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2024-01-10 06:14:59 +00:00
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-record-wildcards #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-matches #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{- A general system for lists with sections
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Consider this code as private. GenericSectionList should not be used directly as the FocusRing should be align with the Vector containing
the elements, otherwise you'd be focusing on a non-existent widget with unknown result (In theory the code is safe unless you have an empty section list).
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- To build a SectionList use the safe constructor sectionList
- To access sections use the lens provider sectionL and the name of the section you'd like to access
- You can modify Brick.Widget.List.GenericList within GenericSectionList via sectionL but do not
modify the vector length
module GHCup.Brick.Widgets.SectionList where
import Brick
( BrickEvent(VtyEvent, MouseDown),
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2024-01-10 06:14:59 +00:00
ViewportType (Vertical),
import qualified Brick
import Brick.Widgets.Border ( hBorder)
import qualified Brick.Widgets.List as L
import Brick.Focus (FocusRing)
import qualified Brick.Focus as F
import Data.Function ( (&))
import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )
import Data.Vector ( Vector )
import qualified GHCup.Brick.Common as Common
import Prelude hiding ( appendFile )
import qualified Graphics.Vty as Vty
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Optics.TH (makeLensesFor)
import Optics.State (use)
import Optics.State.Operators ( (%=), (<%=))
import Optics.Operators ((.~), (^.))
import Optics.Lens (Lens', lens)
data GenericSectionList n t e
= GenericSectionList
{ sectionListFocusRing :: FocusRing n -- ^ The FocusRing for all sections
, sectionListElements :: !(Vector (L.GenericList n t e)) -- ^ A vector of brick's built-in list
, sectionListName :: n -- ^ The section list name
makeLensesFor [("sectionListFocusRing", "sectionListFocusRingL"), ("sectionListElements", "sectionListElementsL"), ("sectionListName", "sectionListNameL")] ''GenericSectionList
type SectionList n e = GenericSectionList n V.Vector e
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-- | Build a SectionList from nonempty list. If empty we could not defined sectionL lenses.
sectionList :: Foldable t
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=> n -- The name of the section list
-> [(n, t e)] -- a list of tuples (section name, collection of elements)
-> Int
-> GenericSectionList n t e
sectionList name elements height
= GenericSectionList
{ sectionListFocusRing = F.focusRing [section_name | (section_name, _) <- elements]
, sectionListElements = V.fromList [L.list section_name els height | (section_name, els) <- elements]
, sectionListName = name
-- | This lens constructor, takes a name and looks if a section has such a name.
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-- Used to dispatch events to sections. It is a partial function only meant to
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-- be used with the FocusRing inside GenericSectionList
sectionL :: Eq n => n -> Lens' (GenericSectionList n t e) (L.GenericList n t e)
sectionL section_name = lens g s
where is_section_name = (== section_name) . L.listName
g section_list =
let elms = section_list ^. sectionListElementsL
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zeroth = elms V.! 0 -- TODO: This crashes for empty vectors.
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in fromMaybe zeroth (V.find is_section_name elms)
s gl@(GenericSectionList _ elms _) list =
case V.findIndex is_section_name elms of
Nothing -> gl
Just i -> let new_elms = V.update elms (V.fromList [(i, list)])
in gl & sectionListElementsL .~ new_elms
moveDown :: (L.Splittable t, Ord n, Foldable t) => EventM n (GenericSectionList n t e) ()
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moveDown = do
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ring <- use sectionListFocusRingL
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case F.focusGetCurrent ring of
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Nothing -> pure ()
Just l -> do -- If it is the last element, move to the first element of the next focus; else, just handle regular list event.
current_list <- use (sectionL l)
let current_idx = L.listSelected current_list
list_length = current_list & length
if current_idx == Just (list_length - 1)
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then do
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new_focus <- sectionListFocusRingL <%= F.focusNext
case F.focusGetCurrent new_focus of
Nothing -> pure () -- |- Optic.Zoom.zoom doesn't typecheck but Lens.Micro.Mtl.zoom does. It is re-exported by Brick
Just new_l -> Common.zoom (sectionL new_l) (Brick.modify L.listMoveToBeginning)
else Common.zoom (sectionL l) $ Brick.modify L.listMoveDown
moveUp :: (L.Splittable t, Ord n, Foldable t) => EventM n (GenericSectionList n t e) ()
moveUp = do
ring <- use sectionListFocusRingL
case F.focusGetCurrent ring of
Nothing -> pure ()
Just l -> do -- If it is the first element, move to the last element of the prev focus; else, just handle regular list event.
current_list <- use (sectionL l)
let current_idx = L.listSelected current_list
if current_idx == Just 0
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then do
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new_focus <- sectionListFocusRingL <%= F.focusPrev
case F.focusGetCurrent new_focus of
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Nothing -> pure ()
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Just new_l -> Common.zoom (sectionL new_l) (Brick.modify L.listMoveToEnd)
else Common.zoom (sectionL l) $ Brick.modify L.listMoveUp
-- | Handle events for list cursor movement. Events handled are:
-- * Up (up arrow key). If first element of section, then jump prev section
-- * Down (down arrow key). If last element of section, then jump next section
-- * Page Up (PgUp)
-- * Page Down (PgDown)
-- * Go to next section (Tab)
-- * Go to prev section (BackTab)
handleGenericListEvent :: (Foldable t, L.Splittable t, Ord n)
=> BrickEvent n a
-> EventM n (GenericSectionList n t e) ()
handleGenericListEvent (VtyEvent (Vty.EvResize _ _)) = pure ()
handleGenericListEvent (VtyEvent (Vty.EvKey (Vty.KChar '\t') [])) = sectionListFocusRingL %= F.focusNext
handleGenericListEvent (VtyEvent (Vty.EvKey Vty.KBackTab [])) = sectionListFocusRingL %= F.focusPrev
handleGenericListEvent (MouseDown _ Vty.BScrollDown _ _) = moveDown
handleGenericListEvent (MouseDown _ Vty.BScrollUp _ _) = moveUp
handleGenericListEvent (VtyEvent (Vty.EvKey Vty.KDown [])) = moveDown
handleGenericListEvent (VtyEvent (Vty.EvKey Vty.KUp [])) = moveUp
handleGenericListEvent (VtyEvent ev) = do
ring <- use sectionListFocusRingL
case F.focusGetCurrent ring of
Nothing -> pure ()
Just l -> Common.zoom (sectionL l) $ L.handleListEvent ev
handleGenericListEvent _ = pure ()
-- This re-uses Brick.Widget.List.renderList
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renderSectionList :: forall n t e . (Traversable t, Ord n, Show n, Eq n, L.Splittable t, Semigroup (t e))
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=> (Bool -> e -> Widget n) -- ^ Rendering function of the list element, True for the selected element
-> Bool -- ^ Whether the section list has focus
-> GenericSectionList n t e -- ^ The section list to render
-> Widget n
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renderSectionList renderElem sectionFocus ge@(GenericSectionList focus elms slName) =
Brick.Widget Brick.Greedy Brick.Greedy $ Brick.render $ Brick.viewport slName Brick.Vertical $
V.ifoldl' (\(!accWidget) !i list ->
let hasFocusList = sectionIsFocused list
makeVisible = if hasFocusList then Brick.visibleRegion (Brick.Location (c, r)) (1, 1) else id
appendBorder = if i == 0 then id else (hBorder <=>)
newWidget = appendBorder (makeVisible $ renderInnerList hasFocusList list)
in accWidget <=> newWidget
-- A section is focused if the whole thing is focused, and the inner list has focus
sectionIsFocused :: L.GenericList n t e -> Bool
sectionIsFocused l = sectionFocus && (Just (L.listName l) == F.focusGetCurrent focus)
renderInnerList :: Bool -> L.GenericList n t e -> Widget n
renderInnerList hasFocus l = Brick.vLimit (length l) $ L.renderList (\b -> renderElem (b && hasFocus)) hasFocus l
-- compute the location to focus on within the active section
(c, r) :: (Int, Int) = case sectionListSelectedElement ge of
Nothing -> (0, 0)
Just (selElIx, _) -> (0, selElIx)
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-- | Equivalent to listSelectedElement
sectionListSelectedElement :: (Eq n, L.Splittable t, Traversable t, Semigroup (t e)) => GenericSectionList n t e -> Maybe (Int, e)
sectionListSelectedElement generic_section_list = do
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current_focus <- generic_section_list ^. sectionListFocusRingL & F.focusGetCurrent
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let current_section = generic_section_list ^. sectionL current_focus
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L.listSelectedElement current_section