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2020-07-04 21:28:30 +00:00
module System.OsRelease.Megaparsec where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,13,0)
import Control.Monad.Fail ( MonadFail )
import Data.Char
import Data.Functor
import Data.Void
import qualified Text.Megaparsec as MP
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char as MP
-- | Parse the entire file, handling newlines and comments gracefully.
-- This parser generally shouldn't fail, but instead report a failed
-- parsed line as @Left@ value.
parseAssignments :: MP.Parsec
[Either (MP.ParseError String Void) (String, String)]
parseAssignments =
(\xs x -> join xs ++ x) <$> many (line MP.eol) <*> line MP.eof
line eol = choice'
[ comment $> []
, blank $> []
, fmap
(: [])
( MP.withRecovery (\e -> parseUntil eol $> Left e)
. fmap Right
$ (parseAssignment <* eol)
comment = pWs *> MP.char '#' *> parseUntil eol *> eol
blank = pWs *> eol
-- | Parse a single line assignment and extract the right hand side.
-- This is only a subset of a shell parser, refer to the spec for
-- details.
parseAssignment :: MP.Parsec Void String (String, String)
parseAssignment =
(,) <$> (pWs *> key) <*> (MP.char '=' *> (MP.try qval <|> mempty) <* pWs)
dropSpace :: String -> String
dropSpace = reverse . dropWhile (\x -> x == ' ' || x == '\t') . reverse
key :: MP.Parsec Void String String
key = some (MP.try MP.alphaNumChar <|> MP.char '_')
qval :: MP.Parsec Void String String
qval = do
c <- MP.lookAhead MP.printChar
case c of
' ' -> pure ""
'"' -> MP.char c *> val c <* MP.char c
'\'' -> MP.char c *> val c <* MP.char c
-- no quote, have to drop trailing spaces
_ -> fmap
(some $ MP.satisfy (\x -> isAlphaNum x || (x `elem` ['_', '-', '.']))) -- this is more lax than the spec
val :: Char -> MP.Parsec Void String String
val !q = many (qspecial q <|> MP.noneOf (specials q)) -- noneOf may be too lax
qspecial :: Char -> MP.Parsec Void String Char
qspecial !q =
fmap (!! 1)
. (\xs -> choice' xs)
. fmap (\s -> MP.try . MP.chunk $ ['\\', s])
$ (specials q)
specials :: Char -> [Char]
specials !q = [q, '\\', '$', '`']
parseUntil :: MP.Parsec Void String a -> MP.Parsec Void String String
parseUntil !p = do
(MP.try (MP.lookAhead p) $> [])
<|> (do
c <- MP.anySingle
c2 <- parseUntil p
pure ([c] `mappend` c2)
-- | Parse one or more white spaces or tabs.
pWs :: MP.Parsec Void String ()
pWs = many (MP.satisfy (\x -> x == ' ' || x == '\t')) $> ()
-- | Try all parses in order, failing if all failed. Also fails
-- on empty list.
choice' :: (MonadFail f, MP.MonadParsec e s f) => [f a] -> f a
choice' = \case
[] -> fail "Empty list"
xs -> foldr1 (\x y -> MP.try x <|> MP.try y) xs