Merge branch 'issue-193'
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,6 +12,10 @@ ecabal() {
cabal "$@"
raw_eghcup() {
ghcup -v -c "$@"
eghcup() {
if [ "${OS}" = "WINDOWS" ] ; then
ghcup -v -c -s file:/$CI_PROJECT_DIR/ghcup-${JSON_VERSION}.yaml "$@"
@ -20,6 +24,12 @@ eghcup() {
if [ "${OS}" = "WINDOWS" ] ; then
git describe --always
### build
@ -65,11 +75,7 @@ fi
### cleanup
if [ "${OS}" = "WINDOWS" ] ; then
rm -rf "${GHCUP_INSTALL_BASE_PREFIX}"/.ghcup
rm -rf "${GHCUP_DIR}"
### manual cli based testing
@ -88,6 +94,7 @@ cabal --version
eghcup debug-info
# also test etags
eghcup list
eghcup list -t ghc
eghcup list -t cabal
@ -155,6 +162,40 @@ if [ "${OS}" = "LINUX" ] ; then
sha_sum() {
if [ "${OS}" = "FREEBSD" ] ; then
sha256 "$@"
sha256sum "$@"
# test etags
rm -f "${GHCUP_DIR}/cache/ghcup-${JSON_VERSION}.yaml"
raw_eghcup -s${JSON_VERSION}.yaml list
# snapshot yaml and etags file
etag=$(cat "${GHCUP_DIR}/cache/ghcup-${JSON_VERSION}.yaml.etags")
sha=$(sha_sum "${GHCUP_DIR}/cache/ghcup-${JSON_VERSION}.yaml")
# invalidate access time timer, which is 5minutes, so we re-download
touch -a -m -t '199901010101' "${GHCUP_DIR}/cache/ghcup-${JSON_VERSION}.yaml"
# redownload same file with some newlines added
raw_eghcup -s${JSON_VERSION}.yaml list
# snapshot new yaml and etags file
etag2=$(cat "${GHCUP_DIR}/cache/ghcup-${JSON_VERSION}.yaml.etags")
sha2=$(sha_sum "${GHCUP_DIR}/cache/ghcup-${JSON_VERSION}.yaml")
# compare
[ "${etag}" != "${etag2}" ]
[ "${sha}" != "${sha2}" ]
# invalidate access time timer, which is 5minutes, but don't expect a re-download
touch -a -m -t '199901010101' "${GHCUP_DIR}/cache/ghcup-${JSON_VERSION}.yaml"
# this time, we expect the same hash and etag
raw_eghcup -s${JSON_VERSION}.yaml list
etag3=$(cat "${GHCUP_DIR}/cache/ghcup-${JSON_VERSION}.yaml.etags")
sha3=$(sha_sum "${GHCUP_DIR}/cache/ghcup-${JSON_VERSION}.yaml")
[ "${etag2}" = "${etag3}" ]
[ "${sha2}" = "${sha3}" ]
eghcup upgrade
eghcup upgrade -f
@ -162,8 +203,4 @@ eghcup upgrade -f
# nuke
eghcup nuke
if [ "${OS}" = "WINDOWS" ] ; then
[ ! -e "${GHCUP_INSTALL_BASE_PREFIX}/ghcup" ]
[ ! -e "${GHCUP_INSTALL_BASE_PREFIX}/.ghcup" ]
[ ! -e "${GHCUP_DIR}" ]
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ validateTarballs (TarballFilter etool versionRegex) dls gt = do
case etool of
Right (Just GHCup) -> do
tmpUnpack <- lift mkGhcupTmpDir
_ <- liftE $ download dli tmpUnpack Nothing
_ <- liftE $ download (_dlUri dli) (Just (_dlHash dli)) tmpUnpack Nothing False
pure Nothing
Right _ -> do
p <- liftE $ downloadCached dli Nothing
@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ validateTarballs (TarballFilter etool versionRegex) dls gt = do
$ p
Left ShimGen -> do
tmpUnpack <- lift mkGhcupTmpDir
_ <- liftE $ download dli tmpUnpack Nothing
_ <- liftE $ download (_dlUri dli) (Just (_dlHash dli)) tmpUnpack Nothing False
pure Nothing
case r of
VRight (Just basePath) -> do
@ -2137,7 +2137,7 @@ upgradeGHCup mtarget force' = do
dli <- liftE $ getDownloadInfo GHCup latestVer
tmp <- lift withGHCupTmpDir
let fn = "ghcup" <> exeExt
p <- liftE $ download dli tmp (Just fn)
p <- liftE $ download (_dlUri dli) (Just (_dlHash dli)) tmp (Just fn) False
let destDir = takeDirectory destFile
destFile = fromMaybe (binDir </> fn) mtarget
lift $ $(logDebug) [i|mkdir -p #{destDir}|]
@ -55,20 +55,19 @@ import Data.Aeson
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.ByteString ( ByteString )
import Data.CaseInsensitive ( CI )
import Data.CaseInsensitive ( mk )
import Data.List.Extra
import Data.Maybe
import Data.String.Interpolate
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Data.Time.Format
import Data.Versions
import Data.Word8
import GHC.IO.Exception
import Data.Word8 hiding ( isSpace )
import Haskus.Utils.Variant.Excepts
import Network.Http.Client hiding ( URL )
import Optics
import Prelude hiding ( abs
, readFile
@ -76,8 +75,11 @@ import Prelude hiding ( abs
import System.Directory
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath
import System.IO.Error
import System.IO.Temp
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJClass ( prettyShow )
import URI.ByteString
import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA256 as SHA256
@ -85,10 +87,8 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as B16
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
import qualified Data.Yaml as Y
@ -149,19 +149,14 @@ getDownloadsF = do
in GHCupInfo tr newDownloads newGlobalTools
readFromCache :: ( MonadReader env m
, HasDirs env
, MonadIO m
, MonadCatch m)
=> URI
-> Excepts '[JSONError, FileDoesNotExistError] m L.ByteString
readFromCache uri = do
Dirs{..} <- lift getDirs
let yaml_file = cacheDir </> (T.unpack . decUTF8Safe . urlBaseName . view pathL' $ uri)
handleIO' NoSuchThing (\_ -> throwE $ FileDoesNotExistError yaml_file)
. liftIO
. L.readFile
$ yaml_file
yamlFromCache :: (MonadReader env m, HasDirs env) => URI -> m FilePath
yamlFromCache uri = do
Dirs{..} <- getDirs
pure (cacheDir </> (T.unpack . decUTF8Safe . urlBaseName . view pathL' $ uri))
etagsFile :: FilePath -> FilePath
etagsFile = (<.> "etags")
getBase :: ( MonadReader env m
@ -174,33 +169,41 @@ getBase :: ( MonadReader env m
, MonadMask m
=> URI
-> Excepts '[JSONError , FileDoesNotExistError] m GHCupInfo
-> Excepts '[JSONError] m GHCupInfo
getBase uri = do
Settings { noNetwork } <- lift getSettings
bs <- if noNetwork
then readFromCache uri
else handleIO (\_ -> warnCache >> readFromCache uri)
. catchE @_ @'[JSONError, FileDoesNotExistError] (\(DownloadFailed _) -> warnCache >> readFromCache uri)
. reThrowAll @_ @_ @'[JSONError, DownloadFailed] DownloadFailed
$ smartDl uri
yaml <- lift $ yamlFromCache uri
unless noNetwork $
handleIO (\e -> warnCache (displayException e))
. catchE @_ @_ @'[] (\e@(DownloadFailed _) -> warnCache (prettyShow e))
. reThrowAll @_ @_ @'[DownloadFailed] DownloadFailed
. smartDl
$ uri
. lE' @_ @_ @'[JSONError] JSONDecodeError
. first show
. Y.decodeEither'
. L.toStrict
$ bs
. onE_ (onError yaml)
. lEM' @_ @_ @'[JSONError] JSONDecodeError
. fmap (first (\e -> [i|#{displayException e}
Consider removing "#{yaml}" manually.|]))
. liftIO
. Y.decodeFileEither
$ yaml
warnCache = lift $ $(logWarn)
[i|Could not get download info, trying cached version (this may not be recent!)|]
-- On error, remove the etags file and set access time to 0. This should ensure the next invocation
-- may re-download and succeed.
onError :: (MonadLogger m, MonadMask m, MonadCatch m, MonadIO m) => FilePath -> m ()
onError fp = do
let efp = etagsFile fp
handleIO (\e -> $(logWarn) [i|Couldn't remove file #{efp}, error was: #{displayException e}|])
(hideError doesNotExistErrorType $ rmFile efp)
liftIO $ hideError doesNotExistErrorType $ setAccessTime fp (posixSecondsToUTCTime (fromIntegral @Int 0))
warnCache s = do
lift $ $(logWarn) [i|Could not get download info, trying cached version (this may not be recent!)|]
lift $ $(logDebug) [i|Error was: #{s}|]
-- First check if the json file is in the ~/.ghcup/cache dir
-- and check it's access time. If it has been accessed within the
-- last 5 minutes, just reuse it.
-- If not, then send a HEAD request and check for modification time.
-- Only download the file if the modification time is newer
-- than the local file.
-- Always save the local file with the mod time of the remote file.
smartDl :: forall m1 env1
. ( MonadReader env1 m1
@ -214,93 +217,33 @@ getBase uri = do
=> URI
-> Excepts
'[ FileDoesNotExistError
, HTTPStatusError
, URIParseError
, UnsupportedScheme
, NoLocationHeader
, TooManyRedirs
, ProcessError
, NoNetwork
'[ DownloadFailed
, DigestError
smartDl uri' = do
Dirs{..} <- lift getDirs
let path = view pathL' uri'
let json_file = cacheDir </> (T.unpack . decUTF8Safe . urlBaseName $ path)
json_file <- lift $ yamlFromCache uri'
e <- liftIO $ doesFileExist json_file
currentTime <- liftIO getCurrentTime
if e
then do
accessTime <- liftIO $ getAccessTime json_file
currentTime <- liftIO getCurrentTime
-- access time won't work on most linuxes, but we can try regardless
if (utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds currentTime - utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds accessTime) > 300
then do -- no access in last 5 minutes, re-check upstream mod time
getModTime >>= \case
Just modTime -> do
fileMod <- liftIO $ getModificationTime json_file
if modTime > fileMod
then dlWithMod modTime json_file
else liftIO $ L.readFile json_file
Nothing -> do
lift $ $(logDebug) [i|Unable to get/parse Last-Modified header|]
dlWithoutMod json_file
else -- access in less than 5 minutes, re-use file
liftIO $ L.readFile json_file
else do
getModTime >>= \case
Just modTime -> dlWithMod modTime json_file
Nothing -> do
-- although we don't know last-modified, we still save
-- it to a file, so we might use it in offline mode
lift $ $(logDebug) [i|Unable to get/parse Last-Modified header|]
dlWithoutMod json_file
when ((utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds currentTime - utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds accessTime) > 300) $
-- no access in last 5 minutes, re-check upstream mod time
dlWithMod currentTime json_file
dlWithMod currentTime json_file
dlWithMod modTime json_file = do
bs <- liftE $ downloadBS uri'
liftIO $ writeFileWithModTime modTime json_file bs
pure bs
dlWithoutMod json_file = do
bs <- liftE $ downloadBS uri'
lift $ hideError doesNotExistErrorType $ recycleFile json_file
liftIO $ L.writeFile json_file bs
liftIO $ setModificationTime json_file (posixSecondsToUTCTime (fromIntegral @Int 0))
pure bs
let (dir, fn) = splitFileName json_file
f <- liftE $ download uri' Nothing dir (Just fn) True
liftIO $ setModificationTime f modTime
liftIO $ setAccessTime f modTime
getModTime = do
pure Nothing
headers <-
handleIO (\_ -> pure mempty)
$ liftE
$ ( catchAllE
(\_ ->
pure mempty :: Excepts '[] m1 (M.Map (CI ByteString) ByteString)
$ getHead uri'
pure $ parseModifiedHeader headers
parseModifiedHeader :: (M.Map (CI ByteString) ByteString) -> Maybe UTCTime
parseModifiedHeader headers =
(M.lookup ( "Last-Modified") headers) >>= \h -> parseTimeM
"%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z"
(T.unpack . decUTF8Safe $ h)
writeFileWithModTime :: UTCTime -> FilePath -> L.ByteString -> IO ()
writeFileWithModTime utctime path content = do
L.writeFile path content
setModificationTime path utctime
getDownloadInfo :: ( MonadReader env m
, HasPlatformReq env
@ -359,32 +302,32 @@ download :: ( MonadReader env m
, MonadLogger m
, MonadIO m
=> DownloadInfo
=> URI
-> Maybe T.Text -- ^ expected hash
-> FilePath -- ^ destination dir
-> Maybe FilePath -- ^ optional filename
-> Bool -- ^ whether to read an write etags
-> Excepts '[DigestError , DownloadFailed] m FilePath
download dli dest mfn
download uri eDigest dest mfn etags
| scheme == "https" = dl
| scheme == "http" = dl
| scheme == "file" = cp
| otherwise = throwE $ DownloadFailed (variantFromValue UnsupportedScheme)
scheme = view (dlUri % uriSchemeL' % schemeBSL') dli
scheme = view (uriSchemeL' % schemeBSL') uri
cp = do
-- destination dir must exist
liftIO $ createDirRecursive' dest
let destFile = getDestFile
let fromFile = T.unpack . decUTF8Safe $ path
liftIO $ copyFile fromFile destFile
pure destFile
dl = do
let uri' = decUTF8Safe (serializeURIRef' (view dlUri dli))
let uri' = decUTF8Safe (serializeURIRef' uri)
lift $ $(logInfo) [i|downloading: #{uri'}|]
-- destination dir must exist
liftIO $ createDirRecursive' dest
let destFile = getDestFile
-- download
flip onException
@ -399,28 +342,134 @@ download dli dest mfn
case downloader of
Curl -> do
o' <- liftIO getCurlOpts
liftE $ lEM @_ @'[ProcessError] $ exec "curl"
(o' ++ ["-fL", "-o", destFile, (T.unpack . decUTF8Safe) $ serializeURIRef' $ view dlUri dli]) Nothing Nothing
if etags
then do
dh <- liftIO $ emptySystemTempFile "curl-header"
flip finally (try @_ @SomeException $ rmFile dh) $
flip finally (try @_ @SomeException $ rmFile (destFile <.> "tmp")) $ do
metag <- readETag destFile
liftE $ lEM @_ @'[ProcessError] $ exec "curl"
(o' ++ (if etags then ["--dump-header", dh] else [])
++ maybe [] (\t -> ["-H", [i|If-None-Match: #{t}|]]) metag
++ ["-fL", "-o", destFile <.> "tmp", T.unpack uri']) Nothing Nothing
headers <- liftIO $ T.readFile dh
-- this nonsense is necessary, because some older versions of curl would overwrite
-- the destination file when 304 is returned
case fmap T.words . listToMaybe . fmap T.strip . T.lines $ headers of
Just (http':sc:_)
| sc == "304"
, T.pack "HTTP" `T.isPrefixOf` http' -> $logDebug [i|Status code was 304, not overwriting|]
| T.pack "HTTP" `T.isPrefixOf` http' -> do
$logDebug [i|Status code was #{sc}, overwriting|]
liftIO $ copyFile (destFile <.> "tmp") destFile
_ -> liftE $ throwE @_ @'[DownloadFailed] (DownloadFailed (toVariantAt @0 (MalformedHeaders headers)
:: V '[MalformedHeaders]))
writeEtags (parseEtags headers)
liftE $ lEM @_ @'[ProcessError] $ exec "curl"
(o' ++ ["-fL", "-o", destFile, T.unpack uri']) Nothing Nothing
Wget -> do
o' <- liftIO getWgetOpts
liftE $ lEM @_ @'[ProcessError] $ exec "wget"
(o' ++ ["-O", destFile , (T.unpack . decUTF8Safe) $ serializeURIRef' $ view dlUri dli]) Nothing Nothing
destFileTemp <- liftIO $ emptySystemTempFile "wget-tmp"
flip finally (try @_ @SomeException $ rmFile destFileTemp) $ do
o' <- liftIO getWgetOpts
if etags
then do
metag <- readETag destFile
let opts = o' ++ maybe [] (\t -> ["--header", [i|If-None-Match: #{t}|]]) metag
++ ["-q", "-S", "-O", destFileTemp , T.unpack uri']
CapturedProcess {_exitCode, _stdErr} <- lift $ executeOut "wget" opts Nothing
case _exitCode of
ExitSuccess -> do
liftIO $ copyFile destFileTemp destFile
writeEtags (parseEtags (decUTF8Safe' _stdErr))
ExitFailure i'
| i' == 8
, Just _ <- find (T.pack "304 Not Modified" `T.isInfixOf`) . T.lines . decUTF8Safe' $ _stdErr
-> do
$logDebug "Not modified, skipping download"
writeEtags (parseEtags (decUTF8Safe' _stdErr))
| otherwise -> throwE (NonZeroExit i' "wget" opts)
else do
let opts = o' ++ ["-O", destFileTemp , T.unpack uri']
liftE $ lEM @_ @'[ProcessError] $ exec "wget" opts Nothing Nothing
liftIO $ copyFile destFileTemp destFile
Internal -> do
(https, host, fullPath, port) <- liftE $ uriToQuadruple (view dlUri dli)
liftE $ downloadToFile https host fullPath port destFile
(https, host, fullPath, port) <- liftE $ uriToQuadruple uri
if etags
then do
metag <- readETag destFile
let addHeaders = maybe mempty (\etag -> M.fromList [ (mk . E.encodeUtf8 . T.pack $ "If-None-Match"
, E.encodeUtf8 etag)]) metag
$ catchE @HTTPNotModified @'[DownloadFailed] @'[] (\(HTTPNotModified etag) -> lift $ writeEtags (pure $ Just etag))
$ do
r <- downloadToFile https host fullPath port destFile addHeaders
writeEtags (pure $ decUTF8Safe <$> getHeader r "etag")
else void $ liftE $ catchE @HTTPNotModified
(\e@(HTTPNotModified _) ->
throwE @_ @'[DownloadFailed] (DownloadFailed (toVariantAt @0 e :: V '[HTTPNotModified])))
$ downloadToFile https host fullPath port destFile mempty
liftE $ checkDigest dli destFile
forM_ eDigest (liftE . flip checkDigest destFile)
pure destFile
-- Manage to find a file we can write the body into.
getDestFile :: FilePath
getDestFile = maybe (dest </> T.unpack (decUTF8Safe (urlBaseName path)))
destFile :: FilePath
destFile = maybe (dest </> T.unpack (decUTF8Safe (urlBaseName path)))
(dest </>)
path = view (dlUri % pathL') dli
path = view pathL' uri
parseEtags :: (MonadLogger m, MonadIO m, MonadThrow m) => T.Text -> m (Maybe T.Text)
parseEtags stderr = do
let mEtag = find (\line -> T.pack "etag:" `T.isPrefixOf` T.toLower line) . fmap T.strip . T.lines $ stderr
case T.words <$> mEtag of
(Just []) -> do
$logDebug "Couldn't parse etags, no input: "
pure Nothing
(Just [_, etag']) -> do
$logDebug [i|Parsed etag: #{etag'}|]
pure (Just etag')
(Just xs) -> do
$logDebug ("Couldn't parse etags, unexpected input: " <> T.unwords xs)
pure Nothing
Nothing -> do
$logDebug "No etags header found"
pure Nothing
writeEtags :: (MonadLogger m, MonadIO m, MonadThrow m) => m (Maybe T.Text) -> m ()
writeEtags getTags = do
getTags >>= \case
Just t -> do
$logDebug [i|Writing etagsFile #{(etagsFile destFile)}|]
liftIO $ T.writeFile (etagsFile destFile) t
Nothing ->
$logDebug [i|No etags files written|]
readETag :: (MonadLogger m, MonadCatch m, MonadIO m) => FilePath -> m (Maybe T.Text)
readETag fp = do
e <- liftIO $ doesFileExist fp
if e
then do
rE <- try @_ @SomeException $ liftIO $ fmap stripNewline' $ T.readFile (etagsFile fp)
case rE of
(Right et) -> do
$logDebug [i|Read etag: #{et}|]
pure (Just et)
(Left _) -> do
$logDebug [i|Etag file doesn't exist (yet)|]
pure Nothing
else do
$logDebug [i|Skipping and deleting etags file because destination file #{fp} doesn't exist|]
liftIO $ hideError doesNotExistErrorType $ rmFile (etagsFile fp)
pure Nothing
-- | Download into tmpdir or use cached version, if it exists. If filename
@ -444,7 +493,7 @@ downloadCached dli mfn = do
True -> downloadCached' dli mfn Nothing
False -> do
tmp <- lift withGHCupTmpDir
liftE $ download dli tmp mfn
liftE $ download (_dlUri dli) (Just (_dlHash dli)) tmp mfn False
downloadCached' :: ( MonadReader env m
@ -468,9 +517,9 @@ downloadCached' dli mfn mDestDir = do
fileExists <- liftIO $ doesFileExist cachfile
| fileExists -> do
liftE $ checkDigest dli cachfile
liftE $ checkDigest (view dlHash dli) cachfile
pure cachfile
| otherwise -> liftE $ download dli destDir mfn
| otherwise -> liftE $ download (_dlUri dli) (Just (_dlHash dli)) destDir mfn False
@ -481,73 +530,6 @@ downloadCached' dli mfn mDestDir = do
-- | This is used for downloading the JSON.
downloadBS :: ( MonadReader env m
, HasSettings env
, MonadCatch m
, MonadIO m
, MonadLogger m
=> URI
-> Excepts
'[ FileDoesNotExistError
, HTTPStatusError
, URIParseError
, UnsupportedScheme
, NoLocationHeader
, TooManyRedirs
, ProcessError
, NoNetwork
downloadBS uri'
| scheme == "https"
= dl True
| scheme == "http"
= dl False
| scheme == "file"
= liftIOException doesNotExistErrorType (FileDoesNotExistError $ T.unpack $ decUTF8Safe path)
(liftIO $ L.readFile (T.unpack $ decUTF8Safe path))
| otherwise
= throwE UnsupportedScheme
scheme = view (uriSchemeL' % schemeBSL') uri'
path = view pathL' uri'
dl https = do
dl _ = do
lift $ $(logDebug) [i|downloading: #{serializeURIRef' uri'}|]
Settings{ downloader, noNetwork } <- lift getSettings
when noNetwork $ throwE NoNetwork
case downloader of
Curl -> do
o' <- liftIO getCurlOpts
let exe = "curl"
args = o' ++ ["-sSfL", T.unpack $ decUTF8Safe $ serializeURIRef' uri']
lift (executeOut exe args Nothing) >>= \case
CapturedProcess ExitSuccess stdout _ -> do
pure stdout
CapturedProcess (ExitFailure i') _ _ -> throwE $ NonZeroExit i' exe args
Wget -> do
o' <- liftIO getWgetOpts
let exe = "wget"
args = o' ++ ["-qO-", T.unpack $ decUTF8Safe $ serializeURIRef' uri']
lift (executeOut exe args Nothing) >>= \case
CapturedProcess ExitSuccess stdout _ -> do
pure stdout
CapturedProcess (ExitFailure i') _ _ -> throwE $ NonZeroExit i' exe args
Internal -> do
(_, host', fullPath', port') <- liftE $ uriToQuadruple uri'
liftE $ downloadBS' https host' fullPath' port'
checkDigest :: ( MonadReader env m
, HasDirs env
, HasSettings env
@ -555,10 +537,10 @@ checkDigest :: ( MonadReader env m
, MonadThrow m
, MonadLogger m
=> DownloadInfo
=> T.Text -- ^ the hash
-> FilePath
-> Excepts '[DigestError] m ()
checkDigest dli file = do
checkDigest eDigest file = do
Settings{ noVerify } <- lift getSettings
let verify = not noVerify
when verify $ do
@ -566,7 +548,6 @@ checkDigest dli file = do
lift $ $(logInfo) [i|verifying digest of: #{p'}|]
c <- liftIO $ L.readFile file
cDigest <- throwEither . E.decodeUtf8' . B16.encode . SHA256.hashlazy $ c
let eDigest = view dlHash dli
when ((cDigest /= eDigest) && verify) $ throwE (DigestError cDigest eDigest)
@ -9,9 +9,7 @@ module GHCup.Download.IOStreams where
import GHCup.Download.Utils
import GHCup.Errors
import GHCup.Types.Optics
import GHCup.Types.JSON ( )
import GHCup.Utils.File
import GHCup.Utils.Prelude
import Control.Applicative
@ -20,7 +18,7 @@ import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.ByteString ( ByteString )
import Data.ByteString.Builder
import Data.CaseInsensitive ( CI )
import Data.CaseInsensitive ( CI, original, mk )
import Data.IORef
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text.Read
@ -32,7 +30,6 @@ import Prelude hiding ( abs
, writeFile
import System.ProgressBar
import System.IO
import URI.ByteString
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
@ -67,7 +64,7 @@ downloadBS' :: MonadIO m
downloadBS' https host path port = do
bref <- liftIO $ newIORef (mempty :: Builder)
let stepper bs = modifyIORef bref (<> byteString bs)
downloadInternal False https host path port stepper
void $ downloadInternal False https host path port stepper (pure ()) mempty
liftIO (readIORef bref <&> toLazyByteString)
@ -77,12 +74,17 @@ downloadToFile :: (MonadMask m, MonadIO m)
-> ByteString -- ^ path (e.g. "/my/file") including query
-> Maybe Int -- ^ optional port (e.g. 3000)
-> FilePath -- ^ destination file to create and write to
-> Excepts '[DownloadFailed] m ()
downloadToFile https host fullPath port destFile = do
fd <- liftIO $ openFile destFile WriteMode
let stepper = BS.hPut fd
flip finally (liftIO $ hClose fd)
$ reThrowAll DownloadFailed $ downloadInternal True https host fullPath port stepper
-> M.Map (CI ByteString) ByteString -- ^ additional headers
-> Excepts '[DownloadFailed, HTTPNotModified] m Response
downloadToFile https host fullPath port destFile addHeaders = do
let stepper = BS.appendFile destFile
setup = BS.writeFile destFile mempty
catchAllE (\case
(V (HTTPStatusError i headers))
| i == 304
, Just e <- M.lookup (mk "etag") headers -> throwE $ HTTPNotModified (decUTF8Safe e)
v -> throwE $ DownloadFailed v
) $ downloadInternal True https host fullPath port stepper setup addHeaders
downloadInternal :: MonadIO m
@ -92,6 +94,8 @@ downloadInternal :: MonadIO m
-> ByteString -- ^ path with query
-> Maybe Int -- ^ optional port
-> (ByteString -> IO a) -- ^ the consuming step function
-> IO a -- ^ setup action
-> M.Map (CI ByteString) ByteString -- ^ additional headers
-> Excepts
'[ HTTPStatusError
, URIParseError
@ -100,19 +104,21 @@ downloadInternal :: MonadIO m
, TooManyRedirs
downloadInternal = go (5 :: Int)
go redirs progressBar https host path port consumer = do
go redirs progressBar https host path port consumer setup addHeaders = do
r <- liftIO $ withConnection' https host port action
veitherToExcepts r >>= \case
Just r' ->
Right r' ->
if redirs > 0 then followRedirectURL r' else throwE TooManyRedirs
Nothing -> pure ()
Left res -> pure res
action c = do
let q = buildRequest1 $ http GET path
let q = buildRequest1 $ do
http GET path
flip M.traverseWithKey addHeaders $ \key val -> setHeader (original key) val
sendRequest c q emptyBody
@ -121,28 +127,30 @@ downloadInternal = go (5 :: Int)
(\r i' -> runE $ do
let scode = getStatusCode r
| scode >= 200 && scode < 300 -> downloadStream r i' >> pure Nothing
| scode >= 200 && scode < 300 -> liftIO $ downloadStream r i' >> pure (Left r)
| scode == 304 -> throwE $ HTTPStatusError scode (getHeaderMap r)
| scode >= 300 && scode < 400 -> case getHeader r "Location" of
Just r' -> pure $ Just r'
Just r' -> pure $ Right r'
Nothing -> throwE NoLocationHeader
| otherwise -> throwE $ HTTPStatusError scode
| otherwise -> throwE $ HTTPStatusError scode (getHeaderMap r)
followRedirectURL bs = case parseURI strictURIParserOptions bs of
Right uri' -> do
(https', host', fullPath', port') <- liftE $ uriToQuadruple uri'
go (redirs - 1) progressBar https' host' fullPath' port' consumer
go (redirs - 1) progressBar https' host' fullPath' port' consumer setup addHeaders
Left e -> throwE e
downloadStream r i' = do
void setup
let size = case getHeader r "Content-Length" of
Just x' -> case decimal $ decUTF8Safe x' of
Left _ -> 0
Right (r', _) -> r'
Nothing -> 0
mpb <- if progressBar
then Just <$> liftIO (newProgressBar defStyle 10 (Progress 0 size ()))
(mpb :: Maybe (ProgressBar ())) <- if progressBar
then Just <$> newProgressBar defStyle 10 (Progress 0 size ())
else pure Nothing
outStream <- liftIO $ Streams.makeOutputStream
@ -155,79 +163,6 @@ downloadInternal = go (5 :: Int)
liftIO $ Streams.connect i' outStream
getHead :: (MonadCatch m, MonadIO m)
=> URI
-> Excepts
'[ HTTPStatusError
, URIParseError
, UnsupportedScheme
, NoLocationHeader
, TooManyRedirs
, ProcessError
(M.Map (CI ByteString) ByteString)
getHead uri' | scheme == "https" = head' True
| scheme == "http" = head' False
| otherwise = throwE UnsupportedScheme
scheme = view (uriSchemeL' % schemeBSL') uri'
head' https = do
(_, host', fullPath', port') <- liftE $ uriToQuadruple uri'
liftE $ headInternal https host' fullPath' port'
headInternal :: MonadIO m
=> Bool -- ^ https?
-> ByteString -- ^ host
-> ByteString -- ^ path with query
-> Maybe Int -- ^ optional port
-> Excepts
'[ HTTPStatusError
, URIParseError
, UnsupportedScheme
, TooManyRedirs
, NoLocationHeader
(M.Map (CI ByteString) ByteString)
headInternal = go (5 :: Int)
go redirs https host path port = do
r <- liftIO $ withConnection' https host port action
veitherToExcepts r >>= \case
Left r' ->
if redirs > 0 then followRedirectURL r' else throwE TooManyRedirs
Right hs -> pure hs
action c = do
let q = buildRequest1 $ http HEAD path
sendRequest c q emptyBody
(\r _ -> runE $ do
let scode = getStatusCode r
| scode >= 200 && scode < 300 -> do
let headers = getHeaderMap r
pure $ Right headers
| scode >= 300 && scode < 400 -> case getHeader r "Location" of
Just r' -> pure $ Left r'
Nothing -> throwE NoLocationHeader
| otherwise -> throwE $ HTTPStatusError scode
followRedirectURL bs = case parseURI strictURIParserOptions bs of
Right uri' -> do
(https', host', fullPath', port') <- liftE $ uriToQuadruple uri'
go (redirs - 1) https' host' fullPath' port'
Left e -> throwE e
withConnection' :: Bool
-> ByteString
@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ import Codec.Archive
import qualified Codec.Archive.Tar as Tar
import Control.Exception.Safe
import Data.ByteString ( ByteString )
import Data.CaseInsensitive ( CI )
import Data.String.Interpolate
import Data.Text ( Text )
import Data.Versions
@ -35,6 +37,8 @@ import Text.PrettyPrint hiding ( (<>) )
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJClass hiding ( (<>) )
import URI.ByteString
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
@ -180,13 +184,29 @@ instance Pretty DigestError where
text [i|Digest error: expected "#{expectedDigest}", but got "#{currentDigest}"|]
-- | Unexpected HTTP status.
data HTTPStatusError = HTTPStatusError Int
data HTTPStatusError = HTTPStatusError Int (M.Map (CI ByteString) ByteString)
deriving Show
instance Pretty HTTPStatusError where
pPrint (HTTPStatusError status) =
pPrint (HTTPStatusError status _) =
text [i|Unexpected HTTP status: #{status}|]
-- | Malformed headers.
data MalformedHeaders = MalformedHeaders Text
deriving Show
instance Pretty MalformedHeaders where
pPrint (MalformedHeaders h) =
text [i|Headers are malformed: #{h}|]
-- | Unexpected HTTP status.
data HTTPNotModified = HTTPNotModified Text
deriving Show
instance Pretty HTTPNotModified where
pPrint (HTTPNotModified etag) =
text [i|Remote resource not modifed, etag was: #{etag}|]
-- | The 'Location' header was expected during a 3xx redirect, but not found.
data NoLocationHeader = NoLocationHeader
deriving Show
@ -209,6 +209,20 @@ exec exe args chdir env = do
pure $ toProcessError exe args exit_code
-- | Thin wrapper around `executeFile`.
execShell :: MonadIO m
=> FilePath -- ^ thing to execute
-> [FilePath] -- ^ args for the thing
-> Maybe FilePath -- ^ optionally chdir into this
-> Maybe [(String, String)] -- ^ optional environment
-> m (Either ProcessError ())
execShell exe args chdir env = do
let cmd = exe <> " " <> concatMap (' ':) args
cp <- createProcessWithMingwPath ((shell cmd) { cwd = chdir, env = env })
exit_code <- liftIO $ withCreateProcess cp $ \_ _ _ p -> waitForProcess p
pure $ toProcessError cmd [] exit_code
chmod_755 :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> m ()
chmod_755 fp =
let perm = setOwnerWritable True emptyPermissions
@ -410,12 +410,7 @@ rmPathForcibly :: ( MonadIO m
-> m ()
rmPathForcibly fp =
#if defined(IS_WINDOWS)
recovering (fullJitterBackoff 25000 <> limitRetries 10)
[\_ -> Handler (\e -> pure $ isPermissionError e)
,\_ -> Handler (\e -> pure (ioeGetErrorType e == InappropriateType))
,\_ -> Handler (\e -> pure (ioeGetErrorType e == UnsatisfiedConstraints))
(\_ -> liftIO $ removePathForcibly fp)
recover (liftIO $ removePathForcibly fp)
liftIO $ removePathForcibly fp
@ -426,12 +421,7 @@ rmDirectory :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m)
-> m ()
rmDirectory fp =
#if defined(IS_WINDOWS)
recovering (fullJitterBackoff 25000 <> limitRetries 10)
[\_ -> Handler (\e -> pure $ isPermissionError e)
,\_ -> Handler (\e -> pure (ioeGetErrorType e == UnsatisfiedConstraints))
,\_ -> Handler (\e -> pure (ioeGetErrorType e == InappropriateType))
(\_ -> liftIO $ removeDirectory fp)
recover (liftIO $ removeDirectory fp)
liftIO $ removeDirectory fp
@ -469,12 +459,7 @@ rmFile :: ( MonadIO m
-> m ()
rmFile fp =
#if defined(IS_WINDOWS)
recovering (fullJitterBackoff 25000 <> limitRetries 10)
[\_ -> Handler (\e -> pure $ isPermissionError e)
,\_ -> Handler (\e -> pure (ioeGetErrorType e == InappropriateType))
,\_ -> Handler (\e -> pure (ioeGetErrorType e == UnsatisfiedConstraints))
(\_ -> liftIO $ removeFile fp)
recover (liftIO $ removeFile fp)
liftIO $ removeFile fp
@ -485,12 +470,7 @@ rmDirectoryLink :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m, MonadReader env m, HasDirs env)
-> m ()
rmDirectoryLink fp =
#if defined(IS_WINDOWS)
recovering (fullJitterBackoff 25000 <> limitRetries 10)
[\_ -> Handler (\e -> pure $ isPermissionError e)
,\_ -> Handler (\e -> pure (ioeGetErrorType e == InappropriateType))
,\_ -> Handler (\e -> pure (ioeGetErrorType e == UnsatisfiedConstraints))
(\_ -> liftIO $ removeDirectoryLink fp)
recover (liftIO $ removeDirectoryLink fp)
liftIO $ removeDirectoryLink fp
@ -525,6 +505,14 @@ stripNewline s
| otherwise = head s : stripNewline (tail s)
-- | Strip @\\r@ and @\\n@ from 'ByteString's
stripNewline' :: T.Text -> T.Text
stripNewline' s
| T.null s = mempty
| T.head s `elem` "\n\r" = stripNewline' (T.tail s)
| otherwise = T.singleton (T.head s) <> stripNewline' (T.tail s)
isNewLine :: Word8 -> Bool
isNewLine w
| w == _lf = True
Reference in New Issue
Block a user