- Remove Language.Haskell prefix from all modules - Move 'GHCMod.*' to 'GhcMod.Exe' - Move 'GhcModExe' to 'GhcMod.Exe'
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module GhcMod.Exe.Lint where
import Exception (ghandle)
import Control.Exception (SomeException(..))
import GhcMod.Logger (checkErrorPrefix)
import GhcMod.Convert
import GhcMod.Types
import GhcMod.Monad
import Language.Haskell.HLint3
import GhcMod.Utils (withMappedFile)
import Language.Haskell.Exts.SrcLoc (SrcSpan(..))
-- | Checking syntax of a target file using hlint.
-- Warnings and errors are returned.
lint :: IOish m
=> LintOpts -- ^ Configuration parameters
-> FilePath -- ^ A target file.
-> GhcModT m String
lint opt file = ghandle handler $
withMappedFile file $ \tempfile -> do
res <- liftIO $ hlint $ "--quiet" : tempfile : optLintHlintOpts opt
pack . map (show . substFile file tempfile) $ res
pack = convert' . map init -- init drops the last \n.
handler (SomeException e) = return $ checkErrorPrefix ++ show e ++ "\n"
substFile orig temp idea
| srcSpanFilename (ideaSpan idea) == temp
= idea{ideaSpan=(ideaSpan idea){srcSpanFilename = orig}}
substFile _ _ idea = idea