Daniil Frumin 9eb446e24b Moving all CPP stuff (that depends on GHC version) to Gap
- Moved some functions from Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Doc to Gap
- Moved HasType typeclass and some functions from Info to Gap
- Adjusted all the other modules to use necessary functions from Gap
  instead of the functions from modified modules
2013-07-02 12:48:44 +04:00

80 lines
2.4 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Language.Haskell.GhcMod.ErrMsg (
, setLogger
, handleErrMsg
) where
import Bag
import Control.Applicative
import Data.IORef
import Data.Maybe
import DynFlags
import ErrUtils
import GHC
import HscTypes
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Doc
import qualified Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Gap as Gap
import Outputable
import System.FilePath (normalise)
type LogReader = IO [String]
setLogger :: Bool -> DynFlags -> IO (DynFlags, LogReader)
setLogger False df = return (newdf, undefined)
newdf = Gap.setLogAction df $ \_ _ _ _ _ -> return ()
setLogger True df = do
ref <- newIORef [] :: IO (IORef [String])
let newdf = Gap.setLogAction df $ appendLog ref
return (newdf, reverse <$> readIORef ref)
appendLog ref _ sev src _ msg = do
let !l = ppMsg src sev df msg
modifyIORef ref (\ls -> l : ls)
handleErrMsg :: SourceError -> Ghc [String]
handleErrMsg err = do
dflag <- getSessionDynFlags
return . errBagToStrList dflag . srcErrorMessages $ err
errBagToStrList :: DynFlags -> Bag ErrMsg -> [String]
errBagToStrList dflag = map (ppErrMsg dflag) . reverse . bagToList
ppErrMsg :: DynFlags -> ErrMsg -> String
ppErrMsg dflag err = ppMsg spn SevError dflag msg ++ ext
spn = head (errMsgSpans err)
msg = errMsgShortDoc err
ext = showMsg dflag (errMsgExtraInfo err)
ppMsg :: SrcSpan -> Severity-> DynFlags -> SDoc -> String
ppMsg spn sev dflag msg = prefix ++ cts ++ "\0"
cts = showMsg dflag msg
| dopt Opt_D_dump_splices dflag = ""
| otherwise = "Dummy:0:0:"
prefix = fromMaybe defaultPrefix $ do
(line,col,_,_) <- Gap.getSrcSpan spn
file <- normalise <$> Gap.getSrcFile spn
let severityCaption = Gap.showSeverityCaption sev
return $ file ++ ":" ++ show line ++ ":" ++ show col ++ ":" ++ severityCaption
showMsg :: DynFlags -> SDoc -> String
showMsg dflag sdoc = map toNull $ Gap.showUnqualifiedPage dflag sdoc
toNull '\n' = '\0'
toNull x = x