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2021-05-14 21:09:45 +00:00
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
2022-05-13 09:58:01 +00:00
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
2022-05-16 23:55:56 +00:00
2021-05-14 21:09:45 +00:00
Module : GHCup.Utils.File.Posix
Description : File and unix APIs
Copyright : (c) Julian Ospald, 2020
License : LGPL-3.0
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : POSIX
This module handles file and executable handling.
Some of these functions use sophisticated logging.
module GHCup.Utils.File.Posix where
import GHCup.Utils.Dirs
2021-05-14 21:09:45 +00:00
import GHCup.Utils.File.Common
import GHCup.Utils.Prelude
2021-09-23 10:53:01 +00:00
import GHCup.Utils.Logger
2021-05-14 21:09:45 +00:00
import GHCup.Types
import GHCup.Types.Optics
2022-05-14 15:58:11 +00:00
import GHCup.Utils.File.Posix.Traversals
2021-05-14 21:09:45 +00:00
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.Async
2022-05-14 15:58:11 +00:00
import qualified Control.Exception as E
2021-05-14 21:09:45 +00:00
import Control.Exception.Safe
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict
import Data.ByteString ( ByteString )
import Data.Foldable
import Data.IORef
import Data.Sequence ( Seq, (|>) )
import Data.List
import Data.Word8
import Foreign.C.String
import Foreign.C.Types
2021-05-14 21:09:45 +00:00
import GHC.IO.Exception
import System.IO ( stderr, hClose, hSetBinaryMode )
2021-05-14 21:09:45 +00:00
import System.IO.Error
import System.FilePath
import System.Posix.Directory
import System.Posix.Error ( throwErrnoPathIfMinus1Retry )
import System.Posix.Internals ( withFilePath )
2021-05-14 21:09:45 +00:00
import System.Posix.Files
import System.Posix.IO
import System.Posix.Process ( ProcessStatus(..) )
import System.Posix.Types
import qualified Control.Exception as EX
import qualified Data.Sequence as Sq
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
import qualified System.Posix.Directory as PD
import qualified System.Posix.Files as PF
2021-05-14 21:09:45 +00:00
import qualified System.Posix.Process as SPP
import qualified System.Posix.IO as SPI
2021-11-22 21:51:38 +00:00
import qualified System.Console.Terminal.Size as TP
import qualified System.Posix as Posix
2021-05-14 21:09:45 +00:00
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified "unix-bytestring" System.Posix.IO.ByteString
import qualified Streamly.FileSystem.Handle as FH
import qualified Streamly.Internal.FileSystem.Handle
as IFH
import qualified Streamly.Prelude as S
import qualified GHCup.Utils.File.Posix.Foreign as FD
2022-05-14 15:58:11 +00:00
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Stream.StreamD.Type
as D
import Streamly.Internal.Data.Unfold.Type
import qualified Streamly.Internal.Data.Unfold as U
import Streamly.Internal.Control.Concurrent ( withRunInIO )
import Streamly.Internal.Data.IOFinalizer ( newIOFinalizer, runIOFinalizer )
2021-05-14 21:09:45 +00:00
-- | Execute the given command and collect the stdout, stderr and the exit code.
-- The command is run in a subprocess.
executeOut :: MonadIO m
=> FilePath -- ^ command as filename, e.g. 'ls'
-> [String] -- ^ arguments to the command
-> Maybe FilePath -- ^ chdir to this path
-> m CapturedProcess
executeOut path args chdir = liftIO $ captureOutStreams $ do
maybe (pure ()) changeWorkingDirectory chdir
SPP.executeFile path True args Nothing
execLogged :: ( MonadReader env m
, HasSettings env
2021-11-11 23:58:21 +00:00
, HasLog env
, HasDirs env
, MonadIO m
, MonadThrow m)
2021-05-14 21:09:45 +00:00
=> FilePath -- ^ thing to execute
-> [String] -- ^ args for the thing
-> Maybe FilePath -- ^ optionally chdir into this
-> FilePath -- ^ log filename (opened in append mode)
-> Maybe [(String, String)] -- ^ optional environment
-> m (Either ProcessError ())
execLogged exe args chdir lfile env = do
Settings {..} <- getSettings
Dirs {..} <- getDirs
2021-11-11 23:58:21 +00:00
logDebug $ T.pack $ "Running " <> exe <> " with arguments " <> show args
let logfile = fromGHCupPath logsDir </> lfile <> ".log"
2021-05-14 21:09:45 +00:00
liftIO $ bracket (openFd logfile WriteOnly (Just newFilePerms) defaultFileFlags{ append = True })
(action verbose noColor)
2021-05-14 21:09:45 +00:00
action verbose no_color fd = do
2021-05-14 21:09:45 +00:00
actionWithPipes $ \(stdoutRead, stdoutWrite) -> do
-- start the thread that logs to stdout
pState <- newEmptyMVar
done <- newEmptyMVar
$ forkIO
$ EX.handle (\(_ :: IOException) -> pure ())
$ EX.finally
(if verbose
then tee fd stdoutRead
else printToRegion fd stdoutRead 6 pState no_color
2021-05-14 21:09:45 +00:00
(putMVar done ())
-- fork the subprocess
pid <- SPP.forkProcess $ do
void $ dupTo stdoutWrite stdOutput
void $ dupTo stdoutWrite stdError
closeFd stdoutRead
closeFd stdoutWrite
-- execute the action
maybe (pure ()) changeWorkingDirectory chdir
void $ SPP.executeFile exe (not ("./" `isPrefixOf` exe)) args env
closeFd stdoutWrite
-- wait for the subprocess to finish
e <- toProcessError exe args <$!> SPP.getProcessStatus True True pid
putMVar pState (either (const False) (const True) e)
void $ race (takeMVar done) (threadDelay (1000000 * 3))
closeFd stdoutRead
pure e
tee :: Fd -> Fd -> IO ()
2021-08-29 15:08:06 +00:00
tee fileFd = readTilEOF lineAction
2021-05-14 21:09:45 +00:00
lineAction :: ByteString -> IO ()
lineAction bs' = do
void $ SPIB.fdWrite fileFd (bs' <> "\n")
void $ SPIB.fdWrite stdOutput (bs' <> "\n")
-- Reads fdIn and logs the output in a continous scrolling area
-- of 'size' terminal lines. Also writes to a log file.
printToRegion :: Fd -> Fd -> Int -> MVar Bool -> Bool -> IO ()
printToRegion fileFd fdIn size pState no_color = do
-- init region
2022-01-19 14:40:58 +00:00
forM_ [1..size] $ \_ -> BS.hPut stderr "\n"
void $ flip runStateT mempty
$ do
(\(ex :: SomeException) -> do
ps <- liftIO $ takeMVar pState
2022-01-19 14:40:58 +00:00
when ps (liftIO $ BS.hPut stderr (pos1 <> moveLineUp size <> clearScreen))
throw ex
) $ readTilEOF lineAction fdIn
2021-05-14 21:09:45 +00:00
clearScreen :: ByteString
clearScreen = "\x1b[0J"
clearLine :: ByteString
clearLine = "\x1b[2K"
moveLineUp :: Int -> ByteString
moveLineUp n = "\x1b[" <> E.encodeUtf8 (T.pack (show n)) <> "A"
moveLineDown :: Int -> ByteString
moveLineDown n = "\x1b[" <> E.encodeUtf8 (T.pack (show n)) <> "B"
pos1 :: ByteString
pos1 = "\r"
overwriteNthLine :: Int -> ByteString -> ByteString
overwriteNthLine n str = pos1 <> moveLineUp n <> clearLine <> str <> moveLineDown n <> pos1
blue :: ByteString -> ByteString
blue bs
| no_color = bs
| otherwise = "\x1b[0;34m" <> bs <> "\x1b[0m"
2021-05-14 21:09:45 +00:00
-- action to perform line by line
lineAction :: (MonadMask m, MonadIO m)
=> ByteString
2021-05-14 21:09:45 +00:00
-> StateT (Seq ByteString) m ()
lineAction = \bs' -> do
2021-05-14 21:09:45 +00:00
void $ liftIO $ SPIB.fdWrite fileFd (bs' <> "\n")
modify (swapRegs bs')
liftIO TP.size >>= \case
Nothing -> pure ()
2021-11-22 21:51:38 +00:00
Just (TP.Window _ w) -> do
regs <- get
liftIO $ forM_ ( regs (Sq.fromList [0..(Sq.length regs - 1)])) $ \(bs, i) -> do
2022-01-19 14:40:58 +00:00
BS.hPut stderr
. overwriteNthLine (size - i)
. trim w
. blue
. (\b -> "[ " <> E.encodeUtf8 (T.pack lfile) <> " ] " <> b)
$ bs
2021-05-14 21:09:45 +00:00
swapRegs :: a -> Seq a -> Seq a
swapRegs bs = \regs -> if
| Sq.length regs < size -> regs |> bs
| otherwise -> Sq.drop 1 regs |> bs
-- trim output line to terminal width
trim :: Int -> ByteString -> ByteString
trim w = \bs -> if
| BS.length bs > w && w > 5 -> BS.take (w - 4) bs <> "..."
| otherwise -> bs
-- Consecutively read from Fd in 512 chunks until we hit
-- newline or EOF.
readLine :: MonadIO m
=> Fd -- ^ input file descriptor
-> ByteString -- ^ rest buffer (read across newline)
-> m (ByteString, ByteString, Bool) -- ^ (full line, rest, eof)
readLine fd = go
go inBs = do
-- if buffer is not empty, process it first
mbs <- if BS.length inBs == 0
-- otherwise attempt read
then liftIO
$ handleIO (\e -> if isEOFError e then pure Nothing else ioError e)
$ fmap Just
$ SPIB.fdRead fd 512
else pure $ Just inBs
case mbs of
Nothing -> pure ("", "", True)
Just bs -> do
-- split on newline
let (line, rest) = BS.span (/= _lf) bs
| BS.length rest /= 0 -> pure (line, BS.tail rest, False)
-- if rest is empty, then there was no newline, process further
| otherwise -> (\(l, r, b) -> (line <> l, r, b)) <$!> go mempty
readTilEOF :: MonadIO m => (ByteString -> m a) -> Fd -> m ()
readTilEOF ~action' fd' = go mempty
go bs' = do
(bs, rest, eof) <- readLine fd' bs'
if eof
then liftIO $ ioError (mkIOError eofErrorType "" Nothing Nothing)
else void (action' bs) >> go rest
-- | Capture the stdout and stderr of the given action, which
-- is run in a subprocess. Stdin is closed. You might want to
-- 'race' this to make sure it terminates.
captureOutStreams :: IO a
-- ^ the action to execute in a subprocess
-> IO CapturedProcess
captureOutStreams action = do
actionWithPipes $ \(parentStdoutRead, childStdoutWrite) ->
actionWithPipes $ \(parentStderrRead, childStderrWrite) -> do
pid <- SPP.forkProcess $ do
-- dup stdout
void $ dupTo childStdoutWrite stdOutput
closeFd childStdoutWrite
closeFd parentStdoutRead
-- dup stderr
void $ dupTo childStderrWrite stdError
closeFd childStderrWrite
closeFd parentStderrRead
-- execute the action
a <- action
2022-05-14 15:58:11 +00:00
void $ E.evaluate a
2021-05-14 21:09:45 +00:00
-- close everything we don't need
closeFd childStdoutWrite
closeFd childStderrWrite
-- start thread that writes the output
refOut <- newIORef BL.empty
refErr <- newIORef BL.empty
done <- newEmptyMVar
_ <-
$ EX.handle (\(_ :: IOException) -> pure ())
$ flip EX.finally (putMVar done ())
$ writeStds parentStdoutRead parentStderrRead refOut refErr
status <- SPP.getProcessStatus True True pid
void $ race (takeMVar done) (threadDelay (1000000 * 3))
case status of
-- readFd will take care of closing the fd
Just (SPP.Exited es) -> do
stdout' <- readIORef refOut
stderr' <- readIORef refErr
pure $ CapturedProcess { _exitCode = es
, _stdOut = stdout'
, _stdErr = stderr'
_ -> throwIO $ userError ("No such PID " ++ show pid)
writeStds :: Fd -> Fd -> IORef BL.ByteString -> IORef BL.ByteString -> IO ()
writeStds pout perr rout rerr = do
doneOut <- newEmptyMVar
$ forkIO
$ hideError eofErrorType
$ flip EX.finally (putMVar doneOut ())
$ readTilEOF (\x -> modifyIORef' rout (<> BL.fromStrict x)) pout
doneErr <- newEmptyMVar
$ forkIO
$ hideError eofErrorType
$ flip EX.finally (putMVar doneErr ())
$ readTilEOF (\x -> modifyIORef' rerr (<> BL.fromStrict x)) perr
takeMVar doneOut
takeMVar doneErr
readTilEOF ~action' fd' = do
bs <- SPIB.fdRead fd' 512
void $ action' bs
readTilEOF action' fd'
actionWithPipes :: ((Fd, Fd) -> IO b) -> IO b
actionWithPipes a =
createPipe >>= \(p1, p2) -> flip finally (cleanup [p1, p2]) $ a (p1, p2)
cleanup :: [Fd] -> IO ()
cleanup fds = for_ fds $ \fd -> handleIO (\_ -> pure ()) $ closeFd fd
-- | Create a new regular file in write-only mode. The file must not exist.
createRegularFileFd :: FileMode -> FilePath -> IO Fd
createRegularFileFd fm dest =
openFd dest WriteOnly (Just fm) defaultFileFlags{ exclusive = True }
-- | Thin wrapper around `executeFile`.
exec :: MonadIO m
=> String -- ^ thing to execute
-> [String] -- ^ args for the thing
-> Maybe FilePath -- ^ optionally chdir into this
-> Maybe [(String, String)] -- ^ optional environment
-> m (Either ProcessError ())
exec exe args chdir env = liftIO $ do
pid <- SPP.forkProcess $ do
maybe (pure ()) changeWorkingDirectory chdir
SPP.executeFile exe (not ("./" `isPrefixOf` exe)) args env
fmap (toProcessError exe args) $ SPP.getProcessStatus True True pid
toProcessError :: FilePath
-> [String]
-> Maybe ProcessStatus
-> Either ProcessError ()
toProcessError exe args mps = case mps of
Just (SPP.Exited (ExitFailure xi)) -> Left $ NonZeroExit xi exe args
Just (SPP.Exited ExitSuccess ) -> Right ()
Just (Terminated _ _ ) -> Left $ PTerminated exe args
Just (Stopped _ ) -> Left $ PStopped exe args
Nothing -> Left $ NoSuchPid exe args
2021-08-30 20:41:58 +00:00
chmod_755 :: (MonadReader env m, HasLog env, MonadIO m) => FilePath -> m ()
2021-05-14 21:09:45 +00:00
chmod_755 fp = do
let exe_mode =
`unionFileModes` ownerExecuteMode
`unionFileModes` ownerReadMode
`unionFileModes` ownerWriteMode
`unionFileModes` groupExecuteMode
`unionFileModes` groupReadMode
`unionFileModes` otherExecuteMode
`unionFileModes` otherReadMode
2021-08-30 20:41:58 +00:00
logDebug ("chmod 755 " <> T.pack fp)
2021-05-14 21:09:45 +00:00
liftIO $ setFileMode fp exe_mode
-- |Default permissions for a new file.
newFilePerms :: FileMode
newFilePerms =
`unionFileModes` ownerReadMode
`unionFileModes` groupWriteMode
`unionFileModes` groupReadMode
`unionFileModes` otherWriteMode
`unionFileModes` otherReadMode
-- | Checks whether the binary is a broken link.
isBrokenSymlink :: FilePath -> IO Bool
isBrokenSymlink fp = do
try (pathIsSymbolicLink fp) >>= \case
Right True -> do
let symDir = takeDirectory fp
tfp <- getSymbolicLinkTarget fp
not <$> doesPathExist
-- this drops 'symDir' if 'tfp' is absolute
(symDir </> tfp)
Right b -> pure b
Left e | isDoesNotExistError e -> pure False
| otherwise -> throwIO e
copyFile :: FilePath -- ^ source file
-> FilePath -- ^ destination file
-> Bool -- ^ fail if file exists
-> IO ()
copyFile from to fail' = do
2022-05-13 09:58:01 +00:00
(openFdHandle from SPI.ReadOnly [FD.oNofollow] Nothing)
(hClose . snd)
$ \(fromFd, fH) -> do
2022-05-13 09:58:01 +00:00
sourceFileMode <- fileMode <$> getFdStatus fromFd
let dflags = [ FD.oNofollow
, if fail' then FD.oExcl else FD.oTrunc
(openFdHandle to SPI.WriteOnly dflags $ Just sourceFileMode)
(hClose . snd)
$ \(_, tH) -> do
hSetBinaryMode fH True
hSetBinaryMode tH True
streamlyCopy (fH, tH)
2022-05-13 09:58:01 +00:00
openFdHandle fp omode flags fM = do
fd <- openFd' fp omode flags fM
handle' <- SPI.fdToHandle fd
pure (fd, handle')
streamlyCopy (fH, tH) =
S.fold (FH.writeChunks tH) $ IFH.toChunksWithBufferOf (256 * 1024) fH
2022-05-16 23:55:56 +00:00
foreign import capi unsafe "fcntl.h open"
c_open :: CString -> CInt -> Posix.CMode -> IO CInt
open_ :: CString
-> Posix.OpenMode
-> [FD.Flags]
-> Maybe Posix.FileMode
-> IO Posix.Fd
open_ str how optional_flags maybe_mode = do
fd <- c_open str all_flags mode_w
return (Posix.Fd fd)
all_flags = FD.unionFlags $ optional_flags ++ [open_mode] ++ creat
(creat, mode_w) = case maybe_mode of
Nothing -> ([],0)
Just x -> ([FD.oCreat], x)
open_mode = case how of
Posix.ReadOnly -> FD.oRdonly
Posix.WriteOnly -> FD.oWronly
Posix.ReadWrite -> FD.oRdwr
-- |Open and optionally create this file. See 'System.Posix.Files'
-- for information on how to use the 'FileMode' type.
-- Note that passing @Just x@ as the 4th argument triggers the
-- `oCreat` status flag, which must be set when you pass in `oExcl`
-- to the status flags. Also see the manpage for @open(2)@.
openFd' :: FilePath
-> Posix.OpenMode
-> [FD.Flags] -- ^ status flags of @open(2)@
-> Maybe Posix.FileMode -- ^ @Just x@ => creates the file with the given modes, Nothing => the file must exist.
-> IO Posix.Fd
openFd' name how optional_flags maybe_mode =
withFilePath name $ \str ->
throwErrnoPathIfMinus1Retry "openFd" name $
open_ str how optional_flags maybe_mode
-- |Deletes the given file. Raises `eISDIR`
-- if run on a directory. Does not follow symbolic links.
-- Throws:
-- - `InappropriateType` for wrong file type (directory)
-- - `NoSuchThing` if the file does not exist
-- - `PermissionDenied` if the directory cannot be read
-- Notes: calls `unlink`
deleteFile :: FilePath -> IO ()
deleteFile = removeLink
-- |Recreate a symlink.
-- In `Overwrite` copy mode only files and empty directories are deleted.
-- Safety/reliability concerns:
-- * `Overwrite` mode is inherently non-atomic
-- Throws:
-- - `InvalidArgument` if source file is wrong type (not a symlink)
-- - `PermissionDenied` if output directory cannot be written to
-- - `PermissionDenied` if source directory cannot be opened
-- - `SameFile` if source and destination are the same file
-- (`HPathIOException`)
-- Throws in `Strict` mode only:
-- - `AlreadyExists` if destination already exists
-- Throws in `Overwrite` mode only:
-- - `UnsatisfiedConstraints` if destination file is non-empty directory
-- Notes:
-- - calls `symlink`
recreateSymlink :: FilePath -- ^ the old symlink file
-> FilePath -- ^ destination file
-> Bool -- ^ fail if destination file exists
-> IO ()
recreateSymlink symsource newsym fail' = do
sympoint <- readSymbolicLink symsource
case fail' of
True -> pure ()
False ->
hideError doesNotExistErrorType $ deleteFile newsym
createSymbolicLink sympoint newsym
-- copys files, recreates symlinks, fails on all other types
install :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Bool -> IO ()
install from to fail' = do
fs <- PF.getSymbolicLinkStatus from
decide fs
decide fs | PF.isRegularFile fs = copyFile from to fail'
| PF.isSymbolicLink fs = recreateSymlink from to fail'
| otherwise = ioError $ mkIOError illegalOperationErrorType "install: not a regular file or symlink" Nothing (Just from)
2022-05-13 09:58:01 +00:00
removeEmptyDirectory :: FilePath -> IO ()
removeEmptyDirectory = PD.removeDirectory
2022-05-14 15:58:11 +00:00
-- | Create an 'Unfold' of directory contents.
unfoldDirContents :: (MonadMask m, MonadIO m, S.MonadAsync m) => Unfold m FilePath (FD.DirType, FilePath)
unfoldDirContents = U.bracket (liftIO . openDirStream) (liftIO . closeDirStream) (Unfold step return)
{-# INLINE [0] step #-}
step dirstream = do
(typ, e) <- liftIO $ readDirEnt dirstream
return $ if
| null e -> D.Stop
| "." == e -> D.Skip dirstream
| ".." == e -> D.Skip dirstream
| otherwise -> D.Yield (typ, e) dirstream
getDirectoryContentsRecursiveDFSUnsafe :: (MonadMask m, MonadIO m, S.MonadAsync m)
=> FilePath
-> S.SerialT m FilePath
getDirectoryContentsRecursiveDFSUnsafe fp = go ""
go cd = flip S.concatMap (S.unfold unfoldDirContents (fp </> cd)) $ \(t, f) ->
if | t == FD.dtDir -> go (cd </> f)
| otherwise -> pure (cd </> f)
getDirectoryContentsRecursiveUnfold :: (MonadMask m, MonadIO m, S.MonadAsync m) => Unfold m FilePath FilePath
getDirectoryContentsRecursiveUnfold = Unfold step (\s -> return (s, Nothing, [""]))
{-# INLINE [0] step #-}
step (_, Nothing, []) = return D.Stop
step (topdir, Just (cdir, dirstream, finalizer), dirs) = flip onException (runIOFinalizer finalizer) $ do
(dt, f) <- liftIO $ readDirEnt dirstream
if | FD.dtUnknown == dt -> do
runIOFinalizer finalizer
return $ D.Skip (topdir, Nothing, dirs)
| f == "." || f == ".."
-> return $ D.Skip (topdir, Just (cdir, dirstream, finalizer), dirs)
| FD.dtDir == dt -> return $ D.Skip (topdir, Just (cdir, dirstream, finalizer), (cdir </> f):dirs)
| otherwise -> return $ D.Yield (cdir </> f) (topdir, Just (cdir, dirstream, finalizer), dirs)
step (topdir, Nothing, dir:dirs) = do
(s, f) <- acquire (topdir </> dir)
return $ D.Skip (topdir, Just (dir, s, f), dirs)
acquire dir =
withRunInIO $ \run -> mask_ $ run $ do
dirstream <- liftIO $ openDirStream dir
ref <- newIOFinalizer (liftIO $ closeDirStream dirstream)
return (dirstream, ref)
getDirectoryContentsRecursiveBFSUnsafe :: (MonadMask m, MonadIO m, S.MonadAsync m)
=> FilePath
-> S.SerialT m FilePath
getDirectoryContentsRecursiveBFSUnsafe = S.unfold getDirectoryContentsRecursiveUnfold