Takano Akio ad55168265 adding options: --package-conf and --no-user-package-conf
These command line options work just like the similar-named GHC flags.
They are useful when working with non-standard package databases.
2011-05-28 06:06:13 +09:00

90 lines
2.7 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Cabal (initializeGHC) where
import Control.Applicative hiding (many)
import Data.Attoparsec.Char8
import Data.Attoparsec.Enumerator
import Data.Enumerator (run, ($$))
import Data.Enumerator.Binary (enumFile)
import Data.List
import GHC
import qualified HscTypes as H
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import Types
initializeGHC :: Options -> FilePath -> [String] -> Ghc FilePath
initializeGHC opt fileName ghcOptions = do
(owdir,mdirfile) <- getDirs
case mdirfile of
Nothing -> do
initSession opt ghcOptions Nothing
return fileName
Just (cdir,cfile) -> do
midirs <- parseCabalFile cfile
changeToCabalDirectory cdir
let idirs = case midirs of
Nothing -> [cdir,owdir]
Just dirs -> dirs ++ [owdir]
initSession opt ghcOptions (Just idirs)
return (ajustFileName fileName owdir cdir)
parseCabalFile :: FilePath -> Ghc (Maybe [String])
parseCabalFile file = H.liftIO $ do
res <- run (enumFile file $$ iterParser findTarget)
case res of
Right x -> return x
Left e -> error (show e)
findTarget :: Parser (Maybe [String])
findTarget = Just <$> hs_source_dirs
<|> (anyChar >> findTarget)
<|> Nothing <$ endOfInput
hs_source_dirs :: Parser [String]
hs_source_dirs = do
stringCI "hs-source-dirs:"
many (char ' ')
sepBy1 (many . satisfy $ notInClass " ,\n") (many1 . satisfy $ inClass " ,")
ajustFileName :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
ajustFileName name olddir newdir
| olen == nlen = name
| otherwise = drop (nlen+1) olddir </> name
olen = length olddir
nlen = length newdir
changeToCabalDirectory :: FilePath -> Ghc ()
changeToCabalDirectory dir = do
H.liftIO $ setCurrentDirectory dir
getDirs :: Ghc (FilePath, Maybe (FilePath,FilePath))
getDirs = do
wdir <- H.liftIO $ getCurrentDirectory
mcabdir <- cabalDir wdir
case mcabdir of
Nothing -> return (wdir,Nothing)
jdf -> return (wdir,jdf)
cabalDir :: FilePath -> Ghc (Maybe (FilePath,FilePath))
cabalDir dir = do
cnts <- H.liftIO $ getDirectoryContents dir
case filter isCabal cnts of
[] -> do
let dir' = takeDirectory dir
if dir' == dir
then return Nothing
else cabalDir dir'
cfile:_ -> return (Just (dir,dir </> cfile))
isCabal name = ".cabal" `isSuffixOf` name
&& length name > 6