Merge branch 'issue-173'
This commit is contained in:
@ -84,8 +84,10 @@ ghcup-gen check -f ghcup-${JSON_VERSION}.yaml
eghcup --numeric-version
eghcup install ${GHC_VERSION}
[ `$(eghcup whereis ghc ${GHC_VERSION}) --numeric-version` = "${GHC_VERSION}" ]
eghcup set ${GHC_VERSION}
eghcup install-cabal ${CABAL_VERSION}
[ `$(eghcup whereis cabal ${CABAL_VERSION}) --numeric-version` = "${CABAL_VERSION}" ]
cabal --version
@ -125,10 +127,10 @@ else
if [ "${OS}" = "DARWIN" ] ; then
eghcup install hls
haskell-language-server-wrapper --version
$(eghcup whereis hls) --version
eghcup install stack
stack --version
$(eghcup whereis stack) --version
elif [ "${OS}" = "LINUX" ] ; then
if [ "${ARCH}" = "64" ] ; then
eghcup install hls
@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ data Command
| Rm (Either RmCommand RmOptions)
| DInfo
| Compile CompileCommand
| Whereis WhereisOptions WhereisCommand
| Upgrade UpgradeOpts Bool
| ToolRequirements
| ChangeLog ChangeLogOptions
@ -190,6 +191,13 @@ data ChangeLogOptions = ChangeLogOptions
data WhereisCommand = WhereisTool Tool (Maybe ToolVersion)
data WhereisOptions = WhereisOptions {
directory :: Bool
-- | A switch that can be enabled using --foo and disabled using --no-foo.
@ -335,6 +343,17 @@ com =
<$> info (compileP <**> helper)
(progDesc "Compile a tool from source")
<> command
( (Whereis
<$> (WhereisOptions <$> switch (short 'd' <> long "directory" <> help "return directory of the binary instead of the binary location"))
<*> whereisP
) <**> helper
(progDesc "Find a tools location"
<> footerDoc ( Just $ text whereisFooter ))
<> commandGroup "Main commands:"
<|> subparser
@ -402,6 +421,23 @@ com =
By default returns the URI of the ChangeLog of the latest GHC release.
Pass '-o' to automatically open via xdg-open.|]
whereisFooter :: String
whereisFooter = [s|Discussion:
Finds the location of a tool. For GHC, this is the ghc binary, that
usually resides in a self-contained "~/.ghcup/ghc/<ghcver>" directory.
For cabal/stack/hls this the binary usually at "~/.ghcup/bin/<tool>-<ver>".
# outputs ~/.ghcup/ghc/8.10.5/bin/ghc.exe
ghcup whereis ghc 8.10.5
# outputs ~/.ghcup/ghc/8.10.5/bin/
ghcup whereis --directory ghc 8.10.5
# outputs ~/.ghcup/bin/cabal-
ghcup whereis cabal
# outputs ~/.ghcup/bin/
ghcup whereis --directory cabal|]
installCabalFooter :: String
installCabalFooter = [s|Discussion:
Installs the specified cabal-install version (or a recommended default one)
@ -706,6 +742,86 @@ Examples:
ghcup compile ghc -j 4 -v 8.4.2 -b 8.2.2 -x armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf --config $(pwd)/ -- --enable-unregisterised|]
whereisP :: Parser WhereisCommand
whereisP = subparser
( command
(WhereisTool GHC <$> info
( optional (toolVersionArgument Nothing (Just GHC)) <**> helper )
( progDesc "Get GHC location"
<> footerDoc (Just $ text whereisGHCFooter ))
(WhereisTool Cabal <$> info
( optional (toolVersionArgument Nothing (Just Cabal)) <**> helper )
( progDesc "Get cabal location"
<> footerDoc (Just $ text whereisCabalFooter ))
(WhereisTool HLS <$> info
( optional (toolVersionArgument Nothing (Just HLS)) <**> helper )
( progDesc "Get HLS location"
<> footerDoc (Just $ text whereisHLSFooter ))
(WhereisTool Stack <$> info
( optional (toolVersionArgument Nothing (Just Stack)) <**> helper )
( progDesc "Get stack location"
<> footerDoc (Just $ text whereisStackFooter ))
(WhereisTool GHCup <$> info ( (pure Nothing) <**> helper ) ( progDesc "Get ghcup location" ))
whereisGHCFooter = [s|Discussion:
Finds the location of a GHC executable, which usually resides in
a self-contained "~/.ghcup/ghc/<ghcver>" directory.
# outputs ~/.ghcup/ghc/8.10.5/bin/ghc.exe
ghcup whereis ghc 8.10.5
# outputs ~/.ghcup/ghc/8.10.5/bin/
ghcup whereis --directory ghc 8.10.5 |]
whereisCabalFooter = [s|Discussion:
Finds the location of a Cabal executable, which usually resides in
# outputs ~/.ghcup/bin/cabal-
ghcup whereis cabal
# outputs ~/.ghcup/bin
ghcup whereis --directory cabal|]
whereisHLSFooter = [s|Discussion:
Finds the location of a HLS executable, which usually resides in
# outputs ~/.ghcup/bin/haskell-language-server-wrapper-1.2.0
ghcup whereis hls 1.2.0
# outputs ~/.ghcup/bin/
ghcup whereis --directory hls 1.2.0|]
whereisStackFooter = [s|Discussion:
Finds the location of a stack executable, which usually resides in
# outputs ~/.ghcup/bin/stack-2.7.1
ghcup whereis stack 2.7.1
# outputs ~/.ghcup/bin/
ghcup whereis --directory stack 2.7.1|]
ghcCompileOpts :: Parser GHCCompileOptions
ghcCompileOpts =
@ -1265,6 +1381,17 @@ Report bugs at <>|]
runWhereIs =
. flip runReaderT appstate
. runE
@'[ NotInstalled
, NoToolVersionSet
, NextVerNotFound
, TagNotFound
let runUpgrade =
. flip runReaderT appstate
@ -1628,6 +1755,22 @@ Make sure to clean up #{tmpdir} afterwards.|])
runLogger $ $(logError) $ T.pack $ prettyShow e
pure $ ExitFailure 9
Whereis WhereisOptions{..} (WhereisTool tool whereVer) ->
runWhereIs (do
(v, _) <- liftE $ fromVersion whereVer tool
loc <- liftE $ whereIsTool tool v
if directory
then pure $ takeDirectory loc
else pure loc
>>= \case
VRight r -> do
putStr r
pure ExitSuccess
VLeft e -> do
runLogger $ $(logError) $ T.pack $ prettyShow e
pure $ ExitFailure 30
Upgrade uOpts force -> do
target <- case uOpts of
UpgradeInplace -> Just <$> liftIO getExecutablePath
@ -1880,3 +1880,49 @@ postGHCInstall ver@GHCTargetVersion {..} = do
$ getMajorMinorV _tvVersion
forM_ v' $ \(mj, mi) -> lift (getGHCForMajor mj mi _tvTarget)
>>= mapM_ (\v -> liftE $ setGHC v SetGHC_XY)
-- | Reports the binary location of a given tool:
-- * for GHC, this reports: @~\/.ghcup\/ghc\/\<ver\>\/bin\/ghc@
-- * for cabal, this reports @~\/.ghcup\/bin\/cabal-\<ver\>@
-- * for hls, this reports @~\/.ghcup\/bin\/haskell-language-server-wrapper-\<ver\>@
-- * for stack, this reports @~\/.ghcup\/bin\/stack-\<ver\>@
-- * for ghcup, this reports the location of the currently running executable
whereIsTool :: ( MonadReader AppState m
, MonadLogger m
, MonadThrow m
, MonadFail m
, MonadIO m
, MonadCatch m
, MonadMask m
, MonadUnliftIO m
=> Tool
-> GHCTargetVersion
-> Excepts '[NotInstalled] m FilePath
whereIsTool tool ver@GHCTargetVersion {..} = do
AppState { dirs } <- lift ask
case tool of
GHC -> do
whenM (lift $ fmap not $ ghcInstalled ver)
$ throwE (NotInstalled GHC ver)
bdir <- lift $ ghcupGHCDir ver
pure (bdir </> "bin" </> "ghc" <> exeExt)
Cabal -> do
whenM (lift $ fmap not $ cabalInstalled _tvVersion)
$ throwE (NotInstalled Cabal (GHCTargetVersion Nothing _tvVersion))
pure (binDir dirs </> "cabal-" <> T.unpack (prettyVer _tvVersion) <> exeExt)
HLS -> do
whenM (lift $ fmap not $ hlsInstalled _tvVersion)
$ throwE (NotInstalled HLS (GHCTargetVersion Nothing _tvVersion))
pure (binDir dirs </> "haskell-language-server-wrapper-" <> T.unpack (prettyVer _tvVersion) <> exeExt)
Stack -> do
whenM (lift $ fmap not $ stackInstalled _tvVersion)
$ throwE (NotInstalled Stack (GHCTargetVersion Nothing _tvVersion))
pure (binDir dirs </> "stack-" <> T.unpack (prettyVer _tvVersion) <> exeExt)
GHCup -> do
currentRunningExecPath <- liftIO getExecutablePath
liftIO $ canonicalizePath currentRunningExecPath
Reference in New Issue
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