234 lines
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234 lines
6.0 KiB
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module GHCup.OptParse.Rm where
import GHCup
import GHCup.Errors
import GHCup.Types
import GHCup.Types.Optics
import GHCup.Utils
import GHCup.Utils.Logger
import GHCup.OptParse.Common
import GHCup.Utils.String.QQ
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,13,0)
import Control.Monad.Fail ( MonadFail )
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource
import Data.Functor
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Versions hiding ( str )
import Haskus.Utils.Variant.Excepts
import Options.Applicative hiding ( style )
import Prelude hiding ( appendFile )
import System.Exit
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJClass ( prettyShow )
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Control.Exception.Safe (MonadMask)
--[ Commands ]--
data RmCommand = RmGHC RmOptions
| RmCabal Version
| RmHLS Version
| RmStack Version
--[ Options ]--
data RmOptions = RmOptions
{ ghcVer :: GHCTargetVersion
--[ Parsers ]--
rmParser :: Parser (Either RmCommand RmOptions)
rmParser =
(Left <$> subparser
( command
(RmGHC <$> info (rmOpts (Just GHC) <**> helper) (progDesc "Remove GHC version"))
<> command
( RmCabal
<$> info (versionParser' (Just ListInstalled) (Just Cabal) <**> helper)
(progDesc "Remove Cabal version")
<> command
<$> info (versionParser' (Just ListInstalled) (Just HLS) <**> helper)
(progDesc "Remove haskell-language-server version")
<> command
( RmStack
<$> info (versionParser' (Just ListInstalled) (Just Stack) <**> helper)
(progDesc "Remove stack version")
<|> (Right <$> rmOpts Nothing)
rmOpts :: Maybe Tool -> Parser RmOptions
rmOpts tool = RmOptions <$> versionArgument (Just ListInstalled) tool
--[ Footer ]--
rmFooter :: String
rmFooter = [s|Discussion:
Remove the given GHC or cabal version. When no command is given,
defaults to removing GHC with the specified version.
It is recommended to always specify a subcommand (ghc/cabal/hls/stack).|]
--[ Effect interpreters ]--
type RmEffects = '[ NotInstalled ]
runRm :: (ReaderT env m (VEither RmEffects a) -> m (VEither RmEffects a))
-> (Excepts RmEffects (ReaderT env m) a)
-> m (VEither RmEffects a)
runRm runAppState =
. runE
--[ Entrypoint ]--
rm :: ( Monad m
, MonadMask m
, MonadUnliftIO m
, MonadFail m
=> (Either RmCommand RmOptions)
-> (ReaderT AppState m (VEither RmEffects (Maybe VersionInfo))
-> m (VEither RmEffects (Maybe VersionInfo)))
-> (ReaderT LeanAppState m () -> m ())
-> m ExitCode
rm rmCommand runAppState runLogger = case rmCommand of
(Right rmopts) -> do
runLogger (logWarn "This is an old-style command for removing GHC. Use 'ghcup rm ghc' instead.")
rmGHC' rmopts
(Left (RmGHC rmopts)) -> rmGHC' rmopts
(Left (RmCabal rmopts)) -> rmCabal' rmopts
(Left (RmHLS rmopts)) -> rmHLS' rmopts
(Left (RmStack rmopts)) -> rmStack' rmopts
rmGHC' RmOptions{..} =
runRm runAppState (do
liftE $
rmGHCVer ghcVer
GHCupInfo { _ghcupDownloads = dls } <- lift getGHCupInfo
pure (getVersionInfo (_tvVersion ghcVer) GHC dls)
>>= \case
VRight vi -> do
forM_ (_viPostRemove =<< vi) $ \msg ->
runLogger $ logInfo msg
pure ExitSuccess
VLeft e -> do
runLogger $ logError $ T.pack $ prettyShow e
pure $ ExitFailure 7
rmCabal' tv =
runRm runAppState (do
liftE $
rmCabalVer tv
GHCupInfo { _ghcupDownloads = dls } <- lift getGHCupInfo
pure (getVersionInfo tv Cabal dls)
>>= \case
VRight vi -> do
forM_ (_viPostRemove =<< vi) $ \msg ->
runLogger $ logInfo msg
pure ExitSuccess
VLeft e -> do
runLogger $ logError $ T.pack $ prettyShow e
pure $ ExitFailure 15
rmHLS' tv =
runRm runAppState (do
liftE $
rmHLSVer tv
GHCupInfo { _ghcupDownloads = dls } <- lift getGHCupInfo
pure (getVersionInfo tv HLS dls)
>>= \case
VRight vi -> do
forM_ (_viPostRemove =<< vi) $ \msg ->
runLogger $ logInfo msg
pure ExitSuccess
VLeft e -> do
runLogger $ logError $ T.pack $ prettyShow e
pure $ ExitFailure 15
rmStack' tv =
runRm runAppState (do
liftE $
rmStackVer tv
GHCupInfo { _ghcupDownloads = dls } <- lift getGHCupInfo
pure (getVersionInfo tv Stack dls)
>>= \case
VRight vi -> do
forM_ (_viPostRemove =<< vi) $ \msg ->
runLogger $ logInfo msg
pure ExitSuccess
VLeft e -> do
runLogger $ logError $ T.pack $ prettyShow e
pure $ ExitFailure 15