)
, ("set stack latest-nightly", SetToolTag LatestNightly)
, ("set stack base-4.18", SetToolTag (Base (PVP {_pComponents = 4 :| [18]})))
, ("set stack stack-2.9", SetToolVersion
$ Version
{ _vEpoch = Nothing
, _vChunks = (Str "stack" :| []) :| []
, _vRel = [Digits 2 :| [], Digits 9 :| []]
, _vMeta = Nothing
setParseWith :: [String] -> IO (Either SetCommand SetOptions)
setParseWith args = do
Set a <- parseWith args
pure a
parseWith :: [String] -> IO Command
parseWith args =
optCommand <$> handleParseResult
(execParserPure defaultPrefs (info GHCup.opts fullDesc) args)
padLeft :: Int -> String -> String
padLeft desiredLength s = padding ++ s
where padding = replicate (desiredLength - length s) ' '
mapSecond :: (b -> c) -> [(a,b)] -> [(a,c)]
mapSecond = map . second