Daniel Gröber 1d015019c9 Fix UtilSpec
2014-08-19 05:21:59 +02:00

23 lines
1.3 KiB

module UtilsSpec where
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Utils
import System.IO.Error
import Control.Exception
import TestUtils
import Test.Hspec
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "extractParens" $ do
it "extracts the part of a string surrounded by parentheses" $ do
extractParens "asdasdasd ( hello [ world ] )()() kljlkjlkjlk" `shouldBe` "( hello [ world ] )"
extractParens "[(PackageName \"template-haskell\",InstalledPackageId \"template-haskell-\"),(PackageName \"base\",InstalledPackageId \"base-\"),(PackageName \"Cabal\",InstalledPackageId \"Cabal-\")][][]" `shouldBe` "[(PackageName \"template-haskell\",InstalledPackageId \"template-haskell-\"),(PackageName \"base\",InstalledPackageId \"base-\"),(PackageName \"Cabal\",InstalledPackageId \"Cabal-\")]"
describe "liftMonadError" $ do
it "converts IOErrors to GhcModError" $ do
shouldReturnError $
runD' $ liftIOExceptions $ throw (userError "hello") >> return ""
shouldReturnError $
runD' $ liftIOExceptions $ readFile "/DOES_NOT_EXIST" >> return ""