- cradle now stores a list of active package databases instead of only the user store (if present). - rename `cradlePackageDb` -> `cradlePkgDbStack` as that`s what the ghc documentaion calls this kind of thing - `getPackageDbPackages` now returns names of all visible packages in the given directory. Also the implementation now uses `ghc-pkg` instead of manually looking at the package database
31 lines
1012 B
31 lines
1012 B
module Language.Haskell.GhcMod.PkgDoc (packageDoc) where
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Types
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.GhcPkg
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import System.Process (readProcess)
-- | Obtaining the package name and the doc path of a module.
packageDoc :: Options
-> Cradle
-> ModuleString
-> IO String
packageDoc _ cradle mdl = pkgDoc cradle mdl
pkgDoc :: Cradle -> String -> IO String
pkgDoc cradle mdl = do
pkg <- trim <$> readProcess "ghc-pkg" toModuleOpts []
if pkg == "" then
return "\n"
else do
htmlpath <- readProcess "ghc-pkg" (toDocDirOpts pkg) []
let ret = pkg ++ " " ++ drop 14 htmlpath
return ret
toModuleOpts = ["find-module", mdl, "--simple-output"]
++ ghcPkgDbStackOpts (cradlePkgDbStack cradle)
toDocDirOpts pkg = ["field", pkg, "haddock-html"]
++ ghcPkgDbStackOpts (cradlePkgDbStack cradle)
trim = takeWhile (`notElem` " \n")