Merge branch 'PR/issue-111'
This commit is contained in:
@ -1325,6 +1325,13 @@ upgradeGHCup dls mtarget force pfreq = do
lift $ chmod_755 destFile
lift $ chmod_755 destFile
liftIO (isInPath destFile) >>= \b -> when (not b) $
lift $ $(logWarn) [i|"#{toFilePath (dirname destFile)}" is not in PATH! You have to add it in order to use ghcup.|]
liftIO (isShadowed destFile) >>= \case
Nothing -> pure ()
Just pa -> lift $ $(logWarn) [i|ghcup is shadowed by "#{toFilePath pa}". The upgrade will not be in effect, unless you remove "#{toFilePath pa}" or make sure "#{toFilePath destDir}" comes before "#{toFilePath (dirname pa)}" in PATH.|]
pure latestVer
pure latestVer
@ -407,6 +407,32 @@ searchPath paths needle = go paths
else pure False
else pure False
-- | Check wether a binary is shadowed by another one that comes before
-- it in PATH. Returns the path to said binary, if any.
isShadowed :: Path Abs -> IO (Maybe (Path Abs))
isShadowed p = do
let dir = dirname p
fn <- basename p
spaths <- catMaybes . fmap parseAbs <$> (liftIO getSearchPath)
if dir `elem` spaths
then do
let shadowPaths = takeWhile (/= dir) spaths
searchPath shadowPaths fn
else pure Nothing
-- | Check whether the binary is in PATH. This returns only `True`
-- if the directory containing the binary is part of PATH.
isInPath :: Path Abs -> IO Bool
isInPath p = do
let dir = dirname p
fn <- basename p
spaths <- catMaybes . fmap parseAbs <$> (liftIO getSearchPath)
if dir `elem` spaths
then isJust <$> searchPath [dir] fn
else pure False
findFiles :: Path Abs -> Regex -> IO [Path Rel]
findFiles :: Path Abs -> Regex -> IO [Path Rel]
findFiles path regex = do
findFiles path regex = do
dirStream <- openDirStream (toFilePath path)
dirStream <- openDirStream (toFilePath path)
Reference in New Issue
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