91 lines
2.7 KiB
91 lines
2.7 KiB
module Alone where
-- Alone in a room, game definition (logic & draw)
-- run with: cabal new-run -f examples alone
import Terminal.Game
import qualified Data.Tuple as T
-- game specification
aloneInARoom :: Game MyState
aloneInARoom = Game 13 -- ticks per second
(MyState (10, 10)
Stop False) -- init state
(\_ s e -> logicFun s e) -- logic function
(\r s -> centerFull r $
drawFun s) -- draw function
gsQuit -- quit function
sizeCheck :: IO ()
sizeCheck = let (w, h) = T.swap . snd $ boundaries
in assertTermDims w h
-- Types
data MyState = MyState { gsCoord :: Coords,
gsMove :: Move,
gsQuit :: Bool }
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Move = N | S | E | W | Stop
deriving (Show, Eq)
boundaries :: (Coords, Coords)
boundaries = ((1, 1), (24, 80))
-- Logic
logicFun :: MyState -> Event -> MyState
logicFun gs (KeyPress 'q') = gs { gsQuit = True }
logicFun gs Tick = gs { gsCoord = pos (gsMove gs) (gsCoord gs) }
logicFun gs (KeyPress c) = gs { gsMove = move (gsMove gs) c }
-- SCI movement
move :: Move -> Char -> Move
move N 'w' = Stop
move S 's' = Stop
move W 'a' = Stop
move E 'd' = Stop
move _ 'w' = N
move _ 's' = S
move _ 'a' = W
move _ 'd' = E
move m _ = m
pos :: Move -> (Width, Height) -> (Width, Height)
pos m oldcs | oob newcs = oldcs
| otherwise = newcs
newcs = new m oldcs
new Stop cs = cs
new N (r, c) = (r-1, c )
new S (r, c) = (r+1, c )
new E (r, c) = (r , c+1)
new W (r, c) = (r , c-1)
((lr, lc), (hr, hc)) = boundaries
oob (r, c) = r <= lr || c <= lc ||
r >= hr || c >= hc
-- Draw
drawFun :: MyState -> Plane
drawFun (MyState (r, c) _ _) =
blankPlane mw mh &
(1, 1) % box mw mh '-' &
(2, 2) % box (mw-2) (mh-2) ' ' &
(15, 20) % textBox 10 4
"Tap WASD to move, tap again to stop." &
(20, 60) % textBox 8 10
"Press Q to quit." # color Blue Vivid &
(r, c) % cell '@' # invert
mh :: Height
mw :: Width
(mh, mw) = snd boundaries