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2021-10-02 18:21:51 +00:00
# User Guide
`ghcup --help` is your friend.
## Basic usage
For the simple interactive TUI (not available on windows), run:
ghcup tui
For the full functionality via cli:
# list available ghc/cabal versions
ghcup list
# install the recommended GHC version
ghcup install ghc
# install a specific GHC version
ghcup install ghc 8.2.2
# set the currently "active" GHC version
ghcup set ghc 8.4.4
# install cabal-install
ghcup install cabal
# update ghcup itself
ghcup upgrade
## Configuration
A configuration file can be put in `~/.ghcup/config.yaml`. The default config file
explaining all possible configurations can be found in this repo: [config.yaml](
Partial configuration is fine. Command line options always override the config file settings.
## GPG verification
GHCup supports verifying the GPG signature of the metadata file. The metadata file then contains SHA256 hashes of all downloads, so
this is cryptographically secure.
First, obtain the gpg key:
gpg --batch --keyserver --recv-keys 7784930957807690A66EBDBE3786C5262ECB4A3F
Then verify the gpg key in one of these ways:
1. find out where I live and visit me to do offline key signing
2. figure out my mobile phone number and call me to verify the fingerprint
3. more boring: contact me on Libera IRC (`maerwald`) and verify the fingerprint
Once you've verified the key, you have to figure out if you trust me.
If you trust me, then you can configure gpg in `~/.ghcup/config.yaml`:
gpg-setting: GPGLax # GPGStrict | GPGLax | GPGNone
In `GPGStrict` mode, ghcup will fail if verification fails. In `GPGLax` mode it will just print a warning.
You can also pass the mode via `ghcup --gpg <strict|lax|none>`.
## Manpages
For man pages to work you need [man-db]( as your `man` provider, then issue `man ghc`. Manpages only work for the currently set ghc.
`MANPATH` may be required to be unset.
## Shell-completion
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Shell completions are in [scripts/shell-completions]( directory of this repository.
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For bash: install `shell-completions/bash`
as e.g. `/etc/bash_completion.d/ghcup` (depending on distro)
and make sure your bashrc sources the startup script
(`/usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion` on some distros).
## Compiling GHC from source
Compiling from source is supported for both source tarballs and arbitrary git refs. See `ghcup compile ghc --help`
for a list of all available options.
If you need to overwrite the existing ``, check the default files
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in [data/build_mk](, copy them somewhere, adjust them and
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pass `--config path/to/` to `ghcup compile ghc`.
Common `` options are explained [here](
Make sure your system meets all the [prerequisites](
### Cross support
ghcup can compile and install a cross GHC for any target. However, this
requires that the build host has a complete cross toolchain and various
libraries installed for the target platform.
Consult the GHC documentation on the [prerequisites](
For distributions with non-standard locations of cross toolchain and
libraries, this may need some tweaking of `` or configure args.
See `ghcup compile ghc --help` for further information.
## XDG support
To enable XDG style directories, set the environment variable `GHCUP_USE_XDG_DIRS` to anything.
Then you can control the locations via XDG environment variables as such:
* `XDG_DATA_HOME`: GHCs will be unpacked in `ghcup/ghc` subdir (default: `~/.local/share`)
* `XDG_CACHE_HOME`: logs and download files will be stored in `ghcup` subdir (default: `~/.cache`)
* `XDG_BIN_HOME`: binaries end up here (default: `~/.local/bin`)
* `XDG_CONFIG_HOME`: the config file is stored in `ghcup` subdir as `config.yaml` (default: `~/.config`)
**Note that `ghcup` makes some assumptions about structure of files in `XDG_BIN_HOME`. So if you have other tools
installing e.g. stack/cabal/ghc into it, this will likely clash. In that case consider disabling XDG support.**
## Env variables
This is the complete list of env variables that change GHCup behavior:
* `GHCUP_USE_XDG_DIRS`: see [XDG support](#xdg-support) above
* `TMPDIR`: where ghcup does the work (unpacking, building, ...)
* `GHCUP_INSTALL_BASE_PREFIX`: the base of ghcup (default: `$HOME`)
* `GHCUP_CURL_OPTS`: additional options that can be passed to curl
* `GHCUP_WGET_OPTS`: additional options that can be passed to wget
* `GHCUP_GPG_OPTS`: additional options that can be passed to gpg
* `GHCUP_SKIP_UPDATE_CHECK`: Skip the (possibly annoying) update check when you run a command
* `CC`/`LD` etc.: full environment is passed to the build system when compiling GHC via GHCup
## Installing custom bindists
There are a couple of good use cases to install custom bindists:
1. manually built bindists (e.g. with patches)
- example: `ghcup install ghc -u 'file:///home/mearwald/tmp/ghc-eff-patches/ghc-8.10.2-x86_64-deb10-linux.tar.xz' 8.10.2-eff`
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2. GHC head CI bindists
- example: `ghcup install ghc -u '' head`
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3. DWARF bindists
- example: `ghcup install ghc -u '' 8.10.2-dwarf`
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Since the version parser is pretty lax, `8.10.2-eff` and `head` are both valid versions
and produce the binaries `ghc-8.10.2-eff` and `ghc-head` respectively.
GHCup always needs to know which version the bindist corresponds to (this is not automatically
## Isolated installs
Ghcup also enables you to install a tool (GHC, Cabal, HLS, Stack) at an isolated location of your choosing.
These installs, as the name suggests, are separate from your main installs and DO NOT conflict with them.
- No symlinks are made to these isolated installed tools, you'd have to manually point to them wherever you intend to use them.
- These installs, can also NOT be deleted from ghcup, you'd have to go and manually delete these.
You need to use the `--isolate` or `-i` flag followed by the directory path.
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1. install an isolated GHC version at location /home/user/isolated_dir/ghc/
- `ghcup install ghc 8.10.5 --isolate /home/user/isolated_dir/ghc`
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2. isolated install Cabal at a location you desire
- `ghcup install cabal --isolate /home/username/my_isolated_dir/`
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3. do an isolated install with a custom bindist
- `ghcup install ghc --isolate /home/username/my_isolated_dir/ -u '' head`
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4. isolated install HLS
- `ghcup install hls --isolate /home/username/dir/hls/`
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5. you can even compile ghc to an isolated location.
- `ghcup compile ghc -j 4 -v 9.0.1 -b 8.10.5 -i /home/username/my/dir/ghc`
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2021-10-04 19:40:48 +00:00
## Continuous integration
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2021-10-04 19:40:48 +00:00
On windows, ghcup can be installed automatically on a CI runner non-interactively like so:
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Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force;[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072;Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock ([ScriptBlock]::Create((Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing))) -ArgumentList $false,$true,$true,$false,$false,$false,$false,"C:\"
On linux/darwin/freebsd, run the following on your runner:
This will just install `ghcup` and on windows additionally `msys2`.
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For the full list of env variables and parameters to tweak the script behavior, see:
* [bootstrap-haskell for linux/darwin/freebsd](
* [bootstrap-haskell.ps1 for windows](
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### Example github workflow
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On github workflows you can use [](
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If you want to install ghcup manually though, here's an example config:
name: Haskell CI
branches: [ master ]
branches: [ master ]
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
fail-fast: false
os: [ubuntu-latest, macOS-latest, windows-latest]
ghc: ['8.10.7', '9.0.1']
cabal: ['']
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- if: matrix.os == 'windows-latest'
name: Install ghcup on windows
run: Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force;[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072;Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock ([ScriptBlock]::Create((Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing))) -ArgumentList $false,$true,$true,$false,$false,$false,$false,"C:\"
- if: matrix.os == 'windows-latest'
name: Add ghcup to PATH
run: echo "/c/ghcup/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH
shell: bash
- if: matrix.os != 'windows-latest'
name: Install ghcup on non-windows
run: curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | BOOTSTRAP_HASKELL_NONINTERACTIVE=1 BOOTSTRAP_HASKELL_MINIMAL=1 sh
- name: Install ghc/cabal
run: |
ghcup install ghc ${{ matrix.ghc }}
ghcup install cabal ${{ matrix.cabal }}
shell: bash
- name: Update cabal index
run: cabal update
shell: bash
- name: Build
run: cabal build --enable-tests --enable-benchmarks
shell: bash
- name: Run tests
run: cabal test
shell: bash
## Tips and tricks
### with_ghc wrapper (e.g. for HLS)
Due to some HLS [bugs]( it's necessary that the `ghc` in PATH
is the one defined in `cabal.project`. With some simple shell functions, we can start our editor with the appropriate
path prepended.
For bash, in e.g. `~/.bashrc` define:
with_ghc() {
local np=$(ghcup --offline whereis -d ghc $1 || { ghcup --cache install ghc $1 && ghcup whereis -d ghc $1 ;})
if [ -e "${np}" ] ; then
PATH="$np:$PATH" "$@"
>&2 echo "Cannot find or install GHC version $1"
return 1
For fish shell, in e.g. `~/.config/fish/` define:
function with_ghc
set --local np (ghcup --offline whereis -d ghc $argv[1] ; or begin ghcup --cache install ghc $argv[1] ; and ghcup whereis -d ghc $argv[1] ; end)
if test -e "$np"
PATH="$np:$PATH" $argv[2..-1]
echo "Cannot find or install GHC version $argv[1]" 1>&2
return 1
Then start a new shell and issue:
# replace 'code' with your editor
with_ghc 8.10.5 code path/to/haskell/source
Cabal and HLS will now see `8.10.5` as the primary GHC, without the need to
run `ghcup set` all the time when switching between projects.