- Remove Language.Haskell prefix from all modules - Move 'GHCMod.*' to 'GhcMod.Exe' - Move 'GhcModExe' to 'GhcMod.Exe'
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module PathsAndFilesSpec where
import GhcMod.PathsAndFiles
import GhcMod.Cradle
import qualified GhcMod.Utils as U
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import Test.Hspec
import TestUtils
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "getSandboxDb" $ do
it "can parse a config file and extract the sandbox package-db" $ do
cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
Just crdl <- runLogDef $ runMaybeT $ plainCradle "test/data/cabal-project"
Just db <- getSandboxDb crdl
db `shouldSatisfy` isPkgDbAt (cwd </> "test/data/cabal-project/.cabal-sandbox")
it "returns Nothing if the sandbox config file is broken" $ do
Just crdl <- runLogDef $ runMaybeT $ plainCradle "test/data/broken-sandbox"
getSandboxDb crdl `shouldReturn` Nothing
describe "findCabalFile" $ do
it "works" $ do
p <- U.makeAbsolute' "test/data/cabal-project/cabalapi.cabal"
findCabalFile "test/data/cabal-project" `shouldReturn` Just p
it "finds cabal files in parent directories" $ do
p <- U.makeAbsolute' "test/data/cabal-project/cabalapi.cabal"
findCabalFile "test/data/cabal-project/subdir1/subdir2" `shouldReturn` Just p
describe "findStackConfigFile" $ do
it "works" $ do
p <- U.makeAbsolute' "test/data/stack-project/stack.yaml"
findStackConfigFile "test/data/stack-project" `shouldReturn` Just p
describe "findCabalSandboxDir" $ do
it "works" $ do
p <- U.makeAbsolute' "test/data/cabal-project"
findCabalSandboxDir "test/data/cabal-project" `shouldReturn` Just p
it "finds sandboxes in parent directories" $ do
p <- U.makeAbsolute' "test/data/cabal-project"
findCabalSandboxDir "test/data/cabal-project/subdir1/subdir2" `shouldReturn` Just p