Respect the user's configuration settings

Only lookup user configuration before doing a search; implement version completion for Cabal and HLS removal
This commit is contained in:
Huw campbell 2021-02-25 12:45:52 +11:00 committed by Huw Campbell
parent 1a5f0259f4
commit 453a29fdf7
2 changed files with 15 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -596,14 +596,14 @@ rmParser =
<> command
( RmCabal
<$> (info (versionParser' <**> helper)
<$> (info (versionParser' False (Just ListInstalled) (Just Cabal) <**> helper)
(progDesc "Remove Cabal version")
<> command
<$> (info (versionParser' <**> helper)
<$> (info (versionParser' False (Just ListInstalled) (Just HLS) <**> helper)
(progDesc "Remove haskell-language-server version")
@ -795,6 +795,11 @@ versionCompleter networkSensitive criteria tool =
runLogger =
myLoggerT loggerConfig
downloadWithUserSource = do
userConf <- runE @'[ JSONError ] ghcupConfigFile
getDownloadsF $
veitherCont (const GHCupURL) (fromMaybe GHCupURL . uUrlSource) userConf
mpFreq <-
runLogger . runE $
@ -811,11 +816,11 @@ versionCompleter networkSensitive criteria tool =
mGhcUpInfo <-
runEnv . runE $
if networkSensitive then
getDownloadsF GHCupURL
if networkSensitive then do
(\(FileDoesNotExistError _) -> getDownloadsF GHCupURL)
(\(FileDoesNotExistError _) -> downloadWithUserSource)
forFold mGhcUpInfo $ \(GHCupInfo _ dls) -> do
@ -833,10 +838,10 @@ versionParser = option
(short 'v' <> long "version" <> metavar "VERSION" <> help "The target version"
versionParser' :: Parser Version
versionParser' = argument
versionParser' :: Bool -> Maybe ListCriteria -> Maybe Tool -> Parser Version
versionParser' networkSensitive criteria tool = argument
(eitherReader (first show . version . T.pack))
(metavar "VERSION")
(metavar "VERSION" <> foldMap (completer . versionCompleter networkSensitive criteria) tool)
tagEither :: String -> Either String Tag

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@ -185,9 +185,9 @@ getDirs = do
ghcupConfigFile :: (MonadIO m)
=> Excepts '[JSONError] m UserSettings
ghcupConfigFile = do
confDir <- liftIO $ ghcupConfigDir
confDir <- liftIO ghcupConfigDir
let file = confDir </> [rel|config.yaml|]
bs <- liftIO $ handleIO' NoSuchThing (\_ -> pure $ Nothing) $ fmap Just $ readFile file
bs <- liftIO $ handleIO' NoSuchThing (\_ -> pure Nothing) $ Just <$> readFile file
case bs of
Nothing -> pure defaultUserSettings
Just bs' -> lE' JSONDecodeError . bimap show id . Y.decodeEither' . L.toStrict $ bs'