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2021-10-15 20:24:23 +00:00
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module GHCup.OptParse.Set where
import GHCup.OptParse.Common
import GHCup
import GHCup.Errors
import GHCup.Types
2022-05-21 20:54:18 +00:00
import GHCup.Prelude.Logger
import GHCup.Prelude.String.QQ
2021-10-15 20:24:23 +00:00
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,13,0)
import Control.Monad.Fail ( MonadFail )
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource
import Data.Either
import Data.Functor
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Versions hiding ( str )
import GHC.Unicode
import Haskus.Utils.Variant.Excepts
import Options.Applicative hiding ( style )
import Options.Applicative.Help.Pretty ( text )
import Prelude hiding ( appendFile )
import System.Exit
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJClass ( prettyShow )
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Bifunctor (second)
import Control.Exception.Safe (MonadMask)
import GHCup.Types.Optics
--[ Commands ]--
data SetCommand = SetGHC SetOptions
| SetCabal SetOptions
| SetHLS SetOptions
| SetStack SetOptions
--[ Options ]--
data SetOptions = SetOptions
{ sToolVer :: SetToolVersion
--[ Parsers ]--
2021-10-15 20:24:23 +00:00
setParser :: Parser (Either SetCommand SetOptions)
setParser =
(Left <$> subparser
( command
( SetGHC
<$> info
(setOpts GHC <**> helper)
2021-10-15 20:24:23 +00:00
( progDesc "Set GHC version"
<> footerDoc (Just $ text setGHCFooter)
<> command
( SetCabal
<$> info
(setOpts Cabal <**> helper)
2021-10-15 20:24:23 +00:00
( progDesc "Set Cabal version"
<> footerDoc (Just $ text setCabalFooter)
<> command
( SetHLS
<$> info
(setOpts HLS <**> helper)
2021-10-15 20:24:23 +00:00
( progDesc "Set haskell-language-server version"
<> footerDoc (Just $ text setHLSFooter)
<> command
( SetStack
<$> info
(setOpts Stack <**> helper)
2021-10-15 20:24:23 +00:00
( progDesc "Set stack version"
<> footerDoc (Just $ text setStackFooter)
<|> (Right <$> setOpts GHC)
2021-10-15 20:24:23 +00:00
setGHCFooter :: String
setGHCFooter = [s|Discussion:
Sets the the current GHC version by creating non-versioned
symlinks for all ghc binaries of the specified version in
setCabalFooter :: String
setCabalFooter = [s|Discussion:
Sets the the current Cabal version.|]
setStackFooter :: String
setStackFooter = [s|Discussion:
Sets the the current Stack version.|]
setHLSFooter :: String
setHLSFooter = [s|Discussion:
Sets the the current haskell-language-server version.|]
setOpts :: Tool -> Parser SetOptions
2021-10-15 20:24:23 +00:00
setOpts tool = SetOptions <$>
(fromMaybe SetRecommended <$>
optional (setVersionArgument (Just ListInstalled) tool))
setVersionArgument :: Maybe ListCriteria -> Tool -> Parser SetToolVersion
2021-10-15 20:24:23 +00:00
setVersionArgument criteria tool =
argument (eitherReader setEither)
(metavar "VERSION|TAG|next"
<> completer (tagCompleter tool ["next"])
<> (completer . versionCompleter criteria) tool)
2021-10-15 20:24:23 +00:00
setEither s' =
parseSet s'
<|> second SetToolTag (tagEither s')
<|> se s'
se s' = case tool of
GHC -> second SetGHCVersion (ghcVersionEither s')
_ -> second SetToolVersion (toolVersionEither s')
2021-10-15 20:24:23 +00:00
parseSet s' = case fmap toLower s' of
"next" -> Right SetNext
other -> Left $ "Unknown tag/version " <> other
--[ Footer ]--
setFooter :: String
setFooter = [s|Discussion:
Sets the currently active GHC or cabal version. When no command is given,
defaults to setting GHC with the specified version/tag (if no tag
is given, sets GHC to 'recommended' version).
It is recommended to always specify a subcommand (ghc/cabal/hls/stack).|]
--[ Effect interpreters ]--
type SetGHCEffects = '[ FileDoesNotExistError
, NotInstalled
, TagNotFound
, NextVerNotFound
, NoToolVersionSet]
runSetGHC :: (ReaderT env m (VEither SetGHCEffects a) -> m (VEither SetGHCEffects a))
-> Excepts SetGHCEffects (ReaderT env m) a
-> m (VEither SetGHCEffects a)
runSetGHC runAppState =
. runE
type SetCabalEffects = '[ NotInstalled
, TagNotFound
, NextVerNotFound
, NoToolVersionSet]
runSetCabal :: (ReaderT env m (VEither SetCabalEffects a) -> m (VEither SetCabalEffects a))
-> Excepts SetCabalEffects (ReaderT env m) a
-> m (VEither SetCabalEffects a)
runSetCabal runAppState =
. runE
type SetHLSEffects = '[ NotInstalled
, TagNotFound
, NextVerNotFound
, NoToolVersionSet]
runSetHLS :: (ReaderT env m (VEither SetHLSEffects a) -> m (VEither SetHLSEffects a))
-> Excepts SetHLSEffects (ReaderT env m) a
-> m (VEither SetHLSEffects a)
runSetHLS runAppState =
. runE
type SetStackEffects = '[ NotInstalled
, TagNotFound
, NextVerNotFound
, NoToolVersionSet]
runSetStack :: (ReaderT env m (VEither SetStackEffects a) -> m (VEither SetStackEffects a))
-> Excepts SetStackEffects (ReaderT env m) a
-> m (VEither SetStackEffects a)
runSetStack runAppState =
. runE
--[ Entrypoints ]--
set :: forall m env.
( Monad m
, MonadMask m
, MonadUnliftIO m
, MonadFail m
, HasDirs env
, HasLog env
=> Either SetCommand SetOptions
-> (forall eff . ReaderT AppState m (VEither eff GHCTargetVersion)
-> m (VEither eff GHCTargetVersion))
-> (forall eff. ReaderT env m (VEither eff GHCTargetVersion)
-> m (VEither eff GHCTargetVersion))
-> (ReaderT LeanAppState m () -> m ())
-> m ExitCode
set setCommand runAppState runLeanAppState runLogger = case setCommand of
(Right sopts) -> do
runLogger (logWarn "This is an old-style command for setting GHC. Use 'ghcup set ghc' instead.")
setGHC' sopts
(Left (SetGHC sopts)) -> setGHC' sopts
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(Left (SetCabal sopts)) -> setCabal' sopts
(Left (SetHLS sopts)) -> setHLS' sopts
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(Left (SetStack sopts)) -> setStack' sopts
setGHC' :: SetOptions
-> m ExitCode
setGHC' SetOptions{ sToolVer } =
case sToolVer of
(SetGHCVersion v) -> runSetGHC runLeanAppState (liftE $ setGHC v SetGHCOnly Nothing >> pure v)
2021-10-15 20:24:23 +00:00
_ -> runSetGHC runAppState (do
v <- liftE $ fst <$> fromVersion' sToolVer GHC
2022-02-09 17:57:59 +00:00
liftE $ setGHC v SetGHCOnly Nothing
2021-10-15 20:24:23 +00:00
>>= \case
VRight GHCTargetVersion{..} -> do
$ logInfo $
"GHC " <> prettyVer _tvVersion <> " successfully set as default version" <> maybe "" (" for cross target " <>) _tvTarget
pure ExitSuccess
VLeft e -> do
runLogger $ logError $ T.pack $ prettyShow e
pure $ ExitFailure 5
setCabal' :: SetOptions
-> m ExitCode
setCabal' SetOptions{ sToolVer } =
case sToolVer of
(SetToolVersion v) -> runSetCabal runLeanAppState (liftE $ setCabal v >> pure (mkTVer v))
2021-10-15 20:24:23 +00:00
_ -> runSetCabal runAppState (do
v <- liftE $ fst <$> fromVersion' sToolVer Cabal
liftE $ setCabal (_tvVersion v)
pure v
>>= \case
VRight v -> do
2021-10-15 20:24:23 +00:00
$ logInfo $
"Cabal " <> prettyVer (_tvVersion v) <> " successfully set as default version"
2021-10-15 20:24:23 +00:00
pure ExitSuccess
VLeft e -> do
runLogger $ logError $ T.pack $ prettyShow e
pure $ ExitFailure 14
setHLS' :: SetOptions
-> m ExitCode
setHLS' SetOptions{ sToolVer } =
case sToolVer of
(SetToolVersion v) -> runSetHLS runLeanAppState (liftE $ setHLS v SetHLSOnly Nothing >> pure (mkTVer v))
2021-10-15 20:24:23 +00:00
_ -> runSetHLS runAppState (do
v <- liftE $ fst <$> fromVersion' sToolVer HLS
2022-02-09 17:57:59 +00:00
liftE $ setHLS (_tvVersion v) SetHLSOnly Nothing
2021-10-15 20:24:23 +00:00
pure v
>>= \case
VRight v -> do
2021-10-15 20:24:23 +00:00
$ logInfo $
"HLS " <> prettyVer (_tvVersion v) <> " successfully set as default version"
2021-10-15 20:24:23 +00:00
pure ExitSuccess
VLeft e -> do
runLogger $ logError $ T.pack $ prettyShow e
pure $ ExitFailure 14
setStack' :: SetOptions
-> m ExitCode
setStack' SetOptions{ sToolVer } =
case sToolVer of
(SetToolVersion v) -> runSetStack runLeanAppState (liftE $ setStack v >> pure (mkTVer v))
2021-10-15 20:24:23 +00:00
_ -> runSetStack runAppState (do
v <- liftE $ fst <$> fromVersion' sToolVer Stack
liftE $ setStack (_tvVersion v)
pure v
>>= \case
VRight v -> do
2021-10-15 20:24:23 +00:00
$ logInfo $
"Stack " <> prettyVer (_tvVersion v) <> " successfully set as default version"
2021-10-15 20:24:23 +00:00
pure ExitSuccess
VLeft e -> do
runLogger $ logError $ T.pack $ prettyShow e
pure $ ExitFailure 14