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2021-05-14 21:09:45 +00:00
2020-01-11 20:15:05 +00:00
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
2020-07-21 23:08:58 +00:00
Module : GHCup.Utils.Prelude
Description : MegaParsec utilities
Copyright : (c) Julian Ospald, 2020
2020-07-30 18:04:02 +00:00
License : LGPL-3.0
2020-07-21 23:08:58 +00:00
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
2021-05-14 21:09:45 +00:00
Portability : portable
2020-07-21 23:08:58 +00:00
GHCup specific prelude. Lots of Excepts functionality.
2020-01-11 20:15:05 +00:00
module GHCup.Utils.Prelude where
#if defined(IS_WINDOWS)
import GHCup.Types
import GHCup.Types.Optics
2020-01-11 20:15:05 +00:00
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Exception.Safe
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Reader
2020-01-11 20:15:05 +00:00
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.ByteString ( ByteString )
2021-05-14 21:09:45 +00:00
import Data.List ( nub )
import Data.Foldable
2020-01-11 20:15:05 +00:00
import Data.String
import Data.Text ( Text )
import Data.Versions
import Data.Word8
2020-01-11 20:15:05 +00:00
import Haskus.Utils.Types.List
import Haskus.Utils.Variant.Excepts
import System.IO.Error
#if defined(IS_WINDOWS)
import System.IO.Temp
2021-05-14 21:09:45 +00:00
import System.IO.Unsafe
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
#if defined(IS_WINDOWS)
import Control.Retry
import GHC.IO.Exception
2020-01-11 20:15:05 +00:00
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
2020-01-11 20:15:05 +00:00
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.Strict.Maybe as S
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E
2020-04-17 07:30:45 +00:00
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding.Error as E
2020-01-11 20:15:05 +00:00
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as B
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.Int as B
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TLE
#if defined(IS_WINDOWS)
import qualified System.Win32.File as Win32
2020-01-11 20:15:05 +00:00
fS :: IsString a => String -> a
fS = fromString
fromStrictMaybe :: S.Maybe a -> Maybe a
fromStrictMaybe = S.maybe Nothing Just
fSM :: S.Maybe a -> Maybe a
fSM = fromStrictMaybe
toStrictMaybe :: Maybe a -> S.Maybe a
toStrictMaybe = maybe S.Nothing S.Just
tSM :: Maybe a -> S.Maybe a
tSM = toStrictMaybe
internalError :: String -> IO a
internalError = fail . ("Internal error: " <>)
iE :: String -> IO a
iE = internalError
showT :: Show a => a -> Text
showT = fS . show
-- | Like 'when', but where the test can be monadic.
whenM :: Monad m => m Bool -> m () -> m ()
whenM ~b ~t = ifM b t (return ())
-- | Like 'unless', but where the test can be monadic.
unlessM :: Monad m => m Bool -> m () -> m ()
unlessM ~b ~f = ifM b (return ()) f
-- | Like @if@, but where the test can be monadic.
ifM :: Monad m => m Bool -> m a -> m a -> m a
ifM ~b ~t ~f = do
b' <- b
if b' then t else f
whileM :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m Bool) -> m a
whileM ~action ~f = do
a <- action
b' <- f a
if b' then whileM action f else pure a
whileM_ :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m Bool) -> m ()
whileM_ ~action = void . whileM action
guardM :: (Monad m, Alternative m) => m Bool -> m ()
guardM ~f = guard =<< f
handleIO' :: (MonadIO m, MonadCatch m)
=> IOErrorType
-> (IOException -> m a)
-> m a
-> m a
handleIO' err handler = handleIO
(\e -> if err == ioeGetErrorType e then handler e else liftIO $ ioError e)
(??) :: forall e es a m . (Monad m, e :< es) => Maybe a -> e -> Excepts es m a
(??) m e = maybe (throwE e) pure m
(!?) :: forall e es a m
. (Monad m, e :< es)
=> m (Maybe a)
-> e
-> Excepts es m a
(!?) em e = lift em >>= (?? e)
lE :: forall e es a m . (Monad m, e :< es) => Either e a -> Excepts es m a
lE = liftE . veitherToExcepts . fromEither
lE' :: forall e' e es a m
. (Monad m, e :< es)
=> (e' -> e)
-> Either e' a
-> Excepts es m a
2021-03-11 16:03:51 +00:00
lE' f = liftE . veitherToExcepts . fromEither . first f
2020-01-11 20:15:05 +00:00
lEM :: forall e es a m . (Monad m, e :< es) => m (Either e a) -> Excepts es m a
lEM em = lift em >>= lE
lEM' :: forall e' e es a m
. (Monad m, e :< es)
=> (e' -> e)
-> m (Either e' a)
-> Excepts es m a
2021-03-11 16:03:51 +00:00
lEM' f em = lift em >>= lE . first f
2020-01-11 20:15:05 +00:00
fromEither :: Either a b -> VEither '[a] b
fromEither = either (VLeft . V) VRight
liftIOException' :: ( MonadCatch m
, MonadIO m
, Monad m
, e :< es'
, LiftVariant es es'
=> IOErrorType
-> e
-> Excepts es m a
-> Excepts es' m a
liftIOException' errType ex =
(\e ->
if errType == ioeGetErrorType e then throwE ex else liftIO $ ioError e
. liftE
liftIOException :: (MonadCatch m, MonadIO m, Monad m, e :< es')
=> IOErrorType
-> e
-> m a
-> Excepts es' m a
liftIOException errType ex =
(\e ->
if errType == ioeGetErrorType e then throwE ex else liftIO $ ioError e
. lift
-- | Uses safe-exceptions.
hideError :: (MonadIO m, MonadCatch m) => IOErrorType -> m () -> m ()
hideError err = handleIO (\e -> if err == ioeGetErrorType e then pure () else liftIO . ioError $ e)
2021-07-02 21:26:07 +00:00
hideErrorDef :: (MonadIO m, MonadCatch m) => [IOErrorType] -> a -> m a -> m a
hideErrorDef errs def =
2021-07-02 21:26:07 +00:00
handleIO (\e -> if ioeGetErrorType e `elem` errs then pure def else liftIO $ ioError e)
2020-01-11 20:15:05 +00:00
2021-07-02 21:26:07 +00:00
hideErrorDefM :: (MonadIO m, MonadCatch m) => [IOErrorType] -> m a -> m a -> m a
hideErrorDefM errs def =
2021-07-02 21:26:07 +00:00
handleIO (\e -> if ioeGetErrorType e `elem` errs then def else liftIO $ ioError e)
2020-01-11 20:15:05 +00:00
-- TODO: does this work?
hideExcept :: forall e es es' a m
. (Monad m, e :< es, LiftVariant (Remove e es) es')
=> e
-> a
-> Excepts es m a
-> Excepts es' m a
2021-03-11 16:03:51 +00:00
hideExcept _ a =
catchLiftLeft ((\_ -> pure a) :: (e -> Excepts es' m a))
2020-01-11 20:15:05 +00:00
hideExcept' :: forall e es es' m
. (Monad m, e :< es, LiftVariant (Remove e es) es')
=> e
-> Excepts es m ()
-> Excepts es' m ()
2021-03-11 16:03:51 +00:00
hideExcept' _ =
catchLiftLeft ((\_ -> pure ()) :: (e -> Excepts es' m ()))
2020-01-11 20:15:05 +00:00
reThrowAll :: forall e es es' a m
. (Monad m, e :< es')
=> (V es -> e)
-> Excepts es m a
-> Excepts es' m a
reThrowAll f = catchAllE (throwE . f)
reThrowAllIO :: forall e es es' a m
. (MonadCatch m, Monad m, MonadIO m, e :< es')
=> (V es -> e)
-> (IOException -> e)
-> Excepts es m a
-> Excepts es' m a
reThrowAllIO f g = handleIO (throwE . g) . catchAllE (throwE . f)
throwEither :: (Exception a, MonadThrow m) => Either a b -> m b
throwEither a = case a of
Left e -> throwM e
Right r -> pure r
2020-04-25 10:06:41 +00:00
throwEither' :: (Exception a, MonadThrow m) => a -> Either x b -> m b
throwEither' e eth = case eth of
Left _ -> throwM e
Right r -> pure r
2020-01-11 20:15:05 +00:00
verToBS :: Version -> ByteString
verToBS = E.encodeUtf8 . prettyVer
2021-05-14 21:09:45 +00:00
verToS :: Version -> String
verToS = T.unpack . prettyVer
2020-01-11 20:15:05 +00:00
intToText :: Integral a => a -> T.Text
intToText = TL.toStrict . B.toLazyText . B.decimal
removeLensFieldLabel :: String -> String
removeLensFieldLabel str' =
maybe str' T.unpack . T.stripPrefix (T.pack "_") . T.pack $ str'
pvpToVersion :: PVP -> Version
2020-04-17 07:30:45 +00:00
pvpToVersion =
either (\_ -> error "Couldn't convert PVP to Version") id
. version
. prettyPVP
-- | Safe 'decodeUtf8With'. Replaces an invalid input byte with
-- the Unicode replacement character U+FFFD.
decUTF8Safe :: ByteString -> Text
decUTF8Safe = E.decodeUtf8With E.lenientDecode
decUTF8Safe' :: L.ByteString -> Text
decUTF8Safe' = TL.toStrict . TLE.decodeUtf8With E.lenientDecode
-- | Escape a version for use in regex
escapeVerRex :: Version -> ByteString
escapeVerRex = B.pack . go . B.unpack . verToBS
go [] = []
go (x : xs) | x == _period = [_backslash, _period] ++ go xs
| otherwise = x : go xs
2021-05-14 21:09:45 +00:00
-- | More permissive version of 'createDirRecursive'. This doesn't
-- error when the destination is a symlink to a directory.
createDirRecursive' :: FilePath -> IO ()
createDirRecursive' p =
handleIO (\e -> if isAlreadyExistsError e then isSymlinkDir e else throwIO e)
. createDirectoryIfMissing True
$ p
isSymlinkDir e = do
ft <- pathIsSymbolicLink p
case ft of
True -> do
rp <- canonicalizePath p
rft <- doesDirectoryExist rp
case rft of
True -> pure ()
_ -> throwIO e
_ -> throwIO e
-- | Recursively copy the contents of one directory to another path.
-- This is a rip-off of Cabal library.
2021-07-22 13:45:08 +00:00
copyDirectoryRecursive :: FilePath -> FilePath -> (FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()) -> IO ()
copyDirectoryRecursive srcDir destDir doCopy = do
2021-05-14 21:09:45 +00:00
srcFiles <- getDirectoryContentsRecursive srcDir
2021-07-22 13:45:08 +00:00
copyFilesWith destDir [ (srcDir, f)
| f <- srcFiles ]
2021-05-14 21:09:45 +00:00
-- | Common implementation of 'copyFiles', 'installOrdinaryFiles',
-- 'installExecutableFiles' and 'installMaybeExecutableFiles'.
2021-07-22 13:45:08 +00:00
copyFilesWith :: FilePath -> [(FilePath, FilePath)] -> IO ()
copyFilesWith targetDir srcFiles = do
2021-05-14 21:09:45 +00:00
-- Create parent directories for everything
let dirs = map (targetDir </>) . nub . map (takeDirectory . snd) $ srcFiles
traverse_ (createDirectoryIfMissing True) dirs
-- Copy all the files
sequence_ [ let src = srcBase </> srcFile
dest = targetDir </> srcFile
in doCopy src dest
| (srcBase, srcFile) <- srcFiles ]
2021-07-02 21:26:07 +00:00
-- | List all the files in a directory and all subdirectories.
-- The order places files in sub-directories after all the files in their
-- parent directories. The list is generated lazily so is not well defined if
-- the source directory structure changes before the list is used.
getDirectoryContentsRecursive :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
getDirectoryContentsRecursive topdir = recurseDirectories [""]
recurseDirectories :: [FilePath] -> IO [FilePath]
recurseDirectories [] = return []
recurseDirectories (dir:dirs) = unsafeInterleaveIO $ do
(files, dirs') <- collect [] [] =<< getDirectoryContents (topdir </> dir)
files' <- recurseDirectories (dirs' ++ dirs)
return (files ++ files')
2021-05-14 21:09:45 +00:00
collect files dirs' [] = return (reverse files
,reverse dirs')
collect files dirs' (entry:entries) | ignore entry
= collect files dirs' entries
collect files dirs' (entry:entries) = do
let dirEntry = dir </> entry
isDirectory <- doesDirectoryExist (topdir </> dirEntry)
if isDirectory
then collect files (dirEntry:dirs') entries
else collect (dirEntry:files) dirs' entries
ignore ['.'] = True
ignore ['.', '.'] = True
ignore _ = False
2021-05-14 21:09:45 +00:00
2021-07-22 13:45:08 +00:00
2021-05-14 21:09:45 +00:00
2021-07-22 13:45:08 +00:00
recyclePathForcibly :: ( MonadIO m
, MonadReader env m
, HasDirs env
, MonadMask m
=> FilePath
-> m ()
recyclePathForcibly fp = do
#if defined(IS_WINDOWS)
Dirs { recycleDir } <- getDirs
tmp <- liftIO $ createTempDirectory recycleDir "recyclePathForcibly"
let dest = tmp </> takeFileName fp
liftIO (Win32.moveFileEx fp (Just dest) 0)
(\e -> if isPermissionError e {- EXDEV on windows -} then recover (liftIO $ removePathForcibly fp) else throwIO e)
(liftIO $ handleIO (\_ -> pure ()) $ removePathForcibly tmp)
liftIO $ removePathForcibly fp
rmPathForcibly :: ( MonadIO m
, MonadMask m
=> FilePath
-> m ()
2021-07-22 13:45:08 +00:00
rmPathForcibly fp =
#if defined(IS_WINDOWS)
2021-07-22 13:45:08 +00:00
recovering (fullJitterBackoff 25000 <> limitRetries 10)
[\_ -> Handler (\e -> pure $ isPermissionError e)
,\_ -> Handler (\e -> pure (ioeGetErrorType e == InappropriateType))
,\_ -> Handler (\e -> pure (ioeGetErrorType e == UnsatisfiedConstraints))
(\_ -> liftIO $ removePathForcibly fp)
2021-07-22 13:45:08 +00:00
liftIO $ removePathForcibly fp
2021-07-22 13:45:08 +00:00
rmDirectory :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m)
=> FilePath
-> m ()
rmDirectory fp =
2021-05-14 21:09:45 +00:00
#if defined(IS_WINDOWS)
recovering (fullJitterBackoff 25000 <> limitRetries 10)
[\_ -> Handler (\e -> pure $ isPermissionError e)
,\_ -> Handler (\e -> pure (ioeGetErrorType e == UnsatisfiedConstraints))
,\_ -> Handler (\e -> pure (ioeGetErrorType e == InappropriateType))
(\_ -> liftIO $ removeDirectory fp)
2021-05-14 21:09:45 +00:00
liftIO $ removeDirectory fp
2021-05-14 21:09:45 +00:00
2021-07-22 13:45:08 +00:00
recycleFile :: ( MonadIO m
, MonadMask m
, MonadReader env m
, HasDirs env
=> FilePath
-> m ()
recycleFile fp = do
#if defined(IS_WINDOWS)
Dirs { recycleDir } <- getDirs
liftIO $ whenM (doesDirectoryExist fp) $ ioError (IOError Nothing InappropriateType "recycleFile" "" Nothing (Just fp))
tmp <- liftIO $ createTempDirectory recycleDir "recycleFile"
let dest = tmp </> takeFileName fp
liftIO (Win32.moveFileEx fp (Just dest) 0)
(\e -> if isPermissionError e {- EXDEV on windows -} then recover (liftIO $ removePathForcibly fp) else throwIO e)
(liftIO $ handleIO (\_ -> pure ()) $ removePathForcibly tmp)
liftIO $ removeFile fp
rmFile :: ( MonadIO m
, MonadMask m
2021-05-14 21:09:45 +00:00
=> FilePath
-> m ()
2021-07-22 13:45:08 +00:00
rmFile fp =
2021-05-14 21:09:45 +00:00
#if defined(IS_WINDOWS)
2021-07-22 13:45:08 +00:00
recovering (fullJitterBackoff 25000 <> limitRetries 10)
[\_ -> Handler (\e -> pure $ isPermissionError e)
,\_ -> Handler (\e -> pure (ioeGetErrorType e == InappropriateType))
,\_ -> Handler (\e -> pure (ioeGetErrorType e == UnsatisfiedConstraints))
(\_ -> liftIO $ removeFile fp)
liftIO $ removeFile fp
rmDirectoryLink :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m, MonadReader env m, HasDirs env)
=> FilePath
-> m ()
rmDirectoryLink fp =
#if defined(IS_WINDOWS)
2021-07-22 13:45:08 +00:00
recovering (fullJitterBackoff 25000 <> limitRetries 10)
[\_ -> Handler (\e -> pure $ isPermissionError e)
,\_ -> Handler (\e -> pure (ioeGetErrorType e == InappropriateType))
,\_ -> Handler (\e -> pure (ioeGetErrorType e == UnsatisfiedConstraints))
(\_ -> liftIO $ removeDirectoryLink fp)
2021-05-14 21:09:45 +00:00
2021-07-22 13:45:08 +00:00
liftIO $ removeDirectoryLink fp
#if defined(IS_WINDOWS)
recover :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => m a -> m a
recover action =
recovering (fullJitterBackoff 25000 <> limitRetries 10)
[\_ -> Handler (\e -> pure $ isPermissionError e)
,\_ -> Handler (\e -> pure (ioeGetErrorType e == InappropriateType))
,\_ -> Handler (\e -> pure (ioeGetErrorType e == UnsatisfiedConstraints))
(\_ -> action)
2021-05-14 21:09:45 +00:00
-- Gathering monoidal values
traverseFold :: (Foldable t, Applicative m, Monoid b) => (a -> m b) -> t a -> m b
traverseFold f = foldl (\mb a -> (<>) <$> mb <*> f a) (pure mempty)
-- | Gathering monoidal values
forFold :: (Foldable t, Applicative m, Monoid b) => t a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
forFold = \t -> (`traverseFold` t)
-- | Strip @\\r@ and @\\n@ from 'ByteString's
stripNewline :: String -> String
stripNewline s
| null s = []
| head s `elem` "\n\r" = stripNewline (tail s)
| otherwise = head s : stripNewline (tail s)
isNewLine :: Word8 -> Bool
isNewLine w
| w == _lf = True
| w == _cr = True
| otherwise = False