2010-11-18 16:38:55 +09:00

107 lines
3.5 KiB

module Info where
import Control.Applicative hiding (empty)
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import GHC
import Outputable
import PprTyThing
import Types
import NameSet
import HscTypes
import Data.List
import Control.Exception
type Expression = String
type ModuleString = String
typeExpr :: Options -> ModuleString -> Expression -> FilePath -> IO String
typeExpr _ modstr expr file = (++ "\n") <$> typeOf file modstr expr
typeOf :: FilePath -> ModuleString-> Expression -> IO String
typeOf fileName modstr expr = withGHC $ valid `gcatch` invalid
valid = makeTypeOf LoadAllTargets
invalid = constE invalid0
invalid0 = makeTypeOf $ LoadDependenciesOf (mkModuleName modstr)
makeTypeOf x = do
initSession ["-w"]
setTargetFile fileName
loadWithLogger (\_ -> return ()) x
ok <- setContextFromTarget
if ok
then pretty <$> exprType expr
else return "Its type cannot be guessed"
pretty = showSDocForUser neverQualify . pprTypeForUser False
infoExpr :: Options -> ModuleString -> Expression -> FilePath -> IO String
infoExpr _ modstr expr file = (++ "\n") <$> info file modstr expr
info :: FilePath -> ModuleString -> FilePath -> IO String
info fileName modstr expr = withGHC $ valid `gcatch` invalid
valid = makeInfo LoadAllTargets
invalid = constE invalid0
invalid0 = makeInfo $ LoadDependenciesOf (mkModuleName modstr)
makeInfo x = do
initSession ["-w"]
setTargetFile fileName
loadWithLogger (\_ -> return ()) x
ok <- setContextFromTarget
if ok
then infoThing expr
else return "Its info is not available"
-- ghc/InteractiveUI.hs
infoThing str = do
names <- parseName str
mb_stuffs <- mapM getInfo names
let filtered = filterOutChildren (\(t,_f,_i) -> t) (catMaybes mb_stuffs)
unqual <- getPrintUnqual
return $ showSDocForUser unqual $ vcat (intersperse (text "") $ map (pprInfo False) filtered)
-- ghc/InteractiveUI.hs
filterOutChildren :: (a -> TyThing) -> [a] -> [a]
filterOutChildren get_thing xs
= [x | x <- xs, not (getName (get_thing x) `elemNameSet` implicits)]
implicits = mkNameSet [getName t | x <- xs, t <- implicitTyThings (get_thing x)]
pprInfo :: PrintExplicitForalls -> (TyThing, Fixity, [GHC.Instance]) -> SDoc
pprInfo pefas (thing, fixity, insts)
= pprTyThingInContextLoc pefas thing
$$ show_fixity fixity
$$ vcat (map pprInstance insts)
show_fixity fix
| fix == defaultFixity = empty
| otherwise = ppr fix <+> ppr (getName thing)
setContextFromTarget :: Ghc Bool
setContextFromTarget = do
ms <- depanal [] False
top <- map ms_mod <$> filterM isTop ms
top is a set of this module and your-defined modules.
If this module has syntax errors, it cannot be specified.
And if there is no your-defined modules, top is [].
In this case, we cannot obtain the type of an expression, sigh.
setContext top []
return $ if top == [] then False else True
isTop ms = lookupMod `gcatch` returnFalse
lookupMod = lookupModule (ms_mod_name ms) Nothing >> return True
returnFalse = constE $ return False
constE :: a -> (SomeException -> a)
constE func = \_ -> func